Monday, November 16, 2009


Datfile: WL-SBT-111609.412
Beginning Transmission

I am under a continuing MAJOR SKY SIEGE BY FILTHY MILITUFORCE WOMO MILLIONTH-COUNCIL GARBAGE DISEASED ENEMIES, low flying airplanes stalking me while out taking Chicky 2 his job, around the property, and all over, as well as the starting of another nasty day of chemtrail action that these singing air-boys R using 2 simulate the factories and ’stacks’ and keep us all in darkness at noon, as well as block out the beams from the moon. I sent those lyrics in the title song PLANES in 1986, 2 the Copyright examiners 4 registration, all part of the RGG project (Real Good Girl). How could I have possibly even known or in any way freaking foreseen 15 months later when their newest persecution of chemtrail attacking late in 1987, was gonna B right there and in my face? The answer is that there was no way. Yet Alagazzam, the song is there in the Copyright Office, am I correct, examiners, along with the kids, and their wretched up poached eggs. Constant garbage screens R popping up, and Magnesonic is about 2 get activated again, as it is only a matter of time B4 it will kick in and counterattack this pile of human and non human excrement. Yeah follow and stalk the blue car or the 1983 Nunggen as some NSA or other Cove Black Ops Age classified my automobile that I drove in 1983 while residing at 134 Norris Avenue in Atco, New Jersey, USAESMWG. Yeah as I said earlier this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning in my prior blogging work, the EYES and the EARS will always B the 2 human sensory perceptions that connect best and strongest, 2 all of THEIR biggest parlor tricks, devices, and persecutions in general, or any miraculous event not occurring with any regularity in the lives of the average populous in the normal wake a day world existence, or us all in the here and now. Whether the aim and the goal is 2 attract potential followers into some cult or religion, interchangeable words really no matter who may B offended at this truth and reality, or whether it is 2 persecute or destroy the innocent targets that they decide 2 draw a circle on, and apply a name 2, with a huge black bulls eye in the center, such as me, Mountainpen, or Mark Mohr, same diff, the effect and the result remains always the same. They rarely attack using things that do not come into my interaction and close proximity of my beingness, through the senses of sight and sound. Notice the great pseudo religion of the last century, Eckankar, they themselves claim 2 have all of humankind’s answers, and call their religions , the religion of LIGHT and SOUND, tells us something anyway no matter what U chooses 2 either believe or 2 disbelieve, BRAH.

If I am found dead and destroyed in any way, it should B deemed highly suspicious, these blogs WILL B found and R not about by numerous global officials that cannot so easily all turn a blind eye 2 my cold blooded freaking murder. My murder directly was caused and resulted directly from the group of persons listed on many of these blogs, all of them played parts of various degrees, in my slow torture, and eventual demise. I need not re-list them again. The United States Government and the United States Military R behind my death and destruction. They have hated me since childhood 4 reasons I never will B permitted 2 totally biome privy 2, and all the legwork and investigation done by me in the world is not gonna reach the bottom of stuff that these dirt balls can do and quite successfully, endlessly cover up as well. When my friend Karen S. called me in the middle nineties, while I resided at 112 Harvard Avenue, in Somerdale, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and said almost in hysterical voice that I am the Mel Gibson taxi-driver, after she and her hubby had just the night B4 gone 2 the movies and seen the great show, “Conspiracy Theory“, I would B lying if I did not sort of realize on that very day, that this final event was the verification once and 4 all that my coffin was sealed, nailed, and all ready placed 6 feet below ground, with my stinky remains laying inside. In any case, it is now 13 years or so later, and things have only remained about the same or progressed as unfathomable as this may seem, FAR WORSE, Mister WIRTZ, Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, and kind sir, MY INNOCENT BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS, BOTH YOUR COUNTY AND ATLANTIC COUNTY, PROSECUTOR OFFICES, and all State of New Jersey as well as LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS in the various townships involved in these unspeakable evil demonic crimes, and when it all gets exposed, huge cases of both malfeasance and misfeasance R just a subpoena away.

Magnesonic, DESTROY MY EVIL SICK MISERABLE ENEMIES, OR B DESTROYED AND WIPED OUT YOURSELF BY YOURT CREATOR, g-1133, g-189, UNDER ALL GO AND SO, all tecks, and STOP. I must stop as dentist appointments have been made 4 both of my captors, so away I go 4 now, O will both step up, Comcast, as well as B extremely careful of Paula King, my transdimensional wife. BYE NOW evewybwuddy. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I end this transmission:

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