Wednesday, April 6, 2011


SBT-DATFILE: CH-116-040611.868.55


Well, the stock market is flying at right up around all time record highs, JUST AS I SAID IT WOULD AFTER RECEIVING ALL THIS PERSECUTION AND DEMONIC HARASSMENT, and the FLYERS WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN, and the PHILLIES LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, just as I told everybody that this was all indeed going to freaking happen, YO.

Thank you so much for coming to me yesterday, DIANA, with your wonderful awesome colorful ravishingly beautiful lightning, my endless love. Don't ever let their persecution of me stop you from coming around because I freaking need you so much my wonderful electron, and have all throughout this horrific endless infinite eternal interaction that I am stuck in, with awareness to it.

No one on this puny dark-age planet has a miniscule clue what it's like to live with this awareness, as well as the total awareness to higher realities that would literally blow all of you away in ten seconds if you were hit with this all at once. I am no exception, with me however, this was a long steady, tedious process of coming to know stuff that no awake mortal should ever be forced to contain in his or her conscious awareness. When even the smallest amount of this starts to surface or even dreams begin to be remembered and put together, in can cause persons to act in all kinds of off the wall ways. The simple fact is that all throughout the history of humanity and recorded civilization, these events in smaller ways have indeed happened, and people went quite nuts and many right now today as I speak, are locked away in booby hatches. You really think I am so ignorant, don't you Paula?

I could begin talking at any time on any given day on one of literally thousands of topics and relate from personal experiences, stuff that if any one of you out here were to read and believed even a part of these truths, would make you nuts as hell. You would go out in your car and slam into people or poles or whatever, or go off to a mall or your job with knives and on and on. This is no joke, so many are naturally saying to themselves, so who are you then MOUNTAINPEN, I mean you are still here and someone part of society and semi-sane enough to survive, yet you are holding hell itself, within your personal space. The two goddesses, Diana and Sarah-Stacey, have carefully done this to me in a perfectly well planned out and extremely methodical way, that the very story just to how this was accomplished along a 20-50 year time-line, humanly, would require a Tolstoy sized book all its own. That is truth. Someday, I will really tell, in new light, as all of us change whether we know it or not, minute by minute from womb to tomb, and our perceptions of the very same identical reality hence, also alters, and then magnifying this reality that with the fact that we all are living in a faced paced rapidly changing global interaction here in human consciousness, and so we must then begin to realize that we would be seeing things even without change in varying ways as we pass through time-line existence in human and awake life, and then this is ultra compounded by an extra fast changing world all around us. The best case and point in my own experiences is with this magical family, that does not even yet have awareness of its own powers in their fullness, thank the gods, literally. It began in the middle nineteen-nineties with my search for one branch of this family, in Atlantic city. All this time, including when I wrote the song entitled, “SARAH” on May 12th in 1996, other branches as well as the Atlantic city branches, all ready remembered me from all sorts of past interactions with them, and in all kinds of various points and areas, within a somewhat regional area of perhaps high double digit mileage. This is one powerful example, and even if nothing else changed with the relationship between me and this awesome family from far beyond the stars themselves, is proof and evidence that supports my wild claims regarding how we all perceive the exact unchanged things quite differently, at different points in our lives as we move forward through the illusion of waking time world interactions of the 5th dimensional hyperspace. When I was molested at the Cornwall Avenue house in Ventnor, New Jersey, the town directly to the south of Atlantic city, America's famous playground and sin city of the East Coast, by a stuttering man named tom Reale, I began having a series of connected or serial dreaming's at this house. The persons in this dreaming interaction identified themselves indirectly by somehow just making it known to me through that mysterious dreaming osmosis of just knowing something that all persons just about can relate to at some point in their life, as “THAT FAMILY. This was the time in my life right after I had stopped interacting with Sarah from Atlantic City, who identified me to her friends on a few occasions as THAT BOY. This may seem totally not out of the ordinary, as Ann King said to me once several years back from the home of Agent Caruso, at 841 Thirteenth Street in Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG, it would be natural for this girl to think of you as “THAT BOY” if you never told her your name, which I admit to being a very private and shy person, and would never think of going up to a girl and telling her my name, not ever to this very day. I am a private person who just does not trust anybody and totally believes that every rotten son of a bitch in the world is out to get me. I know better, and I know that is just silly paranoia, but I have plenty of it, and will openly freaking admit it.

Now let me tell a huge secret tonight. It is old news what happened to me in 2008. There I was right smack dab in the middle of something 1000 tines bigger than I had a clue about, and you all know what started to happen once I sent my 2007 musical project down to the United States Office of Copyrights, called, “Karaoke Lunch Break at the Sorian 18 Guardhouse”. As the silly ass title implies, I did this on a karaoke machine at my job site over a period of several lunch breaks, when no one was around, hopefully, as I tend to scream out and my singing is horrible, all you need to do to hear how rotten my voice and songs are, is to click into the attached video that will only be up until tomorrow night and then it will be gone and gone riddance, right Senator Electrocution Trophy-wife? Still my point without any further tangents or diversions, is simply that the story does tell itself, and not even the famous genius man could invent a tale like this and make it work out so perfectly for 36 months, or avenues, whatever the case may really be. I truly am sorry if I made anyone's day a little darker here or there, but is what is happening with me a fair punishment? Even Hitler was allowed to simply die, and I would be glad to be put to death, any time. I only wish I could go to Tallahassee and die in the electric chair, and be forever with my baby blond, and never have to exist here for another minute. But reality and my wishes are never in much of an agreement, at least not over the past consistent 56 and a third years of my hellish tormented life.

None of this is the great Terry secret of the great Harbor, if I can be permitted a little pun that relates to the time when this nightmare literally grew wings and somehow in hyperspace I met a man as famous as Christopher Columbus, only in that parallel universe, he was a first cousin of a member of this powerful family, and not a 23rd grandfather, 'the man with the eyes', the same man from 1970 in those nightmares, by the way. The secret is not what is right there for anyone to read and realize that this could in no way have all been made up, not by the craziest person on the planet or the most imaginative, all though the complement is much appreciated there 'Miss UmWell'. Some fiction honey! The biggest secrets did not take place in 1975 in the house of MC, or when I discuss the Gawnum or the Fascitar, or the Millionth Council, or anything else, from the Astral-Plane gods to the Exploratronic supermind, an entire traveling group of “Q” types like the dude on TNG-Star Trek, if you can imagine this ultimate devastating freaking nightmare at light speed cubed. The secret right now is not about the 64 trillion light year hypersphere, the sixth dimension, upline and downline universes, World Laboratories, or anything like this, it is the simple reality of the STM. This stands for the “SPACE-TIME-MIND”. When STM is understood just a little bit, all of life and reality clear up amazingly fast. There is a rare condition discussed in the newest book in psychiatry, the bible of this discipline quite actually, the DSM-5, where a patient begins to believe the 'delusion' that he or she is the only real thing, and that the entire world and everyone in it is just sort of like Hollywood (EXTRA's), and you are sort of as a rat that is inside of a very large cage, being secretly observed and studied. Unfortunately, everyone of us could actually make this claim, and it would be the most real thing outside of the void itself as it gets. This is not to say that the exact way that this psychotic feature of paranoid delusion works in the mind of a disturbed mental patient is truth, as it applies equally to every one of us, through the magic and awesome power of both STM and the precise mechanics of how previous closed curved infinities manage to eventually blast themselves literally out of the void and into existors or LAWTRONS. The interaction of Lawtrons and Space-Time-Mind, is the magic key, and some day I'll attempt to do the unthinkable, and try and explain some of this, after-all it beats throwing tables into someone's face, and before doing that, making contact with Jennifer L. Hewitt as this would be a necessity now, if I may be Heinz Babylon Gottwald 'permitted' one more whittle funny pun here, Whaaaaaaaaa.


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