Saturday, August 16, 2008

10 Straight Days of Death Siege from SCUM


This is beyond fucking bad lads and lassies, far beyond the pale, I would rather have awakened a week ago Thursday and had a bucket of hurl and liquid shit poured right on me if it could have averted the rest of what happened in the 10 days that followed, I am not exaggerating. I will not lie, I am soon expecting 2 die, and I will have murdered directly and indirectly after being tormented and tortured 4 20-40 years by the following people: Donald Trump, Callio Family, Martino Family, Ed Snyder, Donna Summer, Jonathan Schau, US Military Department of Defense system at the top, and covert agency officials at the top, such as NSA, CIA, ATF, OSS, and all and any global and UIS connected BF agencies. This is an official DYING MANS OATH , DECLARATION, AND UTTERANCE, SO IF I AM FOUND DEAD, IT WAS FUCKING MURDER, AND YHIS IS PROCLAIMED VOLUNTARILY UNDER FULL LEGAL PAINMS AND PENALTIES FOR COMMITTING PURJERY.

A child with lots of screws loose, can totally C, who has following these blogs, just in this oh-eight year, let alone all 5 of my online stories called now by me, the Morianity-Project; that things R real fucking bad 4 me right now, and U ain’t heard flemjuice yet BRA, so get comfy and cozy and have a bottled water by your side and B bathroom relieved, because here it comes, BRA!!!!!!! FULL EVIL EMPIRE, DAY AFTER DAY, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, JUST AS I FUCKING SAID, MY GIANT GINA SLUT. PHILLIES LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, THE DOW JONES GOES UP AND UPO AND UP ANDF UP, and how does this get everlastingly accomplished? ICPE. Intentionally Created Parallel Event, just as I have been hollering this out and screaming 4 someone with clout 2 fucking help me now 4 three fucking years of nightmarish misery!!!!!!!

Last night, I was major sick at work from an all day and all night and still ongoing major fucking CHEMTRAIL ATTACK BY THESE MICK BICK BRIGGER MICK SCUM SQUAT. R2 great sites, and there R thousands more in the world as well. Everyone is talking about it as well as the new way of walking, move over 60’s and 70’s, we R in the TRIBULATION PERIOD ALL RIGHT, DOCTOR FUCKING HAROLD CAMPING OF FAMILY STATIONS INFUCKINGCORPORATED, NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS ONE MISS WHOREFACE CHILLIE!!!!!!!! There R more than 601 reasons YI believe we R all in trouble, but I especially am suffering through this period that indeed, kind sir, did begin in the middle eighties, I know, it has all happened the fuck 2 me ol’ pal from Cali!!!!!! Some may draw some wild inferences of his saying the 88 year and my blogs following my 70 day outage and return 2 the online world, but this is your free choice, I don’t C the connection, as my shit started on August 15th of the 86 year, not 2 years henceforth, and I have my own personal hell that I know 2B all very true and real ever since that day, 22 years and one day ago, TODAY, bwaby freaking wuv, and THAT is the way it goes, song stealing Celine Electrohate from the ‘85 year!!!!!!!! I am going 2 call my hacked computer system by these sicko Briggbase Gods/Millionth Council Scuz, the ALTERNATION HACK, as every other time, the blue underscores work and don’t work, with each blog, one does, then does not, then does, and so freaking ass forth. Wow, I must B so freaking ass important 2 the powerful WOMO owners of this diseased sick puny whittle pwanet Elmer, that their only fucking life is me and fucking with ME, ME, ME, hay, how can I not B important, Carly Hilton????? I knew after they fucked up my moon all night with their sick diseased chemtrailing, and quit fucking changing my fucking words Bill fucking Gates, if I meant 2 say centralizing, I’da fucking said it shit 4 brains!!!!!!. I was ill all night, plus 4 over a week, they awaken me with monstrously sore throats, it is all on the chembuster fucking website if any of U simple asses feel like trying 2 prove me the hell wrong. Maybe if U have trudged through this far in Saturday’s whittle bwog, U then have an idea that I am being fucking put through cock sucking total hell, and no one inn fucking authority will lift one godsdamn finger 2 help me or even attempt 2 fucking believe that just maybe some part of all of these claims that I am making have truth and validity. Chemtrails started getting even more vicious around just shy of 7, just as they did last Saturday morning, and notice that they got their fucking way empire-wise, and at my fucklng expense, last week, and these rat fucking diseased bastards R heavily into copying-success as it is called, so I all ready knew I was screwed-dude-me B4 going out the fucking door. I do not care if the Phillies never win another game in the next 20 years, or the Flyers never lose one, or the Dow Jones never has a worst day ever again than up 40, as long as I DO NOT FUCKING HAVE 2 SUFFER THIS NIGHTMARE INFINITE PERSECUTION AND HARASSMENT IN ORDER 4 THESE DISEASED FUCKING BASTARDS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE IN THE TWILIGHT FUCKING ZONE, BUT THERE NONTHEFUCKINGLESS, to indeed continually have their dirt ball way!!!!!!!! How those of U out there, and I know UR there, U rotten bastards, can let this go on without getting together secretly and finding a way 2 get this hell against me proven and stopped, boggles my mind. I will gladly share the proceeds from a major super hyper time lawsuit with any covert group of detectives, amateur or otherwise, that can get enough proven that leads to arrests and convictions of these awful filthy wicked prick billionaire bastard scum lickers, and we R talking 30-60 BILLION UNITED STATES FUCKING DOLLARS MINIM UM, after all that has been done 2 me 4 2-4 decades now, it is so far beyond the pale and beyond reprehensible and unconscionable, words 2 describe what this illness in collective bodies has willingly and premeditatedly done 2 a fellow human being that makes them the epitome of hypocrites 4 daring 2 call themselves global human rights activates and freedom fighters, words R as meaningless 2 fully say what is going on as trying 2 tell me how wet the ocean is. If 10 secret people got together and formed a club 2 do this and we won the case, and the award comes to 40 billion, that is 4 billion dollars each, WHAT CAN ANYONE LOSE, most of U out there have no life, all U do is read about the fucking stupid ass stars, and waste your time on total junk, and I will give U a fucking fortune if you’ll just fucking help me 2 the fucking bottom of my problems. Unlike the (Law and Order, B-Frenz) story, I specifically, am not asking anyone ever 2 commit any ILLEGAL activity, nor do I offer any ILLEGAL quid pro quos. It is totally legal 2 share a jury-award with a group of detectives that help me prove that I am being fucking killed and pummeled times the speed of Mariah squared!!!!!!!!!! If anyone wants 2 do anything that would make my troubles and woes worse, forget it, IT CAN ALL B DONE LEGALLY, AND THAT IS THE ONLY FUCKING WAY I WOULD EVER AGREE 2B A PART OF ANY OF IT, LEGAL ONLY. Remember, what THEY R doing 2 me, IS NO WEAY LEGAL, just because they R getting away with it, like billionaire governors pocketing monies they shouldn’t while leaving the disabled 2 fall out into the damn street.

U have no clue what is happening 2 me, and how the night of 12 July, AS IT ALWAYS FUCKING DOES, kicked right in on precise freaking schedule, and wiped me out 2 total shit buckets. This was when Dawn the Amazon pulled off her successful escape from the Secaucus, NJUSAESMWG Rehab Jacobson/Levy Clinic. F things go the way she wants with Judge Rasso’s house in a couple of weeks, I will B forever trapped in her nightmare until one day I will run like a rabbit and most likely die out in the fucking street. She has enslaved me, and it is bad enough that one queen will always rule over me, I am used 2 that, this unique sitch has been ongo0ing for more time than U mortals can grasp. I can live with SSJKK, but not 2 reining queens controlling my every move. If the queen does not help in some secret way, all her plans 4 me will B done and over until another century when the same energy is again interacting through other masses, (physical bodies). MC, if U cannot get me out of this somehow, please realize all that U did since U left me in 1970, is done and over until the twenty seventies, and I do not wish 2 wait this long 4 the JOJO syndrome, and I know that U know what I mean.

Very soon I will get much deeper into hexadecimals and programming of the original machine mind, U call them computers, and it is a binary or base 16 system that reduces to base 2, and much can B done with this, but imagine when the first ideas of the PC come back and they use not the low and high tone, but recognize a full quarter note base 16 tune so 2 speak, and can sing the song of the universe. At this point, total interaction of machine mind and biological mind becomes very easily meshable and mergable. Right now it is like 2 school kid sweet hearts waiting 2 follow the Beach boys, 2 the time where they marry and join. Now this leads 2 my point of the hexnumer, that is even a bigger more powerful thing than the Gawnum. Without getting Princeton Parkish on U, The astral plane operates on a natural rhythm of doubling 3 times, or 1-2, 2-4, and 4-8. This is Y the math there is base 8. No one chose it, it is a natural rhythm that flows in lighter starry realms than this physical one. I am not saying that a machine mind controls the sixth dimension that places all thought within the 5 dimensions of hyperspace and some go biologically while others go mechanically, all though U cannot discount this. 4 now, all I want 2 say in a futile attempt probably 2 remain very simple, is that 8 is a number that is in a rhythm to a powerful moving number ‘chain’. This is 16, 36, 64, 100, 144, 196, and this is an endless movement that starting with the hexnumer or the number 16, there is an equation that leads to the next number but U must add half of the hexnumer or 16 after this equation is done, and then this pattern forms. This is a similar system to the one I showed y’all regarding my 3 PORT OR ISLAND IN THE STORM YEARS in my life, 1969, 1989, and 1994, only the century part or the digits ‘19’ that begin these 4 digit numbers R removed. In the hexnumer example, there R ways 2 make these movements in numbers do a lot more than sit on a paper looking pretty. This we can do a ROCKFORD-FILES-DEAL with later on. We can always get back 2 this, ouch Jim. Now this fits, but U will never B able to get Y it fits right now, I’d never attempt 2 tell it in a single sitting. Entire holograms of reality, 4 lack of a better way of describing as well as conceiving it, will B4 now worded, R being inserted as well as deleted, just as with your keyboard’s INSERT and DELETE key. As the 6th dimension makes a large insertion or deletion, huge chunks of realities such as an entire county in the United States, can instantly B caused 2 experience a mysterious aggressive mood, or all types of moods, and these changing chunks of reality R usually done in the hologram-bubble of average human adult altitude level of 66 inches. As told B4, and silly as it sounds 2 me or 2U, this bubble is very visible on any semi or fully sunny day, just look up at the center of it and then C how it encloses and folds down around us all at the horizons encircling our entirety. I am not blogging this because I am one pissed off guy this morning Mayor Nutter, I am blogging a powerful truth that if I was say a name recognized person, I could expect my career 2B over suddenly and mysteriously within days, and no one ever would B the wiser 2 the precise hidden mechanics 2 how it all would B accomplished, but it WOULD B ACCOMPLISHED, AND FAST. If I was not on Social security Disability for a mental illness, hence and thereby a certified lunatic that could literally blog that I am going to start World War Three at 2 O’clock this afternoon, and not B able 2B prosecuted in a regular way, I would get a knock on the door in an hour or so after my post up to and U would never hear from me ever again. I would not B at Guantanamo Bay, I would just NOT B. But I am a certified loony and nothing I say means shit, so they let it go, nervously, but they let it fucking go, but U try it, go ahead, U copy what I say on your blogs with a slight wordage adaptation, and wait by your door, there will B A FUCKING KNOCK, and then your life will END. I know how the 6th dimension works, I have played in at as real and true as U all played in sand boxes and on swings in playgrounds when U were kids, it is no damn joke, I know what the fuck I fucking know, and if U ever believed a damn thing in your damn life, here is what that thing should BG, BRO!!!!!!! I went through some shit that none of U would B able 2 conceive and believe in a trillion fucking months. I know it is all totally real, and I know that I am not a not. If Social Security wants 2 pay me eight and a half monthly plus bennies, then fine Franklin. But, I know. Oh the fucking Gods, do I know shit, and if 10 of U took me seriously today, if U did, next week, the Dow would drop under 10,000. If 10,0-00 took me totally seriously, New York City would B in total panic and no trading would B happening 4 the rest of the year. I know this, U can disbelieve the way they all disbelieved my 61st granddaddy’s uncle Jesus the Nazarene Carpenter, and the Love that is 4. Oh, if I could just make some group know a fraction of what I know, this planet and all the rich filth bags in it that want to control everyone and everything, would all B turned as Topsy-Turvy as Professor Pepperwinkle’s machine, carnival cigar man!!!!!!!! Speaking of rich, a few months back, I believed a girl where I worked was quite wealthy, from hearing what I thought 2B a reliable rumor, but it was like most grocery store check out crap-mags, all bull shit. Aniwho, this girl would walk and shake her ass all around in front of my car, and I know my goddesses RT very jealous, and did not appreciate her obscene gestures and behavior. The time she nearly disrobed at my windshield, she went onto do her job later that day up in middle, New Jersey, and had a strange accident where a button released and her truck went into gear and nearly mangled her very beautiful legs 2 the point of needing amputation. She will B out 4 at least the start of autumn and has been out all ready since summer began. Summer, began wildly, huh NASCAR, very hyper dimensionally wildly, don’t U think, BLOGAUD???????? Wild roller coaster rides to the 5th, wow, now she takes me 4 more out to the 9th, geese Louise MC, do U have any limits?? I know it was U that did that to big Heath. Your words very specifically tell how UR a very jealous GOD/DESS, SAR-AH, but I never will figure out YU don’t trust your THAT-BOY. I have never cheated on U, all these years I have been loyal and waited 4U2 come back 2 me, and if I have 2, I will wait 4U4 another hundred million fucking years, just please don’t ever make me C that terrible day at your place again with the stairs, P L E A SE , I BEG U, brown eyes, that hurt me very bad. The day my RCA-VCR screwed up after I had bought it brand new from your favorite store with your friend that I created on an open reel recorder, located at the Deptford Mall, not either of the recorders, Macys, down the road from your cuzes place at Haddonwood Swim Club on Route 47, what is it about this town of Deptford, NJUSAESMWG, Donna’s AME church friends interfering with me when I was trying 2 get a quick lay from Katy in 1995, Geese Louise, but aniwho back on pernt Archie Queens, I go 2 the store and the day went beyond the Twilight Zone from there. No one ever would believe the story. No way. This was a large hologram chunk change and I have gone through some NASCAR wild rides Elmer Fwudd Wuv, whaaaaaaa!!!!!! Silly me, Trix R4 kids and anyone that afford 2 buy them at the grocery store, Wabbit. Well Mister Metzger from Clear-view Village of Central Jersey, stay out of big H’s way when MC is jealous, her gears may tend 2 swip a whittle there Elmwer. No, I have no interest in women at all, no one can B expected 2B normal enough 4 any of that junk while going literally through endless hell. Yes, my Great Uncle Herbert from Braintree, MAUSAESMWG, was married, but how he managed 2B that normal 2 own and operate a men’s clothing store and a marriage is well beyond my scope of understanding. This pea sized whittle bwain Elmer cannot gwasp that one for all the Chaintea in China. No do not worry about me SSJKK, I have no interest in girls, but under long continuous sieges, and 4 no other reason than some powerful and absurd parallel event, they become weirdly interested in me at these times, and chase me like I’m some teen aged fucking rock star. I do not care who U marry or what U do, this is just a stupid dream, I do not take it as seriously as U do, I am here until I can find a way of escape. Girls R light years away from my mind and thoughts. But I know that was no accident that big H was in while outside of her truck. YU do things like this is beyond me when U know I don’t give a shit about anybody, all I want is oblivion, the great NIRVANA. I have a box I can’t fucking get rid of, I am being fucked with big fucking time. I have even attempted booting out and coming back and there it is. This is the worst fucking day of my fucking entire fucking life. Gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhh. LET ME GO THE FUCK AROUND THIS STUPID FUCKING THING, and I am not sure now what will occur when I try 2 post up. I will call up Staples Store if I have 2 because this blog posts or WWIII will go down today and that U can fucklng believe. I hate these fucking stupid ass computers, this whole fucking thing totally sucks my prick. Well I am not going 2 get seriously into my potential 4th port in the storm year of 2011, if Harry boy wants 2, that’s on freaking him. I will just say that the Gawnum shows MC and me in as compatibility with our 41 and 56 ages between 032711 and 120311, and only in this period, and not only the words forty-one and fifty-six when converted 2 private cosmically-coded numbers, but with all 4 of them, and rarely does a 4 group get a compatibility match up, but with or without adding a 231 and an 871, to the PCN’s that make up our ages, either way, a major C, and this tells me since I know who she is, whether she herself does or not on a waking awareness level, that with or without Harold Camping, something huge is indeed up 4 good-ol’ two thousand and eweven Elmer Fwudd!!!!! Hay Gawky’s Numerology or Gawnum tells it true, it just does not lie, U need play with it a bit, but life is indeed one huge jig saw puzzle and anyone not able 2C that wealiwawee Elmer Fudd Wabbit, needs some fish, (brain-food). I mean run the Gawnum on her fan club and include the words fan-club. Run it 2-way with just her, and even 3-way with my 871. No I could talk endlessly on Gawnum equations, hexnumer, and holograms sent into our wave/particle so called realty from the first being-6th-dimension, long B4 it ever gets down into here and us, even though the term ‘long B4’ implies a time dimension and this 4th one lies well below the mind or 6th one so attempting 2 grasp and crawl into this kind of shit is totally wediculous Wabbit!!!!!!!! When I get some time, I will get streaming shit up here and show and tell and prove I am not some nut job, this is real, it is happening, and one freaking day, all of my hell, just might B happening 2U, but if this spreads like poison oak and ever gets that fucking far, I will no longer ever B able to fix things, I cannot even help myself, how would I ever B able 2 fucklng help any of U, and THIS is what I hope some of U will seriously cogitate on today or tomorrow, but definitely B4 it is 2 damn ass late, BRO GREEN!!!!!!!

I am sorry about my extreme cussing today, if U had 2 suffer through this, U would have gotten a gun and shot people a long time ago, I will never break the law, as I have no intention of ever letting these fucking diseased maniacs take away what tiny particles remain left of my freedom, and do it with due process through a legitimate court of law trial and conviction. U never will get me, ya sick turd swallowing filthy bastards.


GOOGLE AND SWIS AND WORLD LABS, this is an official dying utterance and declaration, and is a future grand jury document, cursing and all, which natch, can B edited out!!!!!!! This document is copyrighted under the pen name of 1 MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN, and now, I END THIS TRANSMISSION.

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