Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ALEE killing REME this week, AS I SAID

Blog-Book-TEOHIV/TIMCAM, continuing from
1995-version-AUDIO, of the Morianity Project.
DATFILE070208.098.55 on Wednesday moUrning

Yes friends and foes and Humanity Incorporated, bear with me pweeeeeze as I am feeling low and moving slow, this is the only way that I know. Also I am quite proficient at playing the piano very low and slow, as the copyright office and the RRIA knows only 1 well about, ho-hum. TOLD U GINAT GINA that the evil wicked ALEE’s attack on me back on last freaking Sunday would cause me a vicious EMPIRE-LOSS in real estate this week, a never ending decline 4 the ALEE or me, and an ever increasing Gain and Gaines and Games or GGG as it will B future referred 2 from this point on in my blogging texts, and this entire week will belong to these evil trash swallowing slime digesters. B4I go a lot further, a PBHE occurred and Morianity’s site was misspelled, it is, thank-U. Also, starting with the blog shot up last on yesterday the first day of fire-me-Mickey-July, not 2B confused with fireworks and or the 4th of July, but aniwho, indeed and as I totally predicted, ALEE is scoring and scoring against me this week as a direct fucking result of their monstrous antics with me on my work post as well as at home all day B4I even left 4 work, all day nightmare Sunday long, with horrific persecution. I just checked the TV reports on sports, and my Phillies managed 2 pull of a win and a nice one, Tee Hee Ha. Hence in this weeks point system as of the closing of the July-2-count, the real scores that count 4 me and any real loyal Morians, is now holding at Alee-2:Reme-1. Again, remember that no Phillies game was played on Monday so hence thus far only three events, 2 stock and one sports R recorded so far in this weeks scoring, but a total prepriction still is min there by me for AKLEE kicking the fucking shit out of Reme, despite the experts everywhere saying that the Dow Jones Inpusstrials would suffer this week, it has so far been this week, a total win/win 4 them with an UP-UP, and each day will B a bigger up than the prior, I know how this parallel-event thing with me works and last time I made the long trip from the New York City area to Blueberryville, only then it was Cranberryville, but that is currently totally irrelevant to the point, but the market flew 300 points. They R clobbering me with this illegal tactics, and U better not B complicit and permitting this, Securities and Exchange Commission, [SEC], as if I ever can get that proven, the government better get ready to make my recording-studio-days-dream really come true, and as prior blog told, hand over the entire checkbook to citizen-me, not Kane or Kean, and not Cane, my jealousy against the entire world 4 the affections of the great All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, will cause me 2 do far worse if needed, than just take out a brother. Anybody having the guts 2 call me nuts, has never followed this empire calculation thing meticulously, year in and year out, and seen how this Alee versed reme is indeed a totally real and non fictional reality, it is indisputable, as is OLOBOLOB when properly applied to the game of roulette, parallel event applied to 3-parameter roulette and playing only the high divergences in the stick-figure columns measuring the 12 possible next-spin-playables. If U play the way the Mayor showed me when he recently appeared 2 me in a vivid and powerful dream, U cannot lose. Also, U cannot lose in Parallel-Event-Roulette, again, if adhering properly 2 the rules of this system that is being used 2 attack the game with. The great Einstein said this is not possible 2 do, so I must not B such a whittle nobody, huh? Again, and I know as my closest friend from nearly 3 halves of a decade now, Mizz Karen, informed me that I do not often enough remind my readership what all of my abbreviations R standing 4, so let me do a few starting with the Alee and Reme. ALEE=Apollo-Lucifer’s Evil Empire, where U only need 2 put this blog down and open up the holy words of my beautiful SSJKK, and read 4 yourselves, how this evil world belongs 2 Satan, the fallen angel Lucifer, of course this simple statement is telling U what U need 2 know as of 2000 years ago, and is far from the entire subject-info. Reme=Righteous Empire-ME. If U feel I am overkill boasting by calling me righteous and them evil, then do us both as favor whoever UR making this false value judgment, pweeeeeze. Read all 5 of my Blogger dot com blogs and C4 yourselves that I am not putting on the dog nor falsely adding and exaggerating my problem and their evil monstrous and unconscionable ever present behavior. Then I say I am going to leave the library and go down to Atlantic City, and this was in no way a taunt or a dare 4 them 2 mess with me, I had every right 2 do what I did with Eddie Himacane. We R two legally grown men, and were inside of a totally legal and registered vehicle, and I am a totally legal New Jersey licensed automobile driver, with every right in the world 2 come down and take some website photos of PUBLIC PROPERTY. This just does not get more totally beyond legitimate, and yet Mister McGuire scum cover up white slaver Brigger with many skeleton filled closets, had absolutely no right 2 get right into our face and fuck with us, yet this diseased brain maniac did just this and photos do not lie and the Feds tried 2 disprove it all and could not, as it is not a hoax nor a fake, and do any of U out there in Cyberspace think the authorities give a rats fucking ass shit about my abused and violated civil and constitutional rights? Not on your darn lives, BRA, BRO, and Green, and no more L&O, just as I said would B the case after Green went and remember I said all of this long B4 Green indeed did leave the show!!!!! BOTBAR=Bottom Of The Barrel, All-ready Rated. LAMIST=The Briggbase or {Brigger} Cultists from the Phase 2 reality, or the ASTRAL-PLANE. Phase one is the void infinity, the real truth that we all R simply at, always, like it or not. Phase two is the astral realms dreamed out and away into from this EWI or VI. VI=Void Infinity. EWI=Existence Without Interaction. Again this is harped on in sections of text on my website which is only a lousy whittle 150 dollar job, all that poverty-me could afford 2 pay the dude, Eddie Himacane, but go there and cwick around Mister Elmer Wabbit Fwudd. Yes my friend Karen is totally correct, I do need 2 remember 2 emulate what testers indeed do, and that is 2 make more frequent summaries, and not 2 expect my readers 2 go back and recheck meanings of older abbreviations, such as NJUSAESMWG-New Jersey, United States of America, planet named Earth, star system or solar system named after our closest star to this pwanet, Sol, Mr. Fudd, and then the Milky Way Galaxy, MWG.

Yes my compatibility measures out to a full 100% with my best friend in life B4 his Mason Cultists iced him 4 letting out the secret family lineage chart and gave me a Kinko Copier copy. It also is compatible with SSJKK in her returned form, as the maximum 100%. Not many things work out 2 100%, and 4 those still not sure how 2 work this, I will reiterate again now Lads, Labs, and Lassies and all Dogtownites here or there, and any non-set-sentence-servers, or NSSS. Sometimes I am TEMPTED 2 say that these abbreviate whittle whetters also can stand 4 “Not Sarah-Stacey’s Silliest”, amongst her so many endless games, gas-me in 1983, or Gaines and the deal between these 2 wild entities. So moving on, Gawky Gaukauk and I go back a ways in combined total astral realm interactions where no two of them have any real significance in their order or reference one to another, and never did nor will. He is called in slang, astrally, the great LOTTERY-CAT. He is banned from in any way using any astral world lotteries in the nonillions of known provinces, and is known of in all of them, as far out as that sounds, and the number is beyond reach of ever trying 2 wrap your minds around, my Morians. Whatever name that UR born with is what counts, just the first name and the last name, better known through recent ages as the “Christian name”, and the “Sir name”. Now A is the first letter in the English Alphabet, if U speak English as your number one language, this is what U will use whether U learn 2 fluently speak 5 others in your current astral dream-down, [ADD] U would call this, your life-time, [LT]. Z is the final and the 26th letter in the English alphabet. D is letter #4, N is #14, T is letter 20, and so forth. All of the 26 letters R in a numerical order of between 1 and 26. First U total up the letters in the first and last name, and this never changes in marriage or even should U change it legally, U must always use your name. U must calculate your names cosmic PRIVATE-CODE-NUMBER, and remember it forever in your mind. Anything and everything can B spelled out, and U can get a ‘Privecode number’ 4 anything, and then simply by adding your PCN with any other, U can find out if U have compatibility with this other thing or place or date or person, U can do it for choosing your next automobile, and if U included its make and model number, U will have the maximum best overall luck and time with that vehicle over one that is not a compatible one with your PCN. Mark-Mohr, my Christian/Sir/Name or CSN, has the PCN of 871. Anyone can check their PCN compatibility with me. Remember that it works in the following way: Donald Trump has a 220-PCN. U get the total. If I was thinking of working 4 him and his organization, the thought would B immediately dismissed by me once doing the CC, or the Compatibility-check. First U add the two PCN’s. So 871 + 220 = 1091. Now my PCN of 871 has a match in the ‘one digit total‘, two times, giving my PCNC 2 points. His PCN of 220 has a match in the ‘zero digit total’ one time, giving his PCNC 1 point. Now remember that a match of at least one in both PCN’s must exist in both or it will not matter if 4 exist in one if none exist in the other. If one match total comes out, the compatibility is 25%, if a total of 3 between both PCN’s comes out, the Comp. is 50%, if a total of 4 between both PCN’s comes out, the comp. is 75%, and finally, if more than a total of 4 between both PCN’s comes out, then the compatibility is a full maximum 100%. Now when I used to live in Cranberryville and not Blueberryville, something has changed since my past re-trace that my great Queen-M did 2 me, as Trump and I were NOT COMP, ands I know I worked it out, I distinctly remember this, yet now, with a 3 total, it shows us at 50% COMP. This boggles my mind, but I could go on with many other changes, but 4 now am safer just keeping my mouth SHUT!!!!! So again, 2 arrive at a PCN or a PRIVE-CODE-NUMBER, here R the simple steps, practice doing it and U will B hooked on it, I have 3 people telling me that they R up at 2,3, even 4 AM doing this and can I put it on software so they can just plug their prive-code-number into any group of typed words, and remember, all numbers simply R spelled. Also never use my text-message style of typing, if UR saying UR, say it YOU ARE, 2 arrive at the proper number value 4UR. 4 is four, and so forth. I could not write a program 4 anyone, but was informed by a friend who received an encrypted electronic-mail on their computer that read along the lines that “Mountainpen’s Briggers have the GAWNUM on software and R having a blast playing around with it and that it really is blowing lots of minds of many hot shot out in Cali as well as in New York City”. Ok, so 4 the less bright bulbs in the closet bag, here is what U do 2 get a PCN: Let us compare the words, fast-food with the word skinny. ‘Fast-food‘=PCN-853, and ‘skinny’ =PCN-624. Now we want to C how they interact together numerological, so we ADD THEM TOGETHER for the PCNT, the cosmic connection total 4 these 2 things, and PCNT stands simply 4 Private Code Number Total. Now adding the 853 and the 624, we arrive at the sum of 1477. Now one match to this total or CCT exists in the PCN of SKINNY-624, One 4 is in the total, and one point goes to the ‘skinny’. But the ‘fast-food’ 853 PCN has not one single match, and this = a total of zero % compatibility, now I have not tried to add the PCN 4 FAT, but this can B played with endlessly by proper insertion of words. U can reach point where a main frame could know the secret intentions of our international enemies, I know the NSA has this software, and as long as U do not profit financially with it and use it for the security of my nation, I find absolutely no fault with this at all. Atlantic City is compatible with me, yet Sarah Krassle and Trinidad Motel, and Tennessee Avenue R all totally 0% compatible with Mark Mohr, or Michael Mountainpen, but this name of course is a pseudonym and cannot B used 4 making these comparative checks. As 5 my being 50% compatible to the All-Mighty Donald Trump, I find myself totally nauseated, and still would not work 4 him if my very life and that of my families lives depended on it, I would rather cease 2 exist, Bye-Bye. Obviously the compatibility is because he used me to electromagnetically bring him forth so 2 speak, and I indeed did just that on several wild electronic devices, including my Panasonic Technics RS1500US open reel mastering machine, back in ‘80. On last blog I said 80 or 91, I meant 80 or 81, the 8 and 9 R together on the keyboard and I screwed up, sahwee. Not a lot of stuff ever comes out a full 100%, such as my 871PCN and the PCN of David Roth and MC. Here is one quick example and I could give U 60 pages of complex math illustrations, but here is one involving a more important on e at least 4 me, Atlantic city. If my mom and I had stayed at the Traymore every year as opposed 2 only the 1964 summer, and then after that, at the Trinidad on Tennessee Avenue,, none of this Sarah-Stacey ‘stuff’ would have ever happened 2 me, but that was not the will of the Great All Mighty Sar or Lord. Sar is Lord and AH is ESS or the ‘female’ part of something. This traces back to a very ancient tongue spoken millennia ago, Aramaic. UC, Atlantic City is highly compatible with Michael Mountainpen, again, my real name and not this pen name. Yes 100% compatibility is between me and Atlantic city, go ahead, do the math, work it out, it is so simple that only a moron needs use a calculator and U can purchase one nearly anywhere 4 just a few lousy bucks. Interesting that Trump has a PCN of 220, and the PCN of the Traymore Hotel is 440. These R all multiple precisions in electrical ratings industrially where higher pressures R required, voltages, volts R electrical pressures, the force at which groupings of electrons race down the copper wire lines, and 6 quintillion roughly of these electrons R called by electrical engineers, one amperage or 4 short, 1-AMP. Now the total of my PCN-871 and the Traymore Hotel-PCN-440 = 1311. Now here is where the real examination of how cosmic all connects and has totally accurate built in answers to any and every possible and potential query. The Hotel was totally 0% Comp. with me, yet I would have had a totally different and much better life should I have continued going there with my mom, and this is Y despite the Hotel’s zero score, look at the comp. score of my PCN of 871 with the comparator PCNT of 1311. My one scores twice in its total for a 2-point-score. But remember the inviolate rule that U never may break, if at least one match score on both the PCN’s 2B compared, the compatibility is always a total zip, zero, zilch, 0, goose egg%. Check it all out. Here R some compatibility studies using the great GAWNUM, trademark and copyright protected in their intellectual property as explained in these blogging texts: Me and CHAIN=25% C. The real brain breaker is MC however, as the total is 1102, and I lived in 1989 when she started out with her lovely hit IWALU, in 1989 at where other than 1102 Robin Hill, the third of my 3 apartment stays there between 1980 and 1991. Strong-wind-PCN=187. 187+MC’s PCN of 231=418. She has one point with the 1 in the PCNT, and the strong wind has the one match and the 8 match for a 2-total, and adding 2 and I, we get 3, for a 50% compatibility, remember that even a 25% C. is the symbolic definition of a definite connection between 2 measured entities/realities, and it only gets stronger, actually, doubling at 50%, doubling again at 75%, and doubling again at the full-max-100% C. Robin-Hill-maintenance-PCN=990. My PCN=871. 871+990=1861, giving my PCN 3 match ups, yet the Robin-Hill-Maintenance-PCN has a zero% matching to the total of the PCNT, thus, I had nothing against any of these pricks, but they hated and messed with me causing me 2 eventually break my lease on medical grounds with a doctor’s note, and move off of the premises. But the music world is verified-connected with the musical industry and the Briggers somehow, as Gawnum does not lie, when I now go 2 say this: GAWNUM=GAWKY’s Numerology. It is accurate 2 the point of driving people insane if U have a weak mind that is insisting on proving that these things simply CANNOT B RERAL!!!! They can, and they R, quite real. The great Mariah’s starter song in 1989 when I was at 1102 Robin Hill, has the PCN of 990, proving that since Robin Hill maintenance also has PCN-990, and that the Playboy Bunny neighbor below me back in 1982 that forced me 2 move, as it happened all 3 times there, with legitimate doctor/medical documents, and were all Debbie Harry/Blondie/Heffner/ACNJUSAESMNWG-Playboy-Casino/ Recording Industry Association of America, CONNECTED, through their total absolute BRIGGBASE OWNERSHIP!!!!!!! U know that if U forget getting full PCN’s 4 a seck, and just get letter totals in their alphabetic value, RED is a red 27, BLACK is a number that also is a black number on the roulette layout, and odd works out 2 an odd number, and even works out 2 an even number, and red 27, need I say 2 much here Mister Straightcountry???? Now get ready 4 another mild heart attack. Sarah Jacobson the mighty super girl Jenny Johnson only 10 times more ravishing and alluring in appearance, who infiltrated my school in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG as a 22 year old Rehab-student, has the PRIVATE-CODE-Number [PCN], of “495“. This was in my ‘dream’ about 8 autumns later while I was employed at the recording studio, RPL, in 1980 and Gawky came 2 me with the meowing sound, “DIE,DIE,DIE”!!!!!!! Well the lady that was with him told me that this converts to the current night’s drawing of the Pennsylvania Lottery in either straight up or boxed, [digitally scrambled], and that the D is letter #4, and I is 9, and E is 5, and sure enough in what U mortals consider 2B the REAL waking world, it came out that following night in Pennsylvania in a box or 594, but the cat meowed the Privecode number of the great all mighty Sarah Jacobson, “495“, as meowed 2 me by this huge cat on this Astral Plane bus. I must begin now in wrapping up tonight’s blog as I am leaving 4 a place where the New York skyline is so beautiful, in a few short hours, to go pick up my blond and get her back here to Kessler Hospital as she needs 2 get a tumor removed from her back B4 it grows 2 the size of the New York City Sky-line. One thing Sarah loved 2 say 2 the boys that were all so madly in love with her and captivated by her extreme and unfathomable size and physical beauty,” I don’t kiss boys”. I told U how Steve, a co-Rehab student said 2 her once, “What, do U kiss girls?, and he nearly went through 3 cement walls and almost died, yet the reality of this was somehow altered, just as she did recently 2 me as a punishment 4 saying something that she did not approve of on my blog, and suddenly I am no longer in Cranberryville, but am now in Blueberryville. This is true gospel friends and fiends, I used 2 live in the Cranberry capital of the world, and now it has suddenly and overnight just shifted to the Blueberry capital of the planet, and here where I am now residing in this current retraced and altered reality, it always has been, yet my blogs here remain the same somehow, and she said it was done 2 make me look foolish as a punishment 4 making my great queen Mariah angry with me.

There were a few planes and some Motor Cycles today, they R winning and do not need 2 push it 2 far, and no matter what I write, when these diseased sleaze persecute and harass me to death at work and home and everywhere I go, and constantly fuck with me and make my life an infinite living nightmare hell, the following things will endlessly parallel in their long run play event:

Phillies will go on losing and losing and losing.
Dow Jones Inpusstrials will go on moving higher and higher and higher.
This has been ongoing in my miserable pummeled assaulted life now 4 Sarah Jacobson years, and unless I can escape down 2 south America, I am FUCKING DOOMED!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL, THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHT MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. It is all total truth with no additions and no omissions. All persons listed in all prior blogging documents R part of my legal dying utterance and dying mans legal and totally official declaration, and must by state and federal law B fully investigated after I am found dead. I have 5 blogs, 4 finished and this current book, on this site of My HL is www. END----TRANSMISSION:
Bye-bye, LOVELY QUEEN OF THE ninth Dimension of the world of the Pneumatics, 990,990,990,990 yes, U get it, IWALU.

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