Thursday, December 18, 2008


“Project SWIS, and 7 billion Crawling Bugs”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
The Millionth-Council And Me
Morianity-Project Continuing From 1995 Audio Tapes
Date-And-Time File: 121808.515----Beginning Transmission:

Perhaps a good additional subtitle to this work should B, “The Total Boggling of My Tiny mind”. When mankind has claimed and yes sir they have, basically since they could speak as opposed 2 grunting like animals, that they want to know all of the Y’s of the world; and along comes anybody at anytime that claims they have answers and wishes 2 tell them free of charge, and on top of that in this world of con artists and scams and crooks and phonies that all want something from U in dollars, and the persons that claim 2 really know some things do not want any of your dollars, and still, we R ignored, disbelieved, and basically, whether done figuratively or literally, crucified and ostracized by the rest of human civilization, just please forgiver me, as this is way 2 much 4 my tiny mind 2 handle and properly assimilate or begin even 2 understand so do not any of U, now or ever, even attempt 2 teach this 2 me, I cannot grasp it nor get it, not at all. This blog will tell and admit many of my closet kept secrets, but my doors never really were locked. They always have been wide open and a light is on inside. I may not B on a bull horn with some of it as I learned that no one can properly get what is being told, so Y open myself up 2 all sorts of embarrassments and ridicule and judging’s from a blind ignorant homosapien race. I do not embarrass all that easily. I tell it straight when I know it is stuff that U out there can at least read and say, “yeah, I may think this dude is fulla poop, but I do in fact C where he is coming from with this or that issue”. I have freely told U that I was always small and frail, and now am big and fat, but weak and short, never interested at all in any sports growing up, and had zillions of my own problems that caused me 2 exist somewhere in-between a world of my own making and a world of outlandish hazy bizarre nutty events that all though I wanted and even needed 2 talk about with other people, I knew darn right well, “who the flag would listen, let alone understand or B able 2 help me in any real productive way”. Many things that started occurring around me by the time that I had first began my eventual 8-total Atlantic City vacations with my mom at the Trinidad Motel on Tennessee Avenue, ending just about in the inverse digital year of when my life-DIED, on August 15th of 1986, and by the way on my last blogs, I said 1986 in it but meant 2 have typed out 1968. Mrs. O’Leary and her famous cow may or may not B how Chicago died, and a bum-and a bum-dee-dumm-dumm-dumm-dumm as the early seventies song goes, but I do know precisely how and finally NOW, the reason that my life DIED, in the late summer time in 1986. To keep John the Greek from going Angus Nixon nutcase on me should he B reading this and the chances R quite good that he is as he put me onto Paula King in 1997, as when she raped me in 1967 and again in 1969 at the shore, I never knew her name. “But when I dream, I do not dream of U, as maybe someday it will come true“, and this was a very beautiful song, but not one that I need at all 2 work its way into my waking reality, thank U Jesus!!!!!!!!! B4I dare move at all forward with really major stuff, first I need 2 say that 1997 was extremely major 4 me, it was the year where in February, I was 2 meet Robert McGuire as a grown up, me as one that is, and the second he saw me there in his Erin Brockavich Roberts’ bar asking questions about the nineteen sixties and Sarah, he went off his nut and his bolt, and instantly acted as though I had waltzed in there spitting and cursing and throwing rocks at all of his liquor bottles. UC, if this is what I had done, then his reactions of beyond major hostility as though he was covering up the recent theft of the Vango Patterson, the lifeguards and their worm holes, and the hope diamond itself 2 boot, would B totally justified. But when I had done no such thing, OK so maybe it isn’t every darn day where someone walks into a bar and begins nicely 2 ask questions about the past in the bar’s area, but hay man, gimme a break, I did not come in there screaming, “HAY, Mick, I’m gonna rape your kids and slowly cut up your wife”. But the reaction he gave me was almost as though this had been precisely what I HAD DONE!!!!!! I told all of U how Dave Roth and myself were practically run pout of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, on a rail, when wee went there 2 their Sentinel Newspaper back in June of 1996, a year earlier almost, and wanted 2 place an innocent ad in their paper that I was looking 4 Sarah so I could just say hello 2 her. They actually put the County Sheriff on us and he followed us until we were completely out of the county. Kenny, I admit 2 U that I was the saddest coward of the county there that day, go ahead, make fun of me, I am extremely used to it. County-Sheriff, Callio-Sarah, and then the EW WOMO thought it was funny enough 2 create a hit TV show afterwards, THE SENTINEL!!!!!!!!!!

I told my Blogaud many times how desperately hard I tried 2 get 2 the bottom of my experience that led me into HELL, the night B4 the nightmare beginning of August 15th, 1986, where overnight, I watched my life-charts go from normal numbers, into nothing but sheet after sheet of ONERS, and this is Y2 this day, I block tape counters and clocks, in the futile attempt 2 not continuously B forced 2 C ones all the time, causing a domino effect or Ross chain-reaction, of a sorts, that just keeps compounding my negatives into an endless abyss of darkness and infinite hell. The story of this is way 2 nightmarish for any one blog 2 possibly handle or even attempt 2 tell. This is Y Terry from the Harbor calls me a scatterbrain. Well, that is OK, I know that my life is absurdly and fantastically real, and that if any hope ever exists in getting this story out 2 some part of the world someday, that it must B done in this way and in this manner, there is just no other appropriate way 2 tell it such as her idea of putting it in order and sections by topics and chronologies, as a story like mine is not tell-able that way, it just is not. I know, I have had decades 2 attempt telling it 2 police-persons, prosecutors and DA’s, politicians at local offices, newspaper reporters, forget it Charlie, it won’t wash and it won’t work Terry Drugfields. But shortly around midnight, less than 13 hours ago from right now as I type this document, and after decades of wondering what happened on this date, and doing my best to form my own conclusions with absolutely no outside help from one single soul, professional, amateur, or whatever, and even after finally going 2 a hypnosis clinic in early 1996, nearly 13 years ago, and still not getting a good enough explanation, all though this opened up a terrible new can of Bubonic Plague diseased worms, by causing my normally childhood placed memories of Sarah down in Atlantic City, 2 suddenly surface as though it all had just happened months ago and not 27 years ago. So 2 me this was almost as though the late sixties were yesterday, while those involved in my Atlantic City mess felt the normal passage of these 27 years and it blew them away YI suddenly was back out of the blue like a ‘family channel searching Sergeant Pepper time traveler‘. Go ahead, C the dates on my story, remember the shows, do I really make stuff up? Sentinel, Seaquest DSV, the redhead that was searching 4 her father, and on and on, come on, we all know this is not a series of dozens of coincidental things, someone out there in this real world as U all C it, is watching me and using me 2 make literally billions and billions of dollars in profits, and it simply is not fair, yet none of this is 2 the point presently discussed on this blog. I am not a fan of EW, nor of their glittering lights, their booming sounds, and never was, but yes, this is the one and the same guitar track from Tom Glenn on that song ‘Ocean‘s Sodom’ as it was on ‘Love Is For Carpenters‘. Now this is only my opinion, but I’m convinced, that things were starting 2 get remembered by Scylla in her waking world awareness, and it was driving the poor girl a bit bonkers, fortunately, she is Scylla, and was able 2 overcome it. But oh my, things go way beyond this, RU ready scientists?, as the rest of the Blogaud is just not gonna get the true full power behind this verbal punch of combination keyboard keys.

Worm holes have an event horizon and on one side of the hole is whiter space and the other side is black space, even though 2 the inhabitants on either side, they will say that their side is normal and running forwards, it is the whitespace, while the opposite side is the antimatter to their space and time rubs backwards relative 2 their reality, and so forth. Now if we were on the opposite side of any large dark matter field, forget how we get there alive, this is nearly a thousand years away in perfected teck along with the creation of these fields, and even the distance reversals and near-colony transporter systems, forget all this, it is 3000 AD stuff, just forget it. Now U find yourself out of this field and coming back 2 Earth where no one will B able 2 even B aware of your presence, as every electron in your body as well as combo-particle is in a reverse polarity of electro-magnetization charge to the entire new universe that U have climbed through this worm tunnel into. As long as U do not have a duplicate of U which U do not, do not believe the sci fi junk, all is safe, as U will not B able 2 reach a close enough inner fielding 2 any reversed polarized energies. It would take 2 U’s and then they would B able 2 make perfect contact in the energy fields so as 2 instantly convert the matter of both the U’s into pure fusion energy, and with hundreds of pounds of mass converting into this energy in a fraction of a second, the entire milky way galaxy or most of it would most likely B instantly annihilated. So staying away from U is easy as most likely the other U has crossed the worm hole and is in the old universe where U just left, so forget the matter and anti-matter garbage. I need 2 discuss here, the more urgent point of upline and downline, the process that incorporates itself into thought itself on the sixth dimension, a place beyond and higher than all of the possible parallel universes or hyperspace which is only fifth dimensional. Thought always moves downline from upline, but in reverse matter world’s where the polarity of electrons and protons R on opposite charges, the downward running thought wave system, is running down by their relative standards, but 2U, it is running from the downline back upline, or again, in a reverse mode. Now we get into some really wild new stuff, that helps explain a little bit about what happened 2 me last time this universe was current at the night of 15 August in 1986. Remember also that every instant never comes from or moves to anywhere, it exists as current present, and sort of as a dot on a disk in the next higher than 3-D dimensional system, the 4th-D. Only real physics persons R now starting 2C where I am going with this. I admitted long ago how I permitted a phase-4 being, SCYLLA, 2 enter here as a powerful GODDESS. This normally requires a huge programmed plan over a deep time expanse, but I was chosen, just as was the Madonna who did not break my arm in an arm wrestle back in 1972, not that I am quite sure that she as well could not have. She, Scylla that is, was here, she came here on the 18th of July in 1896, a crying little baby in some hospital in Trenton, New Jersey. In the 1960’s, she remembered me, all though I was only a child, down in Atlantic City, and used the ‘Fascitar’ 2 project her astral body, and change it 2 the beautiful teenager I knew her as in the 20th century. Her body was laying in her bed in the Bolivar hotel on Tennessee Avenue, close 2 age 75. I had known her from when we met in Germany in the twenty teens. I had 2 identities and a plan 2 take over the entire world which almost succeeded. I cannot discuss this safely. I am ashamed of my behavior in my larger soul existence, I have been a tyrant on many astral dream downs. One day she told me that she was not just a beautiful young girl, but that she was a being by the name of Scylla-Jehovah also with many other unknown names, and was the Atlantic Ocean itself. I tried 2 get her 2 Ziggie Freud 4 psychiatric help and she laughed and finally took me 2 the waters and melted into them, and then came instantly back out of them as the lovely long dark haired teenager. I went completely off my rocking chairs and when I recovered, I thought the entire relationship was a dream, until her parents were checked out on the manifest list of the Titanic when they returned alone without her if memory serves, when she was almost 16 and we had known each other 4 a year or so. Later she went back 2 Trenton, and I came over 2C her in an identity that this world knows nothing of. She told me that she is the All mighty Goddess, and I believed in no such thing. She reminded me of what she did at the shoreline back in Europe, and I knew then I had not been dreaming. I made passionate love 2 her that night, confused and very up set. Then at 2 in the morning I packed up and forever left her, and went into New York City and lived there a short time, until I was able 2 return back home 2 Germany. I was so demented at this point, I wanted 2 destroy the entire world, or at least take it over, and proclaim myself God All Mighty. I was not able in that lifetime or astral dream down 2 handle this, she knew that, and used me as she used Judas Iscariot. This is how Jehovah does things, the way that Sarah-Stacey JKK operates. I have known her forever, I know what I am talking about. Still this is background 2 the point I now will try 2 open up. She remembered me in the sixties in my soul existence so 2 speak, I was a little child in my n ext life, but she did something so major, it made me go just as nuts in this ADD as B4. No matter what my SSJKK dies 2 me, I will love her with all of my H-M-S-&S, as we all R commanded 2 do in scripture, but me, in a very special adoration, as this is my Sarah. I wrote a song about her when all hell broke loose afterward, but this was not the (1st) time that I wrote a song, SARAH. Back in 1972, I was fantasizing with a large bunch of rolled up pillows and blankets, and who can C in the pitch darkness and my room was very dark, and was remembering Sarah as I did almost every night until about 1974 or so when suddenly, I just stopped. In this fantasy, I was living in a strange house not that far north off of route 9 from route 30, only U did not access it from there. U hang a right from the jug handle traffic light past route nine and Main Street, the 3rd light heading east on 30 and the one right B4 the one where U get stopped so that shoppers at Home Depot and Staples can exit out without an accident. This road leads back into a bay neighborhood, but 2C my home, U need 2 go out on nine and hang a right down a tiny path type street with small homes along both sides, into the bay itself which the path becomes a wide long large jetty, and at the end, off 2 the right and separated by the bay water, is my large home, not here, not anywhere, but in my mind, I had never seen it other than in my fantasy, all though it was always there in waking life, all along. I was being thrown a huge party 4 graduating high school by very wealthy parents, none of this was indeed true. Also I had taken Sarah from Tennessee Avenue reality, where all I ever did was C her from time 2 time and hear her 2 endlessly echoing sent6enses in my mind, YFAITS, and IDTYA. The first time she spoke 6 words, the second time she spoke 5 words, as in 65 Middle Road where she wants me 2B living right here today in late 2008 ADEG. Scylla’s ADD new name now has 6 letters and then 5 letters, (Astral Dream Down)There is simply put, just way 2 much 2 tell, it will take months, but as 4 starting 2 tell what Roger told me in the note, as well as what Scylla herself said 2 me when she beat me up last night and said I am being a Grinch, and a Scrooge, as she just does not get it what it is like 2B at her end of this joke 4 so many long centuries now, and I remember most of all of it now, it is a living death-nightmare. Well Scrooge is spell checker recognized, sorry there Mister Grinch, EW has not famed U up enough. The point 2 all of this is that I have told what phase 4 is and do not have time 2 do the refresher course right now on this blog of phases 1-5, and get into specifics and elaborations. So bear with ne if U can, but it is on many prior texts, so if U fgo hunting, and really wanna know, it is all up there on the current 5-blogging books, most blog readers know how 2 read a blogger’s entries by chronological order, scrolling and clicking in to months or times in particular, but yes Virginia and Gina, it is all there, along with Sarah Callio, Macy, Stacey, and Santa Claus. What must B quickly re-learned is that entities R all on astral planes as Lawtrons dreaming out and away from the EWI-VI, the void-infinity, or the great Roman-6. Once interacting astrally, we all eventually have the wrong thought 4 lack of a better and clearer way of saying this right now, and poof, UR waking up in this dream here that U all think of as getting born. Once lazar trace distance delay technology is around, no murderers R left alive on the Earth, U cannot murder or kill something when all one needs 2 do is 2 scan back 2 where and when the killed thing was or is, earlier on the 4th dimension, and literally use a teck called Phoparmesh, 2 record it and play it back, and out pops the scanned image, just like playing back something U taped off of the radio, 4 those old people anywhere near my age that remember taping off of a radio. Just because the song is over, U can have it again, right? The old method of AV recording and playback work by turning sound and light into radio frequency through electricity, where as this is not all that much different when adding the material third, but U do need 2B connected 2 an advanced GPS computer software system, and also 2 a DDF or distance-delay-field.

Let me change now 2 the final paragraph 4 right now and stick with the point of phase 4 and remind all of U that as large as cosmos is, it is less than a pinprick referenced to the next upline closed curve infinity laying above us throughout the 6th dimension. We R huge, this one single-song or (uni-verse) is roughly 80-140 billion light years around, and it is a huge hypersphere. It was once a tiny teeny weensy hypersphere, but it always enclosed an inside reality, And there is no way out using the known opposite 90 degree six directions. This as well as all the other parts of this upline thought, which we can think of the multiple song of this thought or our (multi-verse), goes out into space and back into time and completes a cycle of hypersphere reality. It never had a first nor will it ever have a last time of doing this, as referenced inside here. Only by the reference of the being whose thought this indeed was that us living in an upline reality and also closed curve system of infinity, did that thought start for her or him, in our case, her, Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. The phase 4 reality has 2 do with hyperspace verses astral space, the heavier atomic realities of smoke and mirror maya, illusion, and the astral lighter starry worlds that counterpart this hyperspace physicality. When I had the experience rthe night B4 my life altered forever, I entered a world that I had exploratronically entered B$, but never B4 did Scylla follow me in, and then on top of that, follow me out, and when this all happened, I dreamed that I awoke here, as we all dream that we awake the next day or whenever, only, the house by the bay and my other life there was an earlier part of the life I talked about in my 1994 book copyrighted by me called, “The Permission Barrier”. Scylla in this other universe is a great recording artist that lives in Ventnor, New Jersey, only it is built like Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey with 20 million dollar homes everywhere, and hers is where the Cornwall Avenue Bay High Rise building stands in this universe. It is 5 stories high and is on the same land areas as this entire building. My parents R Heinz and Ruth Trump, and my name is Russell, but my nick name 2 all my friends is Jo-Jo, my middle name is naturally Joseph. Scylla and I fell madly in love as teenagers, and were engaged 2B married, only one day, 4 reasons she will not tell me right now, she created a gigantic 300+ foot Atlantic tidal wave. My mom and dad after the party they threw 4 my graduation were up on Long Island, New York, and I was there also. It was the end of the summer time, and Scylla was doing a show in Atlantic City, and while I was away, this part of the east coast was totally destroyed. Up north closer 2 New York, was not so bad, and a few million people died in the event all total, but few in that area. There is a gap between this time in 1972 and the 1986 interaction with Donna as the lab-technician at Atlanticare or at the time, the ACMC. These 14 years is a time that somehow equalized in my dreams here where I found myself at age 14 one day, in February right after they just constructed and completed the areas brand new rail line, called the Patco Lindenwold High speed Line in New Jersey. I found myself on this train saying 2 myself, this is where it all begins, and on this very day. I was heading eastbound on the train and it was recently finished, and all though my pal Brad and I rode it a lot together just 4 pleasure as did all the local youth of the area when it was new, but now, this is where it all begins, and Scylla says that I created her. Well, if I did and this is not one of her latest games, then this will open some doors that will lead to millions of pages in future blogging. There is so much more I could say even right now, but I am very tired and need 2 relax.

Scylla told me not 2 tell this story yet, so I am expecting a major ass whooping as Charles Barkley would say so well, when I lose my awareness 2 this waking life later on tonight, the gods B with me.

End Transmission:

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