Friday, March 27, 2009


“There Really Is An Eternity In Hell, Human Race”
T/T/W---Datfile: 032709.853---Beginning Transmission:

This will B shorter than many of my short blogs, hopefully. Last night a bad fight broke out in the house here, not with me fortunately, but when the KING FAMILY is mad, thrones tremble and quake. U need not concern yourselves with any of the major details. Dawn is in the Harbor with the other branch of the tree, and Ann and I have the extreme pleasure of being home alone without QUEEN, KING. More happens than anyone needs know about, it literally dwarfs Patterson and his silly novels. Hay, I am a reader, unlike surfer Fonty, I enjoy them, that is YI can claim that life here with and around me has them all beat.

U all know or I’m assuming that many do, about how my Aunt Geraldine Snow told me not 2 flatter myself and then did have the decency 2 admit when she was wrong and saw an entire gang of beautiful girls come around and flirt with me. I was thinking of her today, as I am glad Dawn did not toss a shoe through my windshield, but as we drove 2 the 7-11 and on our way after that 4 a chiropractor appointment that we had, and were at the local Berryville Diner, crossing through the intersection, when a gang of local high school girls shouted into me, hello there. I just looked straight ahead and totally ignored them and was praising the gods that Queen ?Dawn King was on her cell phone 2 the Harbor family branch, as she sort of cannot walk and chew at the same time. If she had full concentration on the incident, even though I did absolutely nothing other than exist and B transporting and chauffeuring her all over as I always do, and B the victim of the Huntington Curse and the parallel event that causes an eventual major kitty cat command sooner or later when I am forced 2 endlessly endure just 2 much constant and continual aerial persecution and harassment. Today this cat command kicked in hyper huge peta time and as I said, it would have made big DK extremely angry, but thanks 2 her being phone-occupied, it went by her, as STL and the Leno Enlightenment went by me. Anipoop and aniwho, I played another game when I got home from Egg Harbor around half past four or so, and made 5 units on the ATM-RS or (anti-tripleton-method-roulette-system), BRO. It took 4 games on this hellish BOTBAR day of SIEGE CUBED, but I managed 2 eek out a game total of 6.5 units, and on the blackbuck level at the casino, that is still a very cool 650 smacks 4 a nasty day of play.

This has been the most horrid twisted ill 3 weeks of my life and or at least of this miserable demented oh-nine queer year, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Four three straight weeks, the DOW cheated JONES was up 4 the geek week, and totaling eleven hundred and some change points or roughly $370 bucks per week average times 3, superseding last weeks $325 X 2. Things look very fuducking bad 4 Mountainpuke right about now. On top of this, the doctor and I managed 2 connect. Y he told me that I’d only B contacted if the blood work was a problem, the gods and the MC only know, but they were merely telling me that I am healthy as a horse. Back on market talk, U can C the little math parlor tricks that really math knowing persons such as whittle me can indeed use 2 make it almost look like we R Nostradamus. If the average goes up over a 4 week period, the trend goes on, and so forth. The trend will not reverse if it is not higher than 370 by 5, necessarily, it still needs a test 2C if there is gonna B a reversal or a mere slowdown in the upward rallying direction. I certainly do not plan 2 bore y’all with the equations, but I do know a few besides Scylla’s quotation.

What U need 2B told in my opinion anyway, is not what I feel totally safe saying right now in my very fragile position. I can B injured on so many trucking fronts and have so many weaknesses, unlike powerful diseased WOMO SLIME, that I must B more careful than hellfire is hot. Humans will not grasp most of the things that R going on around me, they do not want 2 believe it is possible, just like the giant dude Williamstown police officer back around 1995 somewhere. Speaking of the Haddonwood years, Cola man told me that lap lane swimmer Joan was also family, McGuire’s grandfather’s 2nd cousin’s grand daughter. That is a quote. He said and this is a paraphrase, that I more than all of them know Y this all happened and that 1985 and 1986 is not only the key, but that they used political power 2 destroy my ability 2 ever B able 2 reconstruct it from my life journal tapes. This was their plan all along with this inspection shit that started a few years back. Corzine, Jersey’s governor wiped me out twice now, through SORA, AND THEIS IONSPECTION SHIT THAT LOST ME MY INDEPENDENCE. At least I was independent and in control of my circumstances back at the mother fucking trailer. Thanks Gov, someday from foreign shores, my story will get out 2 the entire world, exposing this horrific evil empire 4 what it is.

Remember the girl at work that led me 2 write the copyrighted song in oh-seven called, THE WIGGLER? They got at her so that I would not B able 2 have a girlfriend, she really wanted me bad. Cola man seems 2 know things big time, I figure since his family is so powerful, they must B able 2 pay a PI, or some online data brokerage system 2 gather more stuff on me than I even know About myself, BRA. Well, it is time 4 this magic lantern pen of the mountains 2 sign off 4 a while bwaby wuv!!!!!!!!!!!! The reason Mr. Camping, that the churches died, was because they refused 2 believe what I told them all between 20 and 40 years ago, if this was all in Sarah-Stacey’s plan just like Judas, then so B it, as U would say kind sir, that is GODS BUSINESS, I claim 2 have no special knowledge 2 any of that.

SCREW THE WORLD, but more so, SCREW THE EVIL MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. Oh, Roger told me the really 2 big secrets on this one Scylla, go easy on him, he has become a very good friend of mine now. The internet is sort of like a magical world all its own, the greatest predictors and forecasters and prophets and rwriters of STAR TREK, could not predict such a thing, after all, Captain Kirk, how RU gonna stay in touch with your whale saving girlfriend when U don’t even have her telephone number, sir???????????? The mightiest things R the ones never known about until they really literally R right directly on top of us. This is a quote from a great philosopher, he said this 2 me at the Red Sea a very long time ago, and a week later was dead from drinking a Hemlock Milkshake, BRO, tootles!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2298, THIS IS ALL blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyright MWM-2009.


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