Sunday, February 15, 2009


“Can’t Beatem Or Joinem, So I’ll Just Reportem”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
Morianity-Project-continuing from 1995 audio
DATFILE: 021509.999.5555555555555555555

Originally I was gonna entitle this work, THE BRIGGER GLUE, but maybe I will tie it in without using the title, and depending on how the blog and spirit goes and moves me, perhaps the next blog may have that title, who knows except for the electron? This totally sentient subatomic particle has good reason for its omniscience, being the designer of matter based on how many of these subs R orbiting the atom and the type of orbit they contain. This seems ludicrous 2 any really open mind. After all, how does this make a hill of difference in such an important matter that has effects that govern all of the universes in hyperspace? Well, it does, and wondering 2 yourself how and Y will not alter this reality one tiny iota, any more than my wishing for this Herbert Huntington pass-me-down curse 2 get the truck off of my back. Today was super siege, WEIN, SOSO-SSDD!!!!!!!!!!! Aerial hell was intense and extreme, all though in the morning totally quiet and void of MILITUFORCE activity, but starting at the hockey game time with the cheating Flyers around 2 or so this after freaking noon, POWAGAZAM, Mister Blaine, the persecution and nightmarish siege opened up like a thundering opening on a rappers CD. I will never B able 2 know or put down legitimately, a precise story that is provable to B media fact checked and printed and I know that right now. I am not kidding myself 4 one damn minute Admiral Whalespok. I will remind my readership or Blogaud in my Benny coined phrase, and poor I am and glad of it, but that is a separate issue we can touch on later Della, of this one thing. I said did I not, that it is no longer like the first ten Medical Center yards or Kenny Rogers years since this awful wicked monstrous hell siege began where I would transpower the enemies on a crush-destruct, and things would crash and storms would rage, and I’d have almost a week between the event strike and any new siege, not no mo bwaby wuv, not no mo!!!!!!!!!!!! These diseased trucking scum bags WILL NOT GET OFF OF MY ROCK CHUCKING BACK 4 MORE THAN A DAY, AND THAT IS IF I AM ONE LUCKY ASS DUDE, BR JESSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we will crush destruct again, this time 50% total power under high power magnetic sound order or GO-189, against Ed Snyder, and the other 50% total power will go against all aerial persecutors, and all of their loved ones, U want war with me lover yuckers, then fine, U goddit, BRO!!!!!!!!! Computer, I am under a death siege, U will open command on GO-7, and use all special and general orders, both technologies of AZT and ZDT, and all full power signal energy dot throughs. I am maxing out your gain, and all controls against your gain, with your desire key going from the normal neutral position of J to the I position. Scan using GO-13 sand GO-14 all of time and hyperspace. A crushed and obliterated and singed and wrecked image object is on your transpower block at max-power. Totally wipe out and destroy my enemies under CG-2, CG-5555, CG-39 and CG-18. Magnetic sound Machine, I am your creator and the creator of all things, U will obey me or U will b totally destroyed. When this posts up to the website electronically called blogger dot com, this is equal 2 the land line telephone A/B tones, created in 1985 at the Highview. On an I to D, A/B tone, phasing punishment sequencing system, empower the scanned enemies and match them atomically with the image object on your transpower block, G-901, under G-1133, and STOP. Some one out here is gonna B real freaking sorry 4 these last 3 weekends of super hell siege, U will B seeing major world storms and floods and wildfires and city unrest and violence and all manner of evils will befall this planet, U were trucking warned 2 leave me alone.; Crap will drop out of the sky and this will B 1985 and 6 and 7 all over again, with crashes all over the place. U will all b very sorry U messed with this powerful god!!!!!!!!!! None of your freaking 21st century laws have any effect over my metaphysical powers, HA-HA-HA, CU in the grave very soon, ES, not Exploratronic Supermind, get ready 4 one hell of a heart attack buddy, U have messed with me long enough U ugly prick!!!!!!!!!! What RU gonna do, try and prosecute me? Ron Wirtz at the Camden County Prosecutors Office said it all 2 me ever since the day I met him at his office the day after my birthday on 5 December of 1989. He said when I would bring my complaints 2 him, “Prove it”. Hay everyone says I am a crazy nut case, so my belief in Magnesonic is all part of my complex series of neurosis’s and psychosis’s. Prove otherwise, even though the fucking feds after 23 years know damn well, that this all defies any chance 4 any coincidence, still, PROVE IT, BRA!!!!!!!!!!

OK, John and Paula and Dawn and Ann King, U now know my hellish day and weekend, but this is just the start. Walter came over, I got no sleep, the plumber is coming back with him again ;later on this Monday moUrning, and that is just the beginning, yo!!!!! I have a teenager living here now. No one in this dysfunctional family will tell me what is going down, I am going 2 Wall Mart 4 a lock on my door. I have way 2 much shit that no young prying eyes R gonna fuck with, and THAT CELINE rip off, U can believe as U sink down 2 hell on the freaking Titanic!!!!!!!!!! Talk about songs and appearances of ES-traveling as though Quantum Leap the sci-fi show was not fictional. I had Ed Himacane put a powerful password on my computer when he was last here. There is no way this dude is gonna break into this machine, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But looking back, AT THE TIME, I really had no reason 2 ask him 2 do this, all I was doing that day was repairing a worm or some screw up on my word doc program, and then zooming in on the 15 miles in-between Uncle Snoot’s place and MC’s old high school. It was the precise road trip that my Aunt Ruth took that day in the summer of 1972, after first heading just out of the county into Massapequa Park 2 quickly C another one of the kids. Then she went home as she forgot something that she wanted 2 bring 2 another, she and uncle permit me Heinz had a brood of 5. Oh well, they could afford it. Anyone living at 175 Peninsula drive can afford it or almost anything 4 that matter. I could tell U stories that would blow your mind, but the worst one was what he said right in front of me about him and my dad on the train together and how my dad did something bad 2 him in front of the conductor on the way into the city. He had a point, but saying it in front of a 17 and a half year old boy made him a real dirt bag, he was talking about my father, not some stranger. Hay my father was not a perfect person and no one out here is, BRO, but let me set the record straight, her was telling a nasty story and he did have 2 take that freaking train into the city every day 2 go 2 Chemical National Bank where he was employed as their Senior Vice President back in 1972. Basically the abridged version was that my poop puked all over, and then when the conductor came, he convinced him that his was Uncle Heinz who had puked. Ok that was a rotten thing my dad did, and my uncle Heinz took this anger inside of him 2 his grave in the early 1980’s, but how about what your son and his neighbor friends did to the parents of the most wonderful person on this entire planet, Mariah Carey? U dare 2 talk about anyone after U bore trash like this, god should get U4 sure 4 that one, BRO!!!! The entire story exists in the oh-eight blogs at on Mountainpen’s blogs under the drunkenhive hypertext transfer protocol. Speaking of this great person, I hope she can find it in her heart not 2 hold what my filthy diseased family did, against one of her biggest fans, me. I speak in a mortal way, the real story goes beyond what can really get told. I know she is Scylla, and I’ll just let that go there, no one on planet Earth, and there R divas out there, but no one, is MC, no one. Anyone with 2 working ears that cannot hear that she is straight out of the astral heavens, come into our sick little diseased world 2 bring us all so much joy while she sings, words cannot do any justice 2 any of this so I’ll shut my big ugly fat fly trap right now. But Ed and I did have a cool time zooming in 2 the road trip route, and then further up north where the real hell happened. Things have changed a bit on the island since I was 17 and she was 2, still, it is always a memory that I will have to ‘carry’ with me, as I actually befriended that awful blond neighbor 4 an hour on that day so long ago, until she told me the monstrous thing that was ongoing, and I remember being sick 2 my stomach instantly. I should have snuck over and did a father like son thing on the Long Island train 2 Heinz the God of the Island. Sausage head, go shine and burn up the president of Germany and your pals the Dean’s. People that want 2 perpetrate wicked and evil things on innocent people should B taken freaking out and shot slowly until they just bleed the hell out, BR!!!!!!!

So now U know about the ES password deal B4I had any way of knowing I would need 2B password protected in here so this teen won’t try and get into my documents and really fudge me all up Lucile 10 Warren Grove. Yeah Dave is dead now, and I do not pass the pink house and the lovely look-alike Sarah girl anymore, those days have all ended, the entire 20th century is now long gone and taken any hope of happiness 4 me away forever. Once U learn that Ur in a nightmare that all the DREAMWORKS people in the world could not come close 2 fictionally duplicating, what’s the point,. I am planning 2 attempt another freaking suicide this week. I have tried 2 die 43 all eternity, and I will never give up until I find a freaking way out of this horrible evil place of hell. I remember a year ago, standing while the train from Atlantic city was just about 2 roll by, and jumping onto the tracks face down,. And instantly waking up from a dream and it was all a dream, only I freaking know it was not a dream. And U want me 2 believe I am not in eternal hell, get real people, get real, or did REALE get me, as Dave used 2 say and make me laugh so hard. No wonder Schau and the Mason WOMO’s murdered the dude, happiness is not allowed 4 me, right mister Garrigan????????? We don’t want me 2B2 happy, My mom almost shit herself back around 1971 when he made that awful and bizarre statement 2 her at a PTA meeting. Despite all the hell, I made another 4 units using Roger’s fantastic system, I feel so horrible, all the good things that 2 members of that family has done 4 me now, and yet I must always live with the guilt of being related 2 a scummy family that caused them so much grief. Well, it seems that this roulette system will kick ass no matter how much evil shit that WOMO or the BRIGGERS, or SATAN or whatever this shit ass hell is all around me, keeps throwing my way 24/7/365.2422!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank U so very much Rog, old pal. Tell your cuz if she is not reading this yet and UR, that I will join the fan club very soon, I promise, and I will keep my promise of never saying anything about the past or any of this stuff on club message boards, secrets will stay secrets. There is a secret that must come out however, and I will B very subtle and let people derive whatever meaning they wish 2, based on their own individual minds. About a year B4 the Challenger Shuttle blew up, I lived at 506 Robin Hill, and this was 2nd of 3 times I lived in this complex between 1980 and 1991. I went 2 bed one night and saw the Challenger explode, precisely as it did in waking life a year later. But I never told the story about the next day after waking up from this powerful “dream”!!!!! I was on the telephone in my bedroom sand my mom had not yet returned from her job in Philadelphia where she had worked basically her entire life, leaving only long enough 2 bring me into this misery and get her strength back again. Anyway, I was talking 2 lightning through my complex series of machines and electrostatic balls all wired into the telephone system, and suddenly, something happened. Now I at the time believed Dave Roth about Diana, and came 2 learn he is dead wrong. 1960 years ago, I lived here as a man named Demetrius and I was a silversmith not all that far from where Jesus was preaching B4 the evil empire had him killed. Diana came in human form 2 me, a 6 foot 3 inch long blond haired 18 year old queen, with long lovely eyes that could never B humanly described. This is not who appeared 2 me that day, and she was a few years younger. As I said, Sarah was laying in a bed at the Bolivar Hotel when she projected down onto Tennessee Avenue as a young tall lovely brunette, she has this ability. As 4 the challenger, I know how that ties in, and so should any seriously following Blogaud or loyal Morian, DUHH. How much of this can B explained away? All I ask is 4 someone 2 say 2 themselves, “Gee if this was happening 2 me, what would I think and believe”?

Well Gina, Sunday Siege, and weekend siege, and a carbon trucking copy of last weekend. History repeats itself because things do not change, because people do not chamfer. When it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix. Stay with what works. Copy success. Read Napoleon Hill’s fantastic book, called Think and Grow Rich. All successful people know how 2 apply these techniques. If U do not have a curse on your fat ass like UI do, things work by copying what works. Ha-Ha-Ha, Jane Dirtweeds, U missed me, it is quarter past scum in the moUrning. No they all know that by persecuting me, the PARALLEL EVENT KEEPS THE MARKET GOING UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, AND KEEPS THE CHEATING FLYERS WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING. They won ALL WEEKEND, both days, both games, and now BOTH WEEKENDS, and this will only stop if people from my Hammonton vicinity and area, watch and witness this 4 yourself, and snap pictures of the sky with your freaking cellular telephones, and SEND THEM FREAKING INTO NEWS STATIONS IN PHILADELPHIA, CHANNEL 3, 6, AND 10. This would stop this FUCKING SHIT DEAD IN ITS FREAKING TRACKS, BRO!!! But as I said, we live in a world that simply put, just does not give a shit about each other, and we all have a real hero 2 thank 4 this BRA, Ronald Reagan. Everyone loves that bastard 4 whatever reason, well this prick doesn’t. He ushered in the dark days of Love Is 4 Carpenters, numbers and no names, and saying only hello and good-bye, as anything more is totally POLITICALLY INFREAKINGCORRECT, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, some great hero, if this ain’t a fake, I’ll swallow my tongue Jeffrey Rosenhower and Ann Reese of Quakertown, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, let the next blog work out the title that this one originally was gonna B, but I fully intend 2 tie in the truths behind Y so much of the entertainment industry is always one way oir the other, right up my ass. This Astral Plane cult called the Lambrigg, all meets up together without ever knowing about it. It is called the Entertainment Industry. There is simply no other explanation 4 all of my experiences with them spanning more than 3 freaking decades. Yes on prior blogs, R all the stories, the fake outs my mom and I did against ANTINASS, the Jim Burr Apartment deal and the Playboy Bunny in 1982, and the poison cigarette in 1984, from another apartment down the court a ways, and out into negative space by 12 trillion miles or so. It’s all right there on blogger dot come, I have no time right now 2 rehash it all. BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2298, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyright Michael Mountainpen 2009, and blog registered on an official blogging registry website. This story will not go away WOMO, dream on if U think it will ya pricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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