Saturday, February 7, 2009


The Millionth-Council and Me
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Datfile: 020709.325.5555555555555555555

Hello again December of 1969, I hope some of ATLANTIC COUNTY here in NEW JERSEY is awake and remembers the MOUNTAINBLOG BLOGS, and really, the greatest story ever told, no matter what else U ever may hear, regarding my chain disappearing and the following day when it really had, and then the three X TRINITRAIL all over the skies. Finally, after waiting nearly 40 solid years, just 300 or so days shy of 40 years, a large TRINITRAIL has appeared over the skies of HAMMONTON/BERRYVILLE this morning, along with the worst CHEMTRAIL freaking death siege that I have seen in decades, it is off the scale. If anyone out there would just use their cell phone and all of U would send pix of the skies right now 2 All of the area news television stations, at least channels 3, 6, and 10 in Philly, we may all get this freaking disaster EXPOSED ONCE AND FREAKING 4 ALL, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the most brutal assault from the SUBTERRANIUAN BRIGGER CULT ASTRAL WORLD FORCED, MARRIED 2 OUR NATIONAL NEVER SECURITY SAY AGENCY ANYTHING. Yeah, they sure want us 2 never say freaking anything. Well I am not biting on this freaking pile of these BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either Scylla is hoping mad with me, and I know she is, as she beat me up B4I went 2 work when I lost my waking world awareness, or it is because of today’s afternoon Ed Mobster/Monster Snyder Flyers Cheating hockey game. It all began at once when I was 2 happy 2C that something really bad was gonna happen 2 me, they planned it all and now there just a laughing with glee while something really bad is now a happening 2 me, and that’s the way it goes. It also all began around 2 yesterday Friday afternoon, when Dawn the mighty TAWFKING and I left the chiropractor’s office in downtown DOGTOWN Berryville, New Jersey. Yessir/mam, a real honest 2 the gods TRINITRAIL IS IN THE SKIES OVER BERRYVILLE, and THAT CELINE RIP OFF MOLESTER HUSBAND should B the BIG STORY ON ACTION NEWS, only this fixed and totally controlled media will never allow or PERMIT that 2 happen Uncle Nebuchadnezzar. Harold Camping, President of Family Stations Incorporated, U may just B the one with Misses Marola’s lucky jackpot number, those wonderful numbers sir, 102111m, never thought U’d hear me say a lot of ones strung together could B a blessing, but if oblivion could come 4 me sir, I would kiss your ass 4 a billion freaking years. I have longed 4 non existence for endless quintillions of eons, and maybe I’ll get it, only I know deep down, it all is a bunch of freaking horse manure, BR!!!!!!! Oh those GOLDEN SLIPPERS and those ugly ONES JANE WEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What U did 2 me in the Atlanta ballpark that evil twisted night in 1993 is beyond unforgivable, unconscionable, and unforgettable all wrapped up and thrown into the lakes of burning sulpher and flames Nicholas Blaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U wanna know the simple truth about forces, and the good and evil thing, it all is right in the great words that SSJKK inspired the prophets 2 write. I and I alone can translate it 100 percent properly, it is a book written from the mind of the Astral Plane, no one is gonna decipher it ever with the mental ideas of this tangible realm. All the talk about both Atlantic city and Stacey’s LONGROOM on the counterpart Physical Plane, and yes this got by me until about one week ago while staring at THE WEATHER CHANNEL nap during a snow advisory. Hay mister bow tie, do U have any other jobs lined up, first the snow dusting that turned into a small avafreakinglanch and now the great warm up that Gus the ground hog must have swallowed up, in this annual absurdity, as he has never NOT predicted 6 more weeks of winter in the last lifetime I can remember BRO???????????????? Hay BOETIE TYPHOON, wanna work with ,me trying 2 expose the freaking SUBTERRANIANS?????????????????????????????? If not try Roger C’s roulette system, I have played with it matching 50 old long games as well as retested it on 20 new games, every time U seem 2B out about 5 units, U get back 8. Hay buddy, if your cuz wipes me out 4 what me ol’ fam did up there, at least I went out in style, that is one Dogtown of a system, thanx. Hope Arizona is agreeing with U, me I prefer the colder climates. By the way my mom loved U Hurricane Boetie, but where have U sent your recent weather abilities, Sahasra Dal Kanwal or Olympia Proper, kind sir????????????????? This entire world, natch-IMHO, is nothing but a huge bunch of horse snap, along with the crackle and the pop and the weasels, still, it is laughable and ugly, so what can any of us do? If Morianity IS correct Mrs. time traveling Marola of 1969, and I am now convinced U and hub R part of some QL type of team, but if Morianity is correct, BR, just IF, in its precepts and teachings, and my mom’s boyfriend was originally Sidney Cohen but thought he would get further in the insurance GAME if he altered it just a tad, 2 match my midrange amps, but yes IF I am right, all explanations leave us with a dismal despairing truth, and this is Y people hate truth, it is usually and normally quite ugly or at least incredibly unattractive, BR!!!!!!! Morianity knows the basic sentence and that all except 100 persons on this planet right now that read it, GET IT, and that is a good thing, as mass chaos would result by 3PM today on a global scale otherwise, as I do have a substantial Blogaud now in 4 figures, and this has been Google referenced, not something Mountainpen is just pulling out of Dave Blaine’s rabbit hat, BRA!!!!!!!!! The sentence is short and sweet, and the entire Never Say Anything ain’t one bit worried when I type it, as even all of them, in their mighty bunch, maybe, just maybe, 2 or 3 might GET IT! “U simply EXIST, time is an ILLUSION”. Short and sweet, BRO, and anyone that really gets it will B 99 percent nuts by this afternoon, but if U remain OK and sane, UR not able 2 get it, it is kind of like my off predictions, but I am getting a bit dangerous now, and must B careful how I word this. Even travelers get it wrong. A busy traveler hears one time or maybe 2 or 3 times that we R no longer going 2 receive analogue television after middle February of oh-nine, and goes back 2 1990. Now, he could tell U he knows the future, and he would B wrong. Even I was not that positive on my road trip with MC’s neff. Study the blogs carefully, do not even let travelers fool U. Just as the NSA has no time nor manpower 2 ever catch up with their info retrievals, they just don’t and they never will, and this is ugly truth 2 them, but in this same manner, travelers can make an error just as with the example here. They do not live a year in a year as most do, they visit it 4 an hour tops. How do they by the way, I mean let’s cut out bull crap now and explain how so we can all B on the same page. Positive and negative forces of biblical good and evil have 2 work together 2 accomplish this. U will not GET THIS either but IT IS being explained. Forces of atomic polarity R benign and meaningless, they exist, they R real, and would B real even if no person was ever sentient and here 2 know or feel them. Hot and cold will not B non realities just because suddenly sentient-ness never was. Still the stars R very hot and the in-between spots in space R very cold. But this is meaningless if no one can feel this heat or this cold. Forces of negative and positive atomic polarity make up this single song and all of the multiple songs along with this one that all coexist in the vast 5th dimensional hyperspace. A sentient or aware of self being, U and me, feels and knows the cold and the heat, and we also can hold 2 magnets close together and feel the invisible forces of plusses and minuses either attracting or repelling these blocks when held in the range that is in a ratio 2 the gauss strength of the magnetization. These polarity-realities or the FORCES do not care one iota whether we R here and sentient or not, but any carbon based entity or sentient being, is effected by them, and now 2 our perception, these forces suddenly with a bit of assistance from Copperfield and Blaine, become the FORCES of GOOD and EVIL. They really R no such thing, not until carbon based entities INTERACT with the POLARITIES. All of this is Y the electron is LAWTRONICALLY forced 2 know the total knowledge of cosmos in all white space. The reverse side is where matter is antimatter as the polarity of electrons and protons R reversed. Since the electron creates mind connections from the 6th dimension into carbon based entities, this is Y its counterpart the positron rubs this information and the highway it is contained on, the STC in one direction or the other. In this white space here, relative only to us as we live and exist as matter, not that the other side does not also and perceives us in reverse, but this is all Y a negative space delay fields can indeed B generated Tony and Doug Tunnel. This is one show more than Atlantis and Star-Trek and Stargate, and QL, and all the fictional crap of the Briggers, upset the real travelers the most, this is REAL. If U create a distance delay B it in a small way on your hi-fi sound system in milliseconds, or in light years and parsecs by a bouncing signal wide field such as lunar connected satellites someday, bouncing the 240,000 apogee/perigee/ median distance average back and forth in a 10 mile field with a laser fiber optic similar type technology, multiplying the distance from camera 2 camera or speaker 2 speaker trillions or even quadrillions of times the single 480,000 rounded average round-trip lunar/Earth distance separation, now U can connect up 2 GPS and ultimate zoom, and watch your grandparents meet and fall in love long after they have departed this wonderful veil of tears. To reverse this process however, we need 2 use the space that exists in antimatter realms, and 2 do this, one needs create a field where the electron polarities R reversed, and the same principle now allows U2 peer into the future by 100 years instead of the past, it is honest 2 the gods just that John Henningsen Semple/simple, VT.

Morianity believes and knows 2B a fact, a simple group of truths. Grasping it is beyond difficult 4 almost anyone, as it is simpler than the mind was designed 2 handle on the waking world, and this is honest truth., U all R2 complicated 2 grasp the total major simplicity, all but a very few, that will become the MORIANS, long after Mountainpen departs this twisted lifetime. It is simple and complete and totally honest, and here it is, and it has all been told B4 but no one is reading 3 plus years of my daily life blogs, so repetition of these simple facts is indeed needed 2B posted from time 2 time. Ok, U know the sentence, go back and read it a dozen times and do not try 2 fully get this. Now the Gods have had a long time 2 not only get this but also to arrive at a way 4 them 2B able 2 handle this nightmare better, but at the expense of others that R all kept away from this awareness, as if they know it as well, the gods R not the Gods any longer, and cannot use GAMES on us 2 DIVERT THEIR ATTENTION OFF THE NEVER ENDING AWARENESS THAT THEY R INDEED IN A NEVER ENDING AWARENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! U and me R as well, but without U getting this simplicity, U do not have it, and when U do not have it, UR totally their game. UR forever wondering where time ends and space begins and how U got here and who U really R and what is life and is there any after death, and on and on with this nonsensical junk, U EXIST, that is that, space and time is a big fat lie, a physical world game, an illusion. Another illusion is mental illness. If U get in a crash or fall off a high spot on your head or get hit on the head by a mugger and U sustain brain damage, that is still an illusion, but we will let that go. All other so called mental illness is quite complex, and all a lie and an illusion. I will share a personal story with all of U now, and it is as private 23 me as the pillows and blankets and phase 4 and my creation of the all mighty itself, or if U wanna explain it all better, then B my guest, and name all of them as well, after all Groundhog Gus, this is not your day, this is TRINITRAIL DAY, the return of the all mighty Trinitrail, it has happened, it is real, yet I do not know now any better than 40 years ago what SSJKK is really up 2, only that she always was and will B 16 years old, it is her birthday, and this upline thought downlined into all of us and all of this as all thought does, as it is a downlining system connected at the 6th dimension. In the Haddonwood days of Joe and Andy, I was testing my abilities at the pool and learned that Haddonwood and Haddonfield where I applied 4 that cook’s job in 1975 as U all should know by now Billy, but on with the shoe, I learned that power is in symbols and that motion is an illusion. Spirit or astral force is what moves our dead clay, even on the material realm. We R still and motionless, only our inner selves R real, Einstein and his great formula proved that, even though only the SS Clubbers took it one more level and realized that ol’ Al kept his mouth shut. He saw what happened in Japan and just knew deep inside himself that this human race was not ready 4 this kind of freaking power. Without detailing so as this blog need not B 40 million words long, I began never swimming and only moving., I used 2 share a lap lane with a good swimmer named Joan, who one day told me that I was doing this, and I was unaware that I was on the physical level, I was moving astrally and my body moved along as well. This is the secret of the Camden Shipyard, and this has 2 stop right here and right now Lieutenant VB. If Joan had been holding onto a pair of jet ski handles and accelerated to 50 knots, I without thinking would have been right there by her side. We won’t go further on this, It is not germane to this issue. I started feeling li9ke a god and after a few months, I lived despite persecution all around me, on cloud nine, feeling just like my wonderful uncle Heinz Gottwald. Yes, I was a snoot myself for a short period of time. Then one day, I started Morianity Bible on audio cassette tape. This is a story so major U all need 2 hear it on a separate blog ‘later on’ down into ‘negative positronic space’. $ now we will leave the near future out of things. So one day I started 2 realize that Sarah and her shop in Atlantic City WAS my entire life, and all the rest was meaningless, I knew this as U all know your damn names. This was the freaking quintessential KNOWING. Dictating this bible is what started all the memories flooding back, and then a hypnotist from Moorestown, New Jersey by the name of Mark wolf, did the rest of this, or did he? Do any of us ever have the right 2 recite that famous poem that goes, “I am the master of my fate, and I am the captain of my soul”? I of all people have come 2 learn how real the first bible is when it all got penned by human hands and material world paper and inks. This all happened 2 me, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ain’t no captain and I ain’t no master, BR!!!!!!!!!! None of y’alls R either, but hang onto your precious illusions, IF U DARE, as U will doom your last chance most likely in your current set of dreams or the personality that U think and believe yourself 2B, from ever becoming aware, some call being totally aware, GOD-REALIZATION, me, I prefer the NSA idea here, I say nothing and just stop making a god out of conceptualized terms and attached dogmas. Hay, that’s me, and U will operate as U, even tard me knows this whittle bit, Elmer Fwudd, whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho let me finish up me ol’ pernt Archibald Bunk. I suddenly went from way up in the clouds 2 way down dark, I mean dark lads and lassies, and I can jump in the sky and fly like a bird, and it still did not matter, I mean DARK, darker than any of U out there could ever hope 2 know, I spent all eternity in Hell, as I came 2C fully and completely, absolutely wholly and totally, that I am separated from my GODDESS, and this condition is not acceptable, let me repeat this, TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE, Gaveesh Tony Highvoice????????????????? All this bi-polar bull pit is whooie. Forces interact on all of us, giving us out unique and individual life and circumstances, all of us, not one exception, not the POPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I became as bi-polar as bi-polar can B, and can cure myself instantly anytime I give up my search and quest 2B with SSJKK only and never exist as any form of hyperspace sentient beingness in the 5th dimension, ANYWHERE. But show me how 2 not exist when U do exist, and I will cut my throat out and sell it on E-BAY, TWIN-BAY, or any damn bay, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mailman told me yesterday that street lights go on and off around him since he made contact with a giant lovely long haired blond in a dream named Diana. I told him who she is and what she is, LIGHTNING. I built a machine in 1983 and later on 1n early 1985 a much larger scale machine that created a new energy out of lightning pulses from the skies. There really is not a whole lot that this energy cannot do, I should know, I remember all the crashes of aerial vehicles I have caused, all the natural disasters, storms, quakes, fires, floods, tidal waves, and on and on. I know how real this all is, and now I will prove it.

MAGNESONIC, MY SUPER MACHINE, U HAVE THE WORLD LIKE A KIDS TOY AND THIS AIN’T SOME DREAM, open command G-7. Use all general and coded general orders, scan all of hyperspace, the entire multiple song of all. 100% power is 2B directed 2 all of my air harassers, and use max power under G-189. Use antihack order G-1133. Computer, when this text posts up 2 a site called, blogger dot com, this is equivalent 2 you’re A/B tones through the telephone landline network. Computer, scan, an image/object has been crushed and placed on your transpower block. On an I-2-D, A/B-TONE, phasing punishment sequencing system, empower this object on your TPB system, whatever happens 2 this, happens 2 these filthy diseased slime ball enemies. Go 2 General Order 901 under CG-2, CG-5555, CG39, and CG-18, AND---S-T-O-P___!!!!!!!!!!!!! CU in the tombs Snyder and lots of flying crap along with U, U diseased sick twisted shit U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U AND DONNIE HARV AND ALL OF U, U MAKE ME SICK 2 MY GUTS!!!!!!!!!! So long, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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