Monday, April 13, 2009


“Endless Games of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL Pipe Workers”
The Millionth-Council and Me
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Morianity Project, Continuing From 1995
Datfile: 041309.845---Beginning Transmission:

It is darkening and this was another day of intense attack, but done more cleverly, THEY know what I mean. They use more of a punch in and punch out technique as opposed 2 just a continuation of nasty dog poop all over me. I am back on another chopper roll, they come and go as do utility attack rolls and all of the various sieges they use against me in this endless sick diseased game of theirs. I am currently getting a heavy visitation from the cocoa choppers, translated 4 my Morians, CO-ast Guard and CO-rporate, the grey and white one is the corporate one that has dogged me since this all started in the middle eighties, and the red and white natch is the Guard. It is either one or the other, and the Corporate bird crash level buzzed over the HOH roof this afternoon or early evening, and it was sited earlier on while out shopping and at my Akoslem Bank on the material realm, known as TD. This nuisance aerial crap is the least of my troubles BRO, U have not heard Al Jolson even starting 2 blow notes on that airsonic system yet, let alone get a sex altering operation, gain lots of weight, and sing until the song ends BR!!!!!!!!!! A long story cut real short and right 2 the meat of things, I got through another work shift and went 2 start up my car and the Millionth-Council had trucked with the battery and prevented it from turning over and starting the car. So I had 2 put the company charger on the thing B4I was able 2 drive home, which was a slight inconvenience, but I got the definite impression that “THEY” thought that this would have had a much more profound effect on things, as when I drove home as usual, a flashmob appeared on the road at half past midnight or just later, and bear in mind this is an early Monday morning. This is always “THEIR” way of retaliating, as in the crap that started all of this rebounding on Wall Street, as I told U all it would, 5 weekends ago with that horrific monstrous airplane assault on the way into work when I confounded a group of motor cycles always with the 2 letters, Millionth Council, Motor Cycles, Martino Callio, Mary Carter, guess it is up 2 the 4th or the 5th power by now 4 an equalization of enemies. Still, REVERSING THAT GREAT BIBLE VERSE WHEN UNDER THE HUNTINGTON CURSE, ALWAYS TELLS THE FREAKING STORY BEST, MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!! U or most of U from church and or Sunday school still remember it, that part that claims that everything works together 4 good 4 those that love SSJKK. I do not know a mortal on this evil diseased planet that loves SSJKK more than I do, but I know how she turns her back on me very well, only 2 well, over and over and over again, it is part of this nightmare Braintree curse, Daniel Collins. So what really started the Dow Jones back on its super bullish rally and run, and made this awful freaking MC attack and then the plane attack that fateful Sunday afternoon of over a month ago find its way into my interactive waking reality of waves and particles that my conscious mind translates instantly into a physical life illusion? Most of U that read my blogs do not know because they just enjoy this as they would any fantasy. Those however few that know all along how real this all is, know exactly what I am talking about. Stacey’s games. Now did someone convince her that she needed 2 turn her back again, after all I went through 2 find her, or is she still practicing biblical reality? Well, none of U from the Pope 2 a peasant on the street know what I do about reality. His is not some quintessential braggadocio statement, it is simple one plus one factuality, BRA. I have talked 2 several of those persons who have been clinically dead 4 between 1 and 6 minutes, Ann King Silva being one of them when her heart quit on the table after surgery on a brain aneurism, and they do not know one thing about the real crap going on all around us. Also if U really honestly think that our or any government does know it all, or that all the answers were in area 51, then U all have wilder and sicker imaginations than the one U think I have, as I have seen the internet, and I know that I have been officially crowned the SCK, Space Cadet King. WRONG, baby, it is not me, it is all of U, and wait until I tell U more, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! U need 2B told some unplesantries now, sorry, change the blannel at any time, but I am angry at being the victim of total abuse and illegal neglect, with no recourse, exactly as the words spoken 2 mushy mom in a very personal letter in the eighties, from Richard Nixon’s HATCHET MAN, turned born-again-Christian!!!!!!! There is in all honesty no beginning and no where therefore 2 actually begin, so I will randomly tell U some things until a story forms and built it as it takes on its own life, the only thing I CAN promise U is that all of these words R not only total truths, but not one bit of exaggeration has been falsely included herein, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! First, there is something, whether it takes on different forms, or can become many people simultaneously, or whatever, that has been following me around ever since my mom and I stayed at the Trinidad/Trinity-if South American translations used, Motel, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States of America, Earth, Soil, Milky Way Galaxy, this hyperspace, this downline. I know it can become Robert McGuire, Paula King, and Sarah Callio. Watch out 4 that salt shaker Nancy Trek, there is more going on in this rotten universe than just your ex love affairs, Doctor freaking McCoy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving still a bit or a byte forward, and not cracking any cases and peering into the MC or its physical counterpart, really, I am not that retarded, give me a break everybody, but anyway, those that have never witnessed several things, have not lived. Most have witnessed wheat I’m about 2 say now, and U deny it so U that U feel UR not at risk of social segregation or still worse, becoming totally ostracized. One is running into THE WALL, if U try 2 get 2 the bottom of certain blocked things. Another is seeing instantaneous quick weird dot sized flashes out of the corner of your eye, or hearing what U know better is not really there. Another is knowing that reality has changed around U, maybe in a very infinitesimal way, but U know that UR not crazy 4 thinking and believing that as fact. Another is the hunch game. Another is a dream warning that comes true. I could go on, how about this short laundry list 4 starters, as I do not need 2 keep going but I could. I lived in a world 4 several years, where an incident that happened earlier today all ready happened, and it took me quite a getting used 2 having somebody back alive again, and am wondering if it will change again. U do not need 2 know more here, but it is all down on many prior blogs 4 my extremely loyal and few Morians. Ron Wirtz told me a major thing, the dude that was with the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office back in the nineties, and it was this. In the early nineties when I told him that the air attacks were very major bad when I was driving on the road, he said the following thing 2 me, and U better all listen up, U2 FBI, all of U. He said 2 me, “That is when U should really B looking in your rear view mirror” Don’t get a trucking heart attack anybody, but this man at the CCPO admitted 2 me that THEY, not them they my THEY, were using a method called DIVERSION. U may or MAY NOT realize just how freaking huge and gargantuan this is. Roger was a DIVERSION. These roulette systems were a DIVERSION, a major distraction while other things were being planned, keeping me 2 busily diverted 2C that I was about 2 lose my Sarah, twice. As I speak the TOOTHACHE MAJOR and the COMPUTER WORM buttons have been both pressed by this wicked scum bag MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. They trucked with my margins on my word document system, and my gums feel like they R on fire, and nothing is wrong physically, it is all an attack by this WOMO-TAWF disease, they do not like being exposed 4 the dirt hole toilet seat rockers they R.

Now the margin is back 2 normal, and loud persecuting vehicles R driving by. Back 2 the story of the traveling thing that has been following me ever since my mom and I went 2 the Trinidad Motel. The margins just messed up again.

Every time I start a paragraph it is normal; until the second line, then the bastard goes into man indentation mode with the following lines. A child not directly involved in this nightmare hell can CY Roger was planted here, Y the Dow Jones has shot up 4 or 5 straight weeks and will never again fave a dropping week, and will MAKE ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS B4 THE SUMMER NO MATTER WHAT THE MOTHER TRUCKING ECONOMISTS SAY. A snot dripping punky kid can C this with his or her eyes tightly closed. The gods R playing a very sick game with the entire human race, but with me in particular because of who I am in a family lineage, and my potential 2 have offspring, which dwindles 2 close 2 zero chance as the years quickly R now flashing by, and this curse cannot B broken. I have absofuckinglutely no control over this, NONE, I don’t give a shirt in hell what any of U tell me!!!!!!!!!!!! Y should I give a ducking shirt when I know what I know and have lived through this nightmare 4 ever and ever freaking more, BR????????????????????? 4 that matter, Y should I give a flying shirt, and without me inside of it, it won’t B flying. Roger told me something that I am now gonna say but was not planning 2. There is no evidence, no note, he said it at the freaking cigar shop last freaking autumn. He said that he had a movie of McGuire putting the sand in my car’s gasoline tank that day around Halloween of oh six. Well, if he does, he has access 2 both of my kids, as only my youngest can pull off a delay field Google Earth and make such a video. Now there is some worker where I am working that is one of them. Always there is a mysterious thing in a certain place, a table where I walk past 2 hit a key, whenever I need 2 know something. This is how I found out about 12 years after the day I wrote Sarah, and HER declaration on a make shift mountain top of being the Emperorah, if I can B Aramaic about my choice in diction. Well, go ahead Sarah, leave me twice. Play your endless games with THAT-BOY. I will go on telling the world that there is no second coming nonsense, this is all misunderstood physical realm horse shirt. These powers R all ready here and have been all along. They leave me a picture of chocolate cup cakes and a toy baseball bat that speaks, right where they left the magazine about how U RULE. Well, us dogs don’t, and I guess Pedigree and I better face facts real quickly, maybe not a C squared, but as quickly as is humanly possible, and while we R at it, that U gods and goddesses R never gonna stop playing these silly stupid endless games with the human race. U know Stacey my brown eyes, when U lift that ocean liner and fly it and the buildings all swirl around, all the dog put that happens 2 me here in the waking world disappears and has no significance at all. How do I triple quadruple confirm all these things U may B asking yourself? Let me tell U. Get a movie from Netflicks or wherever U can called NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS, and watch the man that is short and heavy, holding a portable radio that is giving a weather report as Dan Hatch is exiting a town bank, and then U put it all together, while bearing in freaking mind all the things that I have blogged in good faith and total honesty and truth that have all happened 2 me. Maury, I may B calling your studio 4 a Don’t Never Ask, and really blow this fuducking world right on its ear, I’ve had it, BR!!!!!!!!!! Imaculate, this has been going on 4 thousands of years, they even built our pyramids, and they do not mean us any good at all, Doctor Goldberg. Thinking this helps U all rationalize the nightmare that we r really all in some horrific hell forever, go ahead, but give me reality, no matter how awful it is. I need 2 know no matter how terrible and deplorable the deal it is. Deal or no deal my anis, reality--DEAL, fantasy--NO DEAL, BRO, give it 2 me straight up and flat out every single time, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula King has followed me around since 1966 that I am aware of in this lifetime. What happened B4 that is anybody’s guess. Whatever it is all really about, they cannot take the secrets revealed, and at no costs can the freaking great walls ever get Jericho’d, and that is reality, son!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can turn up the amps and subwoofers back in time when nobody knew what a sound engineer was on this planet, but try knocking THEIR mother efen walls down, and C how far U get my peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uncle Jesus, I don’t know Y she keeps crucifying and forsaking us, I only know she is inside her own dream and having a total blast with this entire creation of hers, and I am no match 4 the great SARAH-STACEY-JEHOVAH-KRASSLE!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS, AND PAULA JUNIOR AND THE LAB OUT THERE IN NEG-SPACE, I KNOW WHO ALL OF UR HERE, AND I WILL GO ON FIGHTING THIS CRAP FOREVERMORE, stop, end transmission, and jets flying over the Absecon Police Department, and on and on, 13 copyrights, and FBI. I am 4 real, this nightmare is real, and these travelers around me Mr. Hatch R real, and I am gonna find out what is behind this and expose this if it takes freaking me the next freaking 4000 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A special education teacher was sure one of them 2, huh Paul Stoddard? This is all the total truth and no part of this blog or any of the BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN R1 BIT UNTRUE, OR FAKED. This is all totally blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.

END TRANSMISSION, “etetu Colaman” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Signed: William Retraced Sharkeyshaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chews, I’m outahere Mister table leaver, and heading 4 freaking Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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