Saturday, May 9, 2009


“The Lakehouse Revisited While Fully Awake By mortal Standards”
DATFILE: 050909.864.5555555555555555555555

This has been a very noisy day, with some light WOMO-MILITUFORCE CHEMTRAILK ACTION early this moUrning as I was getting ready 2 leave my work site and drove home. All day the enemy annoyed me with noise from the minute that I freaking arrived home, planes, motorbike scum bag riders, U name it, if they could make noise, they did. Also it was unpleasantly hot shortly after the moUrning gave way 2 the afternoon. They have been premising me thunderstorms for I do not know any loner just how many days, these mother fucking weather persons and meteorologists don’t fucking know there damn ass from their elbow. I realize it is not easy forecasting the weather and these ass holes need 2 admit it. With all their technology, they still r basically working off the ancient system that draw them 100 models of similar weather circumstance on numerous parameters. Then the so called percentage of a predicted event is based on the absurd notion that it is intelligent 2 make statistically oriented projections based on this. In quick other words, if in 100 models, all 10 or 230 items R acting as they R right here and now, and 35 times the actual following result is colder and 25 times the actual following result is rains, then they say that there is a 75% chance 4 a clear day with some chance 4 rain, and also a good likelihood of even non changing temperatures in the area. If this worked when I played this basic statistical projecting of betting a third roulette parameter against the remaining other 2 over periods of numerous previous plays, and I had a situation where after 40 red and high outcomes, the next outcome on the remaining odd and even parameter, was only 6 odds and 34 evens, by their concept the next spin had a 34:6 chance of being predicted 4 an EVEN outcome 2 occur. That would B a better than 4 to 5 chance, and believe me, there R never any bets ever that R going 2B near 80+ percent chance 4 coming out, and it some Einstein ever found such a way of doing it, either they would disappear, B paid off 2 shut up, or roulette would not permit side bettors on outside plays 2 keep stick figure track on paper. The best that U ever will get using the weather person’s basic same principle that I used 2 make 9200 bucks in my spare time back in 1986, playing roulette at casino gaming tables, is between 6 and a half and 7 and a half percent over the 50/50 chance built into the game, and when subtracting the legal house vig, this leaves the player with roughly 1.4 to 2.2% positive advantage over the game in long run play, if a player were 2 never gamble, and only play perfect games, totally by the rules, playing only the highest spreading parallel events, and never stacking chase bets after losses. Meteorologists can play all the games they want to, but I am simply the wrong person 4 any of them 2 ever attempt convincing that they can project/predict/forecast is such high percentage odds. I live 4 having my Diana around me, or what U all would call lightning or electrical storms, but I am a realist. The weather channel on cable TV is historically known 4 making it seem that my area will get a million times the real world thunder storm activity, year after year. Hay, I enjoy watching it and getting my hopes up, but don’t get it wrong for second number one, it always veheminanbtly disagrees with the forecasters on other regular news broadcasts in the local areas. The entire thing 2 me is starting 2 seem like quite a hoax, but then, there R so many hoaxes, so who really gives a shirt? When Sarah-Stacey Krassle allows her cuz Diana Arteemis 2 come and visit with me, there will B a storm, and it is as simple as all of that, BRA!!!!!!!! All I give a damn shirt about is the cold front, if it cools off even a tad bit, thank the gods, this is just way 2 damn hot 4 this time of the year, but then, averages as U most likely know, R another totally deceptive trick of reality. They by their own energies, love 2 swing far away from themselves, only 2 always eventually catch up closer and closer 2 the precise average midpoint the longer and longer the system is being measured, whatever that is. Time equals approached parity. Averages love 2 move off parity into polarities, but the longer the time, the more the averages insist on re-closing right back in on themselves.

I had a major interaction the other night and still have not blogged details of this 2 my Morians. As I told Ann the other day, since her very favorite TV shows R NCIS and THE MENTALIST, that B4 the Mentalist show began,. I had that rock and paper interaction. The thing that I will tell U all right now is that the Games Expert resembles big time, this dude on the TV that plays the Mentalist. As I said on prior blogs, not that long back, maybe 3-10 weeks or so, he was playing this game with an angry opponent, angry because he never could win as this other guy always knew what he would throw and B able 2 throw the other thing that would beat him. My interaction that took place in the apartment bedroom with the broken large pipe beneath my floor took place at the very beginning of the year of 2008.

Very soon I will tell my blogaud huge things done with both the Gawnum and the Hexnumer system. It would B difficult 4 any intelligent thinking mind 2 really attempt 2 successfully dispute all the stuff that I will tell and show all of U in soon upcoming blogging texts, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! I know the precise persons that were instrumental in making me lose my Sarah twice in a row now, the plot has thickened, and thanx to ex-Mayor Whalen who is very goof pals with Ann King Silva, and this much is verified as I have seen many personal photos where they R seen together and in quite friendly embraces and poses, but my ABP or my point ladies and gentlemen is simply this. 10 weeks ago I took a terrible monstrous attack by WOMOTASWFER diseased filthy trashy garbage ass scum on my way into work, innocently driving down the road and minding my own business and obeying all of the traffic laws like a good little boy. The vicious attack that all of U should B aware of after I have mentioned it over and freaking over, was half of what ended the big Wall Street Bear at 6550 points give or take. The other half was the plot 2 take MC away 3,000 miles. She was told by people she thinks she can trust that the BRIGGER CULT cannot keep effecting her with the 20 year problem and she knows I know, I was a sound man, let’s keep it real, I am being super subtle. Leaving your THAT-BOY will not stop them. Let me tell U how powerful these diseased twisted monsters really R. No one was able 2 diagnose my dizziness and vertigo condition that U all know about from back last February that came on me as the markets dipped into the 65 hundreds. It worsened when it was down, and got better a little when it was up. Now that these fucking bastard Wall Street total crooks have gained back 2100 points over 9 weeks, AS I NOSTRO PREDICTED, m y vertigo is all practically gone, and just as mysteriously as it came on me, just like my choking condition ion 1983, also non-diagnosable and no doctors anywhere could ever get 2 the mother fucking bottom of it, and the list could read on, but time is not on my side, young hearts! No I won’t let them push me around, I have no choice, they can push a skyscraper around, what do I think that I’m gonna b able 2 mother fucking do against this monstrous unfathomable sleaze disease, BR????????????

Gawky Gaukauk is no ordinary large black cat, and lives or exists I should say on the Astral Plane, all though he does make occasional appearances here on the mortal realm, but we will not even go there tonight, BR!!!!!!!!! With ‘Gawnumware’ which is trademarked by the way in the name of MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, as well as in my real USA citizen born name, U can ask more than a computer-ask, or do more than any computer-Google, as these R both Earthly systems that unfortunately R and always will B limited 2 the boundaries of Earth and grounded connected things and limitations. But with the proper use of GAWNUMWARE or Gawnum-software, AND A MACHINE CAPABLE OF RUNNING MANY TRILLIONS OF CALCULATIONS, I would not feel all that cozy typing in how basically such a user would go from being a man 2 a god, or a woman 2 a goddess. With knowledge comes many things that remove obstacles and make life better. But Gawnum technology is knowledge beyond the Physical Plane, and is scary in both its accuracy once learned how 2 properly use and interact with it, as well as scary in its habituality. Sorry, I was Franklin a while back, and if a word seems 2 fit where I need it 2 and the accepted system says the word in sot recognized, screw the world, as I will still use it if it freaking fits, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes caveat emptor, it is more habit forming once UC what the Gawnum can show, both in the past as well as the future and present, in any and all things, than jacking off. Use and enjoy, both, that is your bizz, BRA!!!!!

I had a problem with my ‘life journal tape recorder’ at work around the time the morning chemtrails were beginning. and Google up Contrails/Chemtrails or Chemtrails/Influenza conspiracies, enjoy. It may not B as yummy as a high school musical 3 times over, but one thing is 4 sure, my stuff is real, it happened, and it all gave the rest of the world their ideas 4 all of their garbage, just ask any of the more honest an old-timer copyright examiners, and never insist on taking Mountainpen’s word 4 anything. UI would have no reshapes 4U if U did, after-all, Y should U trust me when U can verify my freaking stories, BRO???????????? I’m a BLOGGER, not a BRAGGER, my hell is off the scale bad and it most likely is forever, that is nothing for any half sane mind 2 even think about bragging about in the wildest dreams of a drug tranced sixties hippie. Soon it is off 2 work 4 my middle of the 3 week end shifts. The place has become a total fucking toilet, and I personally can testify that 20 major federal and state laws R being constantly broken by my company. It is a matter of time B4I will B guarding an empty pile of land, unless these people have every local and state judge and court system totally in their pocket, and then there still is NIS, and no one has this agency in their pocket, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! So the Lakehouse fits into all of this exactly where, UR asking about now, patience, prudence, it is a small world, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As U know if U read the other blog, Elisa and Joe King, the Harbor branch of TF-70, is moving next week into a real waking world LAKEHOUSE over in Mystic Islands, a wee bit up 2 the north from the Harbor of the Eggs, and Terry Egghead. It was described by me now by those that have been 2 it, Dawn, Elisa, and my pal Joe King. It is almost beyond eerie how it seems 2 resemble a true miniature of the exact place I interact in on the Astral Plane, with Dawn and Ann, MC and her neff, and many others, even including the lovely BK, and let us never forget the lightning goddess Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis. I was told that they want me over there a lot, so I can go crabbing and boating and swimming right there in the bay, just across from the mighty MacAfee’s Long Beach Island, where I buried the remains of a Magnesonic crushed image object of SSJKK back in 1986, right B4 all hell broke literally loose and has not looked back since. Move the fuck over withal your new books, James Patt. Well, all that is missing is choker-neff, MC, and the loud speaker blaring out the danger thirds of the tides, yo players. Anipoop, the Dow Jones bottomed after both the attack on the way 2 work that was Beyond monstrous and totally fucking criminal, and them getting MC 2 go away and leave me, after I had finally located my SSJKK from years of extensive and exhaustive searching. This is YI can tell chall in total confidence, the DOW will keep right on fucking flaying illegally up on the back of my broken bones, UP AND UP AND UP, week 10, week, 11, week, 12, and on and on FORTEVER, and within 6-18 months, B right back at the ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS ALL OVER AGAIN. Am I psychic or some traveler, B real??????? I have just lived through this fucking parallel event nightmare 4 nearly 23 solid years, hay, if I do not know fully well exactly how all of this bull shit works, then I am KING OF THE MENTALLY CHALLENGED, BRO!!!! UC, I am the first one 2 tell U in all honesty that many things indeed do have totally logical and rational explanations 4 the stuff that goes on around them, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL OF 2296, THIS IS ALL blahhhhhhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmm, and is all the total absolute entire full truth with no additions and no omissions whatsoever, sworn by me right now under flag and penalty of perjury, and also under my All Mighty Goddess Sarah-Stacey Krassle, that U call GOD. This is all 2009 COPYRIGHTED in the following 2 ways. MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN, and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN.

END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, BRA!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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