Sunday, April 24, 2011


DATFILE OF WL-SBT-CH-131-042411.321


I screwed up on my last blog and mentioned a trip that I had blocked totally out of mind until early in 2009 somewhere, up to visit my Aunt Ruth on Long Island. I said my “sole” trip, and obviously meant to say my SOLO TRIP, or said in another way, all though I was young, in those days the SVU squad of MISTER WOLF were all making donuts or whatever, and since only a handful of sicko pervs were around, parents could trust their offspring to travel and visit relatives while on summer school break, as I did, and even the famous train trip to visit Aunt Martha on the famous television show called, “Leave it to Beaver”, where Wo0lly and the 'Beave' did this as well. These days and times were totally alien to present days, Abbey Carmichael, just as Mister McCoy told you, he is not bullshitting you, sweetie. You either experienced the 60's or you did not. It really is just as BBO John Henningsen said so accurately, perfectly, and Bruce Pennock predictably, “JUST THAT SIMPLE”. Since an anniversary is so close to such a terrible incident, I won't do a LD, and joke around here, and say just that semple, YO. In any event folks, unless you have not followed the blogs of the Mountainpen and merely stumbled into present time blogs, you are clueless to a fantastic series of events, first, my life in general, then how all eternity fits smack dab into it all, and finally, looking and observing at this on a down to Earth level and way, how one mind boggling super family has always been involved with my family, for a period of about 3500 years. Match these facts, ancestry dot com, or anyone else, I double ass dog Kirk Shatner Humpback dare any of you. Once we get past that, it would be so nice and easy for me to go onward here, and say that the blogs of Mountainpen will now focus off of this family, and onto other things, OYR? Just how can this Einstein sized deal hope to ever be accomplished, pray tell? Are you all out of your freaking mind? I could go out and win power-ball jackpots or walk across the ocean first. Let's be REAL/EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Well, let's not. I do not like being a child molestation victim, but even more than that, who needs to figure out right now just how the powerful and totally freaking awesome water company of Atlantic City, AKA, the ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY or the ACMUA, pulled off so many miracles that make all of what happened 2000 years ago including what today is so famous for, look like a child in a sandbox, or if I was Lee Daniels, I might laugh this one off now and say, a child in a closet. Speaking of this being of course, EASTER SUNDAY, it also would have been the 43rd birthday of the mighty and quite awesome DAWN-MARIE KING, whose life was cut short as a result of galloping Liver Cancer that awakened her out of this dream back on another holiday, NEW YEARS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! The Copyright Office knows how electronic metaphysics dealt with a neighbor of mine some time back, named Mister Divine. He liked messing with my property and removing chains, things taught to him by other peeps in the family, Sarah, and Robert of 10-SC Avenue in good old ACNJUSAESMWG!!!!!!! This fine gentlemen woke up through a doorway called Stomach Cancer. Don't fucking mess with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one point made super ass clear today. If you are not hurting me, then I have nothing against you. If you are one of the guilty bastards, then grow back eyes, and hire body guards! This will do you no good of course. Real powerful enemies of mine make sure they get lots of extra lightning rods, and carefully check helicopter rotors.

In wrapping shit up this moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning folks, I do not blog on and on about shit that must be done, or else. Doing that fucking song was necessary. If you study any ten blogs from the current one backward, you will see that no human being could be making up a wild story here, you are giving me way too much mother fucking credit Mizz UMWELL Mystery-girl, YO, WEAYU TO MUCH CREDIT. In a financial equivalent, this would be like my current financial delinquencies being ignored, and my lack of high earnings, and being mailed as MasterCard with a credit limit of “U”. For those who do not come from a family of New York City bankers, or do not hang with super wealthy peeps; this stands for (UNLIMITED). You are all giving me way too big a fucking compliment folks, way too fucking big, YO. The great James Patterson himself could not write fiction like the shit on my last 6 years of blogs, this is the truth. Like it or ignore it, but truth exists. As the old Esolphs Fables puts it so well, 'and that's that'!!!!! For those that have any interest in knowing why I posted the 2nd song on the U-Tube last Thursday, it is because Scylla would not do it, and did not believe the importance of having it on the record forever in this particular universe in the vast 5th dimensional hyperspace. Many might say that I do not learn from the past, like other humans, after all, is this not a repeat action of the 1980 LOIS-FOCA? My response is that I had no choice, I had to do it. The chemtrail WOMO bastards did not want me to dop it, swo anythiong theyu do not want me to do, I make sure that I do it, anmd vice versa. Thety totally wiped out my voice. I had to do something very wild to get it done, and I only wish I really sounded like that. Itt5 is my voice, but it also is the computer singing it. I do not ever feel the Trump ego need that many others would, I tell it straight up, and am on the fucking square with the world. I do not know what Scylla's game is all about, only that I am indeed, THAT-BOY, and must play along,. I am it and the tag goes on, oh well, it beats the Stairs. Laugh on Lee. How you ever got MI to overcome what must have been such an unfathomably traumatic event in her young life, is mind boggling to me, YO. Tell your pal Mizz Heavyweight, that my post-card in the mail mom, took her advice, and kept watching her dumb show!

They say that every dog has his day. 'OYR'. This dog is gonna get a few hours of sleep, and sign off of this computer, whaaaaaa!!! Sorry if I am not being such a real good boy today MI, stay out of those noisy airports, girl!!!!!!!!!!!


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