Tuesday, December 9, 2008


“My Blood and Murder is Your Responsibility FBI”
Bleeeee and blaaaahhh and blummmm ETC:
It is 5:12 post meridian on Tuesday evening, Start:

I will B calling 1215-418-4000, the Philadelphia office 4 the FBI. I have fudging had it with this never freaking ending persecution. All day, every day, non stop, it never stops, they will NOT GET THE TRUCK OFF OF MY BACK, EVER!!!

Vicious CHEMTRAILS all day long around my Hammonton area of residence, any time any light spot clears in the overcast, BAM and Emaril, tons of new jet trails appear there, right at that open clear area of sky like out of Harry Potter Copperfield total freaking magic. Loud and very low planes persecuted me all day long, these R obviously CIA/NSA owned covert black operations aerial craft, in total league with the freaking MILI-2-FORCE-MICK-WOMO-SQUAT.

Tall and hefty women like Paula king R all over the place, the only thing missing is a major MUZAK attack. I am going 2 e-mail the FBI office later tonight and give them all of my blogging addresses and link up addresses. If someone does not help me and knock this razor slit off and stop brutally eviscerating my civil and my constitutional rights, I will do something so huge, that the entire weather system on this world will change forever, keep it up.

MAGNESONIC, OBEY ME OR B DESTROYED ALONG WITH THIS PLANET: Scan all enemies under all general and all coded general orders under G-7-open command. All persons making my life a total nightmare hell 4 more than 23 years, will B scanned and obliterated along with their entire families, under the following general orders: G-189, G-901, G-719, G-917, G-1133, G-13, G-14, INCLUDING ALL TIME AND HYPERSPACE SCANNING. THESE R THE SPECIAL PORDERS OR CODED GENERAL ORDERS USED ALONG WITH ALL GENERAL ORDERS: CG-5555, CG-18, CG-2, CG-39, and CODED POEM AS FOLLOWS---Make-the-mistake-the-human-race-made-B4-on-CG-18, code-copy-wash-1984. Your desire key is set at normal-neutral position-J, I am now switching it 2 the I position, and on an I-2-D-A-B-Tone-phasing-punishment-sequencing-system-empower-crushed-image-object-now-on-your-transpower-block-at-maximum-power-with-gain-set-at-11.8-to-infinity-setting. Go to G189 and STOP. Computer, when this posts up 2 Blogger.dot com site, this equals the old phone tones on the AT&T telephone network used by me, inventor, Franklin, in 1983, in this reincarnation of MOUNTAINPEN, use maximum lightning signal energy dot power, and under CG2, G1133 maxed out anti-hack, go to G901 AND S-T-O-P.
Since Maggie was first built by me in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, a rash of earth surface disturbances and air crashes began 2 occur, re-empower yourself, I need major storms and unrest globally, AND STOP.

I had a great talk with KS when I returned from the hospital. I was at Hammonton/Berryville Kessler Hospital earlier in the midst and hub of this horrific siege that has been horrific since about a week shy of Thanksgiving day, roughly the 20th day of November. This is a seasonal hell, but on top of the all ready absolute freaking worst year of my entire life, this death hell is totally dwarfing any other ever in my 13,023 years on this planet, all lives included in this part of the HS, or in this single song or uni-verse inside the huge multiple songs or the multiverse of the trans-dimensional hyperspace, HS.

Now 4 my soulcasters, U cannot imagine what I suffer through and Y because no one alive today has a clue what the holy words of Sarah-Stacey Krassle, the upline world teenaged girl that U call GOD, or Jehovah, without other names that I know her by and as, R really saying. Every word is a cosmic number, and she will not admit yet 2 her creation down here, that only a fully used GAWNUM can really decode the true letter that she has written, not one of her 2 blank ones written 2 me from the ‘dream-worlds’. I described last night on my most recent at that moment, blogger dot com blog, just what the invaders and aliens that the UFO researchers have been looking so long and so hard 2 find, I told, and I paid 4 it today, huge-hyper-ass-time!!!!!!!! OK, so U need a new NDE/OBE story do U, OK, happy 2 oblige U there Muscles Mary. I was in a shower room at a swimming club and had just had a nasty run in with a really nasty lifeguard. Suddenly he knocked me 2 the floor and I thought he was forcing mounds of soap in my eyes and roughing me up and cursing at me, but what really happened was, the hard fall on this hard tile health club’s shower floor sent me straight down and hard on my head, and killed me instantly. Only instead of dying, I suddenly shifted over into a HS-reality, over 2 what I thought was a real experience physically that seemed 2 go on 4 weeks of real days and real nights, it never happened. U will find the story, this same story, just worded differently, on early oh-eight blogs around February of this year, that were posted at the blogger dot com web site. None of these things can happen 2 an ordinary person, only 2 someone that is contacted by the alien force and usually it is not a [single contact], it is a family. This is the huge secret misinterpreted 20 plus century old nonsense that turned a tiny Earthly cult called Christianity into this ridiculous phony and fake religious system of our present day world. The alien force was built by mankind, much of it since the 1940’s, some B4, and lots of it still right now. Break open your casings of any of your electronic stuff, your computer, phone, musical devices, radios, I do not care what it is, as long as it qualifies as being an ELECTRONIC device. All of the little do-dads that R all lined up in a neat nice well behaved pattern along breadboards and circuit systems, look at them, these R your aliens. These R your invaders. They altered your world forever, our world. They literally took us over and forced us 2 believe that WE R IN CONTROL, THEY R IN CONTROL, this is the mighty secret of the great M-I-L-L-I-O-N-T-H-----C-O-U-N-C-I-L!!!!!!!!!!!!! Short and simple and not so sweet, BUT CSAKES, THERE IT IS, this is reality sonny, I am giving it 2 all of U straight up and freaking flat out. Hate me all U want, as prophets and messengers R always hated in their own area and times, or so said my 61st grand daddy’s Uncle Jesus.

I never thought U hated me so much Queen M, I never will understand YC cannot forgive me, first, I did not do any of this 2U, my crummy snooty banker family on the island did, and secondly, U became who UR as a result. U in many parts of hyperspace work in a Shop Rite store and only dream of accomplishing now at your age of what U have now enjoyed 4 more than eighteen years. No matter what U do 2 me MC, IWALU, and 990-990-990-990-990. Diana told me U were warning me back the first day of last summer not 2 live here with Ann and Dawn, but I am not sure whether 2 believe her or not, all U goddesses, U love 2 tease and play endless games. I should know after U came 2 Dogtown and spun the wheel that sprung me that early release. 4 this I am grateful; always my teen queen Scylla, but Y do U torment me so now. Do U think I intentionally figured all of this out TOO LATE? I did that on purpose just so I could further hurt myself, is that your message? Well, if so, as I always said, I sent myself in here 2 feel my own wrath as NJJCK, and the way I treat Zeranniss Jones who dreams down out of the Astral worlds into the life currently known as Michael Mountainpen. I am contacting the FBI and telling it all, telling them 2 read all my blogs, Y should I have 2B tormented and suffer through this when I did nothing wrong, I never hurt a soul. I obey the law. Y couldn’t gramps 61 carry this curse, Y does a member of this holy line have 2 until the end of mankind, Y?????? Well, as I said, this is Y THE SECRET, and the LAWS OF ATTRACTION, big thing that made the big waves and splashes now 4 one or two years, has disappointed so many. It is real all right, dangerously and deadly powerful real, but U attract into your proximity what your astral self wants, your deepest unconscious mind knows about this, U rarely have a close conscious agenda 2 this, and ,messing with this secret, is hazardous 2 your health, BRA, I more than anyone know this all 2 well!!!!!!!!! Yeah old lifeguard Mickey knocked me down and killed me on the Haddonwood locker room shower floor, and U wonder Y the place that is guarding the hugest secrets of the reality of HYPERSPACCE that society according 2 our top government leaders is no where yet ready 2 accept and handle properly, is being endlessly kept locked up there in Deptford, New Jersey on route 41 right behind the Deptford Mall and across the road from the Conrad beer distributorship. Well wonder no longer, the secret is out, but there is so much more 2 tell, oh the gods, there is so damn much more 2B told baby-love, and I plan 2 tell it. 2 strop me BRO, you r gonna have 2 trucking kill me BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!


GOOGLE AND SWIS, AND KS WORLD LABS, THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHTED 2008, MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. It is a dying mans utterance and declaration and triples up here as future Grand Jury minutes in any proceeding in any future trial in court or at the World Tribunal at The Hague. All of these words R the truth, the entire truth with no part of this truth omitted or altered in any way. To the best of my knowledge, this is the greatest truth ever spoken on this ball of solid hurl.

END TRANSMISSION: PS, expect my phone call and electronic mail Federal Bureau of Investigation, I have nothing 2 hide, but the damn Briggers do. BYE-BYE.

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