Saturday, March 12, 2011




Yesterday, enemies hacked my entire internet service and broke my Comcast Modem. It was repaired today, and obviously as this posts up, I am back online.

As long as this disease has me to pick on and relentlessly persecute, the DOW NJONES will keep right on flying. They stopped the aerial harassment after four straight nightmare-days, but killed the internet the 5th day, every single day, THEY do some major thing, AND I DO NOT GET ONE ROTTEN DAY WITHOUT DEATH PERSECUTION ANY MORE, NOT ONE DAY. THIS IS WORSE NOW THAN IT FREAKING WAS BACK IN THE MIDDLE AND LATE EIGHTIES, WHEN THIS NIGHTMARE TRULY ALL BEGAN, RESORTS HOTEL AND CASINO.

Speaking of nightmares, wow, last night was very bad. The lovely NAM that I used to call the (new-age mafia) early in the nineties, struck hard. I was in the Lake-house and they beat the hell of me, I was rolling on the floor and getting kicked and thumped, it was a terrible beat-down. Then Scylla grabbed my hand and instantly it was 1986 again, and we were back on that same street in Manhattan Island, and she told me that Lenny and her knew each other in 1980, and that they self hypnotically fixed this all to happen the way that it did. Then good old Twin-Bay appeared and knocked on the rear window of the car. She came up and pulled my passenger side door off of my old beat up Bonneville, and grabbed me and led me away down the road and into a store, where then, cousin Sarah Callio drove up in her white sports car, jumped out, and also entered into this store. She then went onto grab my left arm so hard that all the blood stopped flowing and the pain was excruciating. She forced me upstairs top a 4th floor loft, where I entered in, and then was shoved through a window. Suddenly the room shook violently, and I found myself a few seconds later in the lighthouse near Atlantic city, 100 miles away, where she has locked me up at many times in interactions,m before she really did it to Billy Harner and I at the water company,, this is all real life shit people. This all happened, but the nightmare last night was off the scare monstrous and frightening.

I managed to tell my day-trading partner that all is well, and that we will pay for a technician through the AVEST system, to do our annual protection, it is worth the mother trucking three bills annually, as otherwise we cannot safely day-trade. I still know Nick is doing all this, and so is Scylla, but I now must do the unthinkable, and pretend this is not what is happening, or else my day-trading plans will be wrecked by these demons from hell.

Since this is all out war, I will go on taking trans-dimensional songs and recording them over, here in this parallel universe, we all know that this will shake things up a bit, and will go on doing so until you leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shorty MacInvondi is not only 7'7” with his New York City ego, created in 1979 on my 0pen reel recorder, he knows that 'messing around with magnetics', will cause the earth to shake a little bit. Where do you all think that UI was on Friday afternoon? The recording studio, doing the song from, 'over there' called, “Just Wanna Spend My Time”, or is it MI time???????????????????????????? You got me to create your existence as you know it Shorty, but you will never be elected president, also stop your freaking fantasizing, you power monger demigod butt-wipe, you!!!!!!!!! Please 'permit me' now uncle Heinz Gottwald, formerly Sir King-Prince, of 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, New York; to terminate this transmission. TANKS, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Before I do, let me just add this little insert in here pweeeeeze, folks.

I have no remorse for any of this, this is war and I have been thrust into it against my will, totally and completely. I also am sorrier than ever for 1986, but sorry for me, not some mixed up high school kid that has caused me lots of problems now.


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