Friday, February 11, 2011

safe journal of king nebnooshoo, chapter 069



Whether DJDS and (his/her/head-scratch, following), has any of the tapes that make the following words make sense or not, “Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, whatever the case may be, as time is not the same for you as it is for me, take one”, here it is again in reiteration. The same drums are banging away, I doubt that mine are distorting to death however. Lower the pull gain or your recording Volume Meters, butt-wipe. Still, let me now attempt to walk us along a little further, and with my club foot to boot, wow, aren't I simply amazing, Captain Friday Dragnet Lightning-Man of the nineteen-sixties? Maybe my steps will improve with a pair of new shoes, huh Donna?

If you are out there old pal from the early nineteen-seventies, head of the Federal Communications Commission as I warp naturally through SPACE-TIME-MIND (STM), the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, and their dirt ball worldly awake human counterparts struck me this afternoon and evening on several occasions, again, messing with my video remote again, and stopping it from performing the way it is supposed to function. I stopped putting new batteries in months ago, and even tried testing the strength of the batteries on a test-meter, this is not the problem, and I never thought that it was. One of Jupiter's twelve moons gets a lot of attention, quite accidentally, as the “I” and the “O” are placed together on the right side ending area of the top alpha key on keyboards, be them typewriters, or computer keyboards, etcetera. Why the word etcetera is not ever part of any word program dictionary as an established used words, I will never know. This falls into the category of many other mysteries, from pants not going down properly to my shoes while another Donna Summer fan club was at work one night in the late nineteen-eighties, to visitations from pulsar stars posing as United States, or whatever, military helicopters somewhere 2-4 years ago coming over to my work site in Folsom, New Jersey, and then flying off and returning into the heavens to continue its natural nightly orbit and eventually set; along with a trillion other things that I could print and post and take about ten straight months in doing, peeps. All of this stuff is on my long blogs since they began in two thousand and six on the website for bloggers that is GOOGLE-owned and operated,

As I mentioned, my work schedule has changed recently, starting the very day that I said something bad about Washington politics on the internet, online of these very blogs, it is all right there for anybody to check out, my story, TELLS ITSELF, you simply start anywhere, at any point, and READ!!!!! I only work six hours on three days, instead of five hours on all five week days, losing seven hours of work and pay weekly. I will take a tip from Gloria Gainer and others however, yes, I WILL SURVIVE, and all of the Gerard Styles Dark Shadows West Deptford, New Jersians from the Haddonwood Swim Club knows it, YO. Christ All Mighty, speaking of permission barriers, high schools, and ghosts from the past, sheeeeeeeeeeit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for 1980, a decade and a half before all of this bullshit, this story could fill up libraries and still never be told. I know that you are out of jail Ed, and I also know that you are reading these words from time to time. I have a bone to pick with you, even though you never told me skies are blue when I look up and tell you that they are gray from many special covert pollutants. Even the Weather Channel shows most days that the primary pollutant is the OZONE. But right after I posted the blog telling the Orlando, Florida U-Tube poster of the chemtrails over his swimming pool that I really liked his video, it all stopped since that minute. But like Billy after he finishes his secret business with the Queen, it will of course, as 'he' will, RETURN!!!!!!! Whether to capitalize the word in semi-quotes, remains a question until the following next few months pass, and I see what happens. He seems to know all about my PITSY YEARS, and this oh-eleven Marola year being number 4, as they if chronologically listed would be, 1969, 1980, 1994, 2011, and 2031 when I finally am paroled out of this prison called awake physical existence in this part of the vast hyperspace. Can anyone tell me the mathematical significance of the way these years line up? It is quite simple and the magical number of '3' is most definitely involved. Remember the most special number in the entire creation, as LIGHTNING told me this in a powerful dreaming interaction back in the human world year of 1984, and that number being 27, which is 3 to the power exponent of 3, no less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we begin the separate part of this blog text, and all blogs will have this second part from now on, some may be one two or three sentences, and some might be five or ten pages, it depends on where the mood is and what period in time is being discussed in the so-called order of chronology.

I remember my birth, it is not my imagination, the doctor smacking me so that I would draw my first breath, seeing white things outside the hospital window, later to learn it is called snow, the SCYLLA word for my being 5 days late, wow even the bankers aren't so harsh with their penalties, ouch. You gave the weather people something to talk about for sure, brown eyes. Getting back to my first hour of my MARK MOHER dream, this present physical existence, or whatever anyone wants to label or call it, let me say that naturally, memories other than this very first day, are few and jumbled, just the way it should be. The two huge memories that I have after about two years of life here or several hundred Astral Plane dream-downs into this exact part of the hyperspace where I am the me that I appear to be right now in this so-called time-world, and both have been mentioned on my long blogging project, and which of the two happened first I am not sure of, but these would be the two things. One is being influenced by Apollo-Lucifer to keep disobeying my mother and playing with a very special and expensive lamp that was on an outside porch at 440 South 50th Street, in West Philadelphia, not all that far from where the great Will Smith grew up. Eventually, and I knew it was going to happen, the lamp indeed fell off of where it was sitting, and totally broke, and I received the beating of my tiny little life from my big powerful mom, after all, she stood just under 65 inches, and I was maybe what, 25 inches? I remember getting the living shit kicked out of me, I know UI almost died. In today's world and societyy, my mother would have been imprisoned before I reached age twelve, as right in front of my friends, she would whollop the daylights out of me, and yes, I was a bad little ass boy, and deserved it, but these were the days when deserving little ass brats indeed could be given severe beatings, and it made men and women out of us, we were not all on drugs, and living fucked up lives as adults in children's bodies, back before the [prohibition of spankings, and the Doctor Spock movement.

Right around the time that this lamp incident and severe spanking occurred, my mother had to take me someplace, and she had no stroller or vehicle, and I was always carried when a Philadelphia street was needed to be crossed. My mom was just outside of her parents residence, the same location of the lamp and spanking deal, and right as she stepped into the busy street with just enough safe time to cross it, she stumbled and fell, and I remember that awful fall to this very ass second, it was not one of my more happy times in this rotten nightmare life. This will end this for today. We are somewhere early in 1957, or perhaps the late end part of 1956, as I turned age two on December the 4th of 1956. The next section will discuss a few very bizarre things from not that further out into time, maybe the next one or two years give or take, be freaking braced lads and lassies. You want it James Patterson Style, U GOT UIT, slammed walls and air conditioners and football games and all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!


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