Monday, July 6, 2009


“They Don’t Like Records Kept”
DATFILE: 060609.078.55555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

I am under a super incredible WOMO-MILCO OTAMMIC DEATH SIEGE, this was a real bad weekend, especially yesterday, Sunday, hay it was the 4th of July HOLIDAY weekend, me and holidays, remember? The computer is being jacked into by Magic Lantern or whatever the real name of the government hack program is, as I am merely assuming that the TV show, L&O, is not altering the name as with Joe Friday and Dragnet. The click into the proper space after a correction is again being hacked out, and the keys R not responding as well as they should. Of course, programs R always running and multitasking since Ed Himacane made lots of upgrades and changes some time ago, so it can always B a multitasking problem due 2 my limited memory, as I cannot afford 2 buy additional memory, I am way behind on my mother fucping bills, BRA. Buying more computer memory is sort of number 55 on the priority list. I do not think that is the situation aniwho, the siege is extreme today, lots of major aerial persecution, super nasty afternoon and night poison chemtrailing, fucping up my full moon, as always, and my health. Whenever the PAWM is super active, the major first part of the PAWM TOOLS, PEOPLE, R mainly used, but then when it is this bad, normally the 4th part is used as well big time, MACHINES. They can fucp with your computer, your vehicle, a tape player, U name it, if it is electronically or mechanically run, it falls definitely smack dab right into the category of PAWM-PART-4, MACHINES, BRO. Y the fucping hell has become so monstrous on SUNDAYS now throughout 2009 and even beginning last year in oh-eight, is not within my border of knowledge at the present time. I do not really have a clue. Saturday has always been the major attack day of the week with Sunday as a good usual second, but not normally is it the major day since this hell nightmare all began in 1986, BRA. Now that PAWM has been thoroughly harped on, I feel that I can blog the way I do and discuss it and use these terms more directly, not feeling as though each minute detail needs further elucidation nor explanation. I will add this onto this blog right here and now, whenever the extremely rare event does occur of a major altering of the normal OTAMMIC and WOMO patterns of my persecution and death siege, U can know, or I can aniwho, that something big hyper time has indeed changed with the (enemy) that still and always equals MCGUIRE-CALLIO times MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Yes Albert, Enemies = MC squared, and I have this blogged on, long B4 Paula’s oldest kid started playing her 2008 game with me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look it up and check it out, Y would I make up anything that can B so easily verified and fact checked and prove me out a prevaricator and a fool????????? But if U think that this is incredible, and yes it is, anyone knows that it is, we R talking about a top recording artist here, come on ladies and gentlemen, but now we will go far beyond the regular bizarre and well into the ultra hyper time outlandishness of Mountainpen and his fucped up life. FBI, “THEY” fucped up my word doc program, even after a shut down reboot restart, the system is acting up and still will not re-click into the correct spot after as correction click 2 another area of this document, this is a hack, and a MAJOR CIVIL RIGHTS AND LAW VIOLATION, OF ME AND MY FUCPING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, BRO!!! Watch the rock chucking stock market FLY UP 1000 POINTS TOMORROW AFTER THIS MAJOR HELLADAY/HOLIDAY DEATH SIEGE AND PUMMELING OF AN INNOCENT FREAKING ASS VICTIM, BRA!!!!!!!!! The POISON CHEMTRAILS HAVE ME ALL STUFFED THE FUCP UP AND HAVE MADE MY THROAT SORE AS WELL. I cannot ever get sick, only attacked and freaking poisoned. No matter what they do 2 me, I will always heel up and repair, and if I have 2 go off 2 FIJI and wait 4 all this evil slimy ass disease 2 die off and come back in 500 years, then so freaking B it, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fully intend 2 write letters and send out a lot of annoying mail, they always hate this. I may never get anywhere, U can’t beat THE WALL, as all Ufology buffs know only 2 well, but if I can throw lots of ugly graffiti all over the wall, and that is my best Benitar shot, then so freaking B it Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not know if typing in that last sentence did the magic trick Houdini Copperfield, but all is normal right now with the MACHINE, or the PAWM-4-tool, (PT-4).

Patterns and systems and learning all kinds of fascinating things pertaining 2 symbolism and other related topics is one thing, but as with anything in this physical waking worked human life, knowing things and acting on them or doing things, R always and will always and forever B as separated from each other as the 2 hemispheres of a spherical object. This is as fundamental and basic a law in geometric reality as is the Law of Tricodemy, U know, 4 any numbers A and B, A must either B equal 2B, greater than B, or lesser than B. I personally would say that there R3 truths and these 2 listed along with what I will say next, just about fills the gap in the greatest imaginable abyss. “Some people say that life is 2 short 2 drink cheap wine, but I always say that it is way 2 long not 2, BRO”!!!!!!!! But if UR in the mood 2 accuse me of being a jokester tonight, I will appease your accusational attitude and further add forthwith, that God made man or so they say, and then SHE decided that SHE could do better than this, and went on 2 make woman. Hay dudes, where would we B without these lovely creatures, like DUHHHHHHHHH??????????? U no longer can B totally politically incorrect Mister Mawr, so the 3 dudes needed 2 change a light bulb joke is out now, but here is one that involves nationalities that still can B told, BRA. An airplane is about 2 crash and there R4 dudes onboard and only one working parachute. There is a Frenchman, an Englishman, a Mexican, and an American, in this awful situation. B4I go on, Chicky and his brothers were over here this weekend and drank up all my cold soda and I had only warm soda 2 take 2 my miserable job. If anyone chooses 2 draw an inference here as 2YI feel like telling this joke, then B my Mary Moore guest at the Trinitrail Trinidad and all of its nuclear chain reactions and Jenny Johnson’s. Aniwho, the Frenchman willingly and quite courageously jumps out of the plane yelling, “Viva La France”. Then the Englishman boldly follows suit and jumps, his final words being, “God save the Queen”. The American gives the Mexican a hard shove out the door of the plane and yells down 2 the poor fast dropping fellow, the last words that he will ever hear in this life, “Remember the Alamo”. I really detest my job and drinking hot sodas on top of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U can most likely tell rapies and germiblows that I am not in a particularly fine and jovial mood. In fact, I am, one fucping angry dude, angry with life, angry at Goddess, and totally motherfucking angry at THAT FAMILY. B careful Paula Waves, I am pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It amazes me how, and I’ve been watching this carefully 4 many freaking years, how powerful life and reality is when U keep a journal with accurate detailed accounts of all your shirt, and how totally wild and powerfully connected all things in this human life indeed really and totally R. No matter how U slice it up and then try 2 not believe it, the tapes don’t freaking lie, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS Y, “they” do not like ordinary citizens and especially special ones on “their list” 4 whatever the reason/s, 2 keep accurate and detailed notes and diaries and journals and recorded tapes. Know this B4U worry about knowing that energy is equal 2 mass times the velocity of light times the velocity of light, Queen M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly who is “THEY” U may B saying right about now 2 yourself? Well, it is the ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY not mentioned in any official recorded religions of this waking world, known as the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. GOOGLE IT THE TRUCK UP, YO, DO IT BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Then Google up my mightier yachtsman relative on the island, and then go 2 these fantastic websites, life is there, live it, explore, knock and get doors 2 open, or bang them down if U have 2. There may B impenetrable walls, but any door can B kicked down with enough tenacity and willpower, BRO. Google up Heinz Gottwald, Frank Callio, the FASCITAR, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, Robert Provenzono, the blogs of Mountainpen, study and enjoy. Get all the books written by JAMES REDFIELD, CORAL COSTENEDA, HAROLD KLEMP, BRUCE GOLDBERG, study, read, enjoy, digest it all in your own way at your own pace, and on your own schedule, but one thing I’ll promise not only Lieutenant Van Buren right here and right now, but all others reading this blog as well, and that is your horizons will expand and your closed mind will get blown from here 2 kingdom come. Now 4 the grand finale of tonight’s whittle bwog Elmer wabbit Fwudd, Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will call this quick opened subject this early moUUUUUUUUUUrning, 4 lack of a more appropriate one, the JESUS CHRIST SYNDROME. I have noticed 4 a solid Briggbase Period (BRIPER) now, that my CREDIBILITY and how much people mock me and treat me bad without cause or reason, is the main fun-game and pastime amusement on the Astral Plane by some really sick Olympian gods. This is YU have all heard me rant on and on with and about, using opposite-shooting roulette methods 2 make a killing in casinos. This is YI offer myself as a sacrifice, as it has indeed run in my family 2 do this 4 about 20 freaking centuries now. When I holler out, the Dow will B 66,000 by next Wednesday, 2 for 3, it helps me score in the direction that ultimately helps me. If I send a message 2 the General Manager of the Phillies, suddenly they cannot lose. I all ready know how this all works, and Y it works, and who I am and who I am directly related 2. I sure am not referring 2 Heinz Gottwald, he is not a blood relative, and merely married my mother’s cousin Ruth Huntington, a librarian that he met as a young man in Manhattan while just starting out in the banking business at the New York City Library. None of any of U have clue oh point one about what is really going on, who we all really R, all the Y’s of everything that have plagued mankind in his so-called infinite wisdom 4 a very long time. I only know what I know because the All Mighty Goddess has a plan, and all of this is part of that plan. Many people in the religious world R attempting 2 put this mighty entity in a box and figure HER out. What a total waste of time and effort. UR chasing the wind my friends, that is all, it is no different than a dog returning 2 his own vomit. I did not say this, Sarah-Stacey Jehovah said this, thousands of years ago. BYE-BYE, Y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleasant DREAMS everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SWIS AND GOOGLE AND KSWL-2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyright 2009i, The Blogs Of Mountainpen.

END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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