Thursday, April 30, 2009


DATE AND TIME FILE: 043009.455

This is not going 2B a long drawn out blog. I am just here saying, TOLD U GINA, TOLD U ALL OTHERS, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, MAJOR big ultra hyper freaking time, BRO!!!! When I get 2 months as bad as the last 2, and 4 months as bad as the first third of this twisted diseased rotten year, I am not a bit shocked that the DOW JONES Stock Market has now averaged just under a whopping mother fucking 50 POINT PER SESSION GAIN, now going on into the middle of an EIGHTH STRAIGHT WEEK, or about 38 trading days, taking its low point of from about 6560 up to nearly 8230, which is a near term all time high 4 a long time, and it has but one way 2 go and I have BEEN TOTALLY CALLING THIS TOTALLY RIGHT AND CORRECT, ALL ALONG, UP AND UP AND UP, and my PHILLIES will go on 2 LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, AND BECOME DEAD LAST IN THEIR FREAKING ASS DIVISION, JUST FUCKING WAIT AND C, I HAVE PREDICTED IT BASED ON MY 23 YEARS OF SUB-EXISTING IN THIS PARALLEL EVENT FUCKING NIGHTMARE THAT I’VE BEEN FORCED 2 SUFFER THROUGH AND I THINK BY NOW I REALLY SHOULD HAVE MORE THAN A SMALL CLUE ABOUT WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, COME ON MAN, DON’T U??????!!!!!!!!

Wanna know the real amazing shit, lads and lassies, and let us not forget Labbers that go from pups to full sized dogs after 4 summers? On this monstrously wicked day of putrid freaking unfathomable hell and cursed magnetics or (interaction with cosmos), I made (19 fucking units) on roger’s roulette, as I will call it from now on and further abbreviate it 2 RCRS, it is beyond a great system, and I will b using it at the real casino shortly. Let us c if they have the mother fucking balls 2 fuck with me as much as they did back in 1986 when I applied parallel event 2 the game and made a consistent income that totaled $9,200.00 over an 8 month stint over and above all losses. Finally this mighty and marvelous and super hazardous TF-70 has done something 4 me. Maybe now, I will put the integ system together, if U want me 2 brown eyes. U will need 2 pull strings at some hospital that will allow me 2 hook it into an MRI tunnel and we would need a few lab technicians. I would love 2 have the last laugh on the BRIGGERS and their evil BRIPER. U know I will do this if U ever want me 2, just get with Rog or any other cuz, they know where 2 find me. The only thing I want from U is let me talk 2 PK with U there, I do not want 2B alone with her, I am scared 2 death of her, also the other thing Ik want is 4U2 do that special tune, u know the one. Then we can call it even. I will B happy just living at the casino and kicking ass with RCRS. I will B there living like a, well U know!!! In any event, yesterday, we all learned that there is a mysterious thing going on. Someone is draining our electricity at this haunted house, meters R running way 2 fast, and no one is using any unusual power consuming devices. Walter Kelly the maintenance man tried 2 say it was my stereo doing it, only it is not even plugged in, and just sits here real pretty collecting dust. I would never truest the electrical systems in this century plus old house with my high powered and quite elaborate system. Whatever is causing this, Dawn had made up her mind one way or another 2 get out of here come June, so don’t call my room, or slap me 2 hard Jaylo.

As 4 other things all summed up, I am here 2 tell any interested party, that not anyone yet living on Earth, has come close 2 really figuring out who we all R and Y this all is happening. When I get the Morianity-Foundation going and a much better website back up, the world will either come 2 accept truths that will drastically alter the sociological order based on the new truths finally revealed and understood, or else as a collective, the entire thing will dreamshift over into a totally new world where by their frame of reference, they will have been living all along. Things cannot B explained 2 the 4th grade by an advance college professor, it will not work. I will just say that there was and is and well always B a reason 4 all of this, even right down 2 the Huntington Curse, after all without it Abbey Carmichael I would have a lot less 2 work with as far as saying, look at this coincidence for Sarah coming back 2 me. Whatever is really going on, soon I will get into some more stuff just as far out as the Gawnum and the Fascitar, and the interactions I had in 1960 and 1980, and others, with the All mighty Scylla Goddess, or SSJKK, or Jehovah as most know this All Powerful Being by. I still am and always was and will B, her THAT-BOY from the TRINIDAD. In the island that this motel is named after, it would B pronounced TRINITY. The TRINITRAIL also has one thing I never mentioned 2 anyone. Ever time that any of U ever C on a TV set, a show with a view of the direct sun shinning, have U noticed that the diffractive light is always broken in the arc or the circle in exact 60 degree points? This is what a trinitrail also is doing, the 3 intersecting lines that perfectly criss cross at 120 degree angles through the center point, mean that there R six 60-degree lines. Some few occult experts believe and have made it known 2 me that this is representing an I-Ching circle. Instead of 6 sticks or wands thrown onto a table and then lined up, these 6 lines go around in a circle. They also have a light side and a dark side. The way a dissipating chemtrail goes away with enough time, U would observe each part and the ones that vanish completely R dark and the others remaining R light. I was told that a hidden secret is known 23 only a few secret Lambrigg Cultists dreaming down here aware and awake and lucid in their dream here as I am, about how U would actually get a reading on this. They do not share this info and guard it with their life. The only thing guarded with more vigor sand more force, backed up on pain of death itself, is their small devices hardwired into all of their non stationary vehicles, B them cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, or what have U. What many cannot rally get a handle on is that these devices connect 2 things, the reality projection and the 6th dimensional receiver, or easier said, the seemingly real waking world and all that is in it, with the mind of the user. With an All-Knower, U can indeed effect this waking world reality, made up of no more than weaves and particles, but this in deeper and further exploration can definitely B saved 4 a better time, I need a few hours of sleep now, so BYE-BYE BEG and others, 990-990-990!!!!!!

Most of U know and few will admit 2 perhaps anyone not very close in your family or close circle of trusted friends, that some things have indeed happened in your lives that no rationality is there 2 properly explain it all away, hard as U may attempt 2 do so, BR!!!!!!!!! My simple point is, yes, by all means, go on playing it cool or society indeed will ignore and ostracize U. But no, UR not imagining that much ore is happening in this world than eating, drinking, working, playing, paying bills, and having sex. There is another side 2 reality, and as the old show puts it, yes, a dark side. Dark because it is part of the truth that really there is nothing, and that all there is, can never b more than out interaction in total void. All else is a created and elaborate dream-out.

My blogs have truly told U the evils of my banker family, how wicked they truly R and that they will not stop until they enslave all of us, they wish 2 rule the empire and put Scylla out of business, good luck, she is the All Mighty GODDESS. I made no bones 4 years just how evil this all is, and will go telling U these truths, until they murder me, or5 I stop them and get them all put behind bars and forced 2 pay me a major restitution 4 wrecking my entire mother fucking life, BRA!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, THIS IS ALL blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyrighted 2009- Michael mountainpen and the blogs of Mountainpen. I end this tranny old granny, Yar and timbers that shiver me ol’ buccaneers, if I do not hear U, they R under me bucking hat, Captain Black Mack. I got 2 stare at the clock now at 555, ha-ha, 55555555555555555555.

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