Tuesday, April 21, 2009

title on doc

“I Am Always In Their World, And Updating On This Tuesday Afternoon”

There R some update 2 keep my Morians and Lessians apprised of. B4 getting into any specifics, I need 2 tell my wonderful and special blond how much I love her. Thank U Diana 4 coming all around me last night, your lightning was so colorful and so beautiful that I nearly went out of my head. U know that I am always right here 4U, should U need anything from me, now or in a million years.

Starting with my report and record of events, that is all part of the life journal of Michael Mountainpen in his non pen true name in roughly the 2nd month of the year of 1983, and continues in 2 mediums even still today, both on cassette tape, as well as on my blogs on the internet known as “THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN”. Yesterday, Monday, around 3 or after in the afternoon, it was Monday so no I did not visit the prosecutor or the area’s famous aquarium down the way a few blocks 2 the west, but instead, was visited by 2 strange dudes with Maryland license plates that drove up to the driveway of this house and just sat there until Dawn went out 2 check on them. They pulled away after 5 minutes or so, and instantly, I had 2 use the toilet as though I had recently swallowed 5 boxes of strong laxatives, it was ugly and awful. Later I learned, that other strange things had happened. Some physical, some mental, 2 other residents inside this house of woes ands horrors. My stomach and intestinal tract was bombarded by something these 2 evil men did that were in that parked car, it hurt until this morning. It only caused that small little spike up 4 a few minutes on Paul Kangus’s business report stock chart, but I have the videotape collected 4 my OTAMM FILE. Today, the Queen that is currently known Prince, as Dawn the King, is in another rotten mood today and when she gets min these moods, lookout Charlie boy times 10 to the 15th. It is more pleasurable walking on piping hot sand 4 miles in bare feet, than being around her when she gets into her crazy spells. And as the datfile shows, this day is but half over, yo!!!!! Also we were out and ass U all know she detests girls and women paying me any attention, she is my master and I am her slave and she wants none of this 4 me. Also giant slutograms R being used again, there was a Spanish girl about 6 foot 2 inches at the place I had 2 take Dawn at 11 AM 2C a social worker 4 obtaining benefits that help poor people pay utility bills. 4 no good reason she was getting these bennies and was suddenly cut off from her electrical assistance with no warning, no chance 2 reapply, or anything. So she went in with all the expenses of the household and proofs of the income amount totals 4 all of the occupants, in this lovely twilight zone medical place converted home with 6 to 9 rooms that all sort of go into each other and contain no hallways, and can exploratronically reach out into the past or positive space and pull people into some unknown interactiveness, now Amityville was a proven hoax, but I challenge any skeptic from the state of Missouri 2 disprove the claims I make about all these things. Go ahead, just try and freaking prove me wrong, I dare one living soul. All of these things happened all the way back 2 my getting the crap kicked out of me in Atlantic City by the beach patrol mascots in 1975, the powerful Lois Foca 1980 interaction, and all the way up through and into both the decades of the eighties and the nineties, and even still following me right into this miserable frightening nightmarish twenty-first century and third millennia. But way more tremendous Zonish things R happening here Verizon. UR just part of it, U tease me and think it’s all so funny, and when I was with AT&T so did they, from we were but ten in the LORD/ESS lyrics and their CALL-10 or CALLIO this and Callio that. I do not forget things like Tony Braxton and her family calling my house in Winslow township and messing with me, and her crack head friends Whitney and Bobby the thief. Paula, not King, the other thief Bobby, who robbed me of my entire 1986 casino winnings, told me Sarah is in Prison and that Tony Braxton was involved in all of it, and all their EW trashy friends. Large corps like AT%T were totally in on all of it, U all know about Arthur Bancroft, and the amazing statement that this chief lineman made 2 me when he pulled me aside and down Woodlyn Avenue and told me that indeed the company was messing with me, just as COMCAST CABLE is doing right now and has been since they know I am in a Scylla-pickle, ouch, that smarts Maxwell, and so does that awful year that matches your secret agent number, Br!!!!!!!!!! This morning our next door neighbor, Betty Capuccio, that originally owned this 6-9 hallway-less home and sold it 2 Judge Raso, called the house and told us that another vehicle is parked outside our kitchen window that faces highway 206 following a long 300 foot driveway. It was empty and black, sporty type, and quite spurious, as was the other vehicle with the 2 men inside of it yesterday was as well. The gods only know what is going on, but Diana always looks out 4 her little boy as best as she can, and has told me that she will kill anybody that hurts me 2 badly. She is lightning, and nobody messes with lightning.

Love Is For Carpenters, the song, has a Privecode number in the Gawnum of 165, and wow. That matches huge with me, MC, me and MC, and Lois Island. Also, take the basic number which is the first 2 digits, and U get the eternal age of SSJKK. When U begin playing with the Gawnum, it gets so habit forming that u find yourself Gawnuming up everything, just as presently people R Googling up everything, when it is all said and done, who knows, maybe a googol things will end up being Gawnumed and Googled. This is one times ten to the power of 99, Bra!!!!!!!!! Not in this universe’s life time, but let me make the point 4 sake of emphasis and shock value. A blogger’s poetic license 2 do if nothing more, Bro!!! Weird screens pop up 4 no good reason, I just X them off. I am carefully striking each key and know that I am not bringing up this dog pit. Computer hacking by the Millionth-Council has been on a major roll all month, and I am starting 2 worry that I have been infected by the freaking April fool crap hack. Some one is gonna get sued. I am not afraid 2 make a loud stink and have done it in the past, once at the Golden Nugget Casino, once at All-Mighty IBM Corporation, once with the BG music group where a song was literally taken off the air as a result, and there R other stories, when UR right, UR right, and just as Jack McCoy says, U only have those rights that U can defend, so if I do not try and defend them, then I basically do not have them. Rights R no different than muscles, they need 2B exercised, right Jack? Most of the time U spend your entire life wasted trying 2 defend these rights, and this is Y the truth of history wins out and cannot ever B really disputed by the intelligencia of this world: “They lived, they suffered, they died. This was the mighty knowledge that a legendary “KING” commanded his generals 2 go out into the world and bring him the total of known wisdom and make it short and sweet, and they did. How true this myth is, indeed is anybody’s guess. I just report the news, normally I try not 2 create any of it. I admit 2 having had a friend in 1969, by the name of Messenger, so don’t shoot this poor old piano player Sir Elton, and tell my Lois-G that I knew what she said in 1997 was true, as she has said that and sang that 2 me, verbatim, on the Astral Plane all throughout forever. THAT BOY from the T is not trying 2 get away, I love U Sarah-Stacey, and do not know how many ways I can say it, brown eyes. How can U not C that all of this cannot just fit this perfectly together in some happy little coincidence? When I fell into what U think of as sleep last night, ladies and gentlemen, lightning came 2 me and we went 2 her lovely great forest right outside of Olympia proper, and across a large 80 lane road called on the Astral realms, a linelane. This is considered one of the smaller roadways, out here. She told me many things that really fascinated me when we arrived at the cabin near a lovely tall silvery colored waterfall. She and many of her girl friends have built numerous cabins in this unfathomably gargantuan sized forest throughout infinity. I cannot remember a large majority of what she was telling me, it was incredible. So much made total sense that right now still totally boggles my tiny little mind. I was able 2 clearly C a reality that I only think I am grasping now in a very small and incomplete way. Diana is not only extremely beautiful, after-all she is a goddess, but she is highly intelligent, despite being only eighteen years old forever. She reminded me of certain mathematical truths as well as philosophical ones. She made me realize that some things I can successfully accomplish in so much as attempting 2 reveal great well kept and hidden secrets from this race of humans, but how 2 recognize where the brick wall starts 2 break my head, and B4 it can cause damage to my life, this is the point where I need 2 apply an entirely different tactic than trying 2 shout out from the roof tops. She tied it all in with the Shaw of Iran, the destruct tapes I used 2 pass out when I mistakenly had made the false conclusion that poor Donna was Satan incarnate, something I sincerely regret now and know was totally false. Is she involved with all of this entire mess, U can bet on it? Is she the source of evil power on planet Earth?, don’t make me laugh. U all hear me upon rare occasions, making a quick squib talk of a few lines here or there, on what I define as the ‘merging of the planes’ those being the Physical realm or Plane, and the Astral realm or Plane. U missed me Jane Dirtweeds slut, ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!! 55555555555555555 and 555555555555 and 5555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555 to you to, bitch!!!!!!!! U and your crummy Atlanta Braves and digital clocks and zoom ins and billionaire hubbies, ya lowlife. U do not realize how U changed my life into an even worse freaking nightmare now, forcing me 2 try avoiding seeing your miserable stinking ones now forever, ya slime bag. Rotten celebrities, wormhole fires, poisonous cakes, maggots and mace, and paid off courts all notwithstanding, life 4 me was destined 2 suck cubed as the second Herbert Huntington committed that double homicide/suicide up north in Braintree, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston and Craig’s list, yo player, what is going on Abbey Carmichael? That powerful evil interaction nightmare with my second cousins direct not removed, cuz David and cuz Barry, was horrific. It was worse than when I was at the Lakehouse and Ann King threw stones at MC’s neff and he came up the deck and put a nasty choke hold on me. No one likes being strangled or even chocked a little bit. I will not forget these abductions and these horrific monstrous things, and the reason Uncle Sam covers up so much is what is really misunderstood, yes the Y it is covering up stuff is the big mystery, much more than the mystery in and of itself. If the late and questionably great Heinz Gottwald of 175 Peninsula Drive in Babylon, Long Island, new York, USA, ESMWG, will PERMIT THIS, let me go on and attempt 2 further elaborate and elucidate on my Archibald Bunker Pernt or my ABP. UFO-Buffs, R convinced that the United States military and government on the top-highest and most-secret levels knows exactly what is happening and is keeping it quiet, and this is the biggest lie in the world. The devils big lie number 2 if indeed Eden was real and the apple thing was lie number one, we won’t even touch that cat shirt right now, it is not that pertinent nor relevant and so Y risk opening up this can of nuclear hybrid attacking-flying maggots, Haddonwood? They R covering up something much huger than any UFO thing, or any other secret thing, and B4I go on, I am, totally with them on most of what they do, I have no argument or opposing viewpoint, let me further explain, please. Something more gigantic than anything Hollywood could dream of in 300 years, is indeed going on not only now but always and all around us and everything, and I know a part of the reality, a part mind U, I have not been made privy to all of it, but probably a bit more than our military and government knows. Y this is true, U may B dying 2 know or hear, or perhaps not, nut in any event, U will not hear it now today, bigger fish R frying away and time is always a limited quantity when it comes 2 my blogging. Just accept 4 the sake of your reading this right now that I do indeed know something, and it is more than big, words can’t tell U how big it is. Now, knowing a smaller degree of the truth 2 this deal, would cause any body that governs 2 want first 2 eradicate it, and then if that is not feasible, 2 keep the citizenry from knowing about it or at least knowing as little as possible about it, as knowing it would cause many various major problems on many levels. 2,000 years ago, a cult grew into a giant religion that took this world by storm and stronghold, and no empire ever again had the same total ruling ability over the masses. U can argue this with me and many knowledgeable historians most likely would, and hay, they have the credentials and would thereby win based on accepted sociological credibility, but none of this is the point either so let me mover right along again, Br!!!!! Whether it was Christianity back then, or the UFO craze of the post world War ll era, the same forces R in play and I will do my limited best and with limited time 2 quickly explain myself on this ABP. Christ was not understood at all by his closest people, the family, my own family, the town around him where the mighty saying was born resulting from this fact, that a prophet is without honor in his own area, by the Jewish people all around and beyond the town of Jerusalem, and by the rulers of the Empire, from the top to the locals, just as they have a chain of command in today’s system right here in America. Did I leave out the religious leaders, the San Headron, the scribes and the Pharisees, and all the officials in the Jewish Churches? Sorry, them most of all. Still let me quickly come to my ABP. The powers all over the place once this began wanted 2 get rid of this man, and do it in a WHAT’S MY EXCUSE kind of a way, no one really wanted 2 look inhumane, not even Pontius Pilate. That gives way 2 the story of the traditional freeing of 1 prisoner during the Jewish Passover Feast, and how Barabbas was freed and Christ was crucified, in the original cellar of Braintree, only high up on a hill. The UFO and other so called covered up secrets of 18 and 19 centuries later is not one bit different., No one in authority understood the total big picture of what was going on, and only saw that bad U-WORD, the terrible UNKNOWN. And if a governing power does not want 2 ever risk losing power over its subjects or citizens or slaves or what have U, it never can admit 2 that other horrible I-WORD, IGNORANCE. It must never B ignorant of anything and especially a foreign threat or potential threat, and it must appear 2 know, and 2 have things totally under control, better said than that even, under THEIR MIGHTY CONTROL. The powerful secret being let out right now is that up here in 2009, as was back in any other prior year, THEY do NOT have a lot of understanding about many things all around us that they DO TAOTSALLY KNOW R FROM BEYOND OUR REALM of experience and existence, and they R just about as clueless as the rest of us, and the best way 2 cover up that they R indeed so clueless is to make it appear as though THEY KNOW A LOT, that a huge mysterious thing is there and under their secret control, and that THEY INDEED R COVERING UP SOME HUGE THING, C, this keeps power from ever shifting from their control and into the hands of a panicked massive population. This is what Dennis told me that he finally gained insight 2 after getting 2 know me and hearing the things that Mel Gibson Mountainpen Taxicabdriver had told 2 him over years of quick site visitations between security officers and some quick reads here and there on some of my blogging texts. This is what made me feel like there may yet B some hope 4 this human race, B4 the BRIGGERS indeed take us over 100^, don’t get me wrong, this successful invasion is about 90% complete as I speak tight now. I am just hoping that I can do a family thing and pull off a miracle and not PERMIT the last 10% 2 happen, if not, well, it’s doomsday, Br, only we keep right on living, people seem 2 feel this need 2 equate doom with lack of existence, a major flaw in the perception of truth and reality if ever such a thing was. Much more will follow on all of this, as well as many things that need B said that I just opened up with that nasty bit of information mentioned about something seen on the Hannah Montanna show. Living without knowing Y we do things and hiding the very things we really R all about, this makes us totally susceptible 2 the Brigger Invasion. It is like inviting the Aides virus by putting an ad in the paper that U wish 2 have unprotected needle sharing and sex with all aides infected people. BRIGGERS or the Dark Shadows TV show’s concept of them that they called the LEVIATHANS, R beyond far worse than a virus, they go beyond any of the Ufology-buff Clubs and people investigating the phenomenon. It must B exposed and someday stopped, or else it does not take a Nostradamus 2C that life as we know it, with free will and fresh air, physical and spiritual, will B gone forever, Bra!!!!!!! Not knowing makes us all as helpless as little babies in a carriage, along on a dangerous street in the heart of Iraq during a suicide bomber’s attack, this is no exaggeration nor is it any attempt 2 falsely put fear into anyone. It is not our government’s fault, they R as scared of all this dog crap as the rest of us, and just as powerless 2 have any real effect on any of it, in any way that is beneficial 2 us the citizenry, as the advocates on our behalf. This is YI am not against anyone, as this is an energy that travels, it moves, it is NOT STSATIONARY, and when Maggie strikes targets, some may think, wo, but I have come 2 learn that all though I do not CYI have an enemy somewhere in Kobe or the middle of Oklahoma, or wherever, I obviously must via the traveling energy of the Briggbase residents of the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL on the Astral Plane. Carrying this 2 its final or more ultimate conclusion, the deplorable reality that conscious mind reverses truths is not a random lawtonic act. It is intentionally built into the system by the BRIGGER CULTISTS, otherwise, we would all B me, and U all would get onto so much that within no time at all, there would B a “4-SALE” sign up at the BRIGGBASE. They can blare out over the mighty TECK BAY endlessly, the song, ETERNITY WITH STACEY, she is not impressed with any of this disease. She says that a special part of Dogtown awaits such evil, remember, no lawn mowers, just those heavy shears and tall wheat shoots, a hot triple sun above, torture booths, and howling. At least my barking was musical and SSJKK was able 2 even make up a great and mighty song around it, after hearing my pleas 4 help. Then in forward mortal illusion, I wonder YI had this “interaction”, this is the crux of my powerful ABP. UR seeing all of everything in total reverse, it is as deadly as driving very fast in reverse, down the highways, and it cannot ever lead 2 any positive conclusions. Maybe U will make a splash on U-Tube, the gods don’t blame me if someone uses the idea, but my point Archie, once again, is that Goldberg, and I do not C eye 2 eye totally, and I know that this bunch of powerful and wicked hooligans, mean none of any of us one bit of good.

In closing, we will get more into this reality reverse, and how I came 2C the bull pit 4 exactly what it is, stinky disgusting bull pit.

I am not against anybody, and I do not hate one soul, I hate the evil energy that is running through the soul or the lawtronic counterpart. The only true reality is that we existing in total void, nothingness, and that is it, that is all, and as Lawtrons, we sooner or later learn how 2 dream out and away from that void nothingness, or existence without interaction. Then we R in the great DREAMSHIFT, or the realms of spirit, by out human reference frame, or 2nd dream down. What totally kills me beyond any other thing is the behavior modification holograms that I have assigned this term 23 this condition that is definitely BRIGGBASE PRODUCED. Not in Hollywood, mind U, this production is Y things seem 2 make no sense, such as Y certain days go one way, and others go so totally another. 4 those that may give me a vacant stare should we B talking face 2 face and I say this thing 2 them, my answer 2 your empty stare is, go with goddess, I envy U. Most of us if we think hard and long enough on this, I truly believe know deep down, will know what I am indeed referring 2. Just as the kid who did what he did on the HM show, start noticing how everybody does this, yet nobody will admit 2 it as though it is so shameful. What is so shameful about natural things including sexual desires? What is wrong with humanity?

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2298, this is all copyrighted Michael Mountainpen and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN-2009. This is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. This all is total truth and reality, son!!!!


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