Thursday, July 23, 2009


DATFILE: 072309.778.11111111111111111111111111111111111
Beginning and FINAL TRANSMISSION of all of MORIANITY*<>*()()()(|

This will B the total end of all of Morianity, as Y bother exploring GAWNUM EQUATIONS, PAWM-PIES, or anything else 4 that matter when it all ready is all pre MOGOSP programmed and hence doomed 2 fail? Hopefully this final blog will at least interest, and B of some interest 2 maybe a percentage of those that this world and society have nastily named GEEKS, derived in reality from the secret major translated abbreviation from the words, (Great Extraordinary Essences of the Kings). U don’t think that the original controller/owners of this world had wizards, magicians, wise-men, prophets, and all manner and sort of council around them that knew and were widely and profoundly practiced at all of the hidden arts of the human race, and remember the word hidden, means literally, OCCULT? Don’t U impiciles of this puny planet know that the KINGS were the original WO, or WORLD-OWNERS, without the MO, or MILITUFORCE OTAMMITES, still, they were certainly not without great armies, along with powerful men with mighty chariots and horses and weapons and shields that would frighten today’s most proclaimed games-experts in the video world, as well as anyone that ever served in the United States Armed Forces, BRA? Sure today we can make things go bang a lot better, and also not have the near contact in battles, moving all the way from hand 2 hand combatants, 2 thermo nuclear warhead rockets delivered by intercontinental ballistic missiles, abbreviated as many know as ICBM’s, but the days of the bible my friends were quite a lot scarier, and maybe tonight is the night 4 me 2 tell what I truly know, whether the gods of destiny choose 4 me 2 ever B believed or not. We will get into some powerful truth that should someday knock all of organized religious hocus pocus right on its ear, yet I tell U all right now, indeed there R gods, or deities, should these words B preferred, or we can substitute in, “bored 2 tears entities that either play the game, or go berserk, and no one will ever choose 2 totally lose their sanity, so the games begin, only nothing begins outside of any time-worlds, mind bwowing is it not mister Elmer Fwudd? We can get back as always, 2 this Jim Rockford beat-up mess, later on. We will and B4 the end of this blog, big hyper huger time, but 4 right now, we trudge along in the following manner, BRO.

This has been another hellish week 4 me, no comparison with the past few, but those R whist the EVIL EMPIRE and the BRIGGBASE GAMES EXPERTS used, 2 begin the downfall of REME, my righteous empire, so that they can take off like a rocket straight 2 the mother fucping moon, and they have, and anyone following me and all of MORIANITY, that challenges its validity, is a nut case, and if U do not wish 2 work any longer, contact me, and I will witness 2 the feds your insanity, forget paying B&B. A child knows that this story is all true, and that my nightmare is all totally runt slapping real. A runny nosed snotty little annoying screaming child knows this. U all know deep down or maybe some of U know it more up surface front, but whatever, Congressman, U know this is not some James Patterson fiction, and U know that (even if I am a totally deranged freaking lunatic, there is an old psychiatric rule that says, if the brain was not damaged at birth or by some physical blow 2 the head, or trauma, then someone or something is in some way connected in some way or ways, secretly or known, that helped 2 bring about the persons’ insanity.) “THINGS JUST DON’T HAPPEN”. Ask your own shrink, if U do not C one in today’s new age world, then all odds R at least some friend of yours does, so U do it or have them do it, just ask the shrink if that statement above in parenthesis, has value in reality, their version of REALITY, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dare anyone 2 really scientifically dispute this, but I am far from done on this subject tonight my friends, light years, parsecs, and even thoughtlines from done. Ever since I can remember, and I swear by all that is HOLY, UNHOLY, and that has any meaningful connections within my own ‘spirit’ or my isness of being, that this is a totally accurate and true depiction of everything, that something somewhere and NO, I am clueless 2 know just WHAT AN WHO IT IS OR THEY R, still, this force of energetic beingness is there, and negatively adversely defecting my own interactiveness here in wakeful cosmic consciousness, since my present birth as Mountainpen on the 4th Paul Stoddard day of the 12th Stacey Judah Tribes total month, in the year ADEG of one thousand nine hundred and fifty four, at precisely half past nine in the ante’ meridian of the clock, also said PRINCE, as 9:30 AM, 12/04/1954, my current Astral Plane Dream-Down DOB. Can any of U imagine that R extremely proficient with the super hi-tech video games of the present, being able 2 add enough memory and speed and match your own mind with the mind of the computer, and literally enter these virtual realities, and once inside, B pre-programmed 2 totally forget anything out beyond what U just now have jacked yourself into? This is me. Don’t hate me ya flaskards, cry the shuck 4 me. This condition, disguised as sort of a present-time video-game has a name, and Harold Camping the mighty prophet is not GOD, and happens 2B totally wrong on the ‘thousand years is a day’ scripture, tying into all the other great stuff that indeed is perfectly accurate, both scripturally as well as mathematically; and the name of that game is HELL-INTERACTIVE, or at least it should freaking B, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once upon a time as fables love 2 go, the great DD-DS was indeed retraced by me and my co-labbers, at KSWL, shown the A/V/M-DDLTT, by me in the future how it worked, and then turned this against me as so many fictional stories all go in the ever-recognized theme and warn out plot, back here, in retaliation 4 our enslavement and fake out alien abduction of the 600 love slaves, and if U have a peaked interest in what the hell this is all about, then archive the oh-seven and the oh-eight blogs on the blogger dot com website under the blogs of MOUNTAINPEN. But does Donna really still just continue sitting around with nothing better 2 do after 2301, than the endless continuation of tormenting this poor insect back here? Wake up, she goes on with her freaking life. She does not have 2 do it, it is an automation system, and is called, MOGOSP, or MOTIVE-GOAL SOFTWARE PROGRAM, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if I had just the smallest part of a MOGOSP and a more powerful computer, a terabyte 5K$ one would do, I could get 40 blog sites going with my story, and never even have 2 operate the machine, other than 2 dictate it into the level five program microphone, and have the contents first turned into a word document, and then sent 2 every blog site on speed dialer systems like the ones currently used now manually by me with clicking this and typing that, and then the machine would get up on chat rooms that my blogs might B of interest 2, skipping 4 example sports and sex and fashion and cooking, and so forth, and hitting sites in the realm of the supernatural or the UFO or government persecution and conspiracy, and on and on, it would select and work quite similarly 2 the GOOGLE engine, hundreds of good and appropriate sites, acting in a sorts as an automated marketer. It then would type in once or twice an hour, a cute little always different but general short theme message, and leaving the blog address, or randomly selecting a few. It would figure out how 2 blog share, and accept advertisements, and on and on, and do this all without me doing it, it would B an advanced automated program, and B4U laugh at this, it is all coming, and damn soon, and with the parabolic curve of knowledge at only 30% the way it has been over the past 30-50 years, the next 30-50 will have extremely advanced MOGOSP systems, take that one 2 the bank, Chemical or not, King of Babylon uncle Heinz!!!!!. Really advanced systems can enter into anyone’s entire life and destroy everything that they try and accomplish, and cause horrific havoc all around them 24/7, yet making it look totally within norms and as though it all is merely naturally occurring events. Do U yet C friends and fiends out there, Y the Native Americans feared technology so much? They all ready had been here, their GREAT SPIRIT was WORLD LABS, they know Nina and Paula and their distant descendants up in 2301. Geeks know technology, the PC inside out, software and its capabilities fully, and what the curve I speak of here is really trying 2 convey and explain 2 the armature that may have stumbled onto this blog here today, or thinks he or she just accidentally stumbled on in here Suzie Quattro!!!!!!!!!! They can even set the copying of a dead humans on automation, and this is PRECISELY WHAT SCUMMER DID 2 ME UP IN THE ROTTEN FUTURE. I wish I had some good MOGOSP and a powerful 1 or 2 or 3 terabyte PC, but I do not, or my blog would B as famous as the mundane blogs of Paris or Britney or U name the star. None of what they say has any eternal value, in 1 or 4 or 8 hundred years, it will B as meaningless as urine. But the words in MOUNTAINPEN’s blog tell a bunch of things that R so powerful, not that I am squat because I am not squat, I AM LOWER THAN THE SQUAT OF A DEEP SEA WHALE, but what I tell, that is what has eternal significance. We can also get back 2 this James Garner pounding later on, 4 now let me move along again.

I need 2 fully emphasize that the GAME of ICPE, being played by this evil fucping forcer, is merely their newer adapted version of a game that had been ongoing between them and me all along, B4 the famous and endlessly retold August 15th in 1986. Parallel event, and the nightmare hellish game with me being endlessly and directly persecuted by some real actual human army coming from obviously SOMEWHERE, all had an origin, middle summer of 1986, and so did this PHILLIES, FLYERS, DOW JONES, and MYSELF parallel. There never will B the proper time amount nor the proper diction 2 ever fully tell my story, just as there never could B the necessary time nor proper wordage and language 2 tell the story of Christianity. Morianity/Christianity, 62 generations, and they say what a difference a day makes, no, it does take some time. Again with those inescapable MILLIONTH-COUNCIL LETTERS, wow Fonty. Let’s go surfin’ now with the beach boys, my board will permanently on the flip side though buddy, as my entire life is one gargantuan freaking WIPE OUT, Mitch Kit Nightrider Westmont Rip-off muscle contest dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I told my blogaud something that I thought had quite impeccable logic and very difficult 2 argue with analysis of capitalism in general and how it can relate 2 both me and my hellish life and story. Let me however right now reiterate and move and delve further and deeper into all of this, BRA!!!!!!!!! Persons in the EW or the Entertainment World, or industry, or business, R there 4 one reason and only one reason, 2 MAKE A TON OF FREAKING MONEY. Playing all sorts of chairs, 2nd, third, and on down the musical fiddlers food chain, would B things like fun, recognition, sociological control, and so forth, but not 4 one damn minute Admiral Spokwhale should any of U believe that I am at all wrong in telling U up front and boldly, that the “ALL-MIGHTY-DOLLAR” is and always was and will B, NUMBER ONE with all of them, the EW, as these R CAPITALISTS. I am not judging capitalism, but I am gonna attempt 2 make a very powerful point here lads and lassies. Now everybody 4 the most part says that MOUNTAINPEN has made up a powerfully fantastic tale of pure fiction out of his totally sick twisted and deluded mind. Well, now let us take and advance these 2 thoughts into this one fantastic merging of major logic, shall we, BRO? I am not in the closet. My story is out here and I know I have a small 4-digit blogaud, this has been Google checked. Not that this many reads all blogs, but many read some, and some read many. It all balances out as this truth, I am not hiding anything, I have told a major huge story 2 Planet Earth and its inhabitants. Someday, both my ancestor’s bible and this bible will B a tiny bit more understood, hopefully. 4 right now however, I am sharing all these truths with any willing and eager eyes and ears and minds. Nothing is being kept from U, there R no secrets sealed up. People will get a lot more out of this with each passing 10 and 20 year period as they grow and if they grow and become a tad bit more enlightened, and enlightenment does not mean owning and operating a better and faster and smarter PC. The 6th dimension is mind and any thought whether it B biologically created or mechanically created, thought is thought is thought, it literally IS the 6th dimension, not that thought is some ‘thing’ that ‘comes from’ the 6th dimension. This is Y more and greater understanding of the bible from 2000 years ago is also happening in this same exact way and manner, BRO. U hear the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle telling Saint John 2 seal up certain things in the original bible. This is the most misunderstood concept in the entire bible, man just is not getting it. This was never a command from ‘GOD’ 2 shut the hell up. This is a truth being told 2 mankind, that mankind will receive this in his own way and in his own time. It is these little screw ups that will lead 2 poor Doctor camping’s insanity in about 22 months, and most likely and very unfortunately, will B another blow 2 holy men and women, God, the Bible, and goodness. Goodness or righteousness is of course in truth, the negative polarity of electromagnetism when interacting on carbon based entities. This is pure and total absolute powerful truth/reality, same word. Finishing out my pernt Archie, Y then if I am such a fantastic fiction writer, dwarfing anything Patterson and King and Spielberg and all of them could ever hope 2 do, and since they love their money-god and worship it daily and thrice on Sunday, Y would they not wanna contact me, hire me, and let me make billions more dollars 4 them? The answer is known by a small child that is earnestly seeking it. Because Mountainpen is no fiction writer and would do a lousy job at it. My story is true and I may B a bit nuts after what these diseased sleaze have put me through, but I am not making this up or in some fantastic butt wipe delusion, BRO!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 the quick thought 4 the night on the “GAMES OF THE GODS, keeping them able 2 handle endless awareness”. U have heard me say that this is what all of Morianity hangs its hat on, all else can B skipped except sentence number two, “U exist, time is an illusion”. These 2 sentences in italics IS ALL OF MORIANITY compressed into 2 sentences. Expanded, sure we have the chain and the Book of the Beach, and Tennessee Avenue, and many other things, but R any of these details really needed 2 understand MORIANITY? That would B a big negative and roger that one.

They did it today, and I TOLD U MY LOVELY GIANT GINA, they now crossed over 9,000 points on their crumby DOW JONES GINPUSSTRIAL AVERAGES STOCK MARKET. Investing closing number huh Wall Street, 9069, investing today Traveler Tommy and clan???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I said, the Phillies winning streak broke when they had their first down day yesterday by as few measly points, and then today it shoots up nearly two bucks. I cannot get one full righteous empire. I will bet U all 55 quadrillion dollars the Phillies will blow out again tonight and I will have 2 deal with a nasty FULL EVIL EMPIRE, or Phillies loss and Dow Jones climb. Funny, I knew all along they have a way of knowing when I really do something and when I lie about it 2 try and get an effect. I have not really played Roger’s system since the 50 unit blow out 2 weeks ago, it was made up and I intended 2 fess-up about it, and all ready knew this was gonna most likely all occur. Now if I am dealing with mere flesh and blood 2009 mortal mankind, how can they possibly have known that I made that up? They freaking did though, BRO. If they thought I really had made back those units, the Dow Jones would have dropped down 2 shirt. Ever since the second huge siege, remember the first one was the motorcycle gang in league with the aerial pummeling that Sunday back earlier in the year on my way driving into my hellish work site, and now the last few weeks when this 2nd super death pummeling struck me, I knew I was a more than well done and totally cooked freaking rock chucking goose. Yeah maybe the Eagle has landed, 40 years and 3 nights ago, but this eagle has landed as well, STRAIGHT INTO ENDLESS FREAKING HELL.

Roger left me another note late last night or most likely in the wee early morning hours today, Thursday. He said that the GAWNUM is Y THAT FAMILY has captured me and commandeered my life, or my telling of it publicly. He also told me that he knew I never played any of those games and 2 really start playing them again, or else a 5 figure Dow will B right at my door. Now how did he know I did not really play those games, HOW????????????????????????????????

GOOGLE ENGINE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2297, this is all copyrighted in 2009, as THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, and also is registered on a blog registry website as my personal intellectual property, along with MOGOSP. If it is gonna B used 2 truck my entire life up, then it is gonna B used also 2 repay me the many billions of dollars soon that I deserve after a lifetime of freaking rip-offs, BRO!!!!! These words R total absolute truths the best as I know them 2B, and no intentional deceptions nor any fabrications or falsehoods exist in any of my words and messages and stories. This is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. My Aunt Ruth never died of a flu shot just like the gas was not left on in the Huntington Braintree residence in 1958. Julia White, Paula King, Queen of the Mayans, call her whatever U wanna call her, she’s SARAH-STACEY and she is ALL MGHTY GODDESS. Ask the freaking copyright examiners, they know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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