Friday, February 6, 2009


The millionth-council and me
The epitome of harassment, internet version
Morianity-Project-1995 and onwards
Datfile: 020609.785---Beginning Transmission:

I will not go on and waste my time or yours. Truth is out there 4 anyone that wants 2C it, whether it B in your life, my life, or the life of the top dog on Earth at 1600 Penn. If U want truth, it slams into U like a freight train, it ain’t pretty most of the time, and we all know it. Not many really ever desire 2 hear it. How many of U out there, ladies especially, want the truth when U ask anybody, ANYBODY, how old U look 2 them and tell them, “B HONEST”? I am just a dumb stupid little ugly nobody that has a curse on me the size of a million HOPE DIAMONDS. I do not Jessica or any of her family that owned that OTHER SHOP long ago and were friends with my grandfather Leonard J. Mason, and Grace Isabelle Huntington, to tell me about diamonds, curses, or anything 4 that matter. Certainly I need not B educated by the family’s offspring about parallel event, all though her wild relationship with the football player in oh-seven, helped me 23 prove my point and raise the human awareness level just a tad on the reality of parallel event. Thank U big Jess. In any event, I have a terrible curse on me, and all of U out there know this, and deep down U know that on some level of your waking world self, that I would absolutely not one thing 2 gain by perpetrating this huge lie. I have been the victim of this curse since the late nineteen fifties when old unk Herby hung him self in a basement of his suburban Boston Home, after murdering his wife and his mother in law with an ax. If any person/s on Earth thinks I am proud 2 blog a true story of my family and all the pain and hurt that has caused people throughout a long period of time, then UR the ones that R nuts. Truth is just there, it is not hard 2 know nor hard 2C4 the most part. It rarely hides, lies tend 2 hide inside more of their own sisters and brothers, but truth screams out 2 a listening cosmos. R any out here part of the LISTENING COSMOS is my question right about now? No one wants 2 hear that they R fat and ugly, or 2 short or 2 tall, or zit faced and unpopular, or whatever; that seems 2 get the big foothold on American citizens right about the time that they enter high school, and on it goes until we R 6 feet under the soils. We want 2 hear that our breath is great and minty fresh, that we R the greatest sexiest most popular and worthy of the world’s praises and gifts in the form of remuneration, love, and all kinds of similar positives and praises. We certainly get quite quickly offensive when anyone dares 2 tell the Jack McCoy’s of the world of authority, that indeed, yes, we do know and I mean know with certainty, some things. We may B totally ignorant on fixing a car, or a leaky faucet, or a computer, or what have U, but on the things we know, we know, and U all know that this is truth with zero percent bull razor slits connected 2 it. U all have brains, I will not insult a blog reader and treat U as though U do not. U had the mental faculties 2 reach a blog site, turn on a computer, get on the great all mighty interconnected networking system, and get 2 this blog, Y would I then insult U? U have a mind, all I ask is that U turn up its juice now 4 a second while we review a short bit of full slit. First, if I am man enough 2 tell everyone that both my friends at an established institute and me as well, were totally off freaking base regarding a betting strategy pertaining 2 the game of roulette, Y would IB anything less than honest on smaller things. I admitted all ready 2 being a major tard by forgetting 2 subtract prior betting loss amounts, and the equation when reworked balanced out neutrally again and made all of us look foolish and pitiful. Y would I lie about a vicious family curse? Y would I make up a story about a mysterious girl that left me and the world, vanishing into the unknown oblivion after July of 1969, and long B4I ever blogged a thing about the greatest recording artist this world has ever known, Mariah Carey, long B43, my blogs were filled with the story of all of this other stuff such as Atlantic City and Babylon, New York, only at those previous times, my 3-D awareness 2 connections that now have rolled into reality, were simply not yet there. Bearing this simple bit of undisputable truth ion mind, hold this thought and move on now with me while I make my real point. Back when my search 4 Sarah Krassle was beginning in 1995-1997, and it had no true bing and bang origin, it came into being a bit piecemeal so I just now say 1995-1997, if U insist or a court ever did, I would say the beginning of 1996 would B when U could call the search 2 locate SSJKK officially beginning, just 2 months give or taker after beginning MORIANITY BIBLE, not the internet version of it, and shortly after copyrighting THE PERMISSION BARRIER book. When I started thus search, it involved a trip 2 a local psychic store in Deptford, New Jersey called “The Gathering”, and a girl there named Kathy who if memory is correctly serving me today was the proprietor. It also involved at the very same time, June of 1996, a trip 2 Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG. Both places I went, one alone and one with my pal David Roth, were made quite horrible 4 me. My car was damaged while I was at THE GATHERING store, and U all know the true story of how the sheriff of the county practically ran Dave and me out of Carlisle on a rail 4 doing no wrong. It was literally right out of the freaking movies we all have seen and do not tell me U never saw a movie like this. Then when the search 2 find SSJKK intensified and the prosecutor got involved in it, things went beyond outlandish and bizarre, right smack dab into the main street of the twilight freaking zone. When I made contact with the TRINIDAD MOTEL, Estelle Bassler, Robert McGuire, John King, Photeous and John the kids of the Greek Tennessee Avenue sixties rest5aurant owners, things went from twilight zone into hell city cubed. The more I went on with this, it got worse. The brick walls were harder, they not only stopped me but slammed into me, my mother was murdered, and later my friend David Roth as well, on March 4 of 2000 and March 6 of 2002 respectively. Things worsened beyond this as 2007 came and went, and U all know it, my blogs R irremovable at least so far on the blogger dot com website knock on freaking wood. Y would things continue in any other direction as I move still closer 2 the full discovery of just who and what SSJKK really is, infinite eternal omniscient omnipotent, omnipresent, transcendent, All Mighty GODDESS? Y??????????????????? How can these forces that R obviously blatantly obstructing and obfuscating me at every turn and corner, not grow larger and more powerful exponentially with every move I make that brings me closer 2 precise details on all of the Y’s of my life, and how SHE fits in to it? How one single soul cannot CYI was messed with big time after Eddie Himacane came over and did some hyper time stuff on my computer today, is just blinder than Stevie, and I can only Wonder just how blind that is. Truth is truth, and I have been screwed out of life and even death, so Y not try and also screw mew out of the truth? It sure seems totally logical 2 me Mister Spok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Upon dropping Chicky off this morning at work, I happened 2 run into my mailman from the trailer park days B4 my entrance and re-up sentencing into DOGTOWN at the end of last August, the Gods forbid, or I wish they had but SHE RULES, not Pedigree. Aniwho, we got chewing on the old rap rag 4 a few, and couldn’t talk 2 long as Dawn was in the car, tired and cold and I knew she wanted 2 get back home and 2 bed 4 another hour or so, but we had time 2 talk a few minutes, and as U may remember, I call him the dreamer-mailman, as he ios huge time into dreams and dreaming. The Lightning Goddess Diana has made direct contact with him, and I never knew it. I am wondering if the 2 of us now R the only 2 on this green-brown ball of puke that she has contacted in pour waking lives. I was shocked 2B totally honest with my freaking Blogaud that the persecution was not immediate and relentless right after I pulled away from the pizzeria where we talked outside in the parking lot. But it was not. It was within minutes after Eddie H. pulled off all kinds of maps on Google, and showed me a zoomed close up 2 the point where I recognized the inch by inch route that my Aunt Ruth took that eventful day in the summer of ‘72. I never did anything., I never hated the Flyers, just that stupid song and that horrible singer. I never started parallel event games with the evil empire, nor did I first do anything offensive 2 any of this gang of diseased garbage. This was all done 2 me, BRO!!! I did not steal my own chain ion December of 1969, make the Chemtrail-Trinitrail the next day lighting up the skies of Camden County New Jersey like nothing seen since the 3 wise men and my real distant half brother. I wonder what the 1997 Atlantic City Beach Patrol would have called him when he walked upright, at least I never went that far, even ol’ Sharky knows what not 2 do around this sick old world. --- --- Google up all the things MOUNTAINPEN has claimed and discussed over the past 3 years, did I say it first, or did they? It weelwee is just that Semple John Henningson from Virginia Tek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All Rod Stuart wanted was a friend 2 lend a guiding hand, and all I ever wanted was 2 find out what all of this THAT FAMILY is all about and what they want with me and Y my life has 2B 4 ever cursed and ruined. Oh well, Rod, one out of two in not all that bad, especially since U came out on top of the pile as the winner and I am eating the garbage cans with all the other dogs. No we were never meant 2 rule Pedigree, SCYLLA RULES THIS EMPIRE, always has, and always will, and will always B my eternal TEEN QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!990-9890-990-990-990!!!!!!!

BYE-BYE G/S/W, Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm, and end of this transmission, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright MWM-2009-ADEG.

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