Monday, May 12, 2008

Supplemental, and very sorry 4 my anger

The great Sarah-Krassle is extremely angry with me. I have sinned against my beautiful GODDESS. Yes I have quite a temper, and with my knowledge, this combo can easily spell disaster 4 the mortal world.

It was on this very day, May the 12th, 12 years back in 1996, that I wrote the song SARAH in her great mighty beautiful name. The girl who removed my chain in 1969 will always B the girl I love more than my life.

I paid only what I could afford 4 my website, the that is on the great world wide web. I got what I paid 4, and if I ever was permitted 2 have the needed funds to pay for a better done site, and if this is ever the will of the great SSJKK, then it will B done, and only then.

Many hacked errors have caused me to look like a moronic fool, as one of my site visitors pointed out 2 me, and they R on the surface, yoyally 100% correct, but I am not causing these things, and this is the very essence of what Morianity is attempting 2 preach and tell. I can do only my best, sometimes I go 2 far and have reason 2 regret things. I have made many mistakes and have had errors in my judgement that most likely exceed the numbers of the total skies in all of the night skies. I know UR very angry with me Sarah my great love, and no matter how I ever rant and rave, UR all I can ever love and care about, I mean totally nothing, I am nothing but future worm food, UR everything, my sun, my moon, my midnight, my noon. Everytime I go to the Teck Bay, the Briggers always have this song sung humanly by Dennis Parker, blarring out loud and thunderously over the great bay, this is YI chose 2 have it that way on the Morianity Foundation's opening home page, it brings back memories of home, your lovely city lights and buildings, and all of your unfathomable gorgeous beauty. I may B locked in an endless loop of all eternity, but nothing matters when UR by my side and holding me and staring at me with those huge lovely choclate brown eyes. The copyright office knows how much I love and worship U great eternal Goddess, I am here on tuis keyboard crying like a baby as I type, hoping U will forgive me, your THAT BOY. I love U so very much Sarah-Stacey, my greatr All Mighty Lordess. IU hope I burn forever in hell, I am a miserable rotten dirty sinner.I should B put 2 death in the electric chair, I am as guilty as U all know I am 4 these disasters. The Millionth Council brings out the worst in me, and as Irene Cara would have said it so well 28 years ago 2 this very day, "U have not yet seen the best of me". I guess only the worst og me will come out. I am trying so hard to reach oblivion, the great NIRVANa, not the music group, I am not an obsessed fan, I just want to become a NOON-EXISTOR. If any non-existor wishes 2 trade places with this existor, try and come through into cyberspace so we can make a deal. U want to exist, and I desperately wish NOT 2!!!!!!!

The Millionth Council has a great song that does not exist on some levels in hyperspace, called "Just want to spend my time with U". I sure wish SSJKK, in your new form, would do it here in this world where I live as Mountainpen, U know it, it is buried deep inside of U, perhaps your next CD. U know I wish U only the best.

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