Monday, July 14, 2008

Honorable World Tribunal Judges at THE HAGUE


Address in serted later
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Phone inserted later
July 15. 2008
World Tribunal and Court
Honorable Judges and Magistrates
The Hague

Honorable Judges:

I have a very serious problem, and attempted years back to gain the necessary assistances from numerous sources, including Amnesty International, and was ignored. I need to present a case to you of the utmost urgency. I am being persecuted in the United states of America, covertly, and can prove it. I have sought every conceivable help imaginable, with negative results. I have evidence and witnesses to back up my incredible claims, a story involving the most high profile names in this country and even around the globe itself. I am going to purchase a one way ticket to Neutral Sweden or Switzerland, and contact the embassy as is shown on my passport paperwork and documentation. From here, I will simply refuse to return to the United States, and inform the authorities that my murder and death will be on their hands should they force me indeed top return against my will. Hopefully, you will be willing to arrange and meeting with me, and schedule a hearing so that I may have live witnesses give sworn testimony that will back up my very wild claims. Please do not ignore my plea for help, I am beseeching you. Two of my witnesses, all though I have insubstantial proof to take into a court proceeding, they have murdered, I know this beyond any doubts in my own mind. I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter.

Cordially and Anxiously awaiting,

[signature added to print out when I delete this sentence.

Mark W. Mohr

The letter above is no joke, I have had it and will have my Hammonton librarian show me precise addresses for mailing this letter plus actual proper edicate for openly addressing this world court at The Hague.

20 minutes or so give or take upon posting my previous blog, the power went out AGAIN. This is my third outage now, and my utility is the ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY. Atlantic City is about 22 miles from my door in Mullica Township in Blueberryville-Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG. 2 outages yesterday Sunday occurred when the so called excuse was a power transformer was blown. Today around shortly B4 8PM, lasting give or take 2 hours, it again occurs, and both of the prior times out of the 3, I had just shot up a blog 2 the site of Now the underscore is working. This entire fucking attack is ATLANTIC CITY BRIGGBASE FORCE. It is a total viofucklinglation of my constitutional; and civil and my very human rights. The excuse this time, and notice how on Sundays blog I even said at least they used the phony accident story of the famous fucking pole-hitters-Briggers-Club on all the other outages, and this time they used a different excuse, always some excuser right down to animals and rodents eating out the wires and insulations, only the outages/attacks R simply always just too perfectly and precisely times coincidentally, 2B in fact, any fucking coincidence. Public Utilities Commission, I have now experienced 3 power interruptions within 36 hours, with no storm within 100 miles plus, nor any honest reason for this. If the rock chucking STATE POLICE AND LO9CAL AUTHGORITIES AND THE ATLANTIC COPUNTY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE WOULD DO THEIR JOPBS AND GET UP OFF THEIR LAZY ASSES, they would and should investigate whoever was supposedly involved in the auto crash tonight between 7:30 and 8:00 PM, this Monday night, on July the 14th, of 2008. I went straight over to Ann and Dawn’s pad and they were so nice 2 me, like a breath of fresh air. They kept calling every 40 minutes or so until finally the utility informed them that power had been restored, but if those in authority would simply check very detailed information on whoever was involved in this 100th or so “pole-hit” in less than 9 years of my living in this fucking hell hole, I know there is a very good chance that they would find something and uncover something that proves that I am not paranoid nor delusional, nor crazy.

I know that SSJKK will never stop playing these stupid games with me. It went on from 1965 when I first met her on Tennessee Avenue in A T L A N T I C ------C I T Y, right up through the runt slapping night of the 12th of miserable rotten July in 1970, and then she takes the chain that the powerful ancients from high on a mountain in South America, and uses it 2 go back in time into the SUNRAM, and reincarnate with 168 enrams, or 2.7X10 to the exponent of 168 ERGS of E, or ENERGY, as in E=MC SQUARED. This is not a joke or some sick twisted nasty hoax. This is somebody’s life being fucking screwed with by this ALL M??? I recorded 13 minutes and 12 seconds at 1.875 cassette normal speed, and it is dead on 2U right now talking on Jay Leno, come on and try 2 burn me down again out there BRIGGERSCUM, I’m not stupid enough 2 keep my most powerful shit sitting vulnerable in a fucking whittle dingy trailer 4 crissake, literally!!!!!!


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