Saturday, November 7, 2009


DATFILE: 110709.306.555555555555555555

Well, the death siege is back major. The MILITUFORCE is all over me like flies and maggots on the dead. If U live in Atlantic County, New Jersey, watch out 4 the Swine Flu, as those protecting me from it, and all of U as well, actually, I am always a tiny bit sick and never overly sick as this has been part of my hell now since around 1983 and my immunity is beyond mentionable. Still, those antis prayers, Jenny Tongue McCarthy, R not throwing their melons around this morning on Singled Out dating shows of the nineteen-nineties, BRO. But they R indeed trying 2 compensate 4 heavy and totally invisible BRIGGBASE CULTISTS activity of poisoning our skies. If U have a camera cell phone or whatever electronic gismo used by today’s James Bonders, Y not capture all this proof on your video 4 your files, and even send them into as well as your local Philadelphia television stations. These filthy diseased trash bags R not only hurting me, but all of those around me, and the joke is all on them, as I AM as SKY might say, but no, I am much more immune 2 the effects of the Astral Microbial Exploratrons. The AME is in total friggin league with the LAMBRIGG CULTISTS so they all can eventually rule and dominate over this entire world. It will happen one way or another in 4-6 centuries, but I am not gonna get into this right now. I have only sufficient time 2 tell what I need 2, and this is major enough, BRO!!!!!!!! Once the **EVIL EMPIRE** starts 2 take off and friggin’ fly, THEIR FIRING BANGING BOOMING CANNONS GET THEIR WAY, SLOWLY NICKING ME, AND KNOCKING ME, INTO BROKEN DOORS, AND SLAMMING ME THROUGH LAKEHOUSE WALLS, AND MORE, WITH ENDLESSLY WINNING FLYERS HOCKEY, ENDLESSLY LOSING PHILLY PHILLIES, AND ENDLESSLY RALLYING BULL DOW JONES CONTROLLED AND FIXED STOCK MARKETS. THEN THEY TOTALLY MOVE IN 4 THE KILL, AND LITERALLY ATTEMPT 2 WIPE ME OUT, AND THE CAMDEN COUNTY MOTHER FRICKIN’ PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE HAS KNOWN THAT THIS IS ALL TOTALLY HAPPENING AND VERY REAL SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE NINETIES, 3 AND A HALF FREAKING WEEKS AFTER OUR FIRST CONTACT, ON THE FRICKIN 5TH OF FRIGGIN DECEMBER, OF 1989!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us now discuss last weekend on the job, and really begin 2C how loose ends can B all nicely and friggin neatly tied and wrapped up, and even sent over 2 the top of Pine Hill, Blue Time-Travelers-Roddenberry Jerksey, while Sally says, and I friggin quote, “Mountainpen, UR1 TOTALLY SCREWED DUDE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember how last weekend they did a MAJOR HYPER-TIME PROPERTY DAMAGE SIEGE DEATH ATTACK 2 ME AT WORK? They killed my car and stopped it friom starting, and the garage top mechanic who is literally responsible 4 many dozens of large commercial trucks, said 2 me after getting my vehicle started, that it was a mystery, as he checked out every possible reason, and found no Earthly reason 4 the problem 2 have occurred, just like poor DAVID ROTH AND I EXPERIENCED TOGETHER ALL THROUGHOUT THE FRIGGIN EIGHTIES AND NINETIES BY FILTHY PUKE SWWALLOWING OTAMM-SCUM MILI-2-FORCE!!!!!!!! As I electronically speak on this words-works document, loud motor vehicles R racing up and down my street, HAMMONTON LOCAL POLICE AUTHORITIES, B4 THE LEGAL TIME 4 PEACE DISBURBANCE LAWS, AND I KNOW THE FRICKIN LAW, STATE POLICE OF NEW JERSEY, even though this is all a bit dangerous 2 really ever totally explore online with the world, in the fullness of the fifth dimension, jetties, male lovers, paid bluesboys and all. They left 2 daughters and a mom without their daddy, and none of this is fake or a joke, the prob lads and lassies is that I made a MAJOR FREAKING MISCALCULATION AND ERROR LAST WEEK, AND IT COST THE REME OR THE RIGHTEOUS EMPIRE ME, A HUGE PRICE, BRA---HHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought exposure of some of these BRIGGER-PARLOR-TRICKS was the answer. I have learned from the frickin experts just how THIS GAME IS REALLY PLAYED, BRO, but still I have now come 2C and learn that their ability 2 control the game by endlessly shifting its rules around during the real time playing OF THE GAME, makes them a totally freaking undefeatable friggin foe, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told U that every time THEY DAMAGE MY FRICKIN PROPERTY, including all nasty UTILITY ATTACKS as well, Sarah Sleazebag Callio, AND FAMILY, IT MEANBS ONE SIMPLE TRANSLATION, AND THAT IS: FULL EVIL EMPIRE, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, DO U GET IT YET, I SAID FRICKIN FULL EVIL **E-M-P-I-R-E**. How BRIGGERS do these tricks is usually simple, they take existing things and manufacture stuff all around them, and then the masses forget all about the original little stuff, and POW, they perform such powerful VEGAS miracles, wow Aunt Geraldine Whitestuff, I am so Iranian impressed, with U and Uncle Banker Snoots HG, and all of your freaking wonderful lovely evil pals, the world over, shoot me rock chucker, this is the way I feel, UGLY FREGGIN EELS AND ALL, COPYRIGHT EXAMINERS IN WASH-13-CHIOCKER-DC, THEY ALL KNEW it all right Along, and so did my freaking miserable mother Senator Electrocution.

Yes the dirt ball M&C FLYERS have now 1 three straight or more, my PHILLIES were totally friggin crushed, and the DOW JONES flew up every single day last week, one HUGE SUPER GARGANTUAN HYPOEWR FRICKIN TIME ULTRA MAJOR FULL EVIL EMPIRE, CE-L&O!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes CE stands 4 Copyright Examiner, but sometimes it might just stand not 4 the hyperspace Longworth Cyrus, huh duh Dark Shadows magic-room Jeb Buzzard Brigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These tricks all impresses me and MYE, I’m quite sure, like a pound of David Roth’s doggie-doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have the frickin tapes, ALL OF THEM, ALL OF THEM BRO, there is no hiding your crimes Otamm-filth!!!!!! RU gonna burn the place down, again, like U tried 2 do 2 both recording studios, the RPL in 1989 and the Maxfield in 1981?????????????? Jewish lightning times 10 to the 63rd BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doris Plum I will bet never spent one friggin night in friggin jail, as both she and Tombay both should have, along with Esquire Colflesh and his Honor Kudufski!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should B in jail sir, fine, pay my rent 4 the rest of my sick diseased life, I’ll score more fun inside than I ever have out here dirtbag slime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave DEEDEE alone U bunch of rotten murk coughs. Some Brigger just started a fire near where I work, and I had 2 crawl by on the way home this miserable moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning!!!!!!!!!! If I have 2 defend myself, I will, New Jersey PC politics or not, I may not have a gun, but BRO, Dunkin showed me how 2 conceal huge turkey knives, and I am no turkey buzzard, BRO. I’ll zip one out of my side and slice your freaking neck off if U attack me U diseased OTAMMITESD, I would much rather B JUDGED BY 12 THAN CARRIED BY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mountainpuke did not make this saying up by the way BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where was your ANTINAS when I needed it Arthur freaking Crane?????????????? How I loved the early nineties, I think I was Jim Carey God-Spoon fed more bull shirt and lies in this period of my current Astral-Dream-Down or (ADD), than in any other period B4 or frickin since, BRO!!!!!!! I love this guy, he totally kills me, buddy, when I need a friggin laugh, they UR, BRO, keep up the great work man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U had me on the godsdarn floor with that spoon in your mouth in that movie with fake-Stacey Freeman.

Yesterday was a bad day, last week was a bad week, but Bob Barker, so was last month, last year, last decade, last century, and yes sir my man, last friggin millennium!!!!!!!! After leaving Mary-Carols’ house late yesterday afternoon after Dawn Queen King bought some shoes at the Payless next 2 the Super-Stale groc-store, we went there, and when we left, Ann called on her cell and asked us 2 stop at Donna Lincoln’s 1968 Wawa Store just 3 or 4 blocks down the road from Dawn’s Alcohol Anonymous pal MC, wow, those magic initials of the mighty MILLIONTH COUNCIL, totally 1997 inescapable, huh dudes and dudesses? Aniwho and moving right along here, BRO, we went 2 the Wawa and I parked while DK went in 4 a bag of special potato chips that Ann likes, don’t die on me Hyper SD, but the kitty cat command was major. An entire girl-GROUP, Annie, let’s not offend anybody TF-70, and ACNJ branches, was so aggressive that I locked all of the doors. These filthy evil teens, gorgeous as they were, were a bunch of diseased monstrous filth bags. I am an old man of 55 years, LEAVE ME ALONE U SICK SLEAZE BAGS. There R some really sick teens in this town, BRAH! If your mothers knew how U were behaving, U would B grounded 4 many months. But then Diana is grounded all the time, even though she can run 105,000 MPS on the Astral Plane, a little humor is always needed 2 lighten shirt up when I get this friggin ticked off at fookin life, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, a thumb in the butt chemtrail was in the sky directly in front of me while driving away from WAWA, so that there was just no way I could miss seeing it, BRO!!!!

Well, maybe some of U realize I am having it very bad right now, and maybe none of U could give a heck, that is YI act the way I do, and did, even in 1986 CE. 4 the first frickin time in my diseased and HUNTINGTON-CURSED-LIFE of misery and endless infinite woe and plight, I was on top of the world until the devil himself, Mister Trump, had his evil Castle crush me on 29 October of this horrendous demonic and satanic frickin year, 1986 that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, exposing details 2 parlor tricks was not the answer, the EVIL EMPIRE HYPER-SCORED as a result, MYE ERROR, nobody is perfect, right my lovely curly haired kid???????????????????? No Bruce, not U, I go one way BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s play Monopoly when we C each other again someday, maybe U have learned not 2 cheat like Ann does when we play Sorry. I will never understand cheating. What have U won or gained, it is all null and void?

GET OUT YOUR VIDEOPHONES peeps in the Blueberry capitol of the planet, and then watch your news broadcasts 4 major Swine flu outbreaks that R soon 2 follow. TF-70 is hurting 2. They wanna kidnap me, fine, but all of them R always ill and their joints hurt, and all these things R happening, Dawn’s teeth R falling out and killing her, I can take the heat of this, but those living close around me will all feel the hellish brutal assaults of OTAMM much more, as I said, I have become immune so as the effects on me R much lighter and reduced. So in some ways, I have the last laugh on this disease, literally, AME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can all burn in the fires of hot infinite existence. Yeah castrate me mom if it will make U feel better, maybe the Senator will prosecute me someday 4 not calling 911 that night, go ahead and freaking throw me in jail, I DARE U, I’ll B escaping SKY’s prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor whittle kitty cat Weecho, mom must have got her hands on U last week, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I have nothing 21 lose, I plan 2 tell it all, I’m not going anywhere tomorrow morning, you’re all stuck with Mountainpen 4 a long butt wiping time, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEEE-BEEE evewybwuddy, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA.


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