Thursday, August 21, 2008


Datfile--082108.777.55--Beginning Transmission:

I am under a very heavy siege today, but all of August has been hell. Milituforce or the Millionth Council dirt bag scum balls R pouring their degenerative and diseased antics at me, full faucet and at full hot. Looking back at the last 40 years, if I do it in reverse, that is 2 say instead of starting in late august of 1968 or the last time out of a total of 4 times when my mom and I stayed at the Trinitrail/Trinidad Hotel in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and from this time going ahead day by day right 2 this present moment, but reverse this and start right here and now and literally run this audio/video show/nightmare in reverse mode and direction, the most powerful stuff emerges that whether anyone out here in Internet-land wishes 2C or believe this or not, so powerful that it would end mans religion systems in 48 hours, and would cause mass chaos all over this puny planet in the days following that. What I am saying and only rocket scientists and a few others such as Neptune-Jupiter JCK in his human form, would B able 2 seriously entertain any of this. Please forgive if this offends anyone, I do not live trapped in the datfile of this evening, I do have a body that is trapped at this moment as well as in this evening, but also have numerous bodies trapped all over at roughly 400 increments apart at every single minute, and my true isness of being slides from one into the other, as does yours, only difference being that IC this and am aware of this, while U’all R simply put, NOT AWARE of this. John Henningsen could B given the microphone here at this point, as it really IS “just that simple”. President Abraham Lincoln is trapped in a body somewhere all throughout the early and middle eighteen hundreds, and the proof of this is that I can scan back and C him there from a distance delay lazar trace device. So no offense meant great Queen, when I mention the great Neptune-Jupiter, physically. I am aware that I or the real me is not trapped anywhere, only physical parts of a body R, in increments, about 400 of them each and every minute, and this is Y the realty of the hologram all around all of us at all times is limited to roughly 30,000 miles. After expanding the 8,000 mile diameter planet Earth out to where it would encircle out at maximum arc points of 38,000 minutes, nothing would ever again B in real time. B4 going any further, I meant on my prior blog that a trillion times around or TERA, the hypersphere or 100 billion light years roughly, converted 2 miles would B a billion times a trillion or a sextillion times 100 or 100 sextillion times roughly 6 trillion miles 2 the light year would multiply out 2 roughly 600 decillion or 6X10 to the 32nd power. I am only human and made a mathematical error, so sahwee, Tommy Company. If these evil wicked filth would not pick the truck on me night and freaking day, I wouldn‘t have such a nasty bad attitude and mouth throwing in numerous facetious sarcastic remarks, meant indeed as word knives 2 cut and hurt. I detest control freaks, and UR1 of them TT. U treated my queen like crap, and she had enough 2 deal with as a small child, U rotten ugly old bum. None of this would have ever happened, if my mom had not been influenced by the dirt ball MILLIONTH-COUNCIL in the late sixties, 2 send me 2 the same school that cuz Don attended out in Exton, PAUSAESMWG. Never would I have disappeared from Atlantic City, and lots of things would B so different today it is not bloggable. First, time was not really supposed to go on with human beings on this planet after somewhere between 1990 and 1994, depending on the unfathomably virtually limitless possible menu alterations of the gargantuan hyperspace. Mrs. Estelle Anderson Bassler, the owner of the 20th century property on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, where SSJKK was part of a shop, as has been told over and over 2 the point of boredom I’m quite sure, but when I followed the advice of the Camden County Prosecutors Office man that was assisting me after 5 December in the ‘89 year, by the name of Ron Wirtz, in New Jersey, USAESMWG, and did all the lengthy footwork in and near Atlantic City and other places, during my fantastic and outlandish search and super quest 2 locate the great and illusive All Mighty Spirit that visits our human realm much more than mortals have clue one about, sometimes coming in as one gender and other times another gender, even occasionally coming in as the same entity such as the beginning of my MOUNTAINPEN MECHANICS STORY, which may B a totally new BOOK and upcoming Blog, on Here we go again, no blue underscoring is taking on the word-works-document on the Blogger site that I just now typed in. Only the mighty and sick in the head Millionth-Council could pull this off. Perhaps a site someday will materialize on the human world and they will B willing 2 tell all of U after I am gone and murdered as Michael Wayne Mountainpen, and it will B and 4 right now I wanted 2 just C if it blue underscored, and it did not. 4 those not able 2 grasp even small amounts of these blog text’s truths, I am sorry that I do not know how 2 rewrite this so that U can better grasp of this. 4 those that have ever done DJ work and either operated full track open reel recording systems or 2-directionally moded motor controlled tables, U know that when U take a song and play it at its beginning, it will appear 2 begin where it should B ending, then proceed 2 play backwards, making a totally different tune and create basically inaudible word song lyrics, and then end up at the spot where the song should have really started at. Shortly I am going 2 tell a story called WHAT THE WORLD SHOULD KNOW ABOUT JOJO. Jojo is me, but not in this Mountainpen existence. I as Mountainpen will have been dead 4 a while by the illusions of mortally recognized and accepted STC. I believe this entity in most of hyperspace that is recognizable by me, is born physically depending on a universe’s particular atomic signature between 2063 and 2067 and the energy creating it is from a person who was born in 1954 and died in 2031 in the majority of these hyperspaces, namely, Mountainpen. So much more 2 all of this needs B explained, only it in all honestly cannot B. But it has 2 do with powerful things such as Christopher Columbus and his crew of brave seamen that ventured into an area not that far off Florida’s present day east coast, and their encounter with the MILLIONTH COUNCIL. This entire continent is in a battle that no other bible ever has told humanity about. The natives that lived here for thousands of years, verses, the newbie Atlantic-Krassle crossers, and all so that Tennessee Avenue and Atlantic city, and New Jersey, can get around 2 being created and built by mortal man. This is the mirror image of a special place in the All Mighty SSJKK’s life, both upline and inside of her dreams upline, or our downlined astral plane. Y of this is so, when we dream, don’t we go into out created further downlined thoughts or the downline Astral Plane? U cannot grasp this, but the astral plane is all one astral plane even though upline and downline worlds endlessly encircle around us creating what U may think would B as many of these R there R physical up and down systems within this huge and unimaginable 5th dimension. The Native Americans that were called Indians B4 it was no longer PC2 do this, verses the Columbus Crossers, wow, what bible ever told U any of this? Yet, documentaries exist out there amongst the learned, that back up all claims that this story makes and pulls things together like jig saw pieces, 2 really complete the mysterious story involved in all of this. NA Vs. CC. Yes, this is a formula that eluded Einstein and his buddies at the Princeton Shields University of Grown and on Her Own from Jersey, USAESMWG. U need 2 know how Rosalie a Jersey park ranger fits into this in 1994, as well as the great Disco Diva Donna, and HAIR, and Sampson from the bible of SSJKK, and much more. And it will all get told if I am not MC-murdered first. MCGUIRE came close, and my site shows it 2 any open minded person, the site is and nothing tonight is blue underscoring, but my next blog will, just watch and freaking C. All this is amusing and funny 2 these sicko/psycho MICK-BRIGGBASE, LAMIST CULT SCUZ from the ASTRAL PLANE, go to http://eckankar and C4 yourselves that an organization between 50 and 100 K strong talks about the same things that I do, they just never will B totally enlightened, and that is simple reality. They ‘attempt’ 2 project or move out of body or as call it and claim 2 own the term, SOUL TRAVEL, and I am not here 2 dispute it, but I will say, that I naturally soul travel, and have done this since the day that I learned about the mighty FASCITAR from my mom’s tape order catalogue of various academic subjects. I love looking backward and seeing a place called Rossmoor, a sort of adult pre-retirement living community in Central New Jersey, USAESMWG, in early 1988. Dave Roth who I had met about 40 or so months back at the Caldor Department Store working as Security Guards, he was in-house and I was contract company security with wells Fargo, but aniwho, MC, MC, and Millionth Council, and all other non MC’s, we were driving home from a shift up at this place the Rossmoor, and a man working for the Space Agency, major enemies, NASA, tried 2 run me off of Highway #295 at a precise point in the lane next to the shoulder, where there currently was no shoulder as construction was on going and all that was there was a very dangerous concrete barrier while everyone is traveling at 50-80 miles per hour in multi thousand pound metallic vehicles, U would say driving down a highway. I feel the need 2 insert the elucidated details of this very dangerous situation that this enemy fro MC Donald Douglas put us in. This is a transport part of NASA, their National Space and Aeronautics Administration. Now we turn the tape and move the Lattisaw make there Stacey, and from this present time period’s vantage point, WO, 1988, WO, National what, Mr. Krassle humanly? Well if just Stacey Lattisaw is pissed, I’ll only get hurt a little, let me hope that my queen doesn’t knock me to pieces tonight when I eventually will B forced 2 lose my conscious waking world awareness, but hay there, MC, how much of this is my deluded sick mind, and how much is indeed the proof beyond proof, that these cannot B a million randomly occurring events. I do know that if U had not just gone away into thin air and left me in 1970, U would have spared yourself some unpleasantness. In any event, I am so happy 4U and very proud of U that U have accomplished all that U have, 2 quote Quentin 2 Barnabas on Quentin’s birthday back in 1897, only it really was Count Petofi’s beingness inhabiting Quentin’s physical body. If things were not all really connected no matter how many people choose 2 totally disbelieve this major reality, Y then do they almost have 2B pulled apart like ivy roots off of a Harvard wall? Take the beauty queen on Law and Order that was written off the show in a horrific way, a brutal murder. She starts out in the episode where she plays the part of an exotic (D)ANCER, then goes on years later 2 become an assistant district attorney or ADA in the (D)ISTRICT Attorney’s Office, and then finally she was murdered on the job, or she became (D)EAD. Forget my bird, DD, here we have D-D-D, and this is not forcing puzzle pieces into place where they do not belong, this is reality. Things fit, but most people CHOOSE 2 remain totally blind 2 these HIDDEN or OCCULT truths. I could wonder about things that have 2 connections in a weird way, just not 3, sahwee. If Jackson the truck driver, crissake, did I just say 3, make this 4 things, 1988, driver named Jackson from McDonald Douglas, and this is a Space Agency truck, Mr. Krassle, how much of this can possibly B all just a series of coincidences, come on, tell me that in good conscience. I know I am gonna get massacred later by Queen Mariah. She said never 2 discuss the Gordon Lightfoot thing, so hopefully I can remind her that this is not that and please not 2 kick the crap out of me later. I really enjoy being in that place behind the Eden Garden with U, great SSJKK-MC. I guess your hubby would kick my ass if he knew what U do on Viqueens Island, but then that does not concern anyone except us, this is your great city, and U RULE over all of it. I hope that UR beginning 2 remember some of these things on a waking world level. I can only assume that your absolute most recent thing is a sign that UR remembering, but please no more ‘run off the roads‘, ‘night beat ups‘, or making me C terrible things when U were little, I love U just 2 much SSJKK, and it breaks my heart. If I ever find anyone that hurt U, I cannot blog the ending of this sentence, they just never better, that is all.

I am now going 2 tell U the tune that UR always singing out in this building behind this great garden, U all ready have the lyrics from a prior blog, it is your song, so I hope maybe U will do it someday, that is up 2U, and all I ask is that U keep me out of it, 4 your own sake, in fact, if U ever do this, I will edit out of this blog what I now type in. Remember the entire song is sort of around this, and I only remember these 2 repeating lines but U sing them so beyond heavenly, well, U sing all songs that way, because UR the greatest and always will B and do not need this little shit head 2 ever tell U that. I was going to give a precise octave pitch, but when they took my guardhouse away, I must have left the adapter in there, but I do not believe this, the old dead batteries inside the keyboard unit came alive 4 no good reason, the notes that correspond with the lyrics given B4R, F G A C D F G/F C E, G F E D/C D C/A/C, and I use the slashes when more than the one note shown is in a word in the lyric that UR always singing when UR in this place where U tell me U go once each week. Again, the words go. “I just want to spend my TI/ME with you, let me make SWE/ET love T/O/ YOU” If I wrote the music out, I am not proficient on these machines enough 2 make it come out correctly on the document or the blogging site, this is YOUR song, MC, UR always singing it, and if U ever do it, U have my word that I will erase this part of this blog. U sing it more beautifully than anything I ever heard, sing it 2 me tonight instead of hitting me, please. 990990990990990.

End Transmission. Please do not hit me Queen M. Thank U.

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