Sunday, May 25, 2008

Getting Worse Every Day and Year

Datfile 052608.018.47 BLOG/BOOK/TEOHIV/TIMCAM
Monday Mourning, not misspelled, shall we
Begin our transmission, B braced:

I know it is nothing new nor unusual 4 me 2 say that a particular weekend is the very worse 1 that I ever had, but let me feel better and say it again, pweeeeeze!!!! It was off the scale DOGTOWN or HELL at my job, U would never believe it so Y harp on with it?????? The trucking boss is a total lick in the grass murk cough slit head who comes in even on a holiday scum ball Sunday just 2 freaking ride my rear end and mess the hell with me, a total idiot and a demigod who is totally convinced that he eliminates gold bar defecation and people like me R just around 2 play with and hurt 4 no other reason than because he thinks it’s freaking so. I was wrong about the girl that I mentioned however a week back, she is not rich, another famous fake rumor that people with toilet brains love 2 start just because their mother raised up a pig!!!!! Anyone that is purposefully malicious and hurtful and wants 2 C innocents suffer and B injured, is a total rat pig snot times ten to the 40th exfreakingponent. I am not available, rich or poor, sahwee, my life is total hell and no one with 1% of a mind would desire 2 share it with me, bwewieve me bwaby-wuv!!! I would B doing U a serious disfavor so go mess with other dudes that will B interested, I’m NOT.

Chem trails were horrific, they stopped while I posted morning blogs, only 2 freaking return 10 times freaking work as soon as I was on post, along with biker scum everywhere, and I never would use racial slurs, this was a typo or hack twice or so in recent prior blogging texts. Between the vicious grass mole boss and horrendous sky persecution, and the bikes, and being back out in the elements as I detest the sun, it is Y we all R here suffering in the first place no matter how Um may wish 2C the mortal world illusion. Told U Gina, that this would B a freaking monstrous day 4 me, and I was right on the freaking $$$$.

Yes, Maiena-Carlittia red and white Krassle, I will not bother your daughter, just want the mortal world 2 know I ain’t as dumb as I look and I have figured out what happened after the 12th of miserable 1970 July that late night on the public transit bus heading towards Oaklyn, N JUSAESMWG, after she got off at the Main Street t Pleasantville waterworks at Aunt Vicki’s scum bag place. It doesn’t really take smarts, symbolism is a reality and when 100 things start coming together, a basic equation says that the odds 4 all of it 2 just B coincidental would become millions to one against, I do not play high odds paly, not when personal magnetics or MW term ‘luck’ 4 me perpetually runs 30-40% normal in long running pay. I know how to combine primary 2 secondary colors and how 2 get basic Googled information that is public, and how the name Martino is pronounced a ways south of the border, and that on the Astral Plane the pronunciation of the Earth English word MAR-TEE-NO, actually becomes in the Olympian Province, {MARIENA AND NEPTUNE}, this is gospel truth, I know that NEE and STAY are the exact same thing out there, and some learned theologians know quite well the term “JEHOV/AH NEECY. I godsdamn know what I know, it is not a bunch of mule slop BRO!!!!! The day U chased me away after she promised 2 marry me, U caused me 2 suffer a hell and torment beyond what any Dogtownite could ever feel and know, MAM!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope 2 exact my revenge by telling stuff that is taboo 4 human mortals 2 know, so let me freaking start with this one. First, sorry Harold but time and this world will B here way beyond 2011, you’ll C. Moving on now further, as will the world, the sixth dimension Mizz Mick-COO, of the fifth and all other MW’ers, is sort of like a piece of string let us say a yard in length, making a perfect circle on your living room floor. Now put a dot every quarter inch on this completed looking string with a black color magic marker. This is now a good visualization of what World Lab up in the 22 nineties terms, a THOUGHT CURVE CYCLE or TCC. The circle of string 2 a microbe on your carpet inside of this, will never B able 2 perceive a limited diametric boundary. On the outside 2 a person sitting on a couch staring down at it on the floor, UC the entire circle and the dots. The microbe’s perception is bow the point of issue. An unlimited amount of dots that run forever in two opposing directions R all that ever can B realized to the microbe’s frame of reference, and these dots are a wavelength that is a sort of energy that psychologists and neurologists and other knowledgeable professionals would agree on the term of a THOUGHT. This, now remember is one thought, and in the entire looping upline and downline system that exists in the inner small dimensionality of the being-ness of this energy-thought is one SDE or SIXTH DIMENSIONAL ENTITY. This one that currently is making all of us and God herself, all B what it is, has nothing to do with any of the other 6th dimensional entities in separate being-ness, but just as lower dimensional life all interacts together, so do SDE’s, in their realm, the {Sixth Dimension}. We will not even attempt 2 tackle all of this reality 2-night, as well as the varying layer type of thought energies that cause them 2 range in degree from totally 100o% conscious 2 totally 100% unconscious. I said it B4, and simply put now in reiteration, the being that reigning supreme and the all mighty deity, is an upline thought that is unconsciously interacting in her downline created world, the great SSJKK, my teen-queen, Sarah-Stacey. By our frame of reference here and forever, 4 us, it is her 16th birthday, and she is in total control, letting her parents totally believe astrally that indeed they R her parents, when they R not really, try telling Mister and Misses Krassle that of course, astrally. I have tried to tell both the mortal and the astral world the truth 4 endless vigintillions of countless freaking eons, with no success. And this endlessness will never alter, it is my intellectual property and infinite knowledge, that the phase 4 Brigger-Cultists ripped off 2 create the MATRIX MOVIES. I have discussed this over bugged power drain PK-Todd-FBI telephone lines as early as the freaking 19 seventies. I had equipment that absolutely verified the power drain was on the line starting as soon as I was old enough 2B out on my Irene Cara own!!!!!!! I have not started talking, this is so bare bones beginning, it is not runt-slapping funny. I will now enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream, and watch Mo and Larry and Curly slap each other around 4 an hour or so if MARY/female version, has not borrowed my videotape through Paula Kings E-BAY-E-CON-SYSTEM, this ‘will’ stand 4 electronic conveyer belt in about 25 years or so in many parts of the great hyperspace. Do not even go there, it is 2 amazing 2 discuss in the pre-Harold Camping-2011 days. U gotta love those eternal doomsday predictors, I have had fun smiling through it since the 1974 comet Ka-who-tek?????????

Google, SWIS, World Lab, bla-bla-bla, U know the freaking frill and it is all copyright protected, have a nice day/ END TRAN.

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