Friday, June 6, 2008


COUNCIL and ME, datfile 060608.622.97
Beginning transmission:

Ok, I got up late as I sleep in Friday mourning’s whenever I can, as I must work the 1st of my 3 misery shifts at my job starting tonight.

It was around 2PM and I am coming off of another NSA/CIA/bowel attack, and I opened my door 2C the weather conditions outside, and nasty chem trailing is ongoing directly over my residence. Obviously their Dow Jones Industrial Markets R flying up and up and up, as whenever they persist in tormenting and torturing me, this is the resulting effects, or the PARALLEL EVENTS, invisible as it may appear to all of your realities. Once I obey my queen and take an accredited correspondence schooling computer course and get a degree, including the total studies regarding the internet and how 2 make it work, as big M would say, and me as well, say-bye-bye- EVIL EMPIRE.

Giant sluts and Muzak attack is back everywhere. They R parallel events that R built in to the larger all ready existing major PE of tormenting poor whittle Mountainpen to keep the Phillies down and the STOCK MARKET UP, and in the long run, since 1986, this has indeed been doing its demonic excellent job. What they hoped that I wouldn’t tell U is that if no one will listen 2 me, I will then soon B forced 2 employ what I call the “Credibility-Strategy” and this is discussed in my “not-so-fictional” \book called THE PERMISSION BARRIER, COPYRIGHTED BY ME IN 1994, MY THIRD island and port in this raging cosmic storm, the year of ‘94 that is. I have the goods on dirty cops, dirty cities, enough bank vault deposit box evidence, and also hidden deep in the Jersey Pine-Barrens forests in metal strong boxes, and much more, secrets that 100 or more celebrities do not ever want let out, real career-enders such as messing with kids sexually, payoff and bribes to literally buy off courts, what I have is a monstrous collection that I WILL let out to a trusted attorney once I can find one along with 2 or 3 good federal level trusted bodyguards. This ain’t no joke and certainly, NO GAME, BRO!!!!!

So just keep this endless siege and pummeling up ya’ sick murk-coughs, and U will find out in short order who is poker bluffing and who really does hold some great cards. Just ask lots of people how much they all ready know that I know about them and their secrets all the way back to their cribs, and then reexamine, as all I ask is leave me trucking alone, dirt balls.

GOOGLE ENGINE, SWIS, KSWL, VI, blab and blab and blab, and copyright Mountainpen-2008, blab and blab and blab.


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