Saturday, March 7, 2009

6th dimensional reconfiguration

(6th Dimensional Reconfiguration)
Date And Time File: 020609.499
Beginning Transmission:

This can also B thought of as a short blog, it will not B long, but needs 2 have the title it does. CHEMTRAILING is major all over the Berryville-Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG skies, it was just a small bit on the way home, and burst into full attack on my way 2 take Chicky over 2 his job. UCB4I lived in this hell house, I did not have 2 do all these things, and n one of this is optional, it is mandatory, unless I want the queen 2 throw gasoline on me and light me on fire. Being threatened terroristically is not new 2 me, but this life of terrorism is.
www.chemtrail-central.cpm/ or Google up contrails/chemtrails and do not take any one person’s word about this topic, read and explore and then come 2 your own conclusions. Hat the same thing with Morianity. Don’t ever let me fool U. I am not rigid, I am extremely open minded. I do come across as almost a hard opposite, it still is not true however. I love other opinion, I welcome it, I share my inner most me with all of it, someone out here in net-land may have the answer that can take me out of eternal hell. Just because I do not know how 2 do it, it would B the quintessential arrogance and huberousness on my part 2 proclaim that no one in my blogaud does. Now if someone says, yo mountain prick, U need a shrink, that is cool. First of all, I sure do, just 2 help me cope with my major enemies and my problems, U bet I do, but that is not all I need, as I tried 2 tell the Burlington County Prosecutors Office back in 1988 while residing at 7 East Main Street, in the illustrious wealthy municipality of Moorestown, New Jerk-C. A shrink is like anyone else, we all need 2 get bull pit off of our chests. Keep enough crap inside U and it is every bit as bad as the real thing. Cut your asshole off or cement it shut and U will B in agony in 70 hours or so. U just cannot keep it Kenny Rogers County Cowards all bottled up inside of U, and not go off your rocker, BRO!!!!!!!! Loud road persecution is bad, planes, nasty huge time chemtrailing, this assault on me has been going on 4 a solid fucking week now, BR!!!!!! But let us examine the following thing together, ikf U disagree, tell me, natch, it may take me months 2 read your comments, I do not live in linear time. This is Y perhaps as Scylla herself has proclaimed, I seem 2 always B2 late on many important things. I do not really care in the case she makes mention of. I have Scylla where it counts, in truer reality. People on this Earth R centuries from understanding these words, and 4 this very reason, they also R a long ways off in putting a real dent in the Holy Words and what SHE really means. U know, just 2 add in a quick plugged in sound byte or type byte or whatever Congressman Oak Street of the seventies, don’t get a heart attack Roseanne Cash, the Briggers r doing all of this, not the other way around, but back on pernt AB, the bible says, “man is made in the image of God, male and female HE created them”, this quotation may B 100% or a mild paraphrase, but it is truth. What in the name of HOLY CALLIO does mankind and this human race find so difficult 2C in this sentence? I say this because I now will type in something that never has been seen in this sentence because the simplicity of it is sort of like the old mind boggle phrase we all heard, “Time flies, U can’t, they go 2 fast”. All UC at first glance is the expression that U have heard throughout your life that indeed TIME FLIES. This then seems 2 make no sense with the 2nd part of the sentence. U need 2 C that we R talking about insects, FLIES, and then re-read it, and boom, the cannon shots ring out so loud and clear. This is also Y many an 8th grade drop out goes on 2 become a millionaire while many a straight A student is in the poverty range throughout life, or one reason 4 that aniwho. Male and female he created them. AND, read it and stay awake, male AND female, we all R both, and in its image. Linear perceptions of space-time prevent most minds thinking in a forward agreement 2 the naturally produced illusions created by the waking conscious brain-mind, from seeing this true sentence of holy words, spoken through a prophet who penned them. Just as recently I told chall how it is never a situation where lots of heavy siege springs out of nowhere, and there R multiple possible reasons 4Y it could B occurring, that it is a multiple choice quiz of gee man, is it because I did this OR this OR this, but instead is most likely because I did this AND this AND this, gaveeeeesh Tony Highvoice???????????????? This is Y no sane mind can say with all the things that happened since I went off of the internet blogging system 4 those 70 some days back last year in oh-8, that I am imaging Scylla. I am not a star struck fan. I am a fan, a big one, but never woke up one day in 1990, 1997, or 1980 for that matter, and hoped that any of this stuff with HER would occur. If this explains things enough so that I never have 2 hear another person make that false assumption, I will yield up all of my other most prized possessions Mister Stoddard, 2 anyone at anytime. If UR gonna try and psychoanalyze me, B a bit more well read and versed in all of my material, pweeeeeeeeeeeeze, TANK-U!!!!!!!!!! Anyone like Dawn the King that does not want 2 believe that someone is hacking all of my ‘electronic’ apparatus, fine, but I was finally able 2 prove 2 the mighty Tawf Queen of Berryville Thursday night, that indeed, I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF THIS SHIT UP, BRO!!!!!!!!! Really, I have a life 2 get on with BR, and do not have time 2 sit around imagining and making stuff up, Dave Smith of Blackboardville. What was on the chalk board that day in 1970 was on it, and it WAS NOT Einstein’s famous equation, SSJKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! It read just what I said it read, “Every time I come near him, he runs away”, said by the great heart throb of nutsville in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, Miss Zenkiss. Ed Himacane 2 this day says he will not believe me without seeing proof, and that some things have happened that he cannot rationally explain, and thereby he does not totally shun the concept of the ‘gods being against me’. But he said blatantly 2 my face that if he had NOT SEEN, then he would NOT. How I know the knot in my ancestors’ stomach, and the anguish he must have felt. This is YI said how incredible Jennifer Washburn is. She is the one who made the mighty and bold statement that if I came down 2 Atlantic City and showed her a huge miracle like flying over her building on Providence Street, what would it prove? She is totally right. My 61st grandfather’s uncle Jesus used distance-delay-laser-trace-technology on people and they still did not believe anything. What can I say kid DIE-NO-MIGHT?????????????????????? I am open minded 2 anyone and their opinions but quickly I must confess one little thing. I have talked 2 people that died and were brought back here as U all c this as, as in this time period unlike in the past, medical technology now permits this ‘mini-miracle’. Still, these people do not have a clue, NOT A CLUE. SSJKK only can let her thoughts go as they go, we R literally HER thoughts, I am the one thought that this is all about and U all know the story about upline and her upline world, and Weird Theory of the eighties, and just because UY know, does not make U C nor believe. Take it away Jay jay, I could never hope 2 compete with U, nobody says it like U say it BRA, “WHAT CAN I SAY” Well let me keep burning with fire like a soul in hell from 1969, and end by telling U that no man would lie and make up 2 rape attacks. Also, even though one of my final blogs B4 going out 4 a while and letting the Millionth-Council do its own thing unchecked, sure I enjoyed myself in that elevator. What normal healthy dude with red blood wouldn’t have? Still, I always will know many things, and one will never BY PK did this 2 me, and Y this has 2 all remain so hidden, I can C door number one, but not door number 2, but there I go in linear time. She may end up doing something 10 times bigger than the first one, hard as that is 2 imagine, and my family’s world owned branch of covert secrecy, has the global media totally fixed and in their control, whether U want 2 fathom this seemingly impossible reality or snot, BRO!!!!!!! I know that this is all real, I was there, I made SPR real, right out of a prediction in a freaking fictional book 4 crissake, and I had no part in making the hospital nightmares fall into waking world reality as in THE PERMISSION BARRIER of Nostradamus, yet they all did, I just never figured giant Paula’s rape into all of that. I was part of the blotted out never existing HARNER project, talk about TPB and its accuracy. U do not have a clue what I am aware of, what I have gone through in nearly five and a half decades in this one single set of dreams as the current me, and on and on and freaking ass on, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Recently I learned that I may have been lied 2 about Paula and her latest moves as an Exploratron. Now we get into shit BRO. Half human, half exploratron, biblical translation, immaculate conception, yo player, think that’s wild, we have not opened the door yet on things, let alone taken any of them off the hinges, or removed any walls of Jericho, and next week, heads R gonna fucking roll. They R gonna roll Duncan!!! Dudes and dudesses that R hurting me, UR messing with the wrong brother smucker here, BR!!!!!!!!! Now about mental or (6th-D) refocusing, reconfiguration 4 the computer geeks amongst us including my 2nd most prized Stoddard possession, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, just the memory of that hospital elevator, Jesus Christ All Mighty!!!!!!!! Knowing that my major stuff is just gonna bring this empire 2 a screeching halt and wipe capitalism off the map and make money as worthless as puke, Y then when they c the results week after week, do they persist in this Lockner Medical Center Flint Test of POWER?????? From now on, this abbreviation will read, this LMCFTP and U will freaking C it again, from here, or some place on the mother freaking Fiji Islands, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y won’t they back the fuck off of me B4I am forced 2 wreck things forever 4 everybody, Y???????????????? Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is all happening in an arena that goes so far beyond the human race and its laughable and limited conceptions and perceptions of any tangible reality, that comparing us and them would B similar 2 comparing seashells with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Motor cycle scum R all over today as this stinking spring like weather is making all the turds come out and play. People love noise. People make me sick 2 my stomach. My upstairs neighbors moved out, and the maintenance crew is above my room hammering away and repairing things for the re-rental of the dwelling. This is all totally normal and within the logical boundaries of happenstance, still, I will sacrifice any sleep this day, mom said long ago 2 me in this astral dream down as Mountainpen, that “I can sleep in heaven. BULL PIOT, there never is any rest or sleep, this crap goes on forever. Now some dirt hole is driving by the MARHOUSE blaring a booming stinking ass stereo, ass holes and jerkoffs abound everywhere today, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They R like maggots on the corpses. Sick twisted diseased motherfuckers that love 2 make noise and annoy, someday they will all fucking rot in fiery ass hell, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reconfigured mental arrangements R like flower arrangements, they need what they need or they R no more. I have always needed 2 know the truth, I hate phonies and fakes, and have been lied 2 by fucking experts, and the gods know I fucking hate dirt bag liars. Truth is simple and has a freaking knock out punch that would send the best of the boxers 2 the mat B4 they could say BOO and CASPER!!!!!!! Truth is that if human beings on Broad and Wall, nothing but flesh and blood humans, were behind my hell and demise, they would knock it off real damn fast B4 as Scylla puts it, it really will B2 late, only it is not., It is some alien force along the lines of Exploratronic supermind, and Morianity has been preaching all of these freaking concepts right along, right from the start. No punches have ever been pulled and I have been told UI am a bit 2 direct and obvious, sorry Fishface-Chawee, U can also bet Hulk Hogan’s reputation that no holds will B barred either, go Hulk. Jane Dirtweeds just squeezed the trucking life out of me again, one flicking eleven ion the aft turd noon, BRO, and POW, they get me 2 inadfreakingvertantly look up at the brother clucking clock, it weelwee does not get a whole lot worse than this Elmer Wabbit Scud Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It weelwee don’t player, YO!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE, GOOGIE, UGIE WORLD STINK, SWIS, AND KSWL-2299 this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Screw the multiverse, I am one angry mad dog, and the gods help some son of a bling-bling McCoy, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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