Sunday, April 17, 2011


DATFILE: 041711.857

Well world, I asked for it and I got it. Now I have something in common with the great Doctor Martin King. We both had a dream.

Let me blog what I learned, without telling the details of the dreaming-interaction, as this is quite a private matter. In my previous blog of SJ-#125, I told the GREAT SARAH, to let me understand why SHE wants to play in a sandbox. I was shown something way too huge to totally blog and tell, but here is the outer encrustation, enough to read and at least make some sense of it, for my loyal readership and Morians.

The setting was in a distant part of reality, and without the great Sarah Krassle ever physically appearing to me in any recognizable way, I came to analyze this powerful experience since I 'awoke out of it' earlier today around 11:30 AM, and now have my entire question that I posed to HER on this past blog, totally reve3aled and answered to me.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, MY BROWN EYED LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The setting was the Haddonwood Swim and Health Club, and also was part of numerous other realities, all mixed together, many from movies and not any so-called real life. I include this to show the more enlightened of my followers how I now understand the “phase-4” connection with all of the numerous dimensions of reality, and also how I either remembered some parts of what I thought I knew in my future lifetime as Labber Zeggins, or else they are not totally accurate themselves in their beliefs up there in 2300. Without breaking confidence in secrets told to me by the All Mighty SSJK, here is now what I know and understand as a result of being given this incredible dream, and then having the entire afternoon to slowly and very methodically, put it all together until all the pieces fitted together with perfect precision accuracy. The void infinity is the only real 'thing'. Escaping Lawtrons eventually dream out and away as said before, and create a system of regulatory building blocks that from this point, become as seeds that eventually grow into the rest of the new reality of the new closed curve infinity. This is old news, but this needs to be told and refreshed in my reader's minds. There are a few secrets that I have not been made privy to despite being made an unwilling partner in some of these secrets, and these being, breaking these regulatory systems, sort of on human terms, we may think of laws, law breakers, and those who manage to get patsies doing dirty work for these breakers of the law, and then the patsies themselves, in the case here, this would be me, and in the year of 1979 in particular when they got me to create a metaphysical personality on an open reel tape recording machine, my RS-1500-US, and the character being a man who owns most of New York and Atlantic Cities, and brags, and thinks he is a god, and loves himself, a tall man who loves his women and his power, and is ruthless, and brags, and looks down on the lowly population, and has boats and planes and properties, and on and on, just as in the character that the 'WOMO' somehow engineered me into creating on this tape machine in 1979, in a word for word description of the great Donald J. Trump, whose astral Plane name is none other than Shorty MacInvondi, but not a real Astral Plane name, even though 'Shorty' is quite often used as a nickname for many tall persons right here in the human life arena of Mister Shakespeare, but what I'm attempting to describe and tell here today, is simply that I have talked before in some length on many prior blogs from 1-6 years ago or so, about entities called in future World-Labs lingo, “PHASE-4” entities. Trump is a P-4-E. Not the physical man and the body that was born of woman, his mother, this is not what is being claimed. What I am telling is the total truth, that a PHASE-4 ENTITY, manipulated, controlled, and totally dominated me, overriding my normal life pattern; and used me to do something with my electronic equipment back in the year of 1979, that caused this 'personality', to suddenly begin developing inside the all ready existing human being going by the name of billionaire Donald J. Trump. I will swear to this in a court of law, all though no court in 2011, or any time in the near future, would accept any of my so-called 'nonsense' into evidence, despite it all being totally 100% freaking true and correct. This elaborated story that seems on the surface to be a diverted tangent from the main point and issue, is indeed anything but peeps so keep listening.

Phase 4 beings are all over the Astral Plane. First the void infinity has a collective of previous closed-curve-infinity that in future times has been labeled over-lapping discfinity reality, and OLDR for short. It's pronounced for easy quick wordage as we would say the word opposite of younger, and is almost a pun, as it implies younger and older infinities endlessly locked into an infinitely large super-infinity that somehow eventually closes up together at some unfathomable distant set of points, that lay far beyond the reach and scope of even the science of humankind in the year of 2300, and anyone's most wild imagination. Here now is how things all fit together, and come to answer my question that I posed to SSJK last night on my last blog. It really was so simple that I am totally embarrassed today that I was unable to see through this simple, once realized, super maze. Many phase-4 beings exist and the way that they come to exist once they dream out and away from the void infinity and become collective-Lawtron, and from there, fall down into the 6th-dimensional MIND-REALM, where separate energy dots of pure mind, or 'THOUGHT' of a sort, begin literally sending themselves into a wild interaction called, the ASTRAL-PLANE. This is where it all would end up, and the end of the entire story would be right here, IF, it were not for the PHASE-4-ENTITIES, (P4E). When the dream out and away from VOID is finally accomplished and a new cycle 7th-Dimension comes into being, they set up rules and within these rules, the mind rules comes into being, and then, the very system of this realm, sending itself into this gigantic spirit world that is like a beyond ultra super virtual reality video game, is also all a part of this organized controlled Lawtronic dream out from the prior void infinity cycle. Nothing on the seventh dimension was ever designed for any dream-downs from this spirit-world or ASTRAL-PLANE, into a tangible and material multiple virtually limitless parallel universe lower reality. This is not in the system or the program, if you think of all this in the way that the movie MATRIX depicts a similar thing here. It all is meant to merely go down into mind and then individually separate into entity and interaction on a realm where no space or time is real in so much as having any significance or connection to itself, such as for example, one day can be like the year 1800 and the next day like the year 2000. One day New York City and Philadelphia may be 90 miles apart, and the next day, 10 miles apart. Time and space is only there to support the interaction, unlike the total opposite here in tangible realms where these are constant realities and do not change, and time appears to be in a linear order. We need time and space in tangible material realms in order to support human life and interaction here in the mortal waking world of the hyperspace, the exact inverse and reverse of the Astral-Plane, where the interaction is set up, and then the time and the space that is pertinent to the interaction merely comes along for the ride. Naturally, this is why the world of Jennifer Hewitt is all fictional bunk, as you cannot ever hope to merge the worlds of the material and the worlds of the spiritual, not with this huge barrier of this great 'rule of reverse'. Now P4E become what they are by trying to break the laws or attempting to go against the system of LAWTRONICS. For example, Trump wanted to come in here and be this, well, whatever he is, I call a spade a spade, some peeps really like this butt wipe dude, some like shoveling pig shit too, so who am I to judge? Anyway in moving along with this, this is what he wanted, and it was beyond what was originally permitted. Most of the time, entities cannot break LAWTRONICS, it is a lot more intricate than just deciding to break a human world law and as long as you get away with it, there is no punitation beyond whatever becomes transfixed as a resulting factor, to your own guilty or not so guilty conscience. When trying to break lawtronics as opposed to just laws in a physical world, you need to bypass a powerful system that is in place that is there to most of the time, stop you totally and completely from doing this thing. There are however ways that clever entities have gotten around this. The very top and greatest ones who did this, are now the Astral-Plane Gods. Every time the system is bypassed, just as in human world affairs, the next time something similar is tried, it is all ready further blocked and preventing another entity from copying this mischievous event. It is virtually impossible now for any new P4E to come to be, and do an my more mystical powerful things. Still, what's been done, now exists in this present closed curve infinity cycle of 64 trillion light years in a 5 dimensional circumference.

Without boring those who do not care of learning more of the foundation to all of this, and just want me to get to the heart and the meat of the issue of Scylla's answer to me in last night's 'dreaming-interaction', here it is as simply and quickly as I can make it. Only the powerful gods, who are as I just said, P4E, can cause changes on the Astral-Plane. The original system from the 7th-D never permitted dream-downs into a created material 5th dimensional hyperspace of virtually unlimited amounts of parallel universes, vibrating atomically at much slower orbitals, which create the less light starry Astral Plane, and instead, create an entire hyperspace of countless universes of physical plane reality where carbon beings can begin to awaken from their truer Astral-World realities and persona's. First, it has to be understood that while on the Astral Plane, you are endlessly aware of infinite existence as time is only real in time worlds, so you perceive your existence in truth, or said in another way, in endless interactions that have no connections to or with each other, and have no origins or terminations, never, ever, and this can become HELL very quickly, without the amplified sentences from the AWA to many, into that region across the bay from the great city, called DOGTOWN. The KJV Holy Bible references this in the final pages, in the Book of Saint John's Revelation. This is a very good translation. Others will not tell all of the nuances needed to see what is happening. Things talked about such as the city surrounded by many waters, and Babylon, and outside the city are dogs, and so much more, will all be lost, and newer translations are totally fucking it all up. Long story made short, the great SSJK has so much power that SHE has allowed a magical event to take place in HER great city of 'Sahasra Dal Kanwal', (HEAVEN), not Costner Cornfield Iowa, and what this is all about is that a powerful Astral Plane memory is removed from all citizens of this great city, and that is the memory that there is no end or beginning to existence. Just as your pet dog for example, has no idea that it ever was born, and that it ever will die, where as its human owner knows this truth, this same deal takes place in the spirit-world, but only in this great city of SDK. Also, everything is a major trade off, here, there, anywhere and everywhere, the reap and sow trade-off laws are built into all systems, from the LAWTRON on and inside of every closed curve infinity cycle. This law is inviolate. So in order to keep this hellish thought endlessly out of the minds of the dwellers in the great city, SCYLLA HERSELF has to take the thought energy. For any time that any entity would be enduring this horrendous thought of endlessness, SHE has to feel the pain of it instead, and this keeps all of HER citizens totally endlessly unaware. As the dog on the Earth, they plow endlessly through created interactions, without ever thinking of this, forever and ever. SHE on the other hand, as happy as SHE is ion Her great city, has the terrible task of knowing this and feeling the agony of this. This is not only why she allows others in the Purgatory, all places on the Astral Plane that are not part of HER great city of SDK, or DOGTOWN, are permitted to dream-down into the 5th dimensional hyperspace, where they can have the vacation experience of mortality, and actually get to fear extinction, a reality that is totally bogus, yet the opposite truth is now the most feared thing here in all of our hyperspace interdreams. Naturally, SHE as well needs to forget, and live her great life here as well, and does, all throughout time and hyperspace. The only reason that HER last two lifetimes are emulating HER great City and HER great musical abilities, is because these are the two periods where HER, 'THAT-BOY', is alive as me, and with the memories of me, both here, and there, thanks to HER cousin Diana, who was instrumental in helping me remember and realize so many things. It was all planned forever ago and was never merely hoped or wished, that I would come to understand HER agonizing pain that SHE was willing to accept, this knowledge of endless existence. This so totally explains HER desire to live in Her present lifetime humanly, and now of course, never know or be aware during her happiness and years of making music here on the Earth as she loves so much to do in the heavens in HER great city of SDK, now that I truly know of her pain, I would not ever wish for her to remember her life in infinity, great as it is, and with HER, 'THAT-BOY'. She will read this now, or later or eventually, or maybe never, and laugh on a conscious level, and I would not have it any other way. Now it is my turn to tell HER that I will spare the world from what I had planned to do, sorry about your credibility going to hell next week, Harold Camping. SHE answered me, and now, I must keep my promise to my TEEN-QUEEN, and wait out my 20 years, and then I am endlessly with HER, without this horrible dream 'dogging' me any longer. The part of last nights' 'dream' that made me see how phase four all fit together with this, was how real world stuff and movie stuff all seemed to be coexisting together. From there, the clues were as easy to follow as all of your other messages from all of your wonderful songs.

I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to know this, and answering my prayer, my lovely Jehovah, how I'll always love and miss you while here in this nightmare. Still, I can go to sleep every night and shut off this worldly awareness, and be with you, where KI truly am, while you sing endless lovely songs to me, in your shop, or your Palace, or out on your Viqueens Island. Try and forget any and every thing about me and my blogs, SSJK, live your life here and make the most of it, I am behind you all the way. You know this is true, brown eyes.


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