Tuesday, May 19, 2009


“Prayers R Meaningless When Your roots R Huntington”
DATE AND TIME FILE: 051909.912.5555555555555555

It is just shy of ten at night this Tuesday night, I am not back from the aquarium or the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, or the year 1989, either, BRO!!!!!!! However, things R extremely horrendous and I am hear 2 tell U all that prayer is total nonsense, and it is a total waste of all of humanity’s time. It is a farce, a game, a lot of nonsense, and I am under the abduction of an out of control Mayan Teen Queen, named Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. Yes I will love her throughout all of eternity, she fixed it that way, it is no different than being under the powerful spell of a mighty witch. She has made my life a living hell 4 nearly 5 and a half decades as Mark Mohr, pen blog name, Michael Mountainpen. I despise writing things like this, but that’s just the way it freaking Rodney Dangerfield goes. UR all clueless of what I am suffering through, and I have implored and begged SSJKK 2 let me out of this horrific prison, and she is just spitting in my face. Here is a small smattering of what my blogaud needs 2 know in this nightmare never destined 2B Beaver Cleaver diary-journal of poor and pathetic Mountainpen.

Monday I was awakened by another poison gas attack from the Lamist cult and their mists, with a major nasty sore throat, of course, it vanished after 2 hours or so back on the mortal world, they cannot permanently hurt or ever kill me,
I am not like any of U, nor R any of the wild movies about me true in any way. There is nothing glorious, romantic, or fantastic about eternal life. I was living on highland Avenue in 1984 into early 1985, and anyone not totally lobotomized and over the age of 40 or so should know precisely what I am talking about, and if not, it has al l ready been previously blogged, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! It is not me that is in any way magical, I am the TARGET ol an evil bitch in the fucking future, doing all of this 2 me, using a technology called DDLTT, or DISTANCE DELAY LASER TRACE TECHNOLOGY. I knew all along that the sky and other post August 1986 nightmarishness is caused by the same fucking forces that have been making my life an endless nightmare hell since Herbert fucking Huntington murdered his wife and mother in law in their sleep and then proceeded down into his basement where he took a noose and hung his mother fucking miserable self back in the late nineteen fifties. I did a very bad thing 2 Donna up in the future, and 599 other girls from the past 500 or more years as of the time of World Labs, and still, this does not warrant this much total cruel and unusual wicked punitation. SSJKK beat the shirt out of me 4 telling about the Mayan reality. Tough, beat me up all u want 2 teen queen, it is all true. Totally fudging shirting true, baby love Eckert JY-12th. Recently, tall girls and Muzak is back on a roll if I go anywhere in the public. I would stay away during these times if I had control over my own life as I did 4 nearly 8 and a half years since my mother exited this veil of tears and I moved out of Guthrie Shorts mansion and into a trailer park, where now I realize a bit belatedly, I was very comfortable and happy. I now am in Scylla’s freaking prison, and all anyone has 2 do that has not been pronounced totally freaking brain dead is listen 2 that 1997 song and realize how my search 4 SSJKK was all in the starting stages at this time, and start adding one and one, and no Einstein’s R needed here, just simple 4th grade arithmetic, BR, no more than that. All the bull shit that ever happened 2 me in lovely wonderful Atlantic City is now so totally understood in crisp clearly revealed hindsight. The lifeguards, getting beat up in 1975, last year’s late season incident the day after coming back from queens, New York, and not even going further into Callio, McGuire, Martino, Reale, and of course John and his daughter Paula King. I tried 2 explain the other day and of course was just really scratching at the surface of things when I discussed the WWWW1 and WWWW2 radio stations. Maybe I better “B careful” about moving on with any more of this right now. Y was John King so interested in where I was going after leaving his parking lot in the summer of 1997? Also, Y did he care so much about me HOSING OFF WITH WATER, as in dunking myself with water from a horse trough? King David Hotel was just down the street from this one particular lot owned by the illustrious and late Mister King. It no longer matters at all who is reading these words, who believes what, or anything else. I used 2 care. Now, Scarlett O’Hara, frankly Rhett Butler I really just don’t give a fucking damn. I know this is all real, and totally true. What I do give a damn about is finding some way of prosecuting these evil criminals such as McGuire. U cannot wreck a poor mans automobile twice, 13 years apart, intimidate him so he won’t come onto a public street as any tourist has every right 2 do, and get eternally away with it. These cock suckers think they own Atlantic City, as well as New Jersey, and even this planet. Now at 6 this mourning, Ann King let 7 cockatiel birds fly loose. On top of that, Dawn screamed at her 4 weeks, just as she was getting happier, and told her 2 sell her birds B4 we move over to 13th Street. All hell broke loose tonight, Chicky, Ann, Dawn, and even I caught lots of the flack even though I was on the Astral Plane at the time and had no idea that this was happening. Last week it was Dawn and Joe accusing each other of child molestation and threatening 2 send each other 2 jail in-between other threats 2 throw tables or knives. Living here is the nightmare of my life times ten to the power of two hundred and thirty one. I have asked SSJKK 2B released over and over and it falls on deaf ears. She keeps telling me that I am a shellfish who did not fully trust her and do what she wanted. I feel sorry 4 many people thousands of years ago who got caught up in the wild games of this incredible teenager. She thinks it is funny telling lightning not 2 come around me week after week. Then Monday the fucking stock market flew from all the persecution that diseased fucking WOMO put me through.

Do U want 2 talk about hyperspace? I do so if U don’t, U have the pleasure of moving onto another blog, read about Mister O’Toole and his Irish Stew Recipes or the Wild Nursing Stories of Gloria Feefee, 4 all I give a hell. If U do not find them in this world or hyperspace, U will find them on phase 4. Someday I will tell all of U the amazing story of how it all works, including phase 4, zero dimension, and Lawtronics. Back now on the topic of hyperspace which is not a location but a reality containing 5 dimensions, length, breadth, height, motion relationships of these 3 dimensions, and all of the separate parallel twins that exist in the same exact spot but on varying atomic signatures. Happy birthday Michael Dorn, Paul Stoddard, and Lucille Ball. If it wasn’t 4 the so called ditsy redhead who was anything but in reality, there never would have been a STAR VTREEK original show or any of the following related things. Roddenberry would have produced another great western and that would have been that, but much more is involved here. When U examine what makes atoms all agree in a vibratory way, U will also come 2 learn that it all has 2 do with the 6th dimension. This is also not a location, but the circuitry of a complex system that would boggle the mind of a million Einstein’s, that act 2 connect itself up into the 5th dimensional reality below it. The mechanics of this circuitry R governed by powerful intransmutable laws that SSJKK discusses in HER mighty bible. Jane Drunkskunk Bleedweed nailed my ass 2 the cross 3 fucking times since eleven freaking eleven post meridian last night, getting me again this morning and tonight. When the 6th dimension activates itself down into the lower 5th dimensional realities of hyperspace, it is totally connected with invisible cosmic cement that is totally indestructible. As every thought is literally sent down into hyperspace, this also causes the atoms 2 vibrate, and as this continues, they all agree with each other in individual 4th dimensional continuums. One tiny thing done one tiny bit differently, and pow, the entire universe alters from all the others still again, as the atoms all throughout it readjust, in fact the readjustment is the 6th dimensional send down signals of this immensely complex circuitry, and this then causes the so called thought waves 2 commingle into the universes. No one alive in this 2000 time period, has a clue how all of this operates. No one that is living in the natural world anyway. But then there R the Subterraneans or BRIGGERS on the lighter Astral Plane. They also R known as the gods. Some of these gods formed a special sub committee of a sorts, and created a society in Chicky’s NEIGHBORHOOD a long time ago, under the direct influence of SCYLLA. These R the Mayans. They were never wiped out, and as I now type this, a hack came on stopping the print of this document. I am in 4 a major ass kicking by MC in the Lakehouse tonight, I know this, but this all needed 2 get told, right now, tonight. Natch, BRO, there is a whole Dogtown of a lot more 2 tell on these matters, and this is a mere razor scraping of a giant iceberg.

Roger Carey gave me the mightiest roulette system in the world, thank u so much. Another 6 units were made today, and this was another day of hell, but then WEIN, SOSO, same shit different day, this is as old as last decade’s newspaper, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a lady who scoffed at me early in 1984 at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG when I told her that all U need is 2B able 2 get a few chips every time U play. Real pro gamblers know the power of this knowledge. I am not saying this will not eventually crash, but so far Colaman, this is holding up like a straw fortress under a starship siege. As I told your cousin’s hubby, B4 he became the ACNJ mayor, Rog, “U never know the future”. Well, BRA, I still claim this, maintain this, and believe this wholeheartedly, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game one was minus 32 units, game two was plus 29 units, game three was plus 1 unit, and game four was plus 8 units. This was played around the early evening, and was one of the worst performances of the system in quite a while, yet made me a net profit of six units. On green level that is 150 bucks, on black level it is $600. I am not greedy, this is a bad time at the casino, and I can live with this, thank U so very much RC. I learned another secret about TF-70 Rog. They all feel that they R under a curse just as I know my family is totally cursed and has been 4 two freaking thousand years. I need U2 tell me one thing and B straight up old pal. Did Sarah Karge indwell your cuz like Diana Arteemis indwells DR? She left this veil of tears in October of 1990 at the age of 94. I need 2 know the secret of this and also the secret of Paula and her lit up box. Also, Y did the Shaw of Iran care so much about perpetrating all of this in 1967, sending my cuz Sandy 2 meet up with the Callio gang? It could have all been done so totally differently, and maybe if I can B told Y it was done in this precise manner, I will B all the more closer 2 eventually figuring all of this nightmare out so that ‘I can prosecute all the evil bastards that wrecked my entire life since I was a small ass innocent child. This will also verify many theories I have about Joe Berrios the flashmob, as well as Y my cassette tapes had such an effect when left on boardwalk benches in Atlantic City, literally leading 2 the Gulf War. I do not need the great James Redfield 2 tell me that SSJKK does not seem 2 mean me a lot of good. I am a glass half empty guy Twinbay, so live with it, beauty queen. At least I have a valid drivers license, and am not a substance abuser, which 99% of THAT FAMILY indeed is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABS OF 2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmm, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2009, COPYRIGHT MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN 2009. Oh well, I will retire now 2 the Lakehouse where Scylla will undoubtedly kick the crap out of me. I feel a major attack from Subterrania coming, I know how real it is and just what they can do and do it totally covertly and invisibly, rock, paper, scissors, GUN, Lenny and the Pipe Repairmen.

END TRANSMISSION, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!555555555555 and 55555555555555 and 55555555555 and 55555555555555 = HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!

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