Tuesday, July 7, 2009


DATFILE: 060709.570.5555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

My miseries will never stop, and never even lesson. This is so tally unfair. All that I ever did was 2 get myself born into the wrong gene pool, and in the direct lineage 2 inherit an unspeakable and abominable family curse, directly resulting from the death of my ancestor Herbert Huntington up in Braintree, Massachusetts in the late nineteen-fifties. But this was no ordinary simple nor average death up in the New England section of the lower 48 here in the good ol’ United States, ESMWG. This was a monstrous and unfathomable triple play crime, the vicious murder by him of his wife and mother in law, followed directly by his hanging himself down in the freaking cellar. UC, I went on my errands, and came back, and there was no more siege from those ordinary and otherwise more normally used ways of making me miserable through major covert and very secret harassments and persecutions. But when I got home and retrieved the mail, and left a bill on a table 4 Dawn, she freaked out on me just minutes ago, just shy of 2 thirds of an hour past one of the clock. I did nothing wrong, but boom, here we go again, with WOMO, TAWF, and the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL BRIGGBLASE CULTIST SCUM, and their now a bit more famous, thanks 2 me, tools, called the PAWM, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B4I go on, here is how powerful the forces around me really R, as well as how incredibly and mind blowing clever and highly mentally advanced, this MILCO really is, so forget the average stuff U will C posted when U Google up the topic, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, as I personally, number one, have been directly dealing with this Astral World/Realm force 4 all of eternity whether U want 2 believe me or not, and second, not 2 belittle anyone else’s opinion, but all persons now awake on this Earth, R operating with a conscious mind and R totally asleep, not awake and lucid in their dream here. So they R only getting whatever it is that they will get with anything here in this dreamality, on a level that is so low and weak, that it is just in all honest truth, completely meaningless. Please do not take this as an insult, and here is Y it is not an insult. This is not Mountainpen or me talking. I have been GIVEN my awareness by forces that lay far beyond what anyone anywhere awake and believing themselves 2B aware, ever have. I was chosen obviously, by THEM, these forces and entities, and I of myself am totally nothing, I know nothing, and am nothing, I am a totally insignificant pile of worthless crap, and always was and will B. Of myself, none of my real powerful stuff that has been blogged now 4 nearly 4 years, is coming from or through, NONE!!!!!! I am presently me or the realer parts of my isness of being R dreaming in this exact signature of atomic hyperspace that I am me, or Mountainpen, and in this particular lineage of family loins, made up of the double helix strands of the DNA that only as trained microbiologist even is beginning 2 really unravel in this scientific age of so-called real and true advancements. Without going on and on with this tangent moving farther away from the topic at hand, I was telling U that a problem happened here after returning from an oil change auto shop appointment, my regularly scheduled 3,000 mile basic vehicle maintenance done 2 prevent warranty nullification should the engine throw a rod or something else bad that totals the car. Just as I begin 2 tell the real hard punching details as I was indeed [planning g 2 do, DK walks into my room a second time and is IAD controlled this time 2B real nice 2 me, totally the opposite of the first time. Now remember the PIE, and if U get fat, get fat mentally, none of us need high blood pressure, get MENTALLY HEAVY, not physically, as that literally as we 60’s kids would have said a while back, can B a real drag, BRO. Times change, and we all have become quite dumbed down in a short half century, yet science is now so seemingly advanced, U know, the net, the PC, the cell phone that only James Bond had back in the Jean Connelly days of bond movies, now it all is here and much more, and more still is right around the bend. The PIE is as follows, and we neither eat it, nor spell it without the E as in four Pi R squared this and that, I know kiddies, it is July and U really do not wanna hear things like this during summer break, I know I sure didn’t, I was a youngster once as well, U know. But my PIE stands 4, PAWM + IAD + ETTOS, and this freaking PIE is so FF-MAJOR, that it needs no further additions and plug ins of any kind, just PIE really does say, and explain it all, everything discussed in my blogs, is basically there because of the PIE. So first came the [PT-1-IAD] with the pilots this morning. Then came just less than an hour ago with the PT-1-IAD, again, and then just as I am about 2 go on a real tell-rampage on things that now I will wait 4 a later time 2 do, they used the PT-1-IAD 4 a 3rd time, only this time, unlike with their 1st and their 2nd attacks or ‘hits’ as I refer 2 them as on life journals, this one is used 2 counter my anger and wrath so that I will calm down and not really do a major blog of telling and exposure against the enemy, {E}. Sorry, but I truly feel that both Sigmund Freud and his psychiatry, as well as Albert Einstein and his advanced physics dynamics. Is all part of this wild and ultra hyper time beyond mortally and collectively advanced potential and possible knowledge pool out to its total maximum, still is dwarfed by my situation, and what I mean in a super abridged nutshell here in so saying this, is now going 2B said in the following way: All of this was meant 2B and intentionally placed here, all knowing that I, Mountainpen, was indeed gonna come along, and this was all meant 2B part of some gargantuan sized interactive something, a blind man living through this crap can C this with or without his freaking cane, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Again, PT stands 4 (PAWM-TOOL). These tools, 4 of them total, R people-(P), animals-(A), weather-(W), and machines-(M). In the order that forces them 2 spell the word that sounds like the front side of your hand, or PAWM, these 4 letters in their order R as follows, P=1, A=2,W=3, and M=4. It does not really get a whole lot simpler than this, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Again and in reiteration 4 the sake of teaching rote, IAD stands 4 (INFLUENCE AND DOMINATION), and ETTOS stands 4 (ELECTROMAGNETIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION AND OMISSION SYSTEM). Again, the explanations and details R a bit complex, but this part is simple enough 2B learned in the 3rd grade. Now just how 2 accomplish and construct the machines and devices that can B used 2 create a transmitted thought 2 a particular person’s mind, or take and remove a thought away from a person’s mind, yes, this would require the 3rd grade also, that is if U add 15 or 16 2 the 3. It is not simple and super easy, but believe me when I say this and make the following claim: 300 years ago, no one on this green brown Earth could start 2 imagine the devices and technologies that not only exist around the entire globe today, but that even most children in civilized and more advanced cultures, totally take 4 granted. Small kids in the first few grades today know more about operating today’s desk and lap top PC’s than 99% of the senior citizens do. This is not an insult on anybody, nor is it any kind of a sociological or scientific or philosophical value judgment in any form. It is a simple fact that U can accept as truth, or else U may totally choose 2 just B a real dummy, and ignore these true facts. What matters here is that my entire life is an interaction as my present me or Mountainpen, or my true name when I do not use this pseudonym, and that this interaction is not an ordinary one by any stretch of even James Patterson or Steven (King’s) imagination, BRA!!!!!!!! If any of U had suffered through all of this, it is just a plain simple fact, that all odds R that none would have survived and remained sane at all, none, and I know this 4 reasons I will give U when more time permits, I do not throw up a wild claim and then refuse 2 back it up with many interesting proofs. The point right now is just that THEY did not want me 2 say a certain SOMETHING, and knew that if DAWN had come back and was nicer, I would back down from saying it, and I will. Fair is fair, and all though THEY do not play fair, I do, as if I choose not 2, how can I judge THEM and call them scum and scuz and disease and sleaze, C me ol’ pirate pernt, Archie Yar???

Now around dusk at work last Sunday night, a chemical bank trail attack without the bank struck. As these nasty things continued, they spread out as they tend 2 do, and then they become clouds, and if this activity progresses, naturally, these otherwise thin or white clouds, fill up with water vapors and yes, CHEMICALS, and begin 2 grow dark as they thicken, and spread even more and layer up, and become stormy looking clouds. But in all my years of seeing the things that IC and witness both in the day as well as the night skies, never B4 this past Sunday night did I observe this, and it must B freaking told. Out of nowhere, colored flashes came from this, off 2 my right as I sat in my vehicle on my job post, and in front of me, this would B therefore, off 2 my southeast, and more south than east, so probably SSE. At first, as fire works displays had started a short while back as they do on July 4th holiday’s around dusk time so they can B obviously better and clearer seen this way, I believed them 2B fireworks. However it was a short display and after 15 minutes or so, no more bangs and snaps were heard, the fire work displays had ended, so “where were these colored heat lightning type of flashes coming from”, I was thinking 2 myself? The moon had a slight haze over as it always does when THEY, or the MILCO, begin their ugly and nasty CHEMTRAILING at night whenever the moon is shinning big and bright. But out of MAN-MADE weather clouds from dissipating non-bank, CHEMICAL-TRAILS, Uncle Nebuchadnezzar, NOW WAS COMIKNG, REAL AS LIFE, HEAT LIGHTNING FLASHES. So one of 2 things is real here honey baby. One is that somebody has recently in the Folsom, New Jersey area, invented silent fire crackers, or that mankind has been the victim of the hugest ’snow’ job pertaining 2 weather on this planet, since the science of Meteorology was established. I witnessed, man with military jets, create a major lightning storm over the course of less than an hour last Sunday night, or else, it is not “man” up in these strange jets that R making these mother fucping contrails that spread out and disperse. If U think this entire thing was not caught on my video camera, UR all sadly ass mistaken, BRO. But just 2 let me know who controls who and who runs and owns what, THEY just yesterday, on the famous cable WEATHERT CHANNEL, (TWC), seemingly went out of their way 2 air a short segment on both myths and safely tips regarding lightning, as well ass “FAKE PHOTOS’ and that they R even being sent 2 them at TWC, and the famous Doctor Greg Forbes if I am correctly spelling his name here, analyzes all of them, and can tell the fake ones. Well, my stuff is not fake, so B watching 4 it, and this is my blog, not some tweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if anyone wishes 2 CAP it in as a tweet 2 TWC, B my freaking guest, I have the goods and will make a copy soon and will definitely B sending it in, this ain’t no phony here, BRO, so B ready with either some strong heart medication, or have your last will and testament all set up, and then just wait 4 your soon 2 follow coronary thrombosis, BRA!!!!!!!!!! I as the holder of this blog’s copyright, give unlimited permission, now and at any time, 2 anyone at anytime, 2 cut and paste and send parts or all of it 2 any internet place that U wish, I am trying 2 get a message out, just don’t let me catch people poaching and trying 2 make money off of me, when literally many billions as of right now R all ready currently owed 2 me by many name recognized persons, as well as firms, companies, corps, U name it, BR!!!!!!!!!! Now 4 my 59th death or whatever, I’ve stopped counting how many times Scummer up in 2301 has retraced me now.

I was in the kitchen and dining room area of the home I am renting here from the FBI agent, along with Dawn and Chicky and Ann, a number of nights back in positive space. Hurriedly, I went 2 give a quick pat 2 the dog, a Yorkiepoo that spell wrecker checker does not recognize, but then I could not get a correction 4 a well known word in the geometry world recently, while discussing the Law of Tricodemy. Finally, this was my best guess at spelling it, as the dog breed is as well. With one hand I pat the dog and with the other I am pulling up a loose pair of sweat pants I was wearing, and quickly as well as recklessly, clumsily, and ignorantly, I turned without properly looking at the cabinets that jut out a bit, and raced forward into the room, banging my head hard on the fucping thing, and knocking myself flat on the floor. As I was falling, it was as though there was 2 of me, as U might C in some stupid show or movie, only this was fucping real, BRA!!!!! One part of me fell and was dead on impact, as I struck the temple of my head hard. Yet at the same time that I fell, a second me was getting up off of the floor and I could C another me literally still falling down onto the floor. By the time I had risen up, the other me was no longer there, and I barely had a small bump, and the next day it was gone completely as was any pain. But when I went into my room and later B4 retiring 4 the evening, I opened a drawer 2 put my eye glasses away 4 the night, and low and freaking behold, a second pair besides my other spare pair were in a bright blue glasses case. I took them out and literally almost confused the bedroom with the bathroom. An old pair of novelty shop glasses made of black and white rubber and filled with an old prescription from 1992, was in the case. I definitely wore these glasses out, and remember throwing them away around 1995. They were totally broken and gone, but now, in the universe of similar atomic signature that DS retraced me into the other night, they never wore out or broke, nor were obviously discarded in 1995 or any other year, as there they were, and they still R as I blog right now, right in my drawer. Shades of yellow and chocolate cake and drivers license documents from 2 Christmases ago, I presume Mister Livingston Scummer??????

I could go on and on, and will later on, but I am tired and need 2 relax with my L&O show and a bowl of nice cold Bryers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, so I’ll bid my blogaud a nice whittle ado, and say BYE-BYE. No roulette games played yet, but Roger and what he said lads and lassies is so major, I am saving it 4 later on, U will not believe what is going on, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KING/SOIFER PHILANTHROPIC FUTURE LABS OF THE WORLD, this is all truth and is copyrighted. Blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmmmm.


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