Wednesday, October 5, 2011



Neighbors are making my life a major fucking hell with loud mother fucking stereo garbage music. I intend to write a letter to the fucking HOUSING AUTHORITY. It will be in the mail over the weekend. If I get no place, I will make an appointment to see somebody. This all began with that all night music attack, and these monster mother fuckers are making me miserable, obviously MIND CONTROL is behind this, as well as so much more. Since WOMO enemies want to make me miserable continually with these CHEMTRAILS, and other loud sky siege that is again going on, along with music hell, let me tell some big ass fucking secrets to the blogging world in retaliation, as this is my only weapon of counterstrike, all I have to work with is car bombs and planes into buildings, I AM FIGHTING A VERY EVIL EMPIRE, STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART OF SATAN!

IN 2000, THERE WAS A COMPETITION ON THE BEACH, LED BY THE GREAT ALL MIGHTY FAMOUS BAYWATCH DUDE, MITCH. I may or may not have mentioned the complicated incident with the lifeguard named Michelle Gracci on previous blogs, during all of this. This took place in where else, but good old mother fucking rotten demonic ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG. I had no idea when I was trying to learn information about the Callio family of the local area there, that this was but one branch of a beyond fathomable extended wild family, going all the way to the KENNEDY clan, and as many of you know, others as well. Still, as I told Eric today at the HARVEST and their website is I am not going to be able to take much more, I am at the end of my rope, and the only way to survive, is to prove that a force far beyond Planet-Earth, is indeed causing all of this, ever since the nineteen sixties. What you need to understand is how and why WALL STREET is so connected in and throughout this, as is ATLANTIC CITY, and then beyond this, all of the dozens of totally irrational and unexplainable fucking shit ass things that have happened to me, from getting the shit knocked out of me by the Beach Patrol mascots back in 1975, to literally so much more that no blog or even group of them, could ever even hope to do justice to the subject and topic here in its fullness, so let me try and be a bit inventive and creative, and really blow your Coral State Farm mind simultaneously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone read the all ready existing 3-7 year long blog that I have used as a LIFE JOURNAL, as well as other double-bubble things, ity would not really be necessary for me to do this now, but just as with the great KJV Christian scriptures and the BIBLE, not even the majority of ministers and Holy Peeps, ever really read it cover to cover, as without doing this, folks; you are totally fucking kidding yourselves that you will be enlightened to properly receive its message. My shit is absolutely no different at all. In fact, it is only the BIBLE, PART-2. I do not give a rats fucking shit ass who thinks these words are delusional or the quintessential sacrilege. I KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING IS TRUE, and so do a few others that you can count with one finger. The Atlantic County fucking Prosecutors Office know fully well this is powerful and true, so does the mighty GOOGLE. I do not need to prove a thing to the owners of the world, THEY ALL READY KNOW, PEEPS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By this time next week, I will be in Afghanistan or Iraq working as a Private Security Non-Military person. Try hurting me mother fuckers. Selena of Stenton Place knows that Jenny Hewitt is not the only Merry-Go-Round Ghost Heaven Talker. I say this with no bluff nor need for wearing any poker faces, still 1986 was a fascinating year, between the Jimmy Carter bullshit, the casino bullshit, and MI wonderful kid. ************ END BLOG, DOGS!!!!!!

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