Thursday, February 11, 2010

story of david charles roth, chapter 3, TCFF

I woke up not well this mornig, the scum bag enemies R chemtrailing and poisoning me. This is YI am back here 2 go right on telling U some powerful amnd deadly-dangerous shit my brothers. Take it anyway U want, it is the fucking truth.

Bob Patterson Cheatley who I met in 1983 while sick and choking on these nasty Project STORM FURY ice crystals in the sky, only then they kept them INVISIBLE, not an obvious persecution as it later came 2 become. Cheatley and I had a falling out in October of 1985, and then he brought into my life, the one and only DAVID C. ROTH, at the department store security job. The falling out was over an investment plan I had that was a concern 2 the DONALD, he did not want any competition in his plan 2 revitalize the city of Camden, NJUSAESMWG. I have powerful evidence that David was sent into my life by Cheatley and hius once underaged Noonan girlfriend, all friends of friends, and known 2 the astral organization as working bees so 2 speak, I speak of course of the LAMBRIGGER CULT. B4 the break up of me and cheatley, I was taken 2 a home in Berlin, NJUSAESMWG, and met the greatest ELVIS impersonator on the Earth. The reason he was so good was quite obvious, he was really him, and had faked his 1977 death real well, a family secret not then passed on to daughter Precilla, but she learned of it through the UNITAWF bees, and other friends, and even gave the idea 2 an ex so he could not worry about a future prosecution that he felt would definitely B in the cards 4 him, once it starts,as the Catholic Church and the Priests thing went, U know, it rolls and rolls, as we all know, he knew he would B targeted, so yes Colaman, I can do this without a lot of money, actually, a couple of telephone calls would set it all up, so let us never go here again, now U know that I know all of it, and just because I do noyt remove my blood volume weekly, and run it through a north polarity isolated frequency generator striking all possible notes on the great cosmic keyboard of vibration and then returning my blood back into my body, does not mean, I could not, nor do I wish 2 remain trapped here endlessly in this dream-nightmare of life physically.

The good reason 4 not telling daut-P was the same as trhe J's not knowing, they r not in on this secret either. Still, earlier on, McGuire threatened Spider-RD as he was known 2 the State Police system down at TRUMP's, when he first bought into the Cassle Krassle, and earlier, and had fallen in love with Sarah Callio who went a lot 2 the shows, shades of Grace Messenger, oh well history does repeat itself, ask any historian, he was not liked by McGuire, and was told his daut P would B whacked if he kept dating her, still, there is a reason Y no kids, a botched A word, U get the nightmare sitch, I cannot blog as much as this, but wanna blog even so much more. History REPEATS ITSELF, RIGHT? Remember that B4 the death of the "KING", Elv was about 2 embark on sa huge Vegas act, that they all KNEW could B better done this way, and that the location would B switched 2 the east coast, and good old Atlantic city.

McG controls the Earthly UNITAWF, all branches, do not ever let MI tell U otherwise, she knows the real deal here, BRAH. If I had just originally named the title 2 my 1986 song, RGG and not her nick-name, none of this would ever have happened, but then hyperspace equation is part of all 365 days of the year, not just Christmas, gimme a break JIMMIE STUART and GEORGE SCOTT. tHIS IS A HUGE TOPIC THAT WOULD REQUIRE SO MUCH TIME AND ATTENTION THAT THERE IS JUST NO WAY IT VCAN EVER b DISCUSSED, UNLESS WITH oPPIE, vON, b, AND ae, AND THEN, THERE WOULD b LIMITS, THE MERE SIZE OF THE 5TH ANFD THE 6TH DIMENSIONS MAKE THIS A REALITY NO MATTER HO WE MAY WISH 2 SPLICE THE OL' PI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about hitting the CAPS ON button, no time 2 repair an error, not shouting here, all though even whispering out names and remembering can lead 2 me getting good and whacked should I keep going on and getting less subtle and more specific, so far, conclusuons can B wondered about from reading these text words, not absolutely known 4 sure, or drawn scientifically, but do I beklieve Sarah Callio and her distant cousin paralelled here, U bet I do.

Now Dave as previously said, was a worker bee, (WB), for the Brigger Cult, as they truly exist as on the Astral Plane, and these shadow monsters used 2 haunt me almost every night as a youth, the nightmares were sao bad that I wanted 2 escape into death and oblivion. On July 4th in 1966, Bruce Walters was so angry with my fowl mouth about some of these nightmares, I have a permanent WATCHERS SCAR of the highlands of my own hometown area on my left wrist, and the entire state police force know all about it back in Jersey, it is all over my identification so I could work as a guard.

Did the great hunting trip with Gallagher's husband, my distant cousin Arthur Huntington happen 4 no good reason up north? What do u all think. How about NS gropup so I could run into MI and we could get 2 know each other 4 an hour, even less than the RGG-day, none of this happened by itself, all of it was controlled and fixed, and still tings al around me R totally fixed. Soon, I will B amonth the dead, things around me R very bad. When David heard the song reecorded at the Cherry Hill home a week after it was done, he roared and literally fell off of the couch and rolled as though Harold Lloyd was involved, my scatt singing in the mid-song part was what got him off the couch and roaring like a madman, he told me after eventually composing himself enough 2 permit his speach 2 return.

Dave Roth and Mark Marini, a discuised MORONI, from years in the print shop future, were all part of this incredible and emensely elaborate scheme. It still all boils down 2 what MORIANITY preaches and hgas all along, the games, and Y they need B played, and until any of U even try on any real level 2 GET what this is all about, existing that is, or never being able NOT-2, U will not get the entire message, it is eating cake with no icing, or liquid ice cream, half the story never makes it or even good, U just stop reading and go, "YEAH, nut case mountainpen again, he can really tell a wild tale, yo". BULLSHIT ladies and gentlemen, this is true, and a nightmare from which all other nightmares R all made out of. The gods themselves do not know while in a body, this truth, and i sit here on this contraption hoping that i can convince humans of somnething, I am the epitome of stupid squared, huh, MI?

These few words tell nothing, there is a ton a million more tons 2 tell just 2 make more clear the stuff told in these 3 chapters of DCR. More is coming, if I remain on this side of the dream bed, that is, Arnie, but i am BACK, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!


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