Monday, December 8, 2008

another fucking computer hack, FBI

When I posted up and tried 2 shut down the machine, the scum fucking bag milituforce WOMO BRIGGER slime scum fucked with me violating my civil rights.

Tomorrow, Federal Bureau of Investigation, I am fucking calling U on the phone and lodging a legitimate fucking complainant, this is in violation of my fucking civil rights.

I am calling the ACLU also. I will scream and holler until someone fucking helps me, I will also go to the Atlantic county Prosecutor's Office; Keep it up ya fucking jerk offs, I will raise a stink in the morning, and I will call the fucking cops. U want 2 know what the aliens look like everybody huh, U really do, fine, crack open your fucking computer and TV set, all of your electronics, your DVD and CD machines, your cell phones and your I Pods, and all of it, crack open the casings and look the4 fuck at them and C them 4 what they R, they have taken the entire fucking planet over, no bombs, mo phony movies like Independence Day, just bam, they win, and life as we all knew it is forever gone and wiped out. These R all those little doo dads UC when U bust open the casings, they R all neatly and nicely and innocently arranged on their breadboards. there they R, the FUCKING ALIEMNS, THE MILLIONTH COUNCIL, THEY THE FUCK THEY R.

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