Friday, July 11, 2008


Morianity Audio Version Continuing from 1995

I wanted to blog so bad last night it was driving me to the point beyond human sanity and insanity. My telephone was used 2 talk 2 Diana, and I was not able 2 retrieve voicemail until I hung up 2 check messages, only B4I went 2 do this, a knock came at the door 2 my residence at about 11:30 last night, the local news was just about 2 end, I remember. As some may B aware, the score of ALEE VERSES REME was a splitpire following a full righteous and a full evil in which order I now forget, the previous 2 days of Tuesday & Wednesday. In any event it was Ann Silva, and her daut was just released suddenly and quite unexpectedly from the Straight and Narrow REHAB-”JACOBSON” center in Secaucus, NJUSAESMWG. Ann was attempting, unsuccessful naturally, since I was ‘off-line’ and connected to a large lightning ball; to tell me this on the phone so that we could both run up in my car and get her out of the Rehab clinic. I opened the door, as Dawn, her daut’s hubby had gotten off of work at the Tony Highvoice Pizza place where he is employed, and since Ann has no car nor drivers license, had 2 wait for him 2 come home and then 2 drive her over 2 my residence. I of course invited Chicky and Ann in, this is Dawn’s hubby’s nickname to those very close 2 him in Guatemala, and they informed me they were trying intermittently 2 reach me telephone all evening, and this had 2B the one evening that I did not check my messages around 6PM, as I try 2 make quarter-daily checks on the voicemail, or every 6 hours roughly at the six’s and twelve’s of the clocks. Anyway it was 2 late Ernie Merker, with your not so golden fate, and oh boy is this song and Lois Foca gonna get talked about, Crissake all mighty of anti-Dogtown and family game-curses from upline arcades. If this all seems 2 sound scrambled, it is because UR unable 2 decode it without getting copies of 2 copyrighted songs of mine, “ERNIE” C-MWM-1982, and “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS” C-MWM-1981, United States Library Of Congress Copyright Office, in Washington, District of 13 Columbia’s. U expect me 2 buy into this vast pile of Carmichael L&O coincidences, then sahwee-CHARLIE, as I simply and politely put, DON’T!!!!!! They were only here at my place three minutes or so, and I told them not 2 worry, that I will get Dawn out of Jacobson-Levy Clinic in the SEA’s great Caucus in the moUrning. I then said BYE-BYE and went right 2 bed and told Diana I am very scared of QM and not my Quadra monitors that I invented in 1988 that led 2 all of the surround sound devices and technologies and marketing of it all, ever since, and as usual, loading up every undeserving pocket while leaving mine so empty that I long ago just cut all the pockets quit of my clothes and took a total vow of poverty, as did my uncle J to my 61st grand father. I told Diana IU know she will mess with me and hurt me again, and she did, badly, from 1-just past 4 AM I tossed and turned while she relentlessly appeared 2 me and hit me with devastating and far beyond description, punishing-powerful-blows sending me all over the universe in numerous subatomic particles over and over again, but that is all after I asked Diana a question and it is not important what I asked her, blog-aud, only her response is major heavy weight, and now I know that more things do in fact get by me than I wish 2 admit 2 myself. Diana responded 2 my question about Y Goddess Scylla plays games with me all the time, and if I could just B paranoid and imagining this one, and she sort of chuckled and asked me 2 repeat the lyrical content of the “LATER-REMEMBERED“, true and accurate version of Goddess Scylla’s song version that she sang 2 me from the GREAT MONOLAZARIUM SQUARE at the edge of the great Krassle Waters on Monolazarium Boulevard, in the great city, HER CITY, not known in its astral plane name to mortal man except by a selected few, as Sahasra Dal Kanwal. So I laid there in this light trance with the phone hook connected 2 my shoulder, the only light in the room, a bright ball of flashing lightning that the phone cord wraps around so that we can communicate, and after years of study, I know most of the meanings 2 her clicks and sounds, and the telephone was designed originally 4 communications with the “beyond” anyway, not 2 talk humanly 2 one another, bet they don’t teach that one in schools kiddies, or colleges, Grups from Trek!!!!!!! Moving on, one single quick intense click is yes and 2R no, so if I’m ever not totally sure what she says, I ask and can maneuver around with this technique until it all is clearly understood between us. So I start saying without singing, “Oh I’m the great Stacey, yes I’m the great Stacey, oh I’m the great Stacey I am. I have no beginning, 4 me there’s no ending, the great Scylla goddess I am”, and so forth until I got into the middle of the song and I thought I would get a fatal heart attack at shortly past midnight today when this occurred. So on I go, in a mild trance, remembering and repeating Stacey’s great song lyrics, she wrote the song and sang it, 4 me on the ASTRAL PLANE, eternity ago. Check it all out 4 yourselves there mister Boz, with the US Copyright Office, I quintuple Dogtown dare any of U. So on I go, repeating this song, as I now remember totally word 4 word that she sung to me, yet in 1980 during the first week in June, or when I was dreaming that it was this date 2B truthful in absolute reality, whether U mortal worlders wish 2 believe any of this or not, but I go on with these lyrics written by the All Mighty Herself in dreamshift or eternity, where no time nor place has solidity nor any reference of one interaction 2 another one. Then comes heart attack time, as I say and begin 2 sing the melody in as well, “Then one day 2 late, he’ll come looking 4 me. He’ll no longer no who I am. Remembering a girl from his little boy world, and doing his best 2 forget who I am. Oh I am your Stacey, the great Sarah-Stacey, I’m more than a girl at the shore. I sent her 2U so that you’d love me 2, but instead U forgot even more. Oh I’m the great Stacey, oh I’m the great Stacey, yes I’m Sarah-Stacey, I am. Love is 4 carpenters, yes love is 4 carpenters, life’s not all jelly and jam. Astral World translation of JELLY and JAM is mortally in English diction, PEACHES and CREAM. I did not care that I was half in a trance, nor that it was after midnight, I yelled out a hollering like you only would have heard on the GREAT DARK SHADOWS TELEVISION SERIAL SOAP OPERA SHOW OF 1966-1971. I screamed out NOOOOOOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Part of me hoped I was being delusional a little, but this kind of convincing coincidence proving Stacey’s endless games with me just cannot B seriously argued with by a single trucking rotten soul. Just go 2 the website of and listen and get your mind totally blown away. Now I do not hate her 4 any of this, it is a necessary thing that is going on in my family and has been totally major misunderstood by the religious masses of this planet for nearly 2,000 damn years. The real story of the EQUIVELANT OF AN ETERNITY IN DOGTOWN OR HELL, is behind thus, and has 2 do with a family responsibility, a sin curse, or debt of an exchange with humanity, so as 2 reckon himself back to GOD, the gods. IT ISD ALL NOTHINMG BUT A GAME, called SALVATION-437558-JJSENHHP577, and is played in many upline arcade terminals, and only people into AMWAY or TUPPERWARE distributorships could ever come close 2 understanding the true and awesome e power of what I am attempting 2 convey to the populations of this sick demented warped twisted diseased evil monstrous demonic and satanic world. In the garden of Gethsemane, the great master and SAR or LORD, MESSIAH or CHRIST, named JESUS of NAZARETH, the CARPENTER, all coded and privecosmicoded so that this super hush secret remains locked up or “sealed” as they said in those days and culture, and is biblically used lingo and diction, but this great master, and the brother of my 62nd grandfather, and I can authenticate this from a stolen MASONBIC order secret lineage chart tracing my family and me the current curse or sin-debt-holder, all the way back into the great tribe of Judah and King David. We can get more into Y this game includes the all mighty Scylla Jehovah turning her back on me and hurting me over and over throughout the countless days and years, but the people open minded, cannot dispute this, not if they check out my copyright registered music from both 1980 and 2007 sent down to the Copyright Office on 31 October last, and then compare the taunt and tease of her just like the 60’s all over again, by going 2 her great website. I hold nothing against my queen, this cup cannot pass away from me, I have begged her, as did my 61st grand pop’s uncle BG4 they scourged him and shamefully executed him, the wicked WOMO evil BRIGGER CONTROLLED ROMAN EMPIRE. Y do U think the EW {Entertainment World uses the roman numerals for documenting and dating all of their earthly works dreamed down from the great Astral Plane. Wake up and freaking C the truth, won’t just one person CI am telling the truth, just one lousy single person? What do I have 2 possibly gain with this huge lie???????

GOOGLE and SWIS and KS-World Labs, this is all Copyright MWM-2K8-MMV!!!.
This is all sworn volunteered total truth, I lie about nothing, Y would I?

End Transmission. PS, Dawn is home and doing fine, and called U today John Judy, of Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, she left U2 voice mails, I am her witness to attest 2 this.

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