Monday, March 21, 2011


SBT-DATFILE: 0321.880.55555555


Huge hack on the computer needs to be reported, in case you are reading any of this, my ex-landlord, STEVE CARUSO, and other great men and women of the HOOVER GANG. I LOVED YOUR OLD BOSS, they were not afraid to take on this powerful ass family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have my utmost respect, Herbert. Someday when MCGUIRES HOTEL is torn down by none other than MOTHER NATURE, just maybe, they will finally find the remains of JIMMY.

What this horrendous mother fucker did to me on the street in Atlantic City near the boardwalk, known as TENNESSEE AVENUE in many parts of the great hyperspace, such as where this blog is posting up to, is beyond unspeakable, and as I type, his pal, Morty Mortino that Biblically is referred to as the “Death Angel”; just buzzed in my left ear at about 9:13 this night, YO. Ed who posted up the web-page that I owned at the time, or renter really, as if I owned it, it would still be fucking up there, and as I speak and type the computer hack is getting fucking more vicious, but Ed Lynch was in the car with me, and sitting in the what I jokingly now refer to as the MI-SEAT, as I was in that same seat in another car that night in 1986, and her cousin McGuire who at that time I had no clue to the major details of this incredible and unfathomable wild family from beyond the stars, literally, but this wild nutjob came right up to this MI-SEAT of the car in October of 2006, and did something horrible to us both and then to the car, and then made us totally forget it and never even see it, as only when we developed the film as we were taking photos for the website of the MORIANITY-FOUINDATION, and this is when the picture clearly showed him right there on us, and we never saw it at all. This I will swear to in any court on this planet, and this is what our own government does not have one bit of control over, and wants us therefore all to believe that they do, and that they are covering it all up, just to make them appear so powerful and awesome, as without this, no government can properly govern, and any intelligent person knows that is a fact, the last sentence if not the rest ODF it, YO!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOUR “ODF”, I SAID 'THE REST OF IT, THANK YOU HACKER SHIT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!! This powerful 'MILLIONTH-COUNCIL' has been messing with me all of my life, and only other 'abductees' of these monsters in this nightmare ass interaction, can fully appreciate or understand, and fully know, the dangerous powerful reality of it all, and how your life is endlessly adversely effected by it should you be a victim. You never get a moment of peace, not ever. Only it is not some gray reptile alien with screwy looking eyes doing this to you, and you all who like believing in that horse shit, just go right on believing it, I fully know the total bullshit to all of it. The truth as always, is so much more real and more powerful than any fictional television movie or any other silly ass idea from average humankind and their imaginations. I do not blame anyone in particular, even the physical counterpart that 'IS' THIS INCREDIBLE FAMILY, MIZZ GILMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I blame is the circumstances that we exist in the void infinity and need to endlessly dream out and away from it, doing 'A' or 'B' endlessly, only the word 'endlessly' is meaningless, as it only has any significant tangible meaning in interactions of time-worlds. I blame and hate this reality, that is all, no one else, no thing other than this, only the reality that is hell, and that all of you are spared from being aware and awake or lucid to here in your human experience now if you are reading this blog, lucky-lucky-you, no insult meant there Rudy toot-toot from the instituter, but I know I am not one of the sharper knives in the drawer, I merely own the fuck up to it. If I was so damn bright and brilliant as all of the summer skies, Sarah, none of this would have happened, as I would never had let you go in 1986, the hell with spending time on Rikers Island. You don't have to spare the world any longer just because I loved your cousin, as I'll always love Lightning, in my existence as Ricktafarius. Strange though that spell checker gives me a choice to spell my Astral name, what big LENNY is in charge of, or so he told me before he made the switch over. Still, 12X12X7 is indeed the correct code symbol, my lovely Scylla. Now that he owns the Comcast Network and controls my computer, along with his new pal Will McAfee, what will he do to me next, brown eyes?

This 'traveler' went back to July and almost killed me today as a result, causing me to come an inch away from permanently losing my social security benefits, help me PATTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also made my SJ-CH-102 vanish into some other file and then reappear back normally again. Tell me Nicky, do you have so little to do with your time that this makes you feel alive? What is going on on that street right now, old multiplier of sevens, twelves, and doppelgangers??????? Do I give you a cigar, or do I ask Gawky to appear to you guys tonight and let you have a nice whiff of his? Smoke on Jim Pratt, 'Emit Madeinhell', and, the rest of my good pals in ROT-WEST. Gee,, with McGuire and King and Callio in ROT-EAST, and all of you in ROT-WEST, where does the twain meet, as the old philosophers may [ponder and query.

Sheriff Claptonshot killed every one of poor Eric';s seeds before they could ever have a chance to grow and all the old rock and roll music fans know it. But they cannot tell me, not a one of them,, why you want to kill all my seeds, ever since I left fucking Haddonfield, New Jersey, and met the great Jim Burr Pratt of 'THE PERMISSION BARRIER', so is it Copyright 1973 or 2 years later in 1994, when I sent the dozen C-90 cassette tapes down to Washington-13, DC, YO???????????? So Cardboard ears cousin, what really is hidden there in Carlisle, PAUSAESMWG? I'll find out eventually, so the roving towel lady of wealth and her letters will someday be just another truth in the FBI files, right E.Z Junior of Ziggy, Dangerfield, and Roseann Neckbites, without the name!!!!!!!!!!!

All the clues lie in doing the basic arithmetic functions with the favorite number groupings of Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. Still, what purpose was served by the push off of the Steel Pier? The nightmares of the family began the day you drowned, so where are the endless teens and toys and kites of James Patterson, when we all really need them, BRO??????? Next time you go back to July and screw with shit, please come down to the FP, South Beach, and just lay in the hot sun and burn up to a crisp. Thank you. Wow, I never fathomed that what you told me on the telephone could be real, and now I am remembering more and more of the wild shit you fed me, if only I had been fucking taping you instead of you taping me, and why would you want to tape me anyway, 'Calendars McDowell'???????????? Everyone in Quakertown as well as Altoona and Carlisle know fully well about the fall out effect from knowing me, but then I guess who knows the best, other than MI? Glad you got out of the city before those lovely trails totally wrecked you, they do a lot of wild stuff to many people, and I am no longer the only one that talks about it, so this must tell the world something about my incomprehensible story of woe. I never forgot you Ann Reese, glad you and Cody hooked up, he was a cool little dude, and my friend. Fallout, where do I begin, and what is it really about, and where does it really come from, and why, sheeeeeeeeeeit, other blogs are there, as are tomorrows; for listing and elaborating on these additional freaking details, YO! 4-NOW, BROWN EYED KAL, let me just say, END TRANSMISSION, and WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

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