Thursday, February 17, 2011


date and time file: CH-074-021811.085
Beginning Transmission:

I told you everybody, and have been telling you, and you cannot take this away from me, THE STOCK MARKET WILL KEEP RIGHT ON FLYING UP And up and up and up, day after day and week after week, as these diseased prick shit ass holes go on endlessly harassing me to my pathetic freaking grave. Every day it is up 20 more 30 or 40 or 50 points, every week it is up one or two or 3 hundred points, you all know I have told you, it is all on the blogs, I said years ago it would make a super high, then correct, and then gain every mother fucking ill gotten bit of it right back, and it just about has now, and anyone following these blogs as well as the stock market knows that I have correctly picked this, right exactly on the mother fucking money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KING NEBNOOSHH has spoken, and KIBNG NEBNIOOSHOO is on the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Who can dispute any of this, you ONYX, you Miss JAMWELL, any of you butt wipes from the UM CLUB who tell me I am full of it. Am I? Wanna get intro a prediction-competition with me, hay, any fucking ass time peeps, any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just let me know.

Now the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL had me so up set earlier that I forgot to tell how the strobe lights of the great city of David, known also by mortals as Heaven, Paradise, and to the esoterically educated, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, actually have a dual purpose, wow, it seems that doubletons are on a real roll these days. One thing that they bring trio the residents of the Astral Plane's capital city, is unmeasured bliss and joy from the utter joy and ecstasy at its total epitome, just from interacting in such an indescribably exciting and exquisite place, only it is not a tangible place, but rather it is a condition-interaction. But the twin-effect is so huge that I did not let it out when Scylla explained it to me, or really better said, allowed me 2 remember in conscious memories when I awoke into the time illusion of the day of 29 January, as previously told and explained on prior recent blog texts. You see, these strobing wild colors remove totally, any awareness that there even is such a thing as endlessness, it is merely not part of the equation there, it thus is never thought of or in any possible way does it have one tiny seed of reality. The truth of endlessness is not changed, but the memory erase or the ETTOS effect, produces the simple heavenly effect of not permitting this reality to be any part of the city, hence it is as though it is not a factor of anything. If for example there is an unknown sort of magical chord in music that really exists, but is somehow forever blocked off from the human world inhabitants, then it is as though it is not there at all. It really is there, but to us forever here on the mortal waking world, it is not. This is what makes 'HEAVEN' what it is, more than anything else, and thus no one is bored despite being in endless timeless interaction. When they dream down into their human lifetimes, Astral Entities only can relate to what they know in their frames of reference, so here, when it becomes obvious that in time worlds there appears to be this thing called death and we all come to see its illusion all around us especially as we live longer and begin attending more and more funerals of friends and acquaintances with the passing of more time, and so we believe in our humanly produced fear-of-extinction-illusions, as we have no reference or memory system of endlessness in HEAVEN. It is just there without our ever being cognizant of it being so. Now, all other places out beyond the great city of SDK, there are no magical lights that do this, nor can any astral entity ever ever hope to master the exact way of producing this necessary effect and inventing these exact lights and patterns; so all of the outside Purgatory including the horrendous area known as DOGTOQWN, all have the full awareness that there indeed is everlasting existence, a hell bad enough in itself, and that is hyper time amplified for those sentenced into DOGTOWN. The entire bible is a bunch of hoaxes and lies, and anyone can get onto the mother fucking U-TUBE, and just begin searching under CHEMTRAIL, from there more and more and better and better super sites start popping up that we all can click into, terrific top conspiracy theory sites that anyone mentally still alive needs 2 go to and with open mindedness, so that you can all witness and see the horrible shit that we are all in. We owe this fucking much to our damn children!!! Fuck us, it is all ready fucking way too late for us. Still, we definitely owe this to our freaking children. If we do not somehow all band together and stop this run away freight train, then our children will be in a world so miserable, that they may not be able to distinguish it that much from mother fucking DOGTOWN, or HDELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My words are true, so just freaking start Google-searching all around folks, before it is too late for those you love. It all ready is fucking curtains for us, it is a done deal for you and fucking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am totally disappointed in you brown eyes. Now I suppose the symbolism does indeed stand for the NEW AGE MAFIA. Funny how I seemed to freaking know that term, and use it as well quite often, more than 20 years ago from now. It is so interesting how I seem to be all around peeps who grew up right around your very neighborhood. The other day, I thought that I was gonna get into a physical altercation with a Smithy, nut then, I work all around jail peeps, my life goes from one shit pot right smack dab into the other, the HC, right lovely girl? Now I finally have come to learn why you detest it so much whenever your dad takes you out of your great city and into freaking lovely Krassleville. It all makes so much sense now, the lights here, the lights there, the ETOSS, wow, what really ever freaking changes?????????? But this is not the biggest thing I've learned. Today I came to learn that you and fallen Santa Claus have been hacking me with your track programs. I never thought that you would do this to me Scylla. I suppose now we are totally even. You could not have made me sadder than you did today. Maybe a second song will end up on the u-T soon, and will be 5 times worse than RGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peeps, use the internet and learn what is happening all around us. This is not a game or a toy, this “INTERNET” is being used for monstrous evils by THEM, now we need to access its powers and abilities to operate shit on our side of the army, the good side, the positive right spinning subatomic motions. It always has boiled down to these two spin directions, and it always will. On a human or carbon based elemental level, this translates into righteousness and evil, on the non carbon elemental system, the reality is without illusion, the pure positive and negative polarities of opposing forces, endlessly doing battle, and that battle is called the (game of balance). Stopping one force for even a small fraction in the 4th dimension, causes devastating power to unleash, this world is not ready for any of this shit. Velocitronics and controlling zero point energy or ZPEV, pronounced “ZEEPEV” in about 140 years as the age of Aquarius is literally ushered in, will see the beginning of all of this. Nut ass always, the good forces will use it to harness unlimited energy for good purposes to make life on this Earth a virtual; utopia, while simultaneously the bad forces will see how to make weapons that are capable of literally rippling entire galaxies apart in one fucking fell swoop, I ought to know, I have been to these futures and seen it all, remember the 2008-World Series, and all the other shit I said before it all went down. All you have to ever do is to archive my blogs at the GOOGKLE owned site, hyperlink 'drunkenhive'. A few prior blogs were hacked, and the year came out both times on the fjucking text as 2000, a child knows that I meant to have the year 2008 typed in. Go back and see it for yourself.

Well it is late and time for me to fucking hit the old sack peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!

Nighty-night evweebuddy, whaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION.

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