Tuesday, February 23, 2010


U may have wondered YI did not discuss DCR on final chapter, nothing makes total sense, not 2 me, most certainly not 2 my readers, HUH, Terry Egghead from the great Jersey harbors????????

LONG STORY SHORT, (LSS), it is time 2 go 2 other places, and not because of anything other than the need 2 cover necessary topics even if forced 2 do so in major abridgements, but these things need NOW, B discussed, should I survive much longer, and this right now is the invention, and the inventors of psychiatry. If U trace the roots of all of these Siegmunbd and peeps groups, it gets more than just beyond way fascinating BRO, it is an unmistakeable pattern, and without the world standing still in 13-DC, city and peep names, or Jimmie Stuart and the spinning stars and the Dow Jones at 6561 or 3 to the quanta of 3, and how the L Cult did this 2 me when things got necessary 4 them 2 do it 2 prevent me from taking out Wall street, and not on any date 2 dinner, BRAH. The names in this great medical that's "MEDICAL" condition, and so many other things, I can go any day of the week and randomly select 5 videos 2 rent here at the lbrary, and can hear the universe screaming out its symbolic messages 2 me loudly and clearly. It never shuts up 4 one microsecond, not 1.

There is no way this powerful goddess from the land of the dead, the bardo, the AP, the P-2-reality, the spirit world, or any of a million other names that U may or may not wish 2 use 2 identify with my conversation, is not behind all of this, and some of it is so way innocent, and all of it is a game of amusement 2 HER, SSJK, that is. I have told the reason 4 the gods-games, and it is not a matter of me not telling it right, if it falls into PROTECTED ASTRAL-SECRETS, or PAS if I should decide 2 reuse this shortened abbreviation on a future blog, but a PAS means, U cannot receive it, the 6th dimension of Jimmie and his elevators will not permit it, they can always use their all powerful E-3/E4- PAWM-PIE at any time over all of us, bringing us right back 2 the genous invention of psychotic features claims, such as my diagnosed MEDICAL CONDITION of PARANOIA. This means basically DELUSIONS OF PERSECUTION, and the belief that POWERFUL ENEMIES R IN AN ORGANIZED CONSPERACY AGAINST U, ALWAYS POWERFUL ONES, AND ALWAYS ORGANIZED. Now how can those that R targeted by indeed this exact situation, ever get justice and vindication, after this major MEDICAL invention of the freeze up and cut WASHCLOTH CLUB????

The mightt Lambrigg Cult has nothing 2 do with an area in ENGLAND called LAMBRIGG, and this must B major told and understood right here and now. Many of these IC's or INTENTIONAL CONFUSIONS, have all been previously set up 2 do just this, OBFUSCATE, MUTTLE, AND CONFUSE, huh Joe Friday, dah-da-da-da---dahhhhh.

There R many things 2 open with on all of this, and as usual, Mormacuriel is preventing very much right now, or translation, my computer time on this public terminal is winding down and out, Copyright Office, long ago and far away, all not 1983 withstanding, still, this year, start listening 2 all the lyrics from THIS YEAR, if U cannot C that indeed this powerful CULT is using the art of EXPLORATRONICS 2 time travel and effect and then re-effect things of major significance and oimportance,m UR indeed a blind person, truly blind, U may C at an eyechart level of 20/10, but UR BLINDER THAN BATS AND WOOD.

The invention of head shrinking is a major goal and objective, THEY invented it 2 silence those like me, TARGETED by the games, 4 their great amuzements and distractions from the hellish NON-OBLIVION situation, that all of us face at void when collectively existing at truth and not dreaming out and away from it in dream fabric. is nothing I can do except try over time 2 tell this amazing and frightening tale of total hell. The DARK SHADOWS peeps tried, and look what finally happened, there is a majoir story also 2 this show and their makers, in REA:L-LIFE, as U would use the term, and do I

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