Friday, February 18, 2011



It is only important that I know what is being said here, but there will be of course a small following now that will piece shit together, maybe not perfectly sir Bruce Allen Pennock, but the who am I to predict anything? All my predictions are all courtesy of the ultra-man, who of course has taken over this entire machine, and pacific time always insists on displaying no matter how often it is set and reset, or how many known current time and age firewalls and anti virus protections are downloaded, it is meaningless to the KING of the PIGLOPY.

Beginning after the hypnotherapy I received to try and restore memories in the middle nineties, he knew trouble was ahead based on what he does not ever want or permit for that matter, with me. The facts bear me and all this out no matter how many haters of MOUNTAINPEN or hate-pages that exist on the internet about me. Gee I wonder who is influencing all of this and had it all planned from a million mother sucking years ago to begin with, like-um- DUH!!!!????????? Child-net huh David Roth, yeah right, a child's mind would have seen all this if not directly involved in HIS bullshit since whenever. His physical age is about as meaningless, as Scylla's. There are a million kids that would do anything for their god, and hacking my system back in 2008, and again up here in the future in 2011, is no big deal, kids are the ultimate hackers and are the cutting edge kings and gods of this machine-game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH. Wow am I stupid, and I fudge eating admit to it. Also, now I owe two apologies to my teen queen, the original one that I had recently recanted and on line to the world, as well as this one, for my total stupidity. When he was too young the first time around, he just quickly engineered events, and the second time was already there and waiting for me, with his hand literally around my throat.

Please accept this double bubble apology TQ, I can only put this crap together at one speed, mine, I am only another Bruce Pennock, you know that only too well, BEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for you, Mister Ed TNG, the plan is so simple, a child could figure it out. You proved to me that Christians are full of shit about your inability to move outside the normal patterns in three dimensions. So then why did you allow the so called plan of SSJKK to blow up in your face and permit the death on the cross of my 61st grandfather's uncle? Simple. It is all a game, and you could care less about the so called misleading teachings of your battle with Sarah-Stacey. We both know that you are madly in love with HER and have been all throughout infinity. You are unrelenting in your pursuit to destroy the only remaining possible line in this family, me, so you can go to top game level and win, if using a reference to a video game and computers of the current age may be drawn here. You will strike and try to break me, and I will bait you in until you cross the magic line and my proof is beyond disputer or argument by the largest skeptics club of Missouri. Yes, the expression is quite symbolic, right, in lieu of the postal system and their state abbreviations? Here is my proof that I will overtake you in this horrific game butt wipe. When the CHEMTRAIL bullshit began after I “called the cops” from my security station at Gaither Road in mount Laurel in New Jersey, USAESMWG in December of the year of freaking 1987, no one anywhere knew about this, or cared, not one soul. Every year, the graph chart has grown up to the place where one out of ten peeps that are even semi-educated now believe that this stuff is real and poses a health hazard to the citizenry to say the least. What you are doing with me, will cost you the love of your life, you had this one chance to have her and fool her for a short bunch of years, and buddy, you are blowing it real bad. Keep up the good work, Alaskan doggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maggie will wake up, Rod, give her time, the huge next quake, like Chine in oh-eight is close at hand, and about to freaking strike, told you peeps!!!!!! I'll remind you soon that this blog exists!!!!!

As for Louise Hendershodt of Maryland, or 'Wiesel' from 1968: Did the man of North Carolina show you the future of the red ex, the way out of this program and off the Lawn Mower Man screen forever. Peace out.

BYE-BYE, THIS HAS ONLY STARTED NOW, UNLESS YOU GET THE TRUCK OFF MY MACHINE, sorry Ed Himacane, I was wrong back in time, but then, that is a major repeating pattern, with or without the 100 number roulette progression, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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