Monday, June 2, 2008

great bibles have out of text contradictions

“GREAT BIBLES HAVE OUT-OF-TEXT CONTRADICTIONS“, date and time file 060208.075 on Monday early morning, BLOG-BOOK---TEOHIV/TIMCAM, may I pweeeeeze beginith transmission, with the ITH after the word that Mister Gates will not permit me to say:

Good MOURNING, and sad tidings out there whoever and whatever UR. My story will continue, I will just type until there is no more me and if that is 2031 as the algorithm goes or perhaps in ten minpers, so B it. What is the algorithm U may B saying, but I know the math whizzes out there in unconscious internetworking PC system or CYBERSPACE if that term is more user friendly, but just so all can know what I am referring 2, I was born in the year 1954 as Michael Mountainpen, not that pen-name of course but I will not further insult your intellect. There R3 years in my precisely 53 and a half of them as Mountainpen, that I sort of call [island-in-the-storm] years, years where cosmic hell against me seemed 4 whatever reason, 2 cut me a real break, not that any of U would have considered it life, but in reference to my normal averaged hell, were pretty damn good, and these 3 years were 1969, 1980, and 1994. The President and General Manager of the great and famous Family Stations Incorporated, the great All Mighty Enlightened Mister Harold Camping does some pretty cool stuff with numbers, U ought 2 get his books, but no matter what he claims, my equations R based on an honest 2 the gods real true life, mine, and no one needs 1 tiny smidgen bit of faith 2C when someone is really living something verses believing in anything belonging 2 what would B forced in category 2B referred 2 as RELIGIOUS. Moving on, he claims that time ends in the year 2011 on the 21st day of October, if I am properly quoting this amazing gentleman, who I personally enjoyed speaking 2 from the same apartment where Sarah the LORD/ESS stole my motorcycle chain from, back in 1969. SAR is LORD, AH means FEMALE PART or version of something, back in the very ancient tongue of Aramaic, thousands of mortal world years back in time. Moving on, get a piece of paper out and let me show U the magic-7-cycle of steps in this ’add-3’ equation that shows the year I was born, the year I will die as present personality Mountainpen, and the 3 ISLAND IN THE STORM YEARS of 1969, 1980, and 1994. A child with a mind can C Johnny-N. that adding 11 to 1969 brings the number to 1980. Now by adding 14 to the year of 1980, we get the year 1994, as well as the great Harold’s first doomsday prediction that came and went without any comet Cahoutek’s or other such doom. Aniwho and moving onwards Hannah, and others, we’ll B getting into the great Mister Pedersen in a bit, just hold your horses there Curly Slap. So aniwho, first we added 11 to get from 69 up to 80 in the 20th century. Then we added 14 which is 3 more than 11 to get from 80 up to 94, am I correct thus far or just gassing out raw onions? Gross, oh sure, but this is nice next to MC-MO, and not the MO with Curly and Larry, bwewieve me bwaby-wuv Elmer. So this [adding 3] thing is looking like a point of interest by anyone’s study of science-circumstance, but much more still is obviously needed in order 2 really make a powerful statement. Let us remember though that we R now working with the numbers 11 and 14, adding 3 more as we progress forward in time moving past 1994, and subtracting 3 from this moving system as we regress back through time B4 1969. Well just write these 7 numbers of years now at the middle of a worksheet with room 2 move up and down, just write 1969 and above it 1980 and above that 1994, and then by adding 3 more than 14, wow Harold, we get 1994 and your first doomsday that never came, and we now arrive at 2011, where again, here it comes. Aniwho, 3 more than 14 is 17 and 17 added to 1994, duhh, is 2011. Now something big is going 2 happen, and a child following the number progression and understanding my 3 island in the storm years that move in this pattern, and yes, thank U Bill-G 4 letting me know after programs watching my words CI am talking about things such as this, and now a little window at bottom screen comes up with my tip of the day to show me how quickly create columns and adjust the space or display a line between the columns, thank U sir, BG/MS/DOS/and all the interconnecting programs that make the internet great and virtually conscious and sentient. But now back 2 the child being able 2C how 2 work this whittle numbers game, let us all get a pad a pencil and do it, it will take but a minper or so and it really will bwow your whittle bwain Elmer Fudd. So now let us add 3 more than 17, or 29 to 2011, and this becomes 2031, the year I will die, using your forward-mortal language. Subtracting back from 1969, 3 less than 11 is 8 and 1969 minus 8 takes us back to 1961, when I started school, the biggest event in any normal American child’s life, and I loved learning 2 read and write, thought it was so way cool and after I got a bit smarter each day, I would reflect back at a week or so ago and think 2 myself, how did I live so dumb back then, it disgusted me? All right, we subtracted 8 to get back to 1961, let us subtract 3 less than 8 or 5 now from 1961. This will take us back now to the year of 1956, sort of the beginning of Mountainpen gaining sentient being-ness in current dream-down. Finally, yeah U got it, 5 minus another 3 is 2, and by subtracting this final 2 from 1956 is my birth year of 1954. Now is this birth to death calculation cool shit juice or what lads and lassies? Yagodda admit it 4 real man, follow along and C that in 7 cycles of time in this ADD-3 mathematical pattern starting at birth, shows each major year of significance, predicting both a major blow 2 the empire in 2011 but I don’t buy this end of time carp 4 a minute, not until the following jump, when time will stop 4 me, in my present personality, my dream will B over and the real me will awaken off this evil and ugly mortal world. The problem with this hyper-oversimplification is that it proves all I say about how the mortal world insists on living backwards, by perceiving time linearly instead of spatially. It naturally is perceived in the spirit existence that way, as time is the bi-product created in an instant thought energy interaction {TEI}. The mortal world works backwards from truer astral or spiritual existence. Here we have an illusion called the STC or SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM. We actually need space first to B in a place and we need time first to interact in a non-frozen event. This mortality thing is not real and not natural, it is a DREAM-DOWN. The top world movers and shakers and power-controllers, appear anyway, 2B totally fooled and under this illusion, unless they R major faking it 4 the rest of us so called slaves. Personally, I cannot buy that. If this was true, would not some one’s kid just 2B the coolest trucker on MY-SPACE, let the secret out 4 the entire world and have their 15 minutes of Beyond MW celebrity status. Come on, if your kid knows that U can do something that no one is supposed 2B able 2 do, and U want me 2 buy that sooner or later, one hell of a post up would not shoot up to their my-space account? GET TRUCKING REAL, MAN!!!!!!!!! Some one told me not long ago, “RU saying that UR a time traveler” I was Able 2 look them right in the face and give a totally honest response, “absolutely NOT”. There is no such thing as a time traveler or an alien from another physical world planet, and I do not give a rats grass mole what U wish 2 believe. I KNOW. However, there is a reality that if not understood, will indeed produce these powerful illusions, and many others. I never traveled anywhere, and I have never left my skin. I never have moved a single inch nor changed a second in time, AND NEITHER HAVE ANY OF U, UR buying into the physical plane or MW MORTAL WORLD ILLUSION. U cannot go beyond the truth of inside yourself, and when U awaken from a dream, U know that what I say is true and real. U never went anywhere, and U never do. Yet my bible speaks of books by Dr. Bruce Goldberg, and using the great mighty FASCITAR, and these words and phrases APPEAR 2 contradict, do they not? Yes they APPEAR 2 contradict. The first inspired great words from the great ALL MIGHTY SAR/AH-STA-NEE-CY-JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE is no different, as taken out of context and misunderstood concepts based on preconceived illusions bought into from birth and yes, things appear to look like someone is totally fullabulla!!!!!! We can always get back to this and I must move on or other things need 2B said, just will not get said due 2 a lack of time. It is kind of like that old cool Rockford-Files show with mister Maverick. When he got knocked around by a huge dude, he said, “give me a chance, what do U want, if I say the wring thing, then we can always get back to this”. Well, we will get back to this and much more.

There is a game I call the radio-game, it is very real, and the MICKERS know how real it is, those that don’t, again, topic 4 another time, I’ll elucidate 4 those that do not know a bit later on. I was living in Atco, NJUSAESMWG as U know in 1983 after leaving 1802 Robin Hill Apartments on 4th and Preston Avenues in Voorhees Township, NJUSAESMWG. When I no longer was willing 2 play their stupid Millionth-Council game, they viscously turned on me and 25 years to the day ago come Wednesday, on the 4th of evil June in ’83, the bastards chocked me 2 death. I decided I better go along with them in order 2 remain breathing, and suddenly like magic, a doctor out of nowhere from the Pacific Islands, doing a short residency at a local hospital a few miles west down the road from my house, also on Route 30, as I am still on presently, and was on in the apartment in Oaklyn where SSJKK got the chain from China away from me, and I could go on with this if time would stop, but it won‘t, not even with my ugly kisser looking into the clock. Yeah the radio game, enjoyed playing it again at work, ugggg!!!!! Speaking of adding words 2 me spell-wrecker checker, when I was typing along in the blog where I got hacked for the umpteenth time where I was discussing my ability 2 move in 5 dimensions as I am aware that U never move anywhere, it happens inside of U, and Einstein’s own math equations bear all of this out, with or without Colony-256, James Pratt, or the TPB, The Permission Barrier.

I was in my car tonight at just past 10 at my work site, and the scum bucket ATLANTIC CITY driver either had an “ENY-COPYRIGHT-NON-INTERNET EPITOME OF HARASSMENT STROBE TURNERSVILLE 1996 TERROR-THREAT PATHMARK POTTERKOVICH/RAYNARD-RUN-MOUNT-LAUREL HEART ATTACK-CIA-DEVICE”, in his truck or on his person, or else the dirt bag biker in the woods path near the property’s fence-line wants me 2 think it is him when in fact it is the biker puke head NSA/CIA/MC-MO, that did it, always with the endless DIANA CONFUSION TIME MAGAZINE SYNDROME, as discussed on prior blogging text, but whoever and whatever Captain Shatner, of the Starship Boston, I am minding my own business, and as soon as the truck pulls off the site heading down to Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, POW, the light bulb explodes in my lamp in the car, hooked up to the client’s power supply. I jumped a trucking-glass light year and a half. This was right the truck out of the MUNSTERS, when grandpa and Herman made that eggbeater electricity machine that blew out the lights in the city park. Some git ball is hacking a bit, thought I wouldn’t report this trucking assault, ya’ stick licking hunt trappers????? Speaking of Grandpa Munster, how about his disappearing ink with the oil company episode, cut it the truck out, I have constitutional rights, and someone is heading 4 federal sucking prison if this crapola doesn’t stop.

Yeah, good old Paul-P. I have lived here in Cranberrycareyville for going on 8 years of mortal world illusion, better known as Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG, and Paul has lived in the town 2 the west 4 nearly as long, yet we run into each other at the great ALL MIGHTY HAMMONTON SHOP RIGHT 3 times within 10 days or so, and in years B4, never once did it happen, nor has it happened since in going on half a year or so. It is all on prior blogging texts, say hi to your achy breaky heart friend and daut HM 4 me bro. Not buyin’ into this stuff for second number 1.

The free press, or the media, universities, large corporate career opportunities, shoot, anyone that is over nine and a half and is unable 2C that this entire thing is totally rigged and fixed 2 keep those not elected 2 join THEM down and oppressed, is just not aware and thinking, UR playing a 1200 watt power amplifier on number one half through a two inch speaker system. Don’t think about it, don’t cogitate seriously on the absolutely wicked ramifications that all of this results in, U remain in the dark and without a clue, and your own children will come 2 suffer as a result.

The brain is a complex connection of neurological connections and pathways. In the past, mental institutions used shock treatment as a therapy 4 combating various mental illnesses. My aunt Barbara was victimized by this. The only happiness she really ever had and knew involved a trip 2 the west coast where she met the proverbial man of her dreams and had about a one year romance that ended when he was killed in an accident. This entire connection of memory was destroyed in the shock treatment, sending these memories into the forever lost to the mortal world, unconscious mind. They say that internet stuff, from electronic mail to chat conversations, everything and anything, nothing is ever really lost, that bits and pieces /R floating around in cyberspace waiting 4 a hacker 2 pluck down like an apple off of a tree. Yes CYBERSPACE is indeed the INTERNET’S UNCONSCIOUS MIND. But in truth, all the programs ever written, R coming down from the 6th dimension, and our internet will again downline into some unfathomable new world that by our frame of reference, is not even there, not in our conscious mind or its ability 2 perceive something that when all combined and totaled up together, is less than the tiniest possible sub atomic particle in our upline world where we live in a place where technology finally got around to this complex programs within programs, etcetera-etcetera. If it was not a quarter of 4, I would go on and on about so much more. Motorcycles were super bad and heavy yesterday Sunday. The job was totally miserable, SOSO, what the smelly stuff hell’se is new?

All the events going on have worlds inside built into them and without knowing how to properly decode the systems, darkness, unawareness, is all that remains. Most entities here on this physical plane love darkness, non awareness, the second a person climbs into a car or walks into their home, on goes the radio or TV or computer, the gods, the MILLIONTH COUNCIL HAS US ALL BY THE JOY ROCKS AND WE DO NOT HAVE A CLUE. The blind leading the blind and the deaf speaking to the deaf, that is all that is going on. Wow, that sure sounds like fun, one hell of a symphony. Well John H from Color Red as the Indians call it, U told me the China/chain came from a little shop in South America. I hope the rightful owner has it back now. The song that only U and I know about is so beautiful. I sing it to myself a lot and I know that deep down it is inside of U and that eventually, U will do it, and it will then fall into my conscious perception of this magic thing we think of as time.

GOGGLE, SWIS, WORLD LAB, VOID INFINITY, blab and blab and blab, and copyright blab and blab.
May I pweeeeeze endith transmission. Thank-U.

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