Monday, July 13, 2009


DATFILE: 071309.475,5555555555555555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

There is nowhere 2 begin. I am being treated so unfairly by this world, no one will help me, no one will get this stopped, no one will do anything but sit back and watch me being absolutely tormented and tortured slowly 2 death, day after day after day. First, mysteriously, and out of the nowhere blue, the FBI agent/Landlord cancelled his trip this weekend from Texas 2 New Jersey. Second, the persecution was horrific all weekend long, it was nothing but FF MAJOR CHEMTRAILS, PLANES, MILITARY GARBAGE ASSAULTS, LOUD ROAD NOISE MAKERS, AND ENDLESS OTHER NASTY AND CONSTANT PERSECUTIONS. Yesterday Sunday was the worst rock chucking bunt tapping mother sicko trucking day and night of my entire 54.6y years on this gods twisted and forsaken sin cursed planet of scum disease. Dave Roth said it over and over and I keep refusing 2 believe it, he said 2 me and I will quote him freaking verbatim, “Lightning is bearish 4U”. I love her beyond my sick life itself times a trillion vigintillion, yet this is a true statement, as every time she comes around me and stays a long time, flashing so many marvelous and sensual gentle colors as well as bright awesome powerful flashes of her warm and delightful light at me, and extremely close 2 me over any extended time period, the following day, and days is off the fucping charts horrendous and monstrous 4 me, as a direct result of the wicket WOMO, or the MILLIONTH-CANCEL OF THE ASTRAL PLANE. Still this hell siege and death magnetics assault and pummeling on me began back lasy THURSDAY, and has just kept right on going, and gaining steam as she rolls down the steep cliff, geometrically in proportion with the passing freaking hours. Where this is gonna freaking stop, only a handful of humans now know, and it is pointless 2 name them, as those that know it indeed know it, and those that say pooh-pooh, well screw-U!!!!!!!!!!! Motorcycles and planes and poisonous chemtrails and road noise was constant at work on my final Sunday swing shift, as it always it, this is now dependable clockwork precision, unless the area is experiencing g some unusual pattern in weather such as an all day torrential downpour or better yet, a hurricane or an earthfreakingquake. Well, say what U want, but JULY 12, or 7/12, those powerfully unfathomable numbers, have struck again, and 39 years 2 the day that I escaped THAT FAMILY on the late night at the Atlantic City Bus Terminal, it is right here in my face all over again, and just as if I had never ever successfully escaped them at all, wow, listen 2 my words players, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U AIN’T HEARD EVEN THE ICE SHAVED BEGINNING OF ALL THIS YET, BRO. The siege was awful enough with continuous roaring McGuire/Callio/Motor-Cycles all day and night at the site, as wewll as noisy planes and many other unplesantries, heat and humidity on top of that, all though it could have even been worse in that department, and then along comes the dependable clockwork deal around dusk or just shy, with a super nasty huge menacing poison CHEMTRAIL, zenithing directly over me at just minutes past 8, poisoning me.; All weekend, my health was damaged by theswe diseased motherfucping sleaze balls. My heart develops arrhythmias, I shit myself with a horrific putrid and nuclear spell 2 the shit, this time at least making it without messing up the under shorts unlike the past weekend, soreness in the throat, stuffed up nostrils and nasal passageways, and major pains in the teeth and infections in the mouth out of nowhere, that all totally evaporate and just melt away almost on the breeze of a tide, the minute these filthy jet vapors stop over any extended period of time. Right now at a quarter shy of noon, they R doing the screen monitor blinking trick, but the real computer hack was back last mid-Friday afternoon, as all of U know that R loyal Blogaudians, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let me talk on a while about COMPUTER HACKS AND FRIDAY, as Friday was payday at my job, and a computer fucping glitch as the company is referring 2 this by, caused all of the guards, at least on the site Roy Weiler and I work at, 2 get only one weeks pay, as one of the 2 weeks just vanished into the Superman 3 Boss-Ross Richard Pryor land of the internet GREMLINS. But did this just happen on any week> No sir BRA. It happened when my car infreakingsurance is due on the following Monday, today the thirteenth freaking day of July, and now I have insufficient funds in the TD Water Company McCoy L&O Bank, 2 cover the automatic debit that my State Farm Insurance Company will B attempting 2 collect, as per my contract with them. But this is still nothing, just wait ‘cause U ain’t heard shirt. I drive home last night and arrived here at just a few minutes B4 midnight, still the All Mighty, literally, 12th of miserable grass-mole July, and all hell was breaking loose. BOTH DAWN AND CHICKY WERE BOMBED OUT OF THEIR SKULL DRUNK AND ACTING TOTALLY WILD AND CRAZY. Actually, Chicky was down at a local gin mill getting further wasted and plastered, and I had 2 find him with Dawn screaming and drinking illegally with an open liquor bottle in my car. It is a matter of time B4 she will get me locked up, and when this happens, it is simply put, GAME OVER. The police were looking 4 her earlier today but that is another story, yet 2B told, just wait, BRA!!!!!!! We manage 2 get Chicky home, he is swerving all over and almost hitting phone poles on both sides of many a side street leading back home from the tavern of his choice. I* was following him alone in my vehicle. It took an hour 4 Ann and Dawn and myself 2 get him ‘put’ 2 bed properly, he is solidly built and very heavy. Where is PAULA KING when I need her, your cousins need U big girl??????????????? Natch, the vehicle Chicky is in is insured under my name, and all that needed 2 happen would have been an accident. This morning after an all night screaming match, he punched his wife in the face and then things further escalated from there. He never went 2 work, but left the house at his usual time with no shoes. So first I go out 2 a liquor store as I am ordered 2 do and get Dawn some more poison. Then she wants 2 drive over 2 his job at the pizzeria. He was not there, so on we go 2 his brothers place where many illegal’s R all sharing a small apartment right in the center of town, Blueberryville, how I love U, INS 4 being so diligent in reading persons blogs and then enforcing some laws that would save the life of a law abiding pathetic disabled mother fucped who does not deserve any of fucping this. Let me get caught Jay Walking or throwing a piece of candy wrapper away as litter, as they would most likely LOCK ME THE FUCP AWAY 4 THE NEXT 70,000 YEARS OR UNTIL THE PRISON CRUMBLES. I motherfucping totally knew last week when it took me 9 games 2 win 7 lousy units, and then 2 days later after making just 8 units more, or 15 total, I lost a whopping fucping 60 units, a net loss of minus 45 units in 3 days of play, and I KNEW that my magnetics were off the scale dangerously bad at that point, as Roger Carey’s freaking roulette system does not fucp up all that often, player, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what the freak out I know, BRO, so do not tell me what my delusional mentally ill mind is malfunction ally feeding me, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did the just after 8 poison chemtrail hit me real bad at work, not just at a time on the clock, but the minute that THEY observed me illegally with their zoomed in GOOGBLE NSA/CIA EARTH enhanced super petabyte main-frame computer system, taking some pain medication 4 my teeth and other pains that these trails were giving me from earlier on. The second I compensated by popping a couple of over the counter pain killers, POW, Nicholas Blair’s Briggbase cannons went off, and they compensated with more poison, U cannot win when the siege is running at FULL FUCPING BLAST. U all C more and more of this so don’t B so fucping shocked. All your news and TWC, they show U how good just the civilian people can zoom into their own house and read the license plates of their outside parked freaking vehicles, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here R2 fantastic websites 4U2 check out, and there R so many more, and U can also just GOOGLE UP CONTRAIL/CHEMTRAIL also: and R real good sites. Y would I make shirt up lads and lassies, just ask yourselves Y, and what I possibly could ever really hope 2 gain out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 the other 3 topics, and the first one will B about a tall black young dude in an interaction that I had, just B4 things turned from shirty hell 2 shirty hell 2 the freaking 666th power around daybreak Saturday moUUUUUUUUUUrning, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dropped out of the waking conscious mind world 4 maybe a half hour or so on my lunch break at the gate on Saturday, and was instantly in a wild and super major interaction with a male dude about 22-25, very tall and athletic, medium shade black African American, with a very pronounced and authoritative sounding voice. He was dressed kind of average, with a nice short and well groomed hair style of the current day, and was wearing a pair of light brown and very expensive looking sneakers of some kind, nothing I would recognize as I buy things 4 a few dollars and this pair looked like it could start a gang war over. We were in a grocery store, and I was attempting 2 exit the building when this man said 2 me that he wanted 2 know if my work-shoes had a single or a double lacing system. I had and still have, absolutely no clue what this dude was asking. I responded with, something along the lines that I had just had an extremely bad day, and 2 please just allow me go on about my business as whatever he may B selling me, I have no money 2 buy it. As I passed him in saying this, he jumped into my face and told me that he was not at all interested in my bad day, nor was he trying 2 sell me anything g. Again he went on only much more instantly so this time, asking me if my laces were “singe or double strand”. When I looked at him puzzled and with an expression of genuine query on my face 2 what he wanted of me, he then lowered his voice and made it a bit less commanding and authoritative than his last words 2 me were. He made me realize that he was referring 2 the way a wearer of a shoe, laces it up, and that some lace them up with every loop and some skip loops and also there is a way of lacing the same direction twice, which still has me in awe 2 understand this as I speak now. Eventually I managed 2 escape this unpleasant situation and ridiculous conversation, and that was that. But right B4I awakened, I appeared 2B in a room with millions of shoelaces all over. People were lacing them up onto shoes that seemed 2 just appear here and there, and all were done differently. Then a soft spoken mild mannered frail looking older gentlemen who was just one of many persons in this room performing this task suddenly just turned and said 2 me, “U know, everything all ties together, but in so many different ways”, while half looking at me and half continuing his lacing work”. THE MILLIONTH COUNCIL JUST DID THE SAME HACK 2 ME THAT THET DID 2 ME LAST FRIDAY. They totally scrambled the last paragraph, and I had 2 re-do it. Just remember that the giant earthquake that will very soon totally wipe out California could have been prevented and averted, but all this siege will case MAGNESONIC 2 strike very hard, and VERY SOON, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 the man and the shoelaces and what hew said. He went on 2 complete his point with one more following sentence. He said, “Hyperspace is really no different U know, it is just like with these shoelaces”. I woke up with a bang and I knew that something was far from right, I felt very queasy and more ill as the minutes ticked by. Within 15 minutes, I made it just in time 2 shirt out a very sickening ugly bunch of liquidness stench that was not even close 2 smelling human, BRO!! Now topics 2 and 3 involve a little more explanation regarding my search 2 find Sarah Krassle and its evolvement after my 350,000 dollar bankruptcy and 21st century evolvement of the search led me 2 become a blogger, starting first on I was searching 2 find Sarah, and my search based on the last name of “KRASSLE”, that she gave me in her December of 1969 interaction at the DELLWAY ARMS APARTMENTS, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, USAESMWG, had begun. Mayor Levy was just about 2B elected in Atlantic City, and many things were all falling into their pre-assigned perfect and proper positions, from a very long time B4 the stars of the sky ever started 2 shine. B4I go on, Chicky showed up about ten or twenty minutes ago and he and Dawn R fighting again, loudly and terribly. Earlier at his brothers place, I never finished telling that she made such a scene that someone called the Hammonton Police, and she almost got taken, only cousin SCYLLA has a protection all over her, it is beyond the average supernatural, and I bear major freaking witness 2 it, as I have seen this over and over again. Let me show U with this demonstration, and tell U the events and just how they unfolded, and then we hopefully can get back 2 my search 2 locate SSJKK in her Earthly human form, and my interactions with the 21st century internet, as I tried back in the nineties 2 play with all of this and could not get anywhere with all the hacking and problems related 2 being me, and under this totally monstrous HUNTINGTON CURSE. After the cops were called, the landlord of the building was all ready there and was probably the one who called them. She got into my car after getting a lot off her chest, and making a gigantic scene, and the landlord’s vehicle was pretty near blocking our exit way in my car, as just 2 minutes B4 she came out and 10 minutes after the landlord and his helper charged up the stairs, along came another car with 2 ladies visiting a neighbor in the building of Chicky’s brothers. They parked quite near 2 mine just 2 the right, and left me almost no way 2 leave as long as the landlord’s truck was behind me. It took about 5 or 6 slow and careful turns 2 exit out of that tight boxed in squeeze. Just after we got 2 blocks away, one cop after another was seen by me heading towards where we had just departed. When we drove 2 job again 2 re-check in case Chicky was there, he was not, but the boss, Mario, told Dawn that the Hammonton Police were looking 4 her and wanted 2 talk 2 her. None of them followed up, as if they had, and since she has pending charges and is on probation, that would have been GAME OVER. No, I know that her special cuz SCYLLA, is looking after her, and is totally against me, as well as against freeing me from this unspeakable and despicable TF-70 nightmare, that is far worse than being in prison, yet I have committed absolutely no procurable offense. My 1984 song that went “Y-JIMMY-Y”, should B renamed now 2, Y-SCYLLA-YYYYYYY????? Back now 2 the internet. I tried hard in 1997 and 1998 2 make computers work and join the internet world, but hackers and government and BRIGGER enemies totally made a shambles out of everything and I just simply quit, enough was motherfucping enough, BRA!!!!!!! But along came Christopher Bennett after I was working at my current job and no longer at the GRIFFIN PIPE COMPANY. This time, it seemed that the enemy knew the inevitability of computers, it was now past 2000 AD, they could not keep me away and out of this tool of potential counterattack and tale telling forever, and they freaking knew it. Sop they involved and influenced people such as Chris 2 get me interested, my coworker, Ed at the library, 2 keep me able 2 fight the hackers, and this all led 2 me befriending him, and he was the downstairs neighbor, imagine that coincidence looking back in 20/10 hindsight Abbey Carmichael, of the family above, in the rooming house they all were renting from Judge Raso, Dawn and her mother Ann, from Atlantic city, and hubby-Chicky, from Guatemala. I am now as I type this last sentence, experiencing a super ultra hyper time major left side death angel attack at roughly 3 minutes past one of the clock on this miserable SUPER BOTBAR AFTERNOON, here on the 13th of July and at this hell house with these hell people, THAT-FAMILY, living here on 13th Street, talk about Mockingbird Lane, huh Herman??????????????? The rest U all can piece together, but did I begin as a blogger, and did Chris Bennett absolutely start me at the library with computers as the early or latter parts of the fifth year in this century? The honest answer is a totally unequivocal NO. I had started as early as the beginning of oh-5, driving 2 the Hammonton Library, and researching and searching things, and 2 names popped up that were similar 2 the All Mighty KRASSLE, not spelled exactly as she spells hers on the Astral Plane, but still, the similarities were in the pronunciation. One is a forest ranger now deceased I believe, out in the west, a state forest in the Oregon area. The other is a larger and more mysterious find. This is a family that is extremely into the upkeep of the Coral and Barrier Reefs of the Worlds oceans. I began an e-mail friendship with both of these finds, and then just concentrated on the “ocean family”. They have their own diver and scuba shop, remember my dad was a deep sea diver and treasure salver, working 4 the 2 most famous men in the salvage business at the time, Mel Fisher, and Kip Wagner. They were more than willing 2 talk 2 me until I asked them if they were in any way related 2 Sarah Krassle, and also if they sold any gear in their ‘shop’ that propelled divers ahead while holding onto it, like U would sea on those old SEA HUNT shows a half century ago. This is a major thing here, as in the 1994 interaction where Sarah agreed 2 marry me, right B4 her parents appeared from nowhere, and chased me off of the beach and away from her, and I made my cosmically famous and much ‘BRIGGER since ripped off’ statement 2 her while sadly walking away, “HAVE A NICE LIFE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this interaction, we were playing with these powerful tiny machines that were able 2 catapult U at an extremely high rate of speed through the water, and leading me eventually 2 the Haddonwood pool, the hyperspace experimentation, and my incredible ability of self propulsion. Still all of this is no quick thing that I can just tell U and warm U up with, and do it in 10 or 20 sentences, 2 all that is involved and implicated here with the countless many intertwining complexities. Still if U GOOGLE up KRASSLE, much of it is from my blog postings, but try adding scuba or Coral Reefs, and putting it in quotes. I know 4 a total fact, that all 3 families R connected here, Nina Soifer, Paula King, And this KRASSLE-Earthly family. As we go on from this point now, things R only bound and destined 2 get much wilder and hairier and way more totally surreal, so I am doing my best 2 tell and reflect an honest and true story that is bigger than time and space itself. U weelwee godda admit one thing whether UR a Mountainpen lover, hater, or tweener: What R the odds that the television show “LAW AND ORDER”, that was airing on Wednesday night with still new season episodes 4 the year 2009, the CURRENT YEAR, has now been stopped, and REPLACED by something called, the “PHILANTHROPIST”? Now start GOOGLING UP PAULA KING AND NINA SOIFER. If these ‘2 ex-Callio-gangers’ R not (philanthropists), and have not done and still R behind numerous philanthropic things, then I will eat my shirt, and my pants and B a monkey’s uncle 3 times over on Sunday, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How my Phillies have survived all of this is beyond my wildest explanations and understandings. I guess my message to Michael was one thing RIAA, but my message 2 Charlie was just effective beyond verbal description. When things work, go with them, lots more letters R going 2 go out. If U really think that I am gonna take all this lying down, then U don’t know me by now, and never ever will, all old songs not withstanding. Yes I can always depend on this one area in time 2B hell, as well as Christmas. These 2 times R totally brutal. So is Paula King a philanthropist, and is Nina Soifer as well, or is this just a rouse, a super cover up job, Mary Carter CIA Paint Company is an expert in these facilitations, and do they all interconnect? Well, look, yo, U do some legwork now, Google around, check stuff out, and then send me your comments, but B4U jump 2 quickly 2 the attitude that I am a nut or a whiner or looking 4 my 15 minutes and all this dub jazz, just take a real good look, very carefully, I won’t say B careful, Paula Waves might flip my surf board over, in this PC world, everything is taken as such a threat. Just do not write me off and brush me out like a fuzz ball without at least giving me some freaking benefit of the doubt here peeps, come on, yo. Would anyone with a blog like mine and still sane and rational enough 2B able 2 physically post up, really B making all of this stuff up? U say, maybe, OK, then I say, show me how the craziest mind would desire 2 waste his or her time, what possible profit or gain can come of this. If anything, only loss could come of this if these accused by me were all really so totally butt wipe innocent in all of these claims that I have thrown around. Look at the slander and libel and perjury charges I could face. This is not a made up story, nor do I worry about changing names. So let me tell U all one huge thing right now, and this is not a fact checked thing, but still needs 2B said. U heard me say recently that 2 members of the Manhattan branch of TAWF can B Googled, one U will get a ton of info on as she is not Jane Doe. But then there is her 2nd cousin 7 times removed, Elaina King, who left the entire family here years ago 2 move right there not far from her cuz, or where her cuz was, until Lester influenced her 2 go out 2 Cali. She is on the new face book thing, as is Paula King, Frank Callio, and all of them, they do not try 2 hide, they come right out. But Y did she mysteriously leave one day, her entire family behind, and go off 2 New York City, Y? Can anyone tell me? UC, I feel that I do have the answer, but this would not B socially acceptable. It never fits within the very tight framework of sociologically recognized parameters. Lads and lassies, she knows what TF-70 really is, and does not want 2B a part of any of this should some day it all come back 2 blow up in a lot of faces, and bite a lot of donkey mules, oouch, there pooch. Hay, as I said, I have no facts. If I knew this 4 sure, I would B at her door, and this was not an intended cute rhyme. If I could prove enough things, just as the Prosecutor told me all throughout the nineteen-nineties, I would B on top of the world, literally. Still, I would not B able 2 run like Joe Barrios nor moon dance like Michael. Now ask me if I am in tears or something. Now 4 a quick move further into the land of the mighty and mysterious JW. I told all of U years ago on ancient blogs about a boyfriend of my mom’s that was seemingly hell-bent on getting me out of the house and away from the TV set on one particular day. I was a major Dark Shadows fan, and on this particular day, Joan Bennett who played the role in the show of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and hubby of BRIGGER deal maker Paul Stoddard, made a powerful comment 2 who else but Doctor JULIA Hoffman. There R lots of people on Earth named Julia, but that is just the first part of this story, listen up players, YO!!!!!! Both used some medallion jewelry 2 hypnotize people, both were named Julia, and both were in my life in strange ways that typify the Mountainpen interaction experiences, classified with one great word that says it all and sums it up, weird, but this still is not Archie Bunker’s pernt, BRO. This is: After the numerous re-airings of this hit TV show, DS, when all grown up, I came 2C that this one episode that mom’s boyfriend seemed insistent that I miss hearing, and whose name was DICK LEVY, was about the topic of technology, and yes, COMPUTERSD. Mrs. Stoddard was telling Doctor Julia Hoffman some interesting things about how even the great computers were incapable of doing some important things, but wait, BRO, it gets a hell of a lot better than this: The subject of their hired Governess, Miss Victoria Winters had come up in this same conversation, and Bennett was saying things pertaining 2 Vicki’s obsession with the past. She then went on 2 say how it was not healthy, and then the eminent Dr. JH, as Barnabas Collins would refer 2 her as when he was angry with her, made a powerful retort. She said we cannot ever forget or discount the past completely, as therein could lie something very important that we need 2 help us live and survive right here in the present. This all is but a paraphrase, but it is the general gist of what these 2 women were saying on this incredible television show, the show, and particular episode and day, that DICK LEVY, was determined 2 get mwe 2 miss as a child. Another book of lost beach wisdom, I presume Stanley Livingston????????? Now look at this conversation. First, it was important by someone’s standards that I missed out on getting THIS MESSAGE, then and there when it may have done me some real good. But in light of my major quest and search in my midlife starting in 1995, 2 find Sarah Krassle, not having this one bit of wisdom tucked away, caused me 2 not C things that I put together later on, AFTER, the re-airing, and seeing it again 4 the first time, as an adult. don’t even ask, it is way 2 complicated, but yes, I really did put together that that was the missed show, as I did not miss a whole hell of a lot of them, I was a very loyal fan. JW was amongst me from the time HERBERT HUNTINGTON offed himself up in Braintree in the late fifties, I know this, I just cannot prove it in a court of law. Still, I have freedom 2 blog and tell U all these things, and U all have freedom 2 say yo player, cool, or screw U and shut me off. That is fine, I am a freedom fighter and a real 60’s kid, BRA, I would not have it any other way!!!!!!!!!!! Now have I told U any real deep secrets yet on JW? NO. Here is a good one, and it is time, Barnabas, it is time!!!!!!!!!!! OK, some R saying, U were made 2 forget an entire trip U took up 2 LINY as a boy, whaddya mean U never told a biggie about JW? Just what I said dudes, just what I said, that’s nothing. Here is a much bigger one, live with it or have a nightmare. U know quite a bit about several of my late sixties and early seventies special education teachers from the Haddonfield school I attended known as Bancroft. Some of it is gross and revolting, some mysterious, some out there in space cadet city, and lots more ion classifications and leagues all their own, with the ball player herself, my lovely Amy, but let us return now 2 the pernt, Archie. There was ma girl from a class down the HALL, as in Grayson who played Doctor Hoffman on the DS show, and her name also, yes, was JULIA, and most of the kids called her Julie. If she had 2 last names she would B worth a dime, I would always tell her, and she would say back 2 me, “SHUT-UP”. Her last name was Nichols. Get it, like DUHHHHHH!!!!!!?????? She would just love 2 say shut up however, 2 me, no matter what I would ever say, she could even instigate the talking and then I would say something nice and benign enough, and there it would come again every time, “SHUT-UP”. I grew 2 hate this nasty yet quite attractive brunet. A year later she developed a huge crush on me when we both had turned 15, but I never forget things done 2 me. I would have liked having a queen like her as a girlfriend, but I just walked away from her when she would say things, even when she said that she really liked me. After 4 times of that, she got the message and started hunting fresh game, just like Captain Kirk’s transdimensional girlfriend would do on the original Star Trek of the Mirror-Mirror land. But I now find myself digressing away from the point at hand, so let me now return there pweeeeeze!!!!!! Tanks. Oh boy, how it all shoelace connects, BRA!!!!! So this one teacher, Misses Marola, talked about the 21st century very frequently, and almost made U believe from hearing her speak of it, that she had witnessed it and or lived through some part of it. Long story short, she never said twenty oh two or twenty oh six like everyone else stuck back in the nineteen-sixties did. She always pronounced it as two thousand and four or 5 or whatever. It was outlandishly bizarre 2 say the least, when now looking backwards at this in perfect clarity of hindsight. One day after Julie N. told me 2 SHUT-UP when all I did was say 2 another student that it is almost lunch time, and she happened 2B in the room, as in special education schools, classes sometimes merge together in projects or with some such thing. I was really pissed off and said out loud quite loudly, “Mrs. Marola, please tell Julie 2 stop being so mean 2 me”. I was ordered 2 go into the corner of the room 4 talking 2 loudly, and Julie laughed louder than I had spoken, yet again, the ME syndrome, she was not punished 4 it in any way. Later on in the day just Mrs. M and I were in the room and she was going over a vocabulary and English lesson with me, and when it was over, she asked me YI was gloomy. I very calmly explained exactly Y, and said it is not fair what happened earlier in the day. U will not believe her answer 2 me, it is paraphrased, but not all that much, hay give me a break, it’s been 40 freaking years 4 goddess-sake. B4U write off what I term hyperspace-time-manipulation or abbreviated into HSTM, and mentioned on prior blogs I know, let me divert off from the point just long enough 2 say that my company called and admitted 2 me that this computer glitch was like nothing that they ever saw B4. Only the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL could pull stuff like this off, and I know this 4 a total fact. This was the worst time in my life 2 short me out of half my pay, it was not their fault, it was a major computer hack job. U might say that in a round about back way my boss just told me over the phone that this is the talk of the entire management, and I am with a national outfit, it is large. Now moving back 2 what Mrs. M. basically said back 2 me. “Mark, U will meet lots of rotten and mean people in your life, both as a young person, and also as an adult, so U may as well face it right now. This could B two-thousand-and-five, and some middle aged woman will say 2U as a middle aged man, some very offensive thing 4 absolutely no reason whatsoever”. Know this now and gwt on with living. With that we ended the school day basically, but when I got home and after Dark Shadows had ended and I shit off the TV set, I pondered very deeply over this, and never 2 this day, obviously, have I forgotten it, right down 2 her ‘very unusual’ pronunciation of the year.

I have said what needs 2B said 4 right now. Hopefully my grace period with the car insurance will come after the money is either directly sent into my checking account or I am told that I can drive over 2 pick up the check, hay Abbey-C, either one works 4 me, Virginia Teck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO. Does it really get better than the BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, does it really?

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, THIS IS ALL TOTAL TRUTH. This is also copyrighted in 2009, The Blogs of Mountainpen, and Michael mountainpen. All the statements herein R totally believed 2B truth by the author, sworn on this 13th day of 2009 July. This can double as Grand Jury minutes in any future court or tribunal proceeding. This is all blahhhhhhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.


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