Monday, June 23, 2008

Honesty, Mister Joel

‘HONESTY, Mister Joel’
Continuing 1995-MORIANITY,
Datfile 062380.719.55, may I pweeeeeze
B e G I n N I n G t W a N s M I S I O n:

Well, what can U expect when the entire world is your fucking PERSONAL ENEMY/ Just go ahead and Paula Weston King tell me, and then U can tell me drop dead, and I can of course reply, show me how and I gladly fucking will. The feds have my entire system all wormed up, my civil rights do not matter, and they don’t have the guts 2 try to capture me illegally and make me disappear to Guantanamo Bay, and what is this Cuba thing, thought Cuba and reddism was the enemy of Americans, so Y is GB there in Cuba, nobody ever seems 2B asking these questions, gash I really do wonder Y. Watch how fast I would vanish to evil empire secret island number 666 if I had a real serious blogging audience and not a Jason-Cali here and a fed-entrapper in a bikini there, and an EWI here and a rip off six-D Matrix there, but a real large readership, really earnestly desiring 2 learn the great truths and teachings that I have been attempting 2 put up on this net system 4 a while now bwaby-wuv. No do not work out the number and the words evil-empire-island, UR wasting your time, not everything I say has coded cosmic significance. But let me take Billy Joel’s advice from 30 years ago about honesty, as I do not want any possibility of a Millionth-Council reorder-sentence, 4 any DOGTOWN INTERACTION, rated in minnina-kalpa’s. Jim Burr called me a pathological liar and if Sarah-Stacey listened 2 him and his brutal filthy lies 4 saying this about mew when he lied about something huger than a false evacuation warning, and he will pay 4 it, I have been told, in DOGTOWN, but if she believed his lies which of course she does not, I would B back in a recommencing-council-decision, 4 a minimum of 3/ five-MK’s. The set-sentencing works astrally as where can U ever run and hide? Here, this is a worse hell than anything and U really R only dreaming it aniwho. VI, back 2 the great Roman SIX, yeah that sounds like fun and we all R there in a oneness collective without start or finish aniwho, so what quintessential redundancy if it takes me 2 say so my freaking self. So U as a sentenced Dogtownite, may choose 2 break up your stays in this nightmare-interaction, as U cannot run, and must return 4 other fractional parts of your sentence, one way or Swiffer-Mop, the other, plus all of the non-existing lawnmowers that can never B permitted on Dogtown property. I know all about it, I spent what would seem in mortal time lengths, 8MK there, one full third serve, and then shortly into my second serve, as is permitted, the great Sarah-Stacey visited and dogs were randomly lined up and chosen 4 her perusal 4 an ERWS, standing 4 EARLY-RELEASE-WHEEL-SPIN. She randomly chose me for an early release, a large white dog, she fell head over heals 4 me, and won me a 14MKO or 14 minnina kalpa’s off of my sentence, I was serving a 3/ 7-1/3rds MK or total [22MK] for the murder of Able on the Earth mortal world, my brother, who I was extremely jealous of, as I was convinced that Sarah-Stacey loved him and not me, and I was insane with rage and jealousy and remember this like it was godsdamn yesterday. 888 years give or take of MW time and what this amount of time would feel like in one straight ling dream interaction is one MK. All of this is discussed on my website, so click around and enjoy, No I will not lie and end up with a new Dogtown sentence, C how monstrously horrific that being there really is, go up 2 the site, and bring toilet paper with U.

I am going to quit as soon as I find another job. Ann Silva and I will B looking around in the paper and I will B applying at other places, this awful fucking place and rotten company is treating me like total fucking shit 4 minimum fucking wage, and hassling me constantly over all sorts of totally made up insignificant minuscule JUNK!!!!! It is intentional fucking persecution and harassment, but then WHAT THE FUCH HELLSE IS GODSDAMN NEW AND BLUE? I cannot fight gods and their sick evil demented demonic fucking twisted and diseased and stupid-ass games. Constant stupid tests to take on my own time, inspectors telling me I look fine and then go back and report me 4 needing a hair trim and better pants, and on and on, back stabbing total fucking jerk offs, worming their sick way into my confidence, and then throwing a nuclear fucking knife right into my back, and laughing!!!!!! My life is not a comedy 4 your sick fucking diseased amusement, U sick bunch of diseased cock sucking filthy bastard son of a bitches. Muzak and women of extreme height have been major 4 the last month, today, the tallzies were not bad, but MUZAK and their sick constant fucking with me, especially at the Blueberryville Super Fresh Grocery Store, with their constant Geico commercials, U can shove your ugly reptilian evil demonic fucking lizard and your crooked insurance company so far up your asshole, that when it comes out, you’ll B beyond the 8th dimension, sick bastards. So back to honesty and not getting sentenced to a hell where liars end up, SSJKK despises all lies and all liars, like Diana’s sick evil brother, the guy is a very deceptive monstrously clever jerk off liar, he knows just how 2 gain your confidence and trust, and the second U get blindsided and he knows it, he will screw U2 death with another series of dirty rotten filthy evil lies, I have known this sick mother trucker 4 countless infinities, the dude makes me totally fucking ill. Thinking of this shit head prick and I want 2 run off and hurl my insides out. He is in and out of Dogtown due to nepotistic reasons, he is related 2 the great Krassle family, of the ASTRAL REALMS. Now I want U all 2 relate 2 me 4 a change, is that fair 2 ask this of any of U just this once, pweeeeeze? U have happen 2U, all that has happened 2 me, and then U blog for years and go away 4 seventy days, and then this MC thing happens. OK, what would U believe, because if I am wrong, I am sorry and that is that. Mr. Smith at the school I attended from late 1968 through January 0f 1973, told me that if things in the real world that UR not imagining, R happening that supports a belief system, then U indeed do go ahead and trust and believe the evidence presenting itself 2B telling U that what U suspect 2B reality, is indeed just that, REALITY. What actually occurred, some of U may B wondering? Well, the story is back on another blogging book in the Morianity Bible Project of 1995, started 2 years or so ago on the great Al Gore Highway Internet, or as I jokingly refer 2 it as, the AGHI, pronounced as the female proper name or nickname from it, the proper true name of Agnes. Don’t get excited there, 1970 founder of the great AMC, the gods did I fall in love with Susan Lucci the first time I saw her on this show with Tara and Lake Okeechobee and all the plot where it began there Resorts, as did I am sure, every reed blooded man, not me, man, a prior PBHE, (daytime soap show-All My Children). She must B the most beautiful woman on this sick and diseased sinful planet, and yes, I would sin here 2, and that Y’all CAN bwewieve!!!!!! Aniwho HM and other Morians and Lessians, what would y’all think if this all happened around U? Now carefully study the timeline and my blogs, and then comes Mariah with this recent musical project of hers. Then, in addition, there is this, and then she not only comes 2 me in dreams such as last week’s, not night’s, another PBHE, over and over, presently, but in 1970 Sarah disappears, guess when MC was born. In 1980, the major LOIS FOCA interaction and my being influenced 2 write and reconstruct the astral song that she was singing 2 me in Atlantic City, supposedly from 1989 or nine years in the future, and when did TM discover her? This is only bare bones stuff, the coincidences pile up to presently show me that the odds of me being wrong about this R a minimum of 235 million to one. Go pick a power ball 2-night and tell me U think you’re gonna win, go ahead, get real, I DON’T LIE. I have 2 busy a life 2 sit around making stuff up, deluding myself, or fantasizing about squat. I report my life the way it is, IN FREAKING REALITY. Show me where my calculations R off, show me where I am wrong, do it somebody, quadruple-dog dare do it 4 crissake!!!!!! We had a student teacher at this school that was right next to the Haddonfield High School on King George’s great Highway, in historically world renown Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG. Her name was Miss Zenkiss, and she made most beauty queens look like fat pimply e-listers in high school. But she was attracted 2 me, just a 15 and one half year old boy, the looks that she gave me would B so politically incorrect today that she would have been fired in a New York heart beat!!!!! She wasn’t the only one, we had 8 student teachers, and all but 2 of them were disgusting slut child molesters by today’s present standards, and today’s present is yesterday’s future, right? I would always walk away from her when she came around smiling and starring at me and I mean the look of lust, I was 15, I wasn’t fucking retarded. So off I go to a school down the road that had very strange machines in it, don’t go there with me today, it is 2 fucking far out 4 me 2 get into now and it is not pertinent to this present Archie Bunker pernt. I came back from theis other school on one particular afternoon around 2”20 in the afternoon, and entered Mister Smith’s classroom, where he had been teaching the kids about subjects and predicates and nouns and pronouns and verbs and adverbs, U know all that fun-stuff English. A sentence was staring me RIGHT IN MY FACE, that said, “He runs away every time I come around him”. It was all doctored with underlines and broken up on the blackboard as he was teaching English as I just said. Still a blind man practically could C this sentence on the board, and she had just done this, again, B4I had gone off 2 this other school-class that I went 2 several days each week on a bicycle that I kept on the school grounds, even though I was not a resident student. Wow does this bicycle fit into major heavy shit that will get lots of public works officials on the defensive down in Atlantic City, where fucking else, but again this will B topic at a future time 2 get into.

A chopper messed with me shortly after the stock market closed today over at Ann Silva’s place, just at the precise time I was taking a 12-pack soda box purchased at Super-Fresh of Blueberryville, out of a hot trunk. Negative things all R tied together, as suddenly and 4 no apparent reason whatsoever, one of these 5 12 packs burst, the trunk was hot and caused 2 sodas to leak and wet the box, and B4I could say Harry Potterkovich City Astral Plane Kadabra, the box fell apart, with 12 sodas dropping onto a concrete parking lot belonging 2 the Judge Frank Rasso rented home converted into numerous apartments. Several more sodas instantly sprung leaks from being hot and dropped, and the chopper was annoying me simultaneously. Bad works together 2 endlessly fuel and domino-effect and Diana Ross Chain React, guess that’s the way it goes, huh Diana?

No I am not imagining one thing, nor do I have any delusions of grandeur. Songs have been stolen, ideas, inventions, and if that wasn’t all bad enough, then the Scuz-bucket Wes-Club harasses and persecutes me and fucks with me with their radio/TV/Muzak teasing and games, And this is something that started 30 fucking years ago, the games and teasing part, 1986 was when Snyder declared war on me and murdered my friends and family, and has been torturing me to death for 22 fucking years, the age of Sarah when she infiltrated my school as a rehab-student in 1972. Jebez Hawks and his fast growing breathing pipes, wow, ain’t all this grand. If I wanted 2 have delusions of grandeur, honestly Billy J., don’t U think they’d sound just a bit more positive? All my stuff is horrific and negative and monstrous, what is so fucking grandeeos about any of it, U sick in the fucking head diseased psychiatrists of this sin cursed evil dirt ball pwanet, mister Fwudd???????

Unconscious collective of humanity, I desire that U raise up your omniscient awareness 2 all of reality towards waking level awareness now, by 7 degrees, and do this the instant that this electronically posts through the circuitry of the mind dimensional system of the 6th dimension.

Copyright Michael Wayne Mountainpen in the 2008 part of the space time continuum. Google, Swis, KSWL, this is an official document and may become a legal document in a court or tribunal proceeding at some date in the illusory future. I tell no lies, this is sworn truth, no lies, not now, not ever.

E N D T R A N S M I S S I O N:

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