Sunday, April 19, 2009


DATFILE: 041909.430

OK, so what else in new besides nothing at all, and yes this is another weekend of total death and hell siege, and I do not particularly like the way, I NEVER C A COP. NEVER, THERE NEVBER IS A COP ANYWHERE, this always encourages criminals and those of mischievous minds in any way, type and or form, and always has and always will, Bro!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday, all day long, gangs of dirt bag biker scum riders, up and down and up and down my street, making as much noise as they possibly could make, but Al Jolson can easily take it from here my Morians and my Lessians alike, U ain’t heard nothing yet!!!!!!!!! We R gonna now get super heavy hyper big time into what I have perhaps named, LEAVERS, I am also guilty of being one of them, without being of their agenda nor their mindset, but still, a leaver is a leaver, and not a lever or a CARPENTER or a stone MASON, or a Genealogist. Dave Roth, my late pal from a security retail position where we met as wo-workers in early November of 1985, gave me a chart from the Mason Clan, and they know now that I KNOW JUST WHO I REALLY AM, and YI can defy gravity and have control over motion, and sickness and death, or at least 2 some degree. This chart trees me back straight line 2 Queen Mary of Scotland, and her tree goes straight back into the Judah Tribe of King David, and right there in the middle of all of it was the mighty master, Jesus Himself. Now U all know YI am a leaver, or as I have called myself on many occasions, a shop leaver, verses a shop lifter. A lifter steals what is not theirs and commit’s a crime against man and Sarah-Stacey and her 10 great commandments, upon which most all of mankind’s laws R based on. I am a leaver, I may leave my tracks that say things such as, “U think UR having a bad day, Google up THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, and similar such things, and then place these small tracts in stores and places where items R all over, and I can appear 2B legitimately sifting through towels or packages of underwear or deodorants or a million various things at any Wal-Mart or grocery store or dollar store or what have U. I always am there 2 buy at least a few dollars of legitimate items, and thereby am really committing no offense or crime, and if anyone tried ever 2 prosecute me 4 it, IMHO it would B laughed out of a court room, unless the entire Judge and Court were all heftily paid off, a rare but yes, possible indeed, occasion. Point being I am indeed a LEAVER. But there R other LEAVER people out there, the fat men holding radios B4 twisters hit in Nebraska and Dan Hatch exit’s a town bank, and the LEAVER at my job, who I now exactly who is identity is, he does not live in good old Atlantic City, but is responsible 4 all of the Atlantic City business that the firm picked up just a few months after I started in their employ back in March of 2005. Read through all my blogs, he is the fucklng jerk off that comes in and if I have a light on in my vehicle, the bulb has been known 2 blow up and literally explode. These LEAVERS R also BRIGGERS, and they have a device that they hardwire into any vehicle trunk that they R driving, and this almost got my mother murdered by an evil man from India back on the 2nd day of August in 1996, right after I was leaving the town that now I am living in and was checking out a recording studio there 4 doing the recently written song SARAH that I had just written a short while back on the 12th of May. Mom and I saw that this cock sucking gentleman had been following us and turning no matter how many times we turned and when she approached him at a parking lot in the then location that no longer is there, called the TURNERSVILLE PATHMARK GROCERY STORE, in Washington Township, Gloucester County, ‘New Jersey, united States of America, Earth, Sol, not SOIL, prior error or PBHE, Milky Way Galaxy’ NJUSAESMWG. It does not show up on blogging sites by the way as their programs must restore the document 2 a standard format on their system, but the mother fucking MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, again has totally fucked with my margin system on this words-works document program that I am typing this blog onto for a cut and paste. Now back on the pernt of Queens Archibald Bunker, 4 short I may start using the term 4 this as QAB, sort of like a retard saying the word crab, huh wabbit shellfish????????????? Oh I have not strayed, so get a beer or an orange drink or whatever, shoes off, lay back in the cozy chair at your machine and read on MC BETH SHAKYSHARKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not started, play the fuck with me and live 2 fucking regret it, Bro!!! These BRIGGER dirt bags indeed R alive and real and made of flesh and blood, and there is an organized army and it is controlled by an organized agency that began directly following the successful termination of the great World War ll. The name of this agency is the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, it is real, U can even Google the place up, they always claim they R looking 4 good people, this is no nee-nee-nee-nee, nee-nee-nee-nee thing, Bra. They R located in Fort Meade, Maryland, and they no longer try 2 hide their existence as they did 4 the first half or more of the time that they existed there in a time tunnel type dug out cave under the mountains. They appear harmless, and the CIA takes all of the heat and the blame 4 just about everything they do., They never have 2 answer 2 our Congress or anyone else on how they spend OUR TAX $$$$, and most of the time it is experimentation and games against our own people and they claim on the secret books that it is all 4 the so called good of the nation so that in war time, they can use the information obtained against both foreign and domestic enemies of this nation. U wanna good example of this messed up phony claim, Br???? That is like some dude 40-60 years old telling young teenage girls that he is researching pervo’s in order 2 protect them, and needs 2 know all kinds of things, and thereby he must act exactly as one of them, only don’t worry little honey, its like totally OK, and also, did I mention, that it is 4 the good of your nation. Sheeeeeeit, GIMME A MOTHER FUCKING JERKED OFF BREAK, WHO IS BULL SHITTING FUCKING WHO NOW, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this Leaver at my job, left a magazine wide open right where he knows I have 2 go by and make a reading report on my log of a machine every approximate hour. This is how I came 2 know about what Mariah Carey said publicly 2 the entire world on May the 12th last year on top of the Empire State Building, and he knew this went over all of your heads, and would not go over mine, and this is Y he left it there. THATY FAMILY told him 2, and they also came and infiltrated where I worked shortly after I started there, he is in charge of all of the Atlantic City business, and this additional crap also has made my job that was once a breeze there, totally fucking suck, lots more bull shit. This thing she said is one and the same with admitting she is really Sarah-Stacey Krassle come back. Who else 4 gods sake, literally, claims 2 RULE THE EMPIRE??????????? This did not get past me, nor did the date that it went down, May the 12th of the year 2008, or 12 years 2 THE VERY DAY THAT I REGISTERED AT THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE THAT I HAD WRITTEN THE SONG, SARAH, back on 5/12/96. SSJKK loves numbers like 7 and 12, 5 and 10, 17 and 23, as well as 20, 40, 100, 1000, and there R other special numbers that she just adores, and has 4 thousands of waking world mortal years, at least in these close transdimensional realities that she has created by thinki9ng the one thought about THAT-BOY from her upline world that one time, and all of this went boom and sprang into being. Last weekend, this same crud ball BRIGGER-LEAVER left a talking baseball bat, and a few hours later, Harry Kalas was gone. This mother fucker, and all of them, all ready know everything that ever is going 2 happen 2 all of us, and just enjoy messing with our fucking heads, playing their stupid fucking games, and on and on along these retarded lines. On clear days or nights, the minute this dush wad drives onto the site, a huge chemtrail forms, or when he comes back with his work truck from Atlantic City. Always, a huge ugly fucking chemtrail, just as with this moUrning, in he comes with his truck back from that dirt bag THAT FAMILY SIUTHBRANCH CITY, and boom, up in the sky is a brand new huge white wiggling shimmering thick poisonous chemtrail, go here and learn how sick and evil all this stuff really is, take not my word 4 nottin’ Bro!!!!!!! and U can Google up this topic and get a thousand other great sources of info on this fucking deadly dangerous nightmarish hell that surrounds all of us and is slowly sickening and killing off our elderly loved ones and our children, those with the lowest immunity 2 viruses and germs, CONTRAILS/CHEMTRAILS, GOOGLE IT THE FUCK UP, BRA!!!!!!!!! This dude is a major enemy and has caused me nothing but grief and horrific dog shit since he came 2 my work place shortly after I began there, the son of a fucking bitch. He is definitively an operative of the National Security Agency, as R all LEAVERS, BRIGGERS, and all of WOMO or OTAMM-SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! No0t every member of TAWF works directly with the NSA, but believe me when I tell U that they know the mechanics of how hyperspace operated, and they play with it like a bunch of little Asshole demigods. There R places in this multiverse not that far off this atomic signature where I took Rodney Dangerfield’s telephone warning quite seriously. Not only did one, but 2 major events alter from the way time formed the atomic matter in this part of the hyperspace. What many will never know is that U do not need the Star Ship Enterprise 2 play major HYPERSPACE GAMES, U need a super sleuths mind, and B somewhat proficient at being many chess moves ahead of numerous possible events that may B surrounding your personal and unique reality. Again and I cannot stress this enough in a hundred years standing on my head with my tongue out and my eyes crossed and a neon sign in my hand attempting 2 make this point, U really need 2 do 2 things now, today, go 2 or any other book outlet on or off line, and get a book and read it, and read it through in one sitting and B ready 2 relearn and rethink, and this book is a book from the middle nineties written by Doctor Bruce Goldberg, entitled, “Time Travelers From Our Future”. Get out of the bad habit of thinking u need physical transportation systems, super fast subatomic meshing, worm holes, time tunnels, or Captain Kirk’s or Picard’s, as U don’t, and that is the amazing thing I want all of U 2 read up on and learn about, and then Google up the subject and study it, 4 the sake of your children and not me, CONTRAILS/CHEMTRAILS, thank U. None of U will ever know what is was like 2C last years parade, weeks B4 it actually made its way into this waking world reality, in Philadelphia, celebrating the 2008 World Champions of Baseball, the Phillies. Ok, so more is involved with that story as U know I was with the TAWF-CHOCKER, MC’s neff, and he was with me as a teenager around the same time that she sent me those 2 blank letters with mp-nothing inside the number 10 envelopes other than the code that these were 2 letters from MC, as in MARTINO-CALLIO, MARY-CARTER, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, and so on and so forth. Still this dude just like this prick at my job, has a mighty device that only the AWA counterpart could possibly produce, and this counterpart or waking world duplication or doppelganger said more appropriately I suppose, is the NSA. The NSA IS THE MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, physically, this is like the POPER is the CHURCH AND GOD here on the waking physical world, or so this particular religious body chooses 2 maintain this belief. Agreeing with the belief has nothing at all 2 do with the fact that this makes a point. I cannot say this good enough, not now, not later, not ever, so just let me say it stupidly and as best as I am humanly able 2. The AWA does not mean humans or this human civilization any good at all, and UI veheminantly disagree with Bruce Goldberg on that point and issue. I know this not as a fact checker with a PHD and a group of willing patients 2B entranced and hypnotized by me, such as the good doctor has access 2, but I know what I know because I know, I have seen, I have BEEN SHOWN, I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! They R not there 2 advance our spiritual development, and if they were, then Y has spirituality lost its savor, Y have basically all of the world’s churches crumbled, faith is down, immorality is up, nonbelief And total atheism is way up, church scandals R at all time highs with law suits and the entire mess, UR considered a nut case if U realize that u must go on your own personal spiritual journey such as is the teaching of the mighty and great ECKANKAR, visit them, Google up “Eckankar, religion of light and sound”. Y did the so called New Age turn into basic dust and get blown away with the real answers that R indeed in the wind, as was the case on Roger’s radio in a house on the island a very long while ago? Where has it sill gone, forget young men and long times passing, and all of this music crap, and answer me this, where has this so called enlightened new world gone Goldberg? If UR correct on this part of the subject where I all along have disagreed highly with U on, where then R the proofs on your side of this debate, sir, that comes close 2 matching all the proofs that I can offer on my side that indeed this is all totally real, only in risking the heartache of poor Twinbay, it is all very destructive and negative. Sometimes big beautiful Twinbay, being a glass half empty guy is just being 4 real. I am not a phony, I will not B a fake. I have alienated a lot of nice people with my harsh powerful truths and my authoritative way of claiming that I DO KNOW, only I DO. What I do not know, and baby that is a very lot, I DO NOT KNOW, and make no bones about it. I don’t know or understand Y BRIGGER dirt balls feel the need 2 dream in here and form Hollywood, the Recording Industry Association of ?America, The National Security Agency, and numerous special operations military combo forces called black force, wetworks, or any name U may hear. I do not C4 a single second Y they wish 2 operate as they do. I cannot grasp Y they enjoy distracting their awareness away from endless existence. I say accept it, U exist, there is no reaching or obtaining oblivion/Nirvana, total extinction, it is not real, UR real, U exist, all else is dreams and illusions, U never started, so U cannot stop, don’t hurt other people because UR fucking frustrated after a vigintillion megakalpas, it is not my fault we all exist. YRU fucking putting all this blame on me asshole pricks?

Now 4 Joe King, who has been trying desperately hard 2 repair Chicky’s red truck. Some hard 2 get parts he was sure were available totally vanished in the magical winds of Potterkovich City on the Astral Plane’s Olympian Province. My older blogauders that have been following this nightmare hell story of Mountainpen, on THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, back in the Jessica Football days, and even B4 on the website of when Robert McGuire put sand in my gas tank and destroyed my car and then shot Ed Himacane and me 2 death 4 trying 2 get 2 close 2 the secret that I, 4 right now will just call the MARCUCCI-14, and we need not explore this one right now any further, other than being chained and linked now makes wild sense and brings many interactions with MC into brand new focus, but let me try and stay on current point. Remember how the Earthly dream down off of the Astral Plane produced the great Harry Potter books and movies, and how at the height oif its popularity, I merely mentioned how the source of it all was in an Astral city called Potterkovich, and instantly, it all went away, and U heard almost no more about it? This is called the BRIGGER EFFECT. They control all of the ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, they R it. On top of this, they do not want these powerful truths known, so when I come out and say anything g, they just make it go away, hay, it’s there industry and they can take the entire circus tent down if they wish, they can take their ball and go home and end the game if they wish, after all, it IS their ball!!!!!!, BRO, and that is truth and reality, SON, JD Ketch and Kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long story short, the AWA or the ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY, is in total charge of the dream worlds, or the spiritual plane if your church and peeps feel more comfy cozy with this terminology. They R called the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, U can GOOGLE UP not only my stuff on this topic but thousands of references 2 the mighty MC. Speaking of MC, let me throw in a powerful symbol from a special ed teacher that I had in 1969 in Haddonfield, who changed her name just a little bit. MC, the vocalist, has a website and I have not been up on it recently, but almost a year ago I got the shock of my life when I heard the opening of the site and later while talking 2 Lightning Goddess Diana, and made the connection that the LO-IS-FO-CA-1980 interaction lyrics also said, “Then one day 2 late, he’ll come looking 4 me, he’ll no longer know who I am, remembering a girl from his little boy world, and doing his best 2 forget who I am, Oh I am your Stacey the great Sarah-Stacey”, and on and on and on. Then U take the special ed teacher who cut off one of the 2 combination letters in the name and changed it back by (2) alphabetically, and using the back 2 code as a symbol that the words “TOO LATE” if U combine the first 2 letters, and again with those 2 letters from MC, wow is this getting good or what, my skin is goosefreakingbumping, Donna forget about your damn white boys honey. Anipoop, we would arrive now with the a group of 4 letters by using the first 2 on this TOO-LATE, and it becomes TOLA. This was their name, and the coded symbolic proof that they indeed came back through time and hyperspace and altered it, or hyperspace effect altered it 4 them. In any event, an old Greek translation of MA set B4 this, and this was the man that MC first married and trhe man that promoted her and have her the start of her fantastic musical career, the mother of or better said in this 21st century, the START OF, there is just 2 much happening here 4 anyone 2 dismiss it, but I still ain’t even told the big news about Joe King, Chicky’s red truck, and my radio in my Dodge Neon, wow, if U even think U need 2 use the toilet, go now, I am not responsible 4 anybody who now reads on and shits themselves. Disgusting, yes it is, but it happens when a great shock hits some people, talking dogs and all. Yes my password was breached, and some mysterious person left that comment 4 me MC on my own computer, I think it was your step sister, she had access 2 this one out of 6-9 rooms that all sort of go into each other and contain no hallways, U remember teen queen, the day this place was wall 2 wall packed with your distant extended and so lovely family!!!!!!!!!! It is all right up on the blogs, and if other sites remove some, I think that blogger dot com archives them all and does not remove them, still, when my new site is up, a free website, all my words will forever B up online 4 this ignorant and blind world 2C truth once and 4 all. We do not need U2 shine Jimmy Boatkisser Dean, I can make the enlightenment with my words, thank U just the same, and enjoy your next trip around Long Island Sound. So on with the shoe if I don’t get hit with one, and get my blood or Don’t Never Ask on one. So Joe took a look last week at my strange problem with BRIGGERS controlling my stereo in my car and making it not go on, a situation now that is 1 or 2 years old and worsening, yet still, I know that they did this and they control this malfunction. Sure enough, Joe King found a wild piece of thin looking cardboard, it was perhaps an inch long and a quarter inch wide, and very thin, but on each side, there is an epoxy glued very shinny sliver thin silver tape that appears 2 have micro sized dots on it when put under a really good magnifying glass that I happen 2 have in my room, and these dots appear 2B some computer code, and it was placed somehow from under the car, at a spot where a signal from it was being went directly 2 the ignition system. Joe knows cars 2 the point where he can assemble and disassemble them if he has enough tools and equipment. With all his experience with car brains and the new computer chips and all related things, he says he never has seen anything like this. I am going 2 go the FBI, but first, to the ACLU, and other places where they won’t just fucking confiscate this thing that I have safely tucked away, Bro!!!!!!!!! But U can bet WOMO disease learned of this, and this is Y now Chicky has been fucked. The parts that were needed 2 repair some unusual thing on his truck, that were promised 2 Joe by persons that he has regularly dealt with 4 more than ten years and never let him down, have now indeed, let him down, making me drive Chicky back and forth 2 work again, just as my blogs recently fucking basically predicted would happen. This bunch of fucking disease wants 2 play games, maybe I will get this tape signaler 2 a foreign shore and let them examine out major technology. 2 my knowledge, it is just a piece of nothing, I know better deep down inside, but if the fucking FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVELLANCE AGENCY wants 2 prosecute, my fucking lawyers can argue, how could I possibly, and it’s true, know what this thing is, and U put it on my property illegally, well maybe not as we all know, all of us L&O fans, about FISA and their evil secret courts and secret warrants. Still my lawyers would never let me go 2 jail, as I have no way of knowing just what this thing is. I do know that these evil fucking bastards persecuting and harassing me out there 4 decades and decades use a device in their vehicle trunks called an ALLKNOWER. It is an Astral Plane technology, and is powerful beyond human reasoning. So if no other way exists 4 me 2 get fucking justice around this sick world I’m stuck in, I will take this MARY CARTER silver painted coder thing 2 some other land, and maybe the world will get spun upside down, I’ve had it. The fucking Feds do not wanna cooperate with me, investigate my hell and my persecutors, so fine, I will go some place that will, BRA!!!! As 4 LEAVERS, they R all around us, so R BRIGGERS, and all LEAVERS R BRIGGERS, but all BRIGGERS may not B LEAVERS. B-LIEVE that one BRA! So it did all start in 1969, and there where Thaxton was sexually abused by Goodfellow, sending him over that night 2 my place at 1 AM, everyone in the chain of events somehow all knowing that my mom was out on a date with her boyfriend Sidney Cohen, huh Memorial Day Play MA-TOO-LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They forced me into a car and did something horrible 2 me at a motel, and 2 this day, this disease is responsible for 90 percent + of all the gone-missing kids, and I know about the truths of this nightmare, and no one wants 2 even talk 23 me, do any of U hear it now, it is deafening, NEE-NEE-NEE-NEE, NEE-NEE-NEE-NEE????????????????? I am always traveling in other dimensions Rod Serling, maybe my blogaud is starting 2 freaking realize that reality somewhere along about right now, and not TOLA. Anyway, TOLDYA, GINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Told all of U six mother trucking weeks ago that I know what I am talking about, I should 4 the freaking gods sake, I have lived in this nightmare throughout all of freaking eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wehell, I feel I have gotten lots of dog shirt off my chest, this is 4 the brutal trucking weekend assault, bastards, live with it, just as I live with an endless UP DOW\, AND ENDLESS FLYERS WIN, AND AN ENDLKESS PHILLIES LOSE, yet despite all this Colaman, made some good units this weekend, than my old pal, this is working real damn ass nice, BRA!!!!!!!! Tank-U, whoops. Those crashing never stopping symbols and cymbals, wow, how can doubters exist??????????? JC All Mighty, the coffee is stinking 2 hell, WAKE UP.

In closing, I cannot prove a lot, but this was my problem back in the nineties while I was indeed dealing with the mighty Ronald Wirtz at the CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE. They say things don’t really change and Lenny Briscoe puts it so superbly on the great L&O television show, Everything old is new again, yeah Lenny, I am tempted 2 retrace U, U were my very fave, U and Green, the gods know I am scared 2 death of that episode that I saw, not in the waking world. I saw a parade, got a winning lottery number meowed at me bt=y a large black cat, and watched a space ship blow up a year B4 the rest of U in the middle eighties, so my dreams of disaster tend 2 make me a bit nervous, call me fucking weird, so sorry, I forgot, most all ready do, but I love that space cadet hat. That was good, I do not mind things kike that. Being ignored is not much fun, but any ink, good or bad, and it shows my points R at least being weighed in the human conscious collective. I know that my blogs R indeed proving things 2 open minded individuals. Don’t let what bra HC told U fool U. I have dealt with these born againers 4 thousands of years, when the twenty teens come in, maybe we can all get a short break from all these nutty doomsday prophets. Was THE MORNING LIGHT prophesying doomsday? No, if U listen real carefully, Donna tells me I am just acting 2 up tight and things will B all right, I just am not sure I agree, nor on which morning light it will B OK, but I do know that this time led me slowly 2 the nook I wrote, TPB, and copyrighted in 1994, and from here, indeed I learned it WAS the end of TIME, and all there really is, is NOW, or the ‘starting of eternity’, as I worded it when I penned the dumb song in the autumn of 1979, Bro!!!!!!!!!! This is what I term now, MENTAL-I-CHING. But then all I-Ching is mental, when U think of it, and the 6th dimension that is MIND, is really just a filter, sending Lawtronic dream outs from the void into the vast and unfathomable 5th dimensional hyperspace!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched this great network out in Cali go from a nice soothing system into a major cult, because one man got an idea on how Sarah-Stacey is playing her word games, sorry Harry, she cannot B put in a box, she is Sarah, and she is All Powerful Jehovah, U will C.


END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, and may the gods help me my Gina as I enter week number 7 of SUPERHELL-8 TRINITRAIL!!!!!!!!, BRA!!!!!!!!!:

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