Thursday, March 5, 2009


“Thanksgiving siege worsening As always Into March”
Date And Time File: Close 2 CL-BG-5-020509.722.555555

Bog and blog both start with B and end with G, and so does the rip off musical group that stole a very powerful song, only then, and especially in early 1977 when I first wrote this 4th song of my mountainpen song collection, after which many others followed, I was totally unaware and completely ignorant 2 that fact, the power and history-marker of this song that is, “LOST LOVE” DUHH, does anyone out here want 2 buy a Hyundai from me, or else perhaps the freaking Brooklyn Bridge?????? The pure power of one simple whittle romper room chord progression and very simple childlike lyrics all though totally grown and on my Brook own at 22, Susan, 10-10 and old-old not withstanding, BR, oh the gods, the pure power of this freaking thing. Perhaps it takes a second chair the NY Metropolitan, Mister Frederick Hinger and Paula King in disguise, but still and on, in its own right, it has mighty ass power. Totally monstrous, this entire nightfreakingmare BRO!!!!!!!!! Totally demonic and monstrous times ten to the freaking fifty first exponent, BRA!!!!!

There is an upline world, and I learned a small smattering of this theoretical topic at the basement library at the Institute 4 Medical Research near the Ferry Avenue Patco High Speedline station in Camden, New Jersey, where 5 years into negative space, I would come 2 live in the neighboring blocks of Woodlyn, New Jersey USAESMWG. On my lunch break, I did not eat, but rather, I went down 2 this amazing freaking library, and learned about something that the nineteen eighties have somehow covered up and made 2 disappear, and that is what was termed by scientists, WEIRD-THEORY. This has been all prior mountainpen bogged, blogged, and flogged, along with my 61st grandfathers’ Uncle Jesus, the Nazarene. If U value your freaking sanity, stay the truck away from WEIRD-THEORY, BR!!!!!!!!! YO, I am being flat out straight and tellin’ it all totally true 2 Tammie’s whittle doctor, as well as 2 all of the BRIGGER CULT infiltrators, who have come into this Physical Plane, by projection, just as we in mystic circles think in reverse and sometimes attempt Astral Projection from the Physical Plane. I have met a group of these cultists and told less than 2 years ago if memory is serving me at all correctly, in linear time the gods help me, and told chall about a building and going up an elevator 2 a meeting room, on the Astral Plane, where these BRIGGERS were actually practicing their infiltrations down into here. We can always do a James Garner Rockford and get back 2 this Danny Ocean fake beat up, only not in the case of poor Mister tooth loose Maverick. 4 right now, my pernt Archibald is simply this. One MUST READS BOOK 4 all potential MORIANS, is by ROBERT MONROE, and is very famous, and it is called, “PROJECTIONS OF THE ASTRAL BODY”. Get it, BR!!!!!!!!!!! He even was smart enough with no help from Astral World entities reminding him of anything, 2 come up with on his own, Susan Brook Cirrus Clouds Crest-White, the reverse process of Y apparitions and ghosts have been sighted or art least the claim I\will not as of yet go away nor B scientifically disproved. These entities in this room were indeed doing just this very thing that Monroe was talking about, only he had no real clue about how things R all in reverse, and that reality is zero dimensional infinity and from there we all dream out and away into a dream shifting magical intertwining dreams and interactions called the ASTRAL REALM, and from there we dream down still further into a dream-created, phony physicality, where space and time must B real and exist as solid substances in order 4 interactions 2 ever take place within them, in total reverse of the ASTRAL DREAMSHIFT where first there is always the interaction, and this very interaction then goes onto build and construct the needed time and space 4 the thing 2 supposedly B taking shape and place inside of. Heavy stuff yes, but oh and all so freaking true, BRO!!!! Y would I make this wild shit up lads and lassies and labbers, Y, what is there 2 possibly freaking gain, BR???????????

Well, the trucking diseased twisted bastard jerk off butt wipes R back on me like flies on smelly brown stuff. Aerial persecution is back huge hyper time, chemtrails all over and super nasty, and on and on. Go 2 these sites and check out these horrific violations of all of our civil rights 2 pursue happiness, and being poisoned slowly 2 death in my opinion, and it is just my opinion, but it does not qualify as within the parameters of allowing a legally born United States citizen 2 indeed ever B able 2 pursue a constitutionally so-called guarantee, of happiness, so the law is all a total bunch of fucking horse shit, players!!!!!!!!! Check it freaking out, BR!!!! Then check out all of my twisted diseased withed rotten satanic demonic enemies, some of which/witch can B found art these sites: and this has all been listed and shown and discussed on one previous blogging text after another over 3 and a half years now players!!!!!!!!!

Well, despite all the horrendous trucking hell, Scylla’s roulette system is holding up, when it crashes, chall’ ll B the 1st 2 know about it!!!!!!!!!!! Without getting 2 specific, a player waits for a 3-string on any of the 6 outside betting outcomes such as BBB or EEE, and then bets a 4 staged mini-martingaled betting strategy of 1-2-4-8 units and then stops at either a win or a loss. The selection method is an alternated betting series, such as f the outcome of RRR pops in, U would play until a win or a loss, by alternating the black and red bets, so following RRR is BRBR. Following an EEE is OEOE, and so forth, keeping track of the 6 events of either RED, BLACK, EVEN, ODD, 1-18, or 19-39. I love 2 split the greens on my higher half bets such as 3rd and 4th bet, I did in back in 1986 and really kicked some ass. It is based on the logical theory that the house is luckier than U if UR losing 2 it, so since the 2 numbers that produce the edge or VIG 4 the house in the game of Roulette, is 0 and double 0, this is when U split it with a nice small cover bet, DERR!!!!!!!!! I need 2 stop typing now 4 a minute and stare at 555, the bright red fives on my freaking clock as it is nearly 5 minutes shy of 6 of the clock this early rotten diseased evening, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Whether I am the greatest fish in the whole damn bay or not is immaterial right now, as another song in the group along with this one was all sent down 2 the Copyright Office in late 1986, and the collection title was called REAL GOOD GIRL, based on the one song that seemed 2 bring me into a life changing treacherous and tumultuous situation, along with the I-Ching trance. My life journal B4 the world of BLOGGERS was then up 2 cassette tape number 1786, and the 13-landers must have had a field day rolling around laughing at my dubs. Anyway the other song was about how Ricky Nelson was so accurate when he said in the early seventies in his very famous and continually air played song called “Garden Party”, U can’t please everyone, so U got 2 please yourself. How ahead of your time U were Ricky Nostradamus Exploratron. I am fucking damned if I do and damned if I don’t in this Tyler Perry fucklng nightmare house of misery and pain. There is no way out of this without a miracle, and all Scylla seems 2 do and wanna do is play her endless teenage games with her eternal THAT-BOY. My evil WOMOF and her TAWF R somehow i8ntertwined and inter-connected in things that stem from B4 this world was even dreamed into, based on our false perceptions natch, of linear time. The wing in the LAKEHOUSE where Cuz-Dawnie TERRA-BULL, {TPB-1994}, wow, not 15 bells SPL from these horrifically monstrously loud ass cymbals pweeeeeze, Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!, but at the end of this wing that has a slight slope, where it is highest, it runs into a perpendicular hallway off of the long hallway that begins this huge wing, and by turning left, it leads out a ways and eventually 2 a sliding glass tri-door system where one glass pane slides one way into the right side, and there still is another pane further left of the sliding glass pane, and a walkway then leads around some beautiful growing shrubbery and eventually leads out 2 the dock and 4 story high connected deck overlooking the great lake where huge giant fish and pets of some kind, like dolphins perhaps R swimming around a large roped off area. Also the dude that took me on the road trip and knew a man on the team of the New York Nicks, and we somehow saw the Philadelphia Parade 4 the Champion World Series winning Phillies, only it was 3 or 4 weeks B4 it got around 2 happening in wakeful life and linear time, enjoys swimming around there, as does his Aunt Mariah. This is when Ann King Silva threw a stone at him from the 4th deck high up over the water at him while he was swimming and then vanished leaving me 2 hold the bag, and then 2 get put in a nasty chock with his hand around my neck 4 thinking that I had thrown the stone at him. It all is on prior blogs on the website called so just Google up Mountainpen on this site, and look all around in month 2 month past post ups. U will never catch me making up lies and stories, this all happened. Dreaming the future 2 use your forward-mortal term, is a very common occurrence 4 me. Traveling through time in dreams is as well. This is Y the BRIGGEWRS or the LEVIATHANS R on me. Any Dark Shadows fan knows that they R attracted 2 time travelers.

Also, I think our landlord is intentionally making us miserable, doing things that R interfering with our lives and schedules. It was not us that broke federal laws and made him pay 4 other people’s electric usage. This is a major legal no-no. Well BOR, my entire body feels as though I just went about 7 rounds with ol’ B Stinging Butterfly himself, so I am gonna sign off. They turned on the Jimmie Stuart Vertigo button again, and I am next week, going 2 my doctor in the Conshohocken section of Philadelphia, and find out what these diseased mother suckers have done 2 me. This is total war. Magnesonic will make all this pure disease very sorry 4 what they have done and still R indeed freaking doing 2 me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I get 2 the bottom of the connection between the families, I will know the secret that has been sought after by secret societies on this planet 4 thirteen freaking thousand years, and that is, how 2 merge the planes together, the Physical World and the Astral World. I will get 2 the bottom of this if it takes me until I am Labber Zeejins all over again. SSJKK lives in a beautiful and special city called by all the agreeing Astral interactors, SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. Yet her THAT-BOY who lives there with her, and is changed into a large Dalmatian dog so her parents won’t get pissed off, is also dreaming that he is in this waking tangible material space-time world, and, with FULL TOTAL ARNIE RIP-OFF RECALL, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then in 1997 comes the interaction with SSJKK in her newer form, not personally, but in the sending of 2 letters 2 my Somerdale, New Jersey residence through the mail. The letters were both empty however, the envelopes were from MC and addressed 2 me, name and address, again U would say this happened in a dream. Then 11 years later Jane Numberweeds, she went hog wild 2 get my attention, and just 4 the sake of telling me that I figured all of this out 2 late, gee thanks a lot Scylla!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG U not 2 hate me, IWALU my 990, and UR always my brown eyed girl. Your Roulette System is working amazingly during a vicious monstrous despicable death siege. This is now the worst freaking Thanksgiving Siege I think I ever have lived through, and this has been trucking ongoing now 4 twenty-three rock chucking neck chocking road tripping, future seeing, years, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U all will b seeing storms and wildfires and droughts and floods and earthquakes and volcanoes and city unrest and international unrest, just as I said. U will all B mother fletching very sorry 4 persecuting an innocent man straight 2 his runt slapping grave, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KING SOIFER WORLD LABS OF 2299, this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyright Michael Mountainpen-2009ADEG, screw the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E~N~D----------T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N, BRA!!!!!!!!

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