Monday, March 23, 2009


Datfile: 032309.772
Beginning Transmission:

Well Gina, my credibility should B climbing, as I told everybody that the DOW JONES would FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, and today it shot up almost half a thousand points, on top of a 320 point average in the past 2 trading weeks, making this a so far 3-week up trend average of about 400 points per week, or a 1200 point gain in 11 short trading sessions. The FLYERS win every single game, WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN, JUST AS I SAID GINA. THE PHILLIES LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, ALSO, JUST AS I SAID GINA. The world is on 2 levels now that the new age movement is dead and forever wrecked with no hope at all left 4 the human race 2 really advance and evolve in their true nature and purpose, not at least 4 a century or more, and we may even begin a major devolution process, not so much in technology just in our humanity. If I told U what is happening, I mean really and totally, and I do not as none of U possibly would B able 2 process it properly, I mean that in no insult, just as I am totally out of it as far as your world, U know, in street smarts, in the world of finance and business, socially as in dating or relationships and along all of these lines, I would not know what 2 do with any of that, and I’d last about 6 and a half fucking seconds if ever I was put in jail. Huge family problems R taking place in this very dysfunctional clan, I cannot really talk, as in my lines, we may not fight a lot, it merely is just a lot of snooty people that I would no more desire 2 break bread or dogshit with in a million farting-ass years. But I knew that if I told the BRIGGERS on the BLOGGER, cool ring huh, that JK helped me major hyper time, that huge shit would start, and sure/shore enough ex Mister Mayor and others in THAT LOVELY FAMILY, it began with the broken window, then the DOW soaring 2 the cirrus today, and then this evening, a huge fight between JK and his significant other. I told U all about her, she is an obnoxious fucklng pig that JK will B far better off if he kicks her fat ass straight 2 the curb. So Y did the new age movement get intentionally wiped out by the owner/controller THAT FAMILY and the 50 other families directly under their control that dictate 2 us all just how we R going 2 live and breathe, literally? The new age movement or the NAM, would have been almost as big a threat 2 their control over a slave ownership controlled society, as would B if I ever managed 2 kick down all their closet doors and shine immediately into the area a 500 watt lamp, exposing them 4 all their diseased evil that they endlessly perpetrate on their fellow man. But enough about TAWF, my lovely rat hole peeps, and the world in general, I wish 2 get on the topic of personal computers and the destruction of the spiritual journey of the collective of humanity, basically leading 2 a true NAM. A society like this cares littler and littler 4 ,material gain, and the rulers and owners of this EVIL EMPIRE, “just cannot go 4 any of that”, as the great and mighty Sarah Callio would say so perfectly in her car when I used 2 astrally bi-locate and visit her and her friend after she would leave her job at the water company. Maybe she was friends with the totally mobbed up and owned flaky corridors, as I called them in the early nineteen-eighties, BR!!!!!!!!!!! U may know them by HALL & OATES. Anipoop, I told everybody that this evil empire would destroy me after doing all of this evil 2 me, this is all called PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY, and there is no fucking stopping them now, is there my Diana? We all have a number and none have a name and all that we do have is each other 2 blame, ‘cause Love Is 4 Carpenters, and in this part of hyperspace, this is the way the song from my Astral world love got brought into the mortal world back in 1980, and I fucking screwed up the entire cosmos. I just felt with an inner knowing that it was my duty 2 bring this song from what I mistakenly thought was the future, 9 years away in negative space, and get this song in my name and protected in the United States Copyright Office, and I sure as shooting shit did just that, BRO!!!!!! The part that never got included was the part about when I get home and C her on TV, translation, STL. Another way of saying POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is the DEHUMANIZATION OF SOCIETY. I told U how I cried a little in the Winslow Township Brick Maker Police Station back in early middle 2000 and was instantly cuffed and taken off 2 the sike hospital. UR no longer permitted 2 have feelings, or emotions, sounds very Vulcan 2 me, and quite alien, if this was the late 60’s again, but 4 those born into this fucking bull shit, this is all U godsdamn know, U don’t even know any better, none of U under 42s out there even have a stinking rotten messed up clue about all of this and what real freedom was and could B. Anyone not able 2 connect the dots on the child’s draw puzzle here and make the obvious connection in the powerful computer and internet push, and the political correctness sociological changes push, or SHOVE may more accurately describe the truth there, along with the wipe out of the new age where persons learn 2 explore deeper reasons 4 their existence and proper place on this green brown world, just is brain dead, and the very sad news is that most of U now out there, indeed do classify as lobotomized, but take heart that it is not most of your faults. U were forced against your will, or most of U, slowly through an agenda of clever gradualism, and one day we all just woke up into this very bleak and dim and dismal shitty future. Many out here say “Mountainass, UR totally full of loose pig shit”. May the gods take pity on your total blind ignorance, my brother, is my simple retort and response!!!!!!!!!! Actually the women in all honesty, in America and in many other nations globally now, have it better, women’s liberation became the mightiest goddess of them all, and I have the authority 2 speak on this, I personally know on a first name basis, many real and powerful Astral Plane Goddesses, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!! But us poor dog men, wo, player, yo, hay, listen up my peeps, we R getting ska-roooooood at light speed cubed!!!! OK, I am not saying men R not pigs and dogs when sex is involved, men R built that way and should not b hated by our twin halves 4 something not our fault and is as natural as taking a piss or a shit 4 crissake!!!!!!!!! Still, real dogmen make me sick as well. I was at an eats place Sunday and wanted 2 get some take out food, and was in a hurry 2 get it, pay 4 it and get off 2 work so I would not B late 4 my job, relieving Officer Roy Carl Weiler Senior, the novel author of the terrific book about Egg Harbor City, called Secrets of the Museum, and U can get it at many well known book outlets, shop around. Anipoop, this young slob girl walks in and the guy taking my order stops paying attention 2 my food and properly making my shit, and is all gaga eyed at mizz cutie-piss who thought she was Goddess herself, and 2 me was not worth a first look. The irony here was that she kept eyeing me, and I was not even interested in the slob. But the man on the other side of the counter acted like a real disgusting pig. But my point is that a lot is expected of men, I mean a lot, BRO. We R not allowed 2B who we R, unlike out other halves R. Quote Mountainpen on this one BR, “A man can no longer B a man or a HU-man, and our natural instincts R now made totally illegal, as we may no longer raise a fist nor shed a tear, as either one can get U carted right off 2 jail in today’s PC world of intimidation, control and fear”.

4 those unaware of older blogs that discuss a girl who called herself Sarah Jacobson, I want 2 retell a few small things now, 2 a present audience. It is not that I have run out of things 2 tell, I can promise U all right now that only a pine box and no retracing on me by DS up in 2301 can make that happen. It is just that some things need 2B retold from time 2 time, as I do not want anyone 2 forget major stuff, BRA!!!!!!! This girl also had power 2 enter your dreams, and speaking of power, despite being an incredible and voluptuous 22 year old girl, she had the physical strength of 5 grown men. She had long dark hair and huge brown eyes, and a hand shake that could send a tough biker dude 2 his knees wincing in a second. She seemed 2 like me a lot, and I was scared 2 death of this over 6 foot tall giant beauty queen. She was in my school in the year of 1972. Unexplained Ed Himacane events took place, and 2 quote this Einstein wanna-B, “I have 2 believe U when I cannot explain it any other way rationally”. Read the blogs of early 2008, on and get a tiny bit of the story. Only through making the connections of the Dark shadows Leviathans and the radiator breather of the antique shop, can I now come 2 better understand, how Sarah came 2 me in this form, 4 that short period, and one day she showed me that she was indeed doing this trick, everything is a parlor trick, everything. But Daddy was very maddy, and I detest what he did. Most of U know what he did, and I am really not authorized 2 talk about it, if I make her mad, she really will kick my ass. In closing out this blog, I BEG U all just 2 remember that U heard it first on the BLOGS OF MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN: Flyers win, win, win. Phillies lose, lose, lose. DOW JONES, up, and up and up straight 2 the mother trucking stars of the heavens, BRO, this will not stop now, I tried 2 wipe out this diseased evil, and I failed. This fucking disease is hacking my computer now as I speak and type at 7:47. This is an appropriate minute 2 tell U that there r gonna B major crashes, major quakes, major twisters, and U ain’t fucking seen the last of Mountainpen, yet, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! They fucked with me on the phone not once but twice today, and this utility attack shit always gives this cock sucking disease its way, every time, through INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, OR 4 SHORT, ICPE!!!!!!!!!!

Magnesonic, destroy my vicious enemies or U will B totally wiped out, G-189, G-901, and STOP.

Somebody is gonna B in big ass fucking trouble as the next hours turn into days, BR!!!!!!!!!!!

G/S/WL, blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.


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