Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version,
The Millionth Council and Me,
Bogging Books continuing on with the
Morianity Project, BIBLE, & Foundation, of 1995.

Put simply, around 6 last evening, chem trails have been somewhat nasty, all though I have seen it much worse, and it trucks up the way we all feel in different ways, based on each person’s individual DNA. A man named Herby Lets told me in late 1982 over at the Warwick Auto Sales shop in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, that this teck is real and is all ready about 2 start getting used, so what did Orwell know, and how did he know it, and was this book a so-called fictional book only not really, as is my book,. “The Permission Barrier”? Governor Corzine of New Jersey has personally wrecked my life on several occasions, and my murdered ex-pal Dave told me the man would B big trouble 4 us someday, only they killed him B4 he could really claw into him and his life. This man knew his political stuff. He could speak very intelligently and knowledgably on this subject and hold his own with all the Tom Brokaw’s of the world any day of the week. Yes, thank U so much 4 this SORA crap Gov, and also for cutting my property tax rebate amount by more than {90 PERCENT}. He says the New Jersey government is in need of these cuts, and I agree 100% that we R in fact in need of budget cuts. But they always will B against the defenseless, the frail, those in poverty, those with medical issues, and on infinitem. Never ever do they dare cut the thongs that will hurt the rich man. It is always against the poor. Do UC the Donald Disease and those like him, ever get hurt from these things? One prime example is that when gasoline goes on these sudden rolls to move either up or down by half a dollar per gallon, these smart money cheated/connected persons, have what is termed, LONG POSITIONS in the commodities market for gasoline during these BUY-and FORCE-UP-THE-PRICE-PERIODS, and concentrically, while holding what is termed SHORT POSITIONS in the commodities market for gasoline during these SELL-and-FORCE-DOWN-THE-PRICE-PERIODS. So with 2 or 5 or 10,000 contracts, controlled on margin for a fifth or less of the actual cost of the commodity should U not B a speculator and actually accept delivery on the date that it would occur, a 50 cent change in price can mean millions of dollars of profit over and over again 4 these connected smart money CONTROLLER-SPECULATORS. They say many things R not legal and the SEC investigates all of this fixing-activity. They also say that jet trails that spread out in the sky that recently in century 21 R finally becoming topic of global conversation, is the mere ranting of lunatics. They once not all that long ago said that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth, just as these 2 ILLUSIONS bring this reality 2 our perceptions and walking-world sensory systems. Well Gov., ol’ boy, U have shaved my life that is all ready a mega hell, and created instead, a terra hell. Guess this is Y his razor is just always 2 worn out 2 ever shave his face!!!!!!!

I plan now 2 run away to a distant Pacific Ocean island where none of U will B able 2 hurt me as easily and efficiently as U can presently while I remain directly under your nose, and CONTROL, WOMOITES!!!!!!!

Sorry, this is the end of this. I refuse 2 stay here where I am hated, and being a victimized endless target of some group of slime bag power monger cosmic plantation owner. Nobody has the correct color of skin that they should B treated like dogs, used, robbed blind yet legally, lied 2 endlessly, messed with endlessly, and forced 2 remain trapped in the sick evil game of some twisted upline world teen aged girl’s downlined thought wave. Perhaps I never can escape her, but I am now going 2B the biggest shellfish since the gaga-lobster. I refuse 2 obey an oppressive god or society that has taught the masses 2 blindly and ignorantly just obey the king and queen, and the governors, and world owners, WOMO, and B taught 2 go 2 a church and get on your stupid knees and worship something that thinks that this entire thing is one big fun and funny joke and game. I refuse 2 participate, and I am not going 2 bother with Gabby. U have ny wonderful governor, wind goddess, to thank 4 this sudden and final change of heart on my part. Now watch their evil market starting today, it will gain 100o0 points this week, and 2000 points next week and B at RECORD HIGHS B4 they wake me up when September terminates.

Muzak is on a nasty ass roll for major teasing and persecution everywhere I go where it is operational such as any public stores, etcetera. Tall and huge women and girls also abound. So do many death angel attacks/visitations, by scummy slimy Morty Mortino. This is a SUPER BOTTOM OF THE BARREL, ALL READY RATED DAY, {BOTBAR}. Most days R, the past 3 years, more than 05% or only 1 day in 20, not super trucked up 4 me, so thank the evil prick in the state house in Trenton MC, as he messed up your plans with me, I am finished, this is done and over. U can all go the brother of Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis, and hang in infinite interactions with him 4 all this shellfish cares.

Tropical islands, here I come, and I will B calling U Karen very soon, GET ME THE DOGTOWN OUT OF HERE.

GOOGLE-1x10 TO THE 99TH, SWIS-SATELLITE WORLD INTERCXONNECT SYSTEM, and World Labs, this is all copyrighted as Michael Wayne Mountainpen, and is only the truth. No one likes the truth, well, I have no power over that at all, sahwee silwee Wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!!

END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, PERHAPS MY FINAL BLOG EVER on www.blogger.com/. Say bye-bye 2 Hollywood, my baby, and my bwogs Elmer Fudd, this weelwee pissed me off today, Mayor Nutter. But by the way, UR the greatest mayor that the city of Philadelphia has ever had, so keep up the good work. Again BYE-BYE from PCN-871-----FOREVER. None of U astral filth have ever meant my any good, I will escape out of this into NIRVANA if it takes me 500 vigintillions-googolplex years. Thank Gov. C of NJUSAESMWG MC 4 this, he just was the final last straw that has broken the back of poor BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, pen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drive carefully, SIR!!!!!!!!!! Cali, hold your ground and pray, I am one angry dude with major electromagnetic knowledge, and Diana 2 help me back that up with her mighty power!!!!!!!

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