Sunday, March 29, 2009

re-telling so it is not forgotten, doctor phil

The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Morianity Project-continuing from 1995 audio tapes, BRO
DATE AND TIME FILEàCD or so---blog-5--032909.367
Beginning Transmission:

We will get to the title information last, and this will not B a long winded blog, just tellin’ it straight up and flat out, no fat, just the meat, no opinions, not a lot of negative adjectives, so keep a stiff upper lip Twinbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of women, hi Gina, and if by wild chance UR out there, I TOLD U, QUEEN OF POWER AND BEAUTY. Phillies R losing every single game. Flyers R winning every single game. The markets have flown up for 3 straight weeks, I predicted this all right on the money and it does not get more Nostradamus than this, it really does not, hay man, let’s play fair, some credit pweeeeeze when indeed, credit is due, huh BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!! All 3 of these items can B quickly fact checked by any smart online dude or dudess, there would b no point in fabrifreakingcating a story that could so easily B disproved and simultaneously sending my credibility straight directly down the toilet, BR!!!!!!! As I said Gina and all other blogauders out here, they only need 2 have me 2 endlessly persecute, and when stepped up 2 the levels of February and March of oh-swine-nine, it is only a matter of time, BG4 this evil empire scores hyper time and gets its way, never mind trampling over my pathetic caucus and breaking my poor old fragile brittle bones 2 get it, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!! It goes beyond unfair, and if just one person ever took this seriously that is a big name in law and justice, we could all B multi-billionaires, as the prosecutor told me it definitely is big business that is behind all of this and there is just no way of proving it, at least none that Mister Wirtz could ever think of, or so he said between 1990 and 1996.

Roger said one other thing that blew my mind, and I thought it was 2 silly 2 add 2 the blogs, but wow, was I wrong. Does this family indeed have some wild above the attic machine that indeed creates fields of negative or positronic space all tied into secret lunar satellite zoom connected 2 Google Earth systems?, sorry Scy, I promised 2B careful with my jokes and insinuations, but hay, I do have your great hot compact disc and now U can just listen 2 what your distant cuz said here. He told me that Friday and Saturday and Sunday, as usual would blow in general 4 me, and he wants me 2 play the ANTITRIPLETON METHOD and C how many units of net after house vig profit that I am able 2 amass and obtain, and 2 let him know on the blogs by Monday, well here it is all ready done, in middle late Sunday moUrning, my friend. As I speak at the planes into buildings moment on this Ante’ Meridian, I made a total at work last night of eleven units NP. My NP on Saturday was 20.5, and my NP or (Net-Profit) on Friday was 6.5. So then adding the sum of Friday’s 6.5 + Saturday’s 20.5 + Sunday’s 11, and this comes to 38. Y he wanted 2 know this was unusual and quite spurious, but when I realized it last night, the sum total that is, I had 2 run 2 the toilet. U have 2 admit that things like this just R not happening 2U out there on an almost daily basis. I am extremely superstitious and wonder if I should quit on my next game at exactly +1 should this score come, and then later begin an entirely new game. Don’t laugh, he must have had a reason 4 all of this, just as there must B a reason Y a relative of the greatest female vocalist of all time is even passing me notes 2 begin with. Do any of U out there in blogger reader land remember the story I told chall at the Atlantic City Sands Casino, now no longer there and obviously again, HISTORY MARKER REMOVED BRA, where the passing lady said double zero as she walked by just as the dealer was about ready 2 spin the roulette wheel? It came out, U got it, BR, 00!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not all of us R who we appear 2B,m and I am one of the people on this Earth that knows this, and all the darn atheists on the planet can laugh and scoff at me, I have seen just way 2 many things that none of your reason and logic can ever even hope 2 explain rationally. Even Edward Einstein Himacane said this 2 me. Now let me move on and do the re-telling of the tale on the beaches near the Sands, only down town all the way 2 the final east side casino strip there in Atlantic City, the Hilton, and the somewhat now famous HILTON BEACH, BRO!!!!!!!!! I was still living in the trailer park, and Dawn the mighty KING had just been released from the Secaucus, New Jersey Rehabilitation place, and yes U can C it from the highway Adam Schiff, but let’s not go into that, as that is a major story in and of itself yet 2B major told and blogged, all of the creation of this great mighty show and the mimicking of all the names of persons in my life and stories, and how my dealing with a prosecutor right B4 the show began, led the BRIGGERS into creating this marvelous and entertaining ‘fictional’ television show. Hay just like with Dark Shadows, I am not mentally challenged. I know there r no real vampires and werewolves, at least not on this physical world as that would violate Lawtronics and this has all been previously well documented and explained by me in much earlier blogging. But way 2 many names, ideas, locations, and situations when all combined, make this show being some total coincidence especially in light and in lieu of the perfect precision timing of me with Ron Wirtz at the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, just out of any reach of logical rational chance of happenstance and coincidence. Some magic lantern loves 2 shine in here and make Atlantic (city) come out with a small C all the time. I mentioned this B4, also on the word doc, I no longer discuss it, but this same government worm, whether this B its name as on the L&O show or it B another name, is also doing many things 2 fowl up ,my computer and my agenda of bringing my story and my truths 2 a blind and foolish dying world that lives in illusion and blissful ignorance. Anyone can wear a small headset VR projector and C a mansion around him or her self while living in a ghetto with rats and roaches crawling all over, but smoke and mirrors and self deceptions never were my thing, BER. I need 2 freaking know truth and reality, and not simply place band aids on the booboo’s and badness’s. But getting back 2 the story of last summer when Ann King Silva and I were at the Hilton Beach, and her daughter Queen King was home watching Doctor Phil on television, and this is a story that needs 2B repeated, if U all ready know it, skip the entire rest of this blog, BR!!!!!!! So I am on the beach and I walk into the ocean, and Ann was sitting in her beach chair, and had been wading around in the water a bit earlier on. She tells the story this way. Suddenly, Mountainpen, U were just not there, I mean U were gone, U vanished. I looked up and down, then I walked up and down and still looked, and then even asked the lifeguards and they seemed 2 not know the person I was describing, normally I stand out on a beach, being so short and fat, rarely do fat slobs hang on a beach, so yes I stand out. Now while all of this was going on, suddenly, I observed the water as warmer and greener, and the few persons there swimming were just gone. It was almost time 4 the beaches 2 close down so that in itself is not an abnormal event. Still, there were some swimmers around, and then suddenly, they were not there. Then along comes a young couple, extremely tall, the girl about 4 inches over 6 feet, and the guy perhaps 3 or 4 inches taller than her. They were in very good shape without an ounce of fat on their tall bodies. The girl had very long dark hair, and legs and knockers 2 die 4. She was voluptuous and extremely ravishing and that is somewhat of an understatement. The girl was directly in front of me, I had been out wave riding and body surfing and now I was just shallow wading around. The man went out a bit further, and they were sort of talking occasionally softly, not screaming or anything as many people do in a cold ocean. They had literally come out of nowhere, and it seemed that I was not in the same place, but being myopic, and not wearing my glasses while in the water, I could not B totally sure of all that much. Later on when Ann told me her version of what happened, I asked her where the 2 tall persons had come from, and she insisted that the man and woman of about 22-25 were never there, no one fit the description. She could not find me, and never saw these 2 people. All she knew is that I had totally vanished. Then suddenly, by my account of things, they had walked out of the ocean and when I turned 2C where they were going as very tall persons can B BRIGGERSD in human form, and yet when I looked back, they had vanished totally, and instead, there was Ann right behind me all up set and calling me, telling me that I was just gone 4 a while., Does this remind anybody of the BERMUDA TRIANGLE stories that U all have seen documentaries on? That young scummy couple I know had 2B BRIGGER CULTISTS, and I had been temporarily sucked into THEIR WORLD. This scared Ann so bad that she told me that she did not really believe the things I had been telling her B4, but now, she totally does. At least that’s what she said 2 me, still quivering and visibly shocked and perturbed. This needed 2B repeated, I do not know Y, but as sure as I live and breathe, an inner voice is screaming at me 2 repeat the story again on line, so I did. As always, U can darn well believe whatever U want, I have a clear conscience and know that I only am speaking truths on these blogs, BRO!!!!!!

So is there any stopping this evil empire and the endless bull run and the direction of the sports parallel of hell? Well, U have been following this nightmare story or at least some of U4 quite a long while now, U tell me, I have endured this freaking nightmare 4 almost a quarter of a damn century, BR!!!!!!!!! It never stops, the same planes, the same choppers, the same jets, the same trails, the same vehicles, the same type of basic persecutions, the same MUZAK crap, the same giant girl attacks, and on and on and on we could go around and around like a freaking carousel from hell’s 4th circle Abbey Carmichael!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if U all think that MC has been the first female artist that has had some part of some plan involving me, then U do not know my story, and maybe some has and some has not, been fully told and blogged; and even if it has, it has been merely surface scratched, or sort of like me shaving some small peach fuzz off of a Titanic sinking sized icefreakingberg, BRO This has been an ongoing weird problem that began when I started fooling around with projecting my astral body. It is all told or as I said, enough 4 making a small point right now today, on the website and famous bloggers site of and U really do need 2 archive me and my blogs and story if U really want any true and major insight 2 my hell, and just perhaps the hellish near future of the entire planet and its screwed up human race, THAT’S LOSING!!!!!!!!!!!! Some would step in here and instantly want 2 argue with me, especially the born again Christian types, and tell me that this is what I got and deserve 4 fooling and messing around in the occult. Hay, I lived in the past, I was an adult in the seventies, I was a teenager in the sixties, I was around, this is not knew, so do not comment or electronically mail me some gibberish that I have heard long ago, all and any possible thing along these lines, so please do not even waste your time. My problems, and my partner in the STUDIO PARK RECORD COMPANY of the middle and late 1990’s told me one day, GO BEYOND RELIGION. I could have saved the church from the doom it now faces, corruption, unbelief in real spiritual truths, and on and on, Satan rules the churches now, not SSJKK. I told them many things personally, and all they wanted 2 do is either have me exorcised or prayed 4 or helped by going into programs such as Teen Challenge, and garbage like this. Y would a man in his 20’s want 2 hang with teen babies that R substance abusers? We have nothing in common, both age or drug and alcohol abuse, UR one way, and I am the other way, it is freaking oil and water. No one listened, and now the entire planets’ church system is in havoc and turmoil, and this is because my ancestor is no longer ruling there, but an upline invader named Lester is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The upline and downline story and Sarah and Lester, and the upline me that both of these upline entities know only 2 well, is the reason this entire universe and even multiverse is here. This sounds I know like the damn quintessential quote of arrogance. Well I am not in a Donald Trump arrogance competition, I am here blogging away this miserable moUrning 4 one reason only, 2 tell the entire complete truth as I know it, 2 a dying race of pathetic entities, so lost that they only live inside their little worlds of smoke and mirror phony happiness, and never will have the smallest clue or chance of a clue 2 ever get home and B who U really R. But I have told what I know 2B true and will tell much more yet. Right now, it is only important 4U2 know that we all C, just as the Christian Bible puts it so perfectly, through a glass dimly. It is as though we have a translucent covering over out eyes and ear plugs as well as sound killing phones over our ears, and in front of us a super powerful always turned on and always plugged in, automatic propaganda machine, and all of U everywhere R just so dumb founded happy and willing 2 just B a puppet and accept the life under your master puppeteers.

I do not care if U believe me, not really, I wish some one with clout would help me sue some real deep pockets, but that is obviously not meant 2B, and the reason is as simple as the mind of a tiny child. The Huntington Curse is stopping it just as it stopped Mountainpen from getting an appointment that day late in 1986 with that crooked law firm, Colflesh in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Then when I reported the sitch 2 the ethics committee in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, to the Honorable Judge Kudufski, the curse influenced this judge 2 practically want 2 throw me in jail, and said I broke the law by misrepresenting who I was the second time, B damned what they did 2 me first of course. This is when I really matured and grew up and learned that Donna’s old shouting in the cellar and pretending she was Diana Ross, and all this optimist club upbeat Twinbay nonsense, just does not, nor will ever apply 2 poor whittle trucked up pitiful and pathetic Mountainpen, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! All these stories have al been blog-told, archive it or just believe it, BRO, and much more is yet 2 come, baby chain-reacting love, much more, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah 00 lady at the Sands, just how did Russell Thaxton know that my mom would B out on a date that night with Sidney name changing Cohen Crown? And also how did Mrs. Goodfellow know it also, as she had 2 have played a pivotal and key critical role in all of this by being nasty with a minor that night? SHAME-SHAME, yes Doctor Camping, the shame of it all, if only U were really right and it all would terminate on October 21 of 2K11, only I all ready know that u go totally mad and berserk and a 52 year old well established system fails and turns into the dust of the Earth. UC, revelations R fine and SSJKK does indeed give them endlessly and yes, right through her magic words. Your problem sir is 2B arrogant enough 2 think that she chose U and only U2 give this much of a powerful truth 2 mankind. There is so much yet 4U2C and learn and know, UR on the path, but U shut the door, just as all the others by your way of perception, have shut the door on your little tid bit of Sarah-Stacey’s revelations. IC the bible and its words that can B re-revealed in an incredibly way, based just on the show that exists because of my contact with the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office on December the 5th of 1989. As new things get revealed 2 me by Scylla, the same shows, grow much more powerful meanings, it is beyond wow, and IC how Doctor Camping was able 2 gather this tremendous new revelation. His problem however is basic as a 3 year old that wants a drink of juice. He stopped also, just as the people he is veheminantly disagreeing with in religious circles, 4 their stopping at their point. The bible is the word of SSJKK. SSJKK does not start nor stop, so Y would our ability 2B revealed things from what she has told us and written 2 us ever stop? Think about it a minute, Harry, I’m only trying 2 save your sanity when this all blows right up in your face, and sir, it will.

I as U all know could go on and on and on. I never have nor ever will believe that SSJKK will add nor will SHE take away anything. It all is here, now. But who R any of us 2 ever think that we have caged HER up in a box and cornered the real TRUTH? How trucking arrogant? Even TRUMP is trumped here, in sheer arrogance. U cannot put Sarah-Stacey Krassle into a box that fits a belief system.

GOOGLE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING/SOIFER WORLD-LABORATORIES OF 2299, this is all copyrighted by Michael Wayne-Windbag Mountainpen. This all is the total truth, and blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!


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