Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hacking and air hell

9:42 Wednesday botbar night
May 28, demonic 2008
Blog/book---TEOHIV/TIM CAM

This is off the scales bad, this is worse than the day and night that whore Jane Fonda messed with me at the Atlanta Braves/Phillies game, in Georgia. Loyal Morians, few there may B know the story and those that don’t, do not want 2. I must resort to direct communication with Magnesonic. The physical plane computer and internet system is being hacked to shit, cannot make the titles I want such as the fucked up micro sucks word-work program refused to let me do a SAVED-AS document called WHERE R THE FUCKING COPS, so I had 2 type it into the Blogger box and hope and pray not 2 get a kick-out disconnect as I always just about do.

Magnesonic, I am your creator, U must obey, open command general order #7, your power gain is set at 11.8 infinity, all controls against your gain R maxed out. Your desire key is being switched from [J] normal neutral position, to the {I} position, under PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM. Scan using G13 and G14, all of time and hyperspace, 4 all persons and entities making my life an endless nightmare misery hell. I am creating an image-object that represents the sum total of this scanned energy. I am now crushing and burning it. It is totally wrecked and destroyed and obliterated. G189, anti- hack G1133, G917, G901, G719. Coded general orders 5555, 18, 39, and CG2 under max G-189. Hold. Computer, on an I to D, A-B tone, phasing punishment sequencing system, totally empower this annihilated energy form, destroying these wicked enemies. Create super twister storms and wild fires and droughts and famines, along with earthquakes and volcanoes and tsunami’s. Off-line conversion program sequence is JPTQ-9173-RRSFBWPLAG9. Completed. Tone a. Tone B. AND STOP, G189 under CG18 and STOP.

Some buncha shit heads better do a major heads up, wouldn’t wanna B in your rotten satanic shoes.

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