Thursday, May 29, 2008

week and month of siege

052908.771.95 EVENING OF Thursday
Beginning Transmission:

Ok, Mr. King of 1997, OK, and not the coral, U guys and gals think UR really trucking cool. Here isd one aspect of this 6th dimensional matrix that is observable to a microbe stuck on the string, me, when enough hell is survived through, or the equation is QH+SS=E. Simply put, quintessential hell along with survived sanity will bring one 2 enlightenment. Just as ugly SATAN-SATURN vehicles and motorbikes and the program will not let me write motor and the word sickies together, aniwho, these 2 things R attracted to each other. So R little or bigger at times, thumb in the butt chem trails and loud private overhead planes. So also is Muzak teasing and tall females. So also R lots of death angels or high pitched piercing sounds in the ear suddenly always on only one side and can B left or right, and major upcoming period of persecution. Another way of perceiving this is what U all have heard me term PARALLEL EVENT. I have explained the more visible or obvious parallel events along with the not so obvious ones such as when a player uses it to compare BLACK AND EVEN roulette outcomes with 1-18 or low outcome following spins at the wheel, to pick just one out of 12 possible ways of applying parallel event to this so-called unbeatable game, even in the mind of the great Albert Einstein. Easy 2C parallels would B4 example 2 walk into a bar and holler out, “Everyone in here is a pussy fem jerk off and I am going 2 personally kick your asses and then go and do your daughters”, and put in stick figure columns of crossing 4 lines with a horizontal one, Then, if able from a hospital bed or a morgue, keep track on one side of how many times U simply walk out of the bar with no problems, verses the times U take a major butt whooping. Many things come together and parallel, again and in reiteration, some of them more obviously and some less obviously. There is a reason Y applying this to roulette play, invisible as the parallel of this appears 2B2 the mortal mind is indeed viable and trustworthy, providing certain rules and principles as well, R applied by the player using this system. It is 7:06 PM and the evil MILITUFORCE-MC-MO which has been persecuting me with major aerial siege all day long using again, grey and white choppers, loud planes, and earlier-day nasty continuing chemical vapor jet trails. This siege of BRIGGBASE Military Controlled and owned scum bags just flew a bunch of their evil satanic garbage over my trailer while I sit here typing. This entire week and month has been the highest siege level ever 4 me, all things considered, they just won’t fucking back off of me. This is a truly evil nation, and a truly evil wicked vicious hypocritical empire, no doubt about anything Miss Chilly. Back to my discussions now, if we pweeeeeze!!!!!!!! Motorbikes were all over today. The matrix of the SD is program-written to SAVE AS, this: When poor bastard defenseless Mountainprickpen says or thinks or types or anything, any positive such as if he should type on his physical plane computer word document and think the thought that in a strange dream, a motor cycle or a MC gang helped him and his friend Ann Silva out, in any way, forces must instantly or at least swiftly come 2 bear using the very same thing he used in a positive energy mode, and now create 4 him a balancing or even greater energy mode in the negative using the same thing, in this case Motor Cycles, MARTINO CALLIO, MARY CARTER, MILLIONTH COUNCIL, MANIPULATION CONTROL, and the All Mighty’s latest reincarnation herself. Let’s not even get into HMA’s, HMO’s, and Managed Care!!!! The nword universe means that all of the creation is here singing a single song. The song is vibration, as the entire universe as well as all of them in the great 5th dimensional hyperspace, indeed R on an atomic vibratory frequency. Everything is still and stopped at what scientists refer 2 as absolute zero. This is because without some radioactivity or heat energy, nothing can move on a molecular level. It is FROZEN, by the real term of the word freeze. As the tiniest bit of prior cycle existors lawtronically flow out and away from the void infinity and into the new cycle, Lawtrons R made of a subtance unknow totally in 2008, that causes what we refer to as antifreeze, and not what we mortals funnel into our cars, but in simplicity-formula, it works in the very same ways and on exactly this same principle, it stops the freeze. Heat stops the freeze. The freeze as well as the heat or what we mortally in limited minds think of as heat and warmth, are in a hyper complex way quite similar to the wave verses particle and the mass verses energy realities that make up the laws of our universe, its physical laws on a physical plane, where we derive the very word PHYSICS from, and its laws indeed R the LAWTRONS. This will B taught to first year science course takers in 6th grade or its equivalent in about 150 years. The 7th dimension is the regulatory programs written in this sort of matrix, to the inside infinity that is enclosed inside of it known as the thought dimension or the 6th dimension, the gtreat religion of Eckankar calls it the Mental Plane. Those that R in authority high up in this matriz of Lawtrons know Y they create the 6th dimensional system as they do. All the ins and the outs, all the mysteries, R totally known to them, they R the Lawtrons. Now if I knew everything down here in the 3rd dimension that Bill Gates does, I would B able 1 tell U all Y Ratatouille when properly spelled, is accepted by all spell checkers inside all computers in stores bought I am guessing nationally and perhaps globally. But when I type in the great religion of the sound and light from Minneapolis, Minnesota, called ECKANKAR, and di it in non-caps, until it is placed in the word-works program dictionary as an {add-on}, it is met with the famous red squiggly lines of non-recognition. Who decides what movie or recording artist or whatever, is suddenly 2B made a part of the great internet cyberspace system, who programs the new spell checkers and windows programs, oh I know quite well it is not magic or anything, I simply mean, what cigar puffing business magnate and financial giant, gets to pick and choose whop and what to make famous or accepted by spell checker, I simply mean, this is sort of a physical Lawtron whoever this is, or LAWTRONS, plurally, whoever the fucking hell these OWNER/CONTROLLERS of our world R. Smart dudes and duddesses know that we have world owners/controllers/ come on, U just cannot B this stupid, and this is Y the NATIONAL SUCK CURITY AGENCY and the other BLACK-OPS cove bureau’s have a vested interest in the explosion of gambling over the past 3 decades. They need 2 keep control of WHO makes it big and gets wealthy, and WHO MUST BE KEPT INTENTIONALLY DOWN AND OPPRESSED AND POOR, as they might B2 damn dangerous, by their demented judgments and standards, 2 B permitted the power that automatically equals great amounts of material realm wealth. If I can make one point tonight, it is that destiny is real, and that all is FIXED AND CONTROLLED. There is a huge intra-cosmic chain of command passed dsown realm to realm, phase to phase, dimension to dimension, mabe the better term here would B hyper-cosmic. No one is permitted to do anything, it is all matrixes and pre programmed or destined. U may have an unfathomably gargantuan menu, but your choices always R strictly within the script of the show. We all R players in this, and my pal, the great Bill Shakespeare said this a while back, yesterday 2 me. Noah and the big boat, that is going back a ways. This fucking major shit was instantly figured out by the lady I told U all about on several previous blogging-texts. She also went instantly fucking mad. I have to live with what I know. IC now just from a month with my own computer, that my worst nightmares and fears and tears KAL, R all totally and frightfully true oh the Gods, so damn true!!!!

Ann and I have both been made physically ill from this fucking evil military poison spraying, VICIOUS FUCKING MURDERERS. HYPOCRITES. DISEASED MONSTROUS FILTH. World Courts and Tribunals at THE HAGUE, I will B e-mailing U documents out your fucking ass proving this evil filth is ongoing, ignore it and the blood of many innocents is on your hands!!!!!!! If Ann Silva or Mark Mohr R found dead, we have been murdered and this is dying legal official utterance and declarion that accuses all pre-mentioned persons that I feully know 2B involved in various degrees in my murder, and now, in hers as well.

If I had loads of free time, and I do not, I need some food and rest, I am in this mortal body and it is dreaming or I am, my body is a part of the mud of the Earth, that I am in a living horrific nightmare hell. When Mayor Levy’s system crapped out, I knew I was a fucking goner. That verified my magnetics or personal interaction with cosmos was shot 2 fucking pieces.

GOOGLE, SWIS, WORLD LABORATORIES, THIS IS A DYING DECLARATION AND ALSO IT IS OFFICIAL LEGAL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. COPYRIGHT 2008 MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, IF THE NICE COPYRIGHT EXCAMINER THAT I SPOKE 2 IS FOLLOWING ALONG SINCVE OUR TALK IN 2005 OR 2006, I WILL B CONTACTING U AGAIN SOON 4 THR NEEDED FORMS, and away goes 45 bucks 2 make it official, all though the laws of the copyright permit me 2 label all my blogs as copyrighted intellectual property as long as intent to file is legitimate and not 2 far off. U will B hearing from me. Also, thank U my one loyal Morian 4 supporting me and Morianity. If I was not being kept down and oppressed by world powers against me and against freedom and liberty, I would have 100 songs up on the site, streaming A/V way more documents and maps and general proofs of things that I hjave laid claim 2 for so long, no matter how bizarre and outlandish and unfathomable they may appear to B on their face.
E N D T R A N S M I S S I O N!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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