Thursday, March 17, 2011




Everything makes at least SOME sense ladies and gentlemen, not a whole lot when compared with your own lives I am quite sure, but SOME sense.

This blog right now will be for the purpose of attempting to put that first paragraph in at least some small order and rationale.

'Something' inspired me to write a URL on my first blog website still in use, called, “theansweristheqyuestion” and yes, by a sheer accidental 'typo', the extra “Y” got into the word, “question”, as well. Stuff like this in my opinion at least, and many I do know share this, some merely admit to it while others do not, DOES NOT JUST HAPPEN because the weather is warm and cozy and your girlfriend gave you a nice quickie this morning before work. It did not happen because you went outside and started up your Volkswagen or Dodge, or your Cadillac, or your Jeep, or your 94,000 dollar Bowel Movement on Wheels, AKA your Beamer (BMW)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It did not happen because 'you decided' to wear kakki pants, quarteroy pants, black suit pants, or one shoe, or a bold bright yellow shirt. It had totally and absolutely nothing to do with whether or not your teenaged son called you a sick son of a bitch while you walked out the door, or gave you a bear hug. None of this bull crap matters one bit in a bigger picture, and nothing just freaking happens peeps, NOTHING, not one damn ass thing, Admiral Whalehump. Not even yelling out a magical word before a very special song that I wrote in early August in the year of 1986, called, “Real Good girl”, JUST HAPPENED, nor did the way it was spoken, very QYUESTIONABLY! This word was “MI”. Nothing just happens, and anybody out here on this entire freaking internet who believes otherwise is the biggest fool in the freaking pool, owned by a very strange trans-dimensional dude who I like to refer to as 'Antimatter Tony' from 1995. He owned a West Deptford, New Jersey Swim and Health Club by the name ODF Haddonwood, and had a very 'coincidentally weird' sir name. He gave me extremely strange long stares when I was the only person in the gymnasium, a straight shot from his office, separated by some distance, but not miles. But this is not a blog about Ton y, or MI, or any particular person, entity, or what have you. This is a blog about two items, questions, and games. Is there an answer in all or any of this peeps? Sure there is, some answer anyway, you can all be the judge if you have any real/e time to reflect honestly and looking closely at your own lives while making comparisons, as the stories do not have to be anywhere near as off the wall as mine for indeed these comparisons to be seriously examined and contemplated, YO.

Let me talk a short while on time and how we humans seem to always claim to have such precious little time for anything that lays outside of our own little zones, be this family and financial circles, or etcetera. The dude who wanted me to think we were distant cousins back earlier this century, and this has all been blogged, made me realize a hard punching reality. Nobody has time to give a damn about anything. Ordinarily, one would think, so who cares? Unfortunately, my very special circumstances dictate and demand that at least some part of the hell around me be not only recorded somehow, but told, or “THEY”, whoever the truck THEY really are, will make things worse and worse for me, appearing for whatever reason to be getting more audacious day by day, in a predictable pattern with the amount of things they do to me that remain untold and unrecorded. This is not me just needing some psychological release here folks. Instead, this is a powerful war going for my 'SOUL', if you want me to use words that humans may be a bit more receptive to, despite the utter nonsense of this, as we are SOUL, we do not have this thing, think about it seriously, you need not waste money and join organizations such as ECKANKAR, it really is just pure common ass freaking sense YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of putting things in my life BIBLICALLY, my 'fake cousin' from the middle first 21st century's opening and first decade, Dennis, told me that even though the FASCITAR and using it, would prove or disprove in a short time, all the claims I make concerning and regarding it as well as the entire ASTRAL PLANE or spiritual realm, and that he would by all rights and all logic be literally dying to prove its veracity one way or the other, he simply lacked the time to try it. Now despite Dennis, and all of his lovely philosophical and logical deductive reasoning, common sense springs to mind one fact right off of the swing bat as a result of living through the past '36' months or so. Either two 'people' from an avenue matching this amount of months DO HAVE THE TME to master this, and HAVE DONE IT, and BEFORE my ever talking about it this much on blogs, or else; somebody like Krassle/Kramdon and Ed Viruseater Norton, is going way out of their way to make me believe this fact, and if so, the question surfaces, WHY would they do this? Well, Dave Roth had a best friend named Will McAfee, the systems analyst. I had to hear about the “SYSTEMS ANALYST” so many times all through the 2nd half of the 1980's, the entire 1990's, and 2 years into the 21st century until the death of David Roth around March the 5th in 2002, I would say that if he did not talk about this dude thousands of times, I'll be a freaking monkey's uncle, and dawn-Marie King's uncle and I'll do it simultaneously. These two men along with a group of other 'peeps in a circle' would get together in similar ways as the group on the hit television show called, “FRIENDS”. The only difference is that the show is fiction and this is real life, whatever that really is, and if anybody comments to me that they know what it is, you are the quintessential butt-wipe dude or duddess, YO, because you don't know. And then perhaps the second difference is that real life is indeed stranger than fiction, and these people when all assembled together, from what I heard from Dave through the years, makes this a highly under exaggerated statement folks. I could tie in enough strange things to keep peeps like Patterson, King, Spielberg, and many more, writing virtually forever. One thing involves the very end of Long Beach Island, the south side towards Brigantine and Atlantic City. Tieing in the wild event that I witnessed, twice, once on the beach, and once near the bay in some thickets, that would be unbloggable right now, once involving a materialization of people and aircraft out of literally nowhere right out of freaking Star trek, and the other, an attempt on the lives of myself and David Roth where we managed to escape only to end up forced right to the front doors of the great Ceasers Palace Casino of Atlantic city, and so much exists in this entire story that it would take freaking blogs and blogs and blogs to even begin to try and tell it all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not believe David Roth, or my mother for that matter, who perished supposedly two years to the day, give or take one day, of each other, are absolutely dead, at least at the time of their supposed deaths. The viewing of my mother was the cheapest imitation con job I ever saw, it was a total wax dummy peeps, it was not the remains of my mom, whatever the freaking county coroner found, had to be covered up that badly. The real body was totally incinerated I'm sure, and that phony double funeral remains garbage was the hugest and most monstrous hoax ever committed until Doctor Rogers found a tire in the coffin that was dug up on that L&O episode where the young African American boy shot the female police officer in a donut shop, where else? Again, fiction and real life, and which was really the greater horror here for all the horror film fans of the planet????????

To move back a while to Dennis and lack of time, I got the living shit kicked out of me by two evil lifeguard mascot teenaged boys when I was twenty and one half years old, back in the end of the springtime in the year of 1975, while my mom was visiting her cousin up in Babylon, Long Island, at 175 Peninsula Drive, Mrs. Ruth Huntington Gottwald. I know that Callio, King, and McGuire, and others in THAT FAMILY were responsible for organizing this little act of violence that in today's 'PC' world would have perhaps landed someone in prison, unlike these older Abbey Carmichael days of the dinosaurs. I fucked up by the way on a prior blog, and mentioned something PC, and said maiden name initials and obviously meant to type in married name initials, so sahwee, in many ways, “BUT”, certain evils indeed are quite necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for today, and a quick touch job on the power of THE PERMISSION BARRUIER ETTOS, 'peep-sieges' are the absolute worst, they top sky sieges at their worst, and really, sky sieges for the most part could not be accomplished without a hell of a lot of INFLUENCE AND DOMINATION, or (IAD-TECK). Hostility and invisibility attacks by using people to treat you like total mother fucking shit and mess the fuck with you, would lead an y one of you out here from the ego maniac judgmental types such as Trump, Onyx, and UmWell, to take their life, or the life of another; and ending them up in prison, a fruitcake banana house, or a cemetery, within a very short time; so their harsh fucking judgments of me, mean about as much to me as a damn blazing red cooking pan of overheated giraffe shit to the power of ninety-two.

I have told this OVER AND OVER AND OVER, AND WILL KEEP TELLING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER. WHEN THESE BASTARD ASS HOLES USE UTILITY ATTACKS AND PROPERTY FUCKING DAMAGE AGFAINST ME, THE DOW CHEATED JONES STOCK MARKET WILL FLY UP AND UP AND UP, mark my words now, just watch this shit for days and days, it is on the 'GO' momentum, and they do it every time 'by persecuting me' with some utility or damaging attack, this has been an ongoing mother fucking nightmare since the 15th day of fucking AUGUST IN 1986, YYYYYYY WOYULD I MAKE THIS SHIT UP, JUST TELL ME YYYYYYYYYYYYY???????????????? JUST TELL ME YYYYY?

Now about GAMES and the GODS. This is an old boring topic, but then, if this is not the epitome of freaking ass irony, as this is the topic as well. Bored to tears gods, lost in an endless interaction with no beginning or ending, and yet still, if it is a game, then why do they want to see me dead, and if this is not the motive, then shy am UI the only mother fucking person on Planet Earth who can seemingly survive an infinite amount of fucking strife and woe and HELL??????????????????? Back on point from before to continue now with the point of the present. When I arrived home back in Lindenwold, New Jersey after this terrifying experience in 1975, my mom was not back yet from her train trip from the great Woody Guthrie Island. I had about six hours or so to be quiet and alone by myself. I took out the Bible, and read aloud, the ENTIRE FREAKING NEW TESTAMENT. The entire bible is only eight or so times longer than this, maybe ten. People are so busy that they act like reading this powerful group of words is a monumental task for a literary Goliath. Here is a book that explains a hell of a lot of shit people, and you don't have the fucking time to read it, get the fuck out of here at light speed squared folks!!!!!! Who is kidding who on this silly little messed up planet. The whole deal is absurd and beyond totally ass ridiculous, it is more than just a fools game, Bonnie Tyler!!!!!!!!! Who out here is using the wisdom of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL? Who does know how real the freaking FASCITAR is? Is it the software and anti-virus manufactures, is it DJ Donna, or the 'real' Donna, as if that 'really' matters, or is it this or that, come on peeps, there is a super con game going on with me, right down to getting me into major trouble in 1975, and around the very same fucking time I got the shit kicked out of me ion Atlantic mother fucking City, NJUSAESMWG, with a powerful government agency overseeing child pornography. Somebody ordered some horrific fucking shit in my name and had it sent to my address at 1118 Linden Hill apartments, in Lindenwold, New jersey. Where is the fucking 'FBI', or any of the 'SVU' people when I am the victim here, NOT THE FUCKING CRIMINAL, YO???This dogshit has been going on since Paula threw me under the fucking boardwalk on firesww3orks night in 1969. What will it take to get fucking believed here, YO??????????????????????

In wrapping things up here, the entire thing is a game, WOW, but whose game? Does the script writer of “Conspiracy Theory” really know truths here, or is this another fucking con job, Mel Gibson and luscious Julia Roberts? Were any kickbacks involved in Tilleytown, Pennsylvania when 'ASSHOLES' ASSETS PROTECTION SECURITY COMPANY forced me to buy that truck transmission, when it was fucking you who broke the damn ass thing, YO? Symbolism, coincidences, Copyrights, yellow sheets of sprouted mushrooms, movies, HA-HA-WHO songs, what next, bastards? Back burner. Shit, what back burne3r? Do you really think this shit could be pulled off by any group of 'normal 21st century human beings', FEDS? You all know, and you know you can't do fucking beans to stop any of it, so what do you do? You do the best thing possible, the ultimate conspiracy, and what would that freaking be. You would make it look like there is something that YOU are covering up, only that entire thing IS the fucking cover up, DUH. As they say, there is a room in the great HOUSE, where one cover story always lies ahead of the one in present use, should all go fucking SNAFU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheeeeeeit, did I say the forgotten magical words here Hollywood Emit Zenun of the STM? Keep smoking, soon none of us will be 'permitted' to, UNK!!!!!! Large corporations will legally be able TO FUCKING DICTATE OUR ENMTIRE PERSONAL LIVERS, by claiming their bottom line is being adversely affected by dangerous hobbies or habits, it was all on television last night for anybody of any intellect to view and witness, I DO NOT CREATE OR MAKE UP FUICING STORIES FOLKS, this is not one of my talents, I totally fucking SUCK as a fiction writer, I know, I have tried it, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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