Friday, October 21, 2011


DATFILE: 102211.062


On a blog from one or two years ago, give or take, I told about a man who I worked with as a security officer, down at the Delaware River at Jefferson Street, in Camden, New Jersey, the place was called, McAndrews and Forbes. Basically, he and I, or so I thought at the time, were friends. One day when he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and given 15 or 20 cents more per hour in wages, he no longer was my friend, just my “supervisor”. I learned at the rape old age of about age 34 years, and around the very same era of the first Gulf War, that if you give people the smallest amount of power, they suddenly change and become gods, they are better than you are, and you are dog-poop to them. In reiterating, let me just say to Mister College Boy, that I know a lot more than you believe that I do, and also, you could not buy me off with 1000 times your total net worth, bud, and if you want to mess and test, do your worst, bitch. This college boy is not my old supervisor, and he does know who he is. Eventually, he will catch on to my term that I use from time to time, and then let him sneeze those demons out of his nose. I underestimated people in my life, and overestimated people in my life, but I suppose there is a pretty good balanced out factor, as a result. Still, my point here today is that there is a lady, who is no lady; who I underestimated quite severely, in all my woes and problems of the recent third decade, and this would be the mighty Lisa of Eggville. I don't want to do a long blog, and am not in the mood quite frankly to blog anything, but necessity often dictates eventualities. Hence, here is blog SJ-0251. Still, whether my mother's old Philadelphia doctor factors in to all of this or not, with this quite uncommon last name, and bears a resemblance to connected other names from the Gulf War, One and Two, held by the hanged man himself and not poor distant cuzz Huntington; and no matter how we may decide to shake this all up and throw these cosmic dice; Lisa turned out to be the hugest problem in the entire family, that has caused me some mild discomfort from time to time over the past years of my adult life and half of my childhood life. I only had the distinguished honer and pleasure to know her on a personal level after about three years ago to this very time in the calendar, and within one short year of my interacting with this large slob of a lady, she totally dwarfs as I have come to see and learn, any and all other negative things that other people have all done badly to me over my lifetime, all combined together. This is simply the truth. Since her brother is the Atlantic County, New Jersey Prosecutor, the power she has is awesome, and the nightmare around me, despite my living fourteen hundred miles away from the lovely harbor, is more than despicable or unspeakable, as really, it is the epitome of unfathomable. Everything that is happening around me in Florida, is all coming from her, THE ACCUSER. She was totally behind what happened to me last freaking Wednesday, only I did not begin to even scratch the surface of telling all of the hell of last Wednesday. Lisa and McGuire are the two most dangerous and deplorable people on this planet, who ever drew breath from its atmosphere, and this is total gospel truth. When I got home on Wednwesday and tried to watch television with my headphones, the headset made a horrendous loud noise on the left side, even when not connected to anything. It finally went away, and not by any normal 'coincidence' or event. I was watching the religious channel on my Comcast Cable television system and had the Billy Graham Crusade from the early nineteen-eighties rerun telecast, on; and when Billy prayed at the end of the crusade, and as he always does; I prayed and told the All Mighty that I repented for my wicked evil sins, and rededicated my life to Jesus Christ. I heard a silent voice inside my head telling me to use my headphones again and they would be somehow OK, and they were. Whatever the WOMO DEMONIC forces did to me, was reversed, at least for now. I intend to buy a new set at the store over the weekend.

Lisa, I know you read these blogs. You are the most evil entity in this multiverse, second only yo SATAN HIMSELF!!! I pray for your evil vicious soul. I pray for this demonic sick and twisted wicked world and its vile evil. Nobody hoped your prophecies would come true more than I did, Doctor Harold Camping. Maybe the All Mighty has finally humbled you out of these silly end day predictions, or maybe you still want to wear sergeant stripes. That is not my business sir, that is between the All Mighty and yourself. What Lisa has done is unbloggable, and Ann is very up set with you. I am sending a sworn statement letter of the vicious lies and accusations you made about me, shwe might need to use it in a court of law. As with all things I have told on these blogs, with the exception of the one falsehood about July 12th in 1970 on the bus that night with the Quoddy-Mocker Gang of Southeast Jersey, this is sworn truth, not all things are known, much has been painstakingly put together by amateur deceive 'ME' over the past 5 or so years, but no direct lie other than the one about the 12th of July, exists. I admit that I intentionally copyrighted all three projects, in 1994, 2005, and 2007, on Halloween day, but I was not alone in this, nor was there a choice in anything I did. It was all destined to commingle with the Halloween day in 2008 with the road trip and the World Series win by the Philadelphia Phillies.

Lisa has caused a lot of pain to a lot of people, and put her own son in prison, and has filed charges against Ann King Silva. She is in with the owner of my ops here in Florida, but I am very good friends with his dad, Mizz Know-it-all Lisa, so know that sweet cakes of rat-poison!!!

I knew the girl just could not be for real, nor the day back four days ago. Nothing like that can happen without SATAN working the operation directly. I am a true believer in this being, and have been since the days of James T. Burr and the computer school in 1973 where we met. I owe David Roth a huge giant apology. There indeed are things that we frail mortal humans should not be messing with. You poo-poo'd it back in 1997 for being utter non-sense, and totally Kateydiculous; but I should have poo-poo'd it, for going against the laws of the All Mighty. I'll spend a long eternity trying to make things up to this mind bending awesome unlimited being. ***THIS BLOG TERMINATES HERE.***

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