Saturday, February 26, 2011




This is a reinserted rewrite after the last copy of this document was edited, I must learn to edit my fucking shit before posting, as the hacking and errors are fucking ridiculous. Bob McDowell, what is causing the never ending (ODF)in caps when I try to type in the word (if) every so freaking ofter, how do these mother fucking cock suckers pull this shit off old school chum? Notice old pal, it happened right after I typed in the bad words of PROJECT BLUEBOOK-ODFODFODFODFODFODFODFODF!!!!!!

Please reread this corrected blog version, my MORIANS, tanks!!!

Friends, and of course, foes; let me open with the fact that this has been a real heavy music attack day. It is continual from the rappers around my house, and even when I was driving over to meet with my day-trading partner, some jerk off got right behind me and it was obvious and intentional, and he or she blared their horrible thundering rapper dog-shit noise at me. The persecution is normally picked in advance, in so much as the type of it that they decide on using on me for whatever period or amount of time that they wish to pursue and continue it. It includes but is by no means limited to the following types: Many varying aerial assaults with a variety of both visual and audible effects, health and physical attacks on my body, utility attacks with devices and electricity, making people act either hostile and or aggressively with me, or simply as though I am literally as invisible as the Einstein Eldridge Battleship of the Philadelphia Naval Shipyards of yesteryear, mind attacks ranging from strobe-light 'ETTOS' memory loss or influencing of behaviors of both myself and those around me, making objects temporarily and occasionally permanently vanish, interact with me in 'dream's by causing my awake mind to remember what it should in most cases not remember, effect and even totally alter the normal path of hyperspace reality around me in various degrees, one in particular on an unfathomable scale, and of course this one being the night of the 15th of August in 1986. By the way, I fucked up on a prior blog work, and typed in 1987, it was in 1997 that the all mighty Misses Estelle Andersen Bassler told me to, “Come on down and land, and focus on MY SARAH, and not the personal life of me”, and this meaning, the great Misses “B”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The great Misses Bassler of Ormund Beach, 'Botbarada' (Florida), Lenny McKinnon of Reading, Pennsylvania, and the mighty cousin Sarah Callio Martino, gods all mighty, what a fucking motley crew, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Gun toting Lenny was where a lot of this nightmare began, but was not what the entire song from 1969 was talking about, that I wrote, entitled, “That's the Way it Goes”, © 1981. included in one of my compilations of PAU registered musical works in the great city of Roman-13-600. If peeps in Washington behaved much better than I did in 1986, the age of sexual consent would not have to be so young there in that wonderful Earthly doppelganger Krassleville, being none other than Xlll. I will never understand why you never preferred charges against me Misses 'Hockey' sticks, but was so happy when August 2 of 1993 finally managed to roll around. But without Lenny the record promoter, how could Dick Wolf the great, have known all about my freaking life? I'll try not to kill any more silly ex-cons or regular ones, Gene Roddenberry, but I really do hate having my world invaded by these awful Earthly doppelgangers of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, as did poor gassed Doctor Jessup, am I right old Princeton pal, Wilson, YO???????

“I am sure gonna have to be a whole lot nicer if I ever hope to talk to your mother in law”, right LM? And she thinks I am mysterious? At least I do not re-dream myself over and over as you do and then bring me into your nightmare, you rotten fagot son of a bitch, noise inventor. 30 fucking years of your garbage, and it still goes strong, what the fuck does this shit have over disco or for that matter, any REAL music? What is this, MUSIC or Talking, shit, let us rename this to the TALKING INDUSTRY. Still, the only important topic to get into right now regarding Lenny is why he told me that 'he owned me' and that 'I can never escape or get away', familiar phraseology even if the two items are indeed separated by one of Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle's very favorite numbers, no not 7, not 12, but HER 3rd favorite one, 'SEVENTEEN', only please Alaskan High School Doggie, NOT AGAIN, and remember that he also recorded all of our long telephone conversations, and totally illegally of course. When this fine tall handsome African American Magnum-357-carrying gentleman was not recording me illegally, he was telling me that the 21st century belonged to him and his Rastafarian movement, that I would never believe him in a million years if he were to tell me all of it, and then he would laugh, call me a honky, and tell me that I brought him over here on a boat. I do not own a boat McKinnon, you are mixing me up with my cousin/uncle up on the rotten ass island at 175 Peninsula Drive in Babylon, down the road from good old mother fucking 'Captain Kangaroo', YO!!!!!!!!!!!

CI had a frien, his name was Len, and the rest of the song is all part of a 1983 compilation that I believe is called “THE SAGA OF SONGWRITER MARK MUD”, © 1983 MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN, only my real-life name, whatever the shit real life is, (CMCV) Child Molesters Club of Ventnor, New Jersey, so t-t-t-t-t-take that to the b-b-b-b-bank, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you expect me to think that dude on the L&O-SVU that speaks like Tom Reale, and investigates scum pig lowlifes like him, is all some random happenstance coincidence?

Nobody on fucking PLANET ASS EARTH, would ever believe half of the bullshit that is flowing all fucking around me and my miserable HUNTINGTON CURSED LIFE, here in sunny ass rotten Florida since my arrival down here early on the 13th day of 2009's December or its last month. Kevin Moore on the great U-Tube, if your song, “The Christ Android” is indeed ripping off some of my copyrighted material, I suggest that you cease and desist from playing it anymore. I am never able to access anything on U-Tube, as old pal Nick has totally hacked me out and wiped me out. Thanks Lenny. Should I start calling you Ninny, or would you prefer Lick”, as it works either way for me and Abbey Luscious Carmichael, huh Jack McCoy? If she is not a goddess, then who the fucking hell is? You go baby doll Angie!! She can make a dude think about having his blood transfused, and then put through a polarity inverter, and then a north pole only frequency generator that covers the entire EMS. I am just kidding folks, would never want to be 21 again, let alone 17. All I wanna do is get the hell out of this life, not remain here longer. Still there are peeps right here amongst us in secret labs that know how to turn old people back to their prime age on a cellular DNA level using this process they refer secretly to as 'multi-wave oscillating integrenetronic technology' or MWOI-TECH. One hell of a transfusion, it cures every single fucking ass disease and physical imperfection as well; but I just broke Federal Law right now as soon as this posts. You see folks, it is totally illegal to make that claim in most 'civilized' nations, and with the all mighty United States of America being right up there on the very top of this list with its AMA and many other federal regulatory statutes, and all upheld by the billions of laws of this great land. My 7th grandfather is turning over in his 'FOUNDING FATHERS CLUB' grave, MISTER Samuel Huntington, from which “UNCLE SAM” has its origins, and so does the entire northern Suffolk County of New York State!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U go Governor Sam, and 7th grand-paps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you all want to finally be told the truth and the real reason that Project Blue-Book as well as all other peeps who appear to be suppressing and misrepresenting unexplainable stuff, are all doing what they are doing, because if so, read this. It will tell you once and for freaking all, just what is REALLY GOING ON. People get anywhere from up set to the stage ODF total mushroom sprout, if pinned against a wall, and they have no answer and cannot offer any help, when it is supposed to be their job in fact to do just that, HELP. There's a super great reason for my being totally cognizant and aware of this fact, and it is simple. You see peeps, it is because I have been there many times. I've driven down this highway so many times that I have stopped observing the scenery and totally stopped counting how many times, BRO, with or without any closets, extreme anger, or 5 year old future top-recording artists. When we all are posting up videos on the 'CHEMTRAIL' subject on the U-TUBE, for one good example that I will cite right now; there is no human alive on this Earth that has the full story. There is Joe Blow over in Sweden who may know this, or Sally Dalley in Mexico who knows that, or Harry Carrey in Portland, Oregon who totally believes he knows all of it, and has only a small clue. The flying saucer subject is not one tiny bit different. Aliens, abductions, physical experimentation on laboratory tables, along with memory losses and missing time occurrences, and on and on we could go; it is not that the government or anyone is purposefully and intentionally covering up anything, and this is the gods honest truth. The illusion that all of this bullshit produces, naturally creates this effect. This powerful group of words in this paragraph is a truth that the only reason the powers in charge refuse to admit its validity, would be that they cannot govern us, and simultaneously admit to the population that they as well are totally clueless, because even though some of them have even become secretly involved in much of this shit in many numerous wild cooperative ways; the real true source always has been and always will be a dude named APOLLO-LUCIFER DIABOLIS ARTEEMIS, Astral Plane first cousin to the great SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, and yes, on the Astral Plane, there may not be any marriages such as they exist in the waking world hyperspace, but these two powerful entities in two human forms, have now teamed up, and I cannot be sure that either one of them has much conscious memory or awareness of what is really happening to them, as well as to all the rest of us as a result. No matter how far out this all may freaking sound, it all is the total truth.

It is 85 degrees, and has been hitting these approximate mid afternoon daytime high temperatures here in Fort Pierce for about a week now, and will go on a few more days until things will drop to afternoon highs in the middle or upper seventies, this will be a relief, if that is, the weather-peeps are trustworthy or dependable, as so often they are not. Still, I commend them for their best tries, and lately, I've noticed a vast improvement in weather prediction, it may merely be a cycling average where they are now due to be more accurate for a while to compensate for a long period of quite a bit of not so accurate predictions. But when I said the Earthquake was around the corner, this was not some prediction. I saw the killer quake, and you are not the only traveler out there, Nicky boy!!!!

In my closing freaking paragraph, I asked the GAWNUM to answer my query about why my computer was hacked and messed up. Of course I have a wonderful new friend and hacker who knows huge shit and will help me take on the New Age Mafia, or the NAM. The day-trade partner is very happy because
I opened my account at my TD Bank, and all though they hack me out of doing anything online, they could not fucking stop me from doing it live at my own freaking ass bank, HA-HA-HA-HA!!! So I am back in bizz, and have a friend hacker along with a good honest partner for a change, so eat my dust NAM. Still, the number was '945', and 'TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRUNK DEVICE' is one of the items in my match-book for this PCN-945. Some others that my MORIANS should find of major interest include: TREADMILL---GOVERNOR HUNTINGTON---MARK MINOR---HAIR ALBUM---DREAMED IN NINETEEN-EIGHTY. Also in this amended part-B version of CH-082, I fucked up somehow and in some way on my 'GAWNUM-MATCHBOOK', as obviously for those who can do Gawky Gaukauk's numerology, the 'DREAMED IN 1980' is not correct, even though it sure fits. Still, when I am wrong, I am fucking man enough to always admit to it, YO!! BYE-BYE, CHALL.


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